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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It's time to address the imbalance issue BioWare


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Some nice ideas in there, though I highly doubt any faction changing or non-human races will be coming soon. I don't think the hero engine can handle more different body types in larger areas. Not without some serious optimizing anyway.


Ilum, as it stands, is pretty horrific. I had a 22v61 yesterday. This, after the patch that supposedly put a lower cap on the number in each Ilum shard.


I seriously hope their next warzone is not same faction, that would be a huge over estimation on how much republic players I speak to will put up with.


That's ridiculous, the models are there in the game, every companion/npc can be converted to a playable race as long as they are on the same base model. You wont get wookies but the reptilian race, the fish race(Gus) all kinds of same stature companion models are there and can be added like yesterday.

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That's ridiculous, the models are there in the game, every companion/npc can be converted to a playable race as long as they are on the same base model. You wont get wookies but the reptilian race, the fish race(Gus) all kinds of same stature companion models are there and can be added like yesterday.


agreed, only reason why u dont see much of variety is bc it conflicts with the story,heroic,romance gameplay BW is so concerned about.

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That's ridiculous, the models are there in the game, every companion/npc can be converted to a playable race as long as they are on the same base model. You wont get wookies but the reptilian race, the fish race(Gus) all kinds of same stature companion models are there and can be added like yesterday.


Exactly. It's honestly a very simple change that would really help balance it out. I'm sure they're afraid more people would roll Repubic though, and the opposite would happen.

Edited by pawestman
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I see a simple solution, rank Warzones by gear rating and valor rank and make it so you Q with people from a bunch of different servers. problem solved


Nearly every server has an imbalance. Cross-server queues would not accomplish anything aside from helping the smaller servers a bit.


As for ranking warzones by gear, it would further hurt warzone queues.

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******* lol, pre-launch was the time to address the imbalance issues, hell even early game design was the time to address it because I for one knew that an mmo with 2 factions where faction is fixed at character creation would cause imbalance - and if I knew it, why the **** didn't "the best pvp team in the business" know... Edited by Roak
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Simple solution to the population balance problem, since you raced to 50 why not bring a few buds and do it again on the other side. I did and I rarely see huttball anymore which is a big improvement. Republic needs some players that won't quit on first wipe in a wz, most likely a bunch of former WoW players IMO. Story lines are fun as well on this side, I truly wanted to play Sith but the imbalance was just to big right now.


Instead of complaining to BW try being part of this easy solution. Both sides are fun and you can kill your buds when you change sides, another bonus!!

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Simple solution to the population balance problem, since you raced to 50 why not bring a few buds and do it again on the other side. I did and I rarely see huttball anymore which is a big improvement. Republic needs some players that won't quit on first wipe in a wz, most likely a bunch of former WoW players IMO. Story lines are fun as well on this side, I truly wanted to play Sith but the imbalance was just to big right now.


Instead of complaining to BW try being part of this easy solution. Both sides are fun and you can kill your buds when you change sides, another bonus!!


So go to the overpopulated side and make the imbalance worse? No thanks. People are already doing this. At this rate, Republic will be history.

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I agree about same-faction warzones. Let the Imperials sit in queue. It might encourage them to reroll. Rather than trying to compensate for the imbalance, they should be trying to correct it. Otherwise this is quickly going to become a single-faction game. That's no fun for anyone.
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You're an awful, truly awful troll.


Me disagreeing with you doesn't make me a troll, child. It means I disagree with you. Don't devalue my opinion because it doesn't coalesce with your flawed thought patterns. You're not the brightest star in the universe. Not everyone agrees with you.

Edited by RazielHex
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You disagreeing with me without posting arguments makes you a troll, kiddo.


Not at all, because me having to go down into the weeds of code and development processes would most likely lose your lacking attention span or focus to hang on through to the end.


Frankly, it's not worth it for me to write down the how's and why's because you wouldn't care, and no one else would care, because they either couldn't be ***'d to read the whole thing, so it's best just to write what you can understand.


They're bad, horribly awful ideas.

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Not at all, because me having to go down into the weeds of code and development processes would most likely lose your lacking attention span or focus to hang on through to the end.


Frankly, it's not worth it for me to write down the how's and why's because you wouldn't care, and no one else would care, because they either couldn't be ***'d to read the whole thing, so it's best just to write what you can understand.


They're bad, horribly awful ideas.


That's fine. You seem to be one of the very few that disagrees. Either way, no one really cares what you have to say regardless. If you don't like them, move along.


Oh, and by the way. This company has known been to known to use some of these techniques in their previous games. Good job showing your ignorance.

Edited by pawestman
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The fun thing is that they don´t even have to create a completely new third faction, just divide the overpopulated faction (if a ratio >= 2:1 is present) into 2 sub factions for open world pvp areas (illum).


Because there is practically zero chance we see a third faction being made outside an expansion pack and even as an expansion pack it is highly unlikely, I can´t think of any mmo that has ever done that and for good reasons I would say.

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That's fine. You seem to be one of the very few that disagrees. Either way, no one really cares what you have to say regardless. If you don't like them, move along.


That cultivates inclusive ideologies that fester without any criticism, like "women's studies." I refuse to let this thread be your hugbox.

Edited by RazielHex
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We need to hear something from you soon. It's pretty obvious a large chunk of the player base is starting to get impatient. It has gotten to the point where players don't have a lot to do once they hit 50. As much as I like the story, I couldn't stand doing all the questing zones so soon. I'm not saying fix it next patch, but we need to know that you understand that there's a problem, and that you're actively trying to think of solutions.


There has been a load of suggestions, and almost all of them would help to an extent. A few that have come across the boards include:


- Create a new playable race that would attract a LARGE number of players on the Republic side ONLY. This includes Wookiees, Ewoks, Yoda's race, etc.


- Give bonus experience, valor, and commendations to the underpopulated side (mostly Republic). This could be an increase of 20%. This alone would help the suffering side to catch up in gear, and it will attract Empire players that are on the verge of re-rolling.


- Take away same faction vs. same faction warzones. This seems to be the most drastic decision. This will upset Empire, and it will further hurt small servers. At the very least, DO NOT make the next warzone same faction vs. same faction like you planned.


- Increase the chance of the RNG bags for the underpopulated side. With the vast gear disparity, I feel this would help out. Increase the chances by ~10-15%.


- Bring back the old dailies until the population balances out. Ilum is becoming near pointless for both sides at this point. Neither side can complete their dailies in a reasonable amount of time.


- Allow faction transfers. Probably the least likely decision. Would require too much re-coding, and it would clash with the lore. My suggestion would be to allow the transfer, but reset the story line altogether. This way they can complete it and enjoy it, and it wouldn't be too difficult to do.


- Introduce a third faction. Some will agree this is the best solution, some will hate it. A third faction is a self-balancing tool. If one side is too strong, the other two can work together. Probably won't happen, but we can wish.


There are probably more, but you get the point. We have given you a huge list of ideas, and I think it's time you clue us in as to what your plans are.


i agree somethign has to be done but none of those idea's they would just make things worse. for example they give bonus's to underpopulated factions.


people would just rerrol that faction.

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Yuuzhan Vong FTW as new species. Unfortunately, they come into play during the time of the New Republic.



I think I remember that there was some talk about an expedition force that was launched quite a lot earlier in the novels by the Yuuzhan Vong.

And seeing that the bird like jedi/sith (forgot her name) was from around the old republic era this could be the time they actually start a small attack to test the waters :D


But there are tons of other possibilities, from the obvious hutts to one of the galaxy spanning corporations to a sith lord who wants to become emperor himself.

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I agree, a lot of big holes in this game, most of which are pointed out in this post. Pretty dissapointed in the second half (lvl 30+) in this game. I had been waiting for this game to come out for a very long time, now i'm already looking for other games to take its place.


This. No plans for cross realm pvp makes me a sad panda. Honestly when will companies learn? You must have all the features of WoW and some extra bonuses or an entirely new system or people will just go back to WoW.

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