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Everything posted by Ezrya

  1. 1. Server transfers. 2. Server transfers. 3. Either account-wide legacy... or server transfers.
  2. I can't see anything now. I just spent a whole warzone staring at my bars trying to figure out what I could and couldn't use, and it was not pretty. Seriously, what was wrong with the cooldowns in the firstplace? Put it back to how it was at launch please. I could actually tell what was on cooldown, and it was perfectly readable. No idea why it was changed to begin with. I wait patiently for every patch to fix the real issues in this game, but each patch just seems to bring new problems
  3. If I'm mindlessly spamming untalented AOEs to get medals instead of healing, that's either broken gameplay or I'm a terrible healer. Healers doing their job -- keeping their teammates alive -- should not be penalized for it. You shouldn't have to step outside of your role to farm medals. It defeats the purpose of granting medals at all. I don't see anyone asking DPS to stop killing things and throw out some crappy heals so they can get healing medals. They don't have to, and neither should we. A condescending attitude doesn't make you right and everyone else wrong. Just agree to disagree, and leave this thread to people who want to discuss the topic at hand. You're spamming and derailing the discussion.
  4. Every time someone gets "Unbeatable" or "Invincible" or whatever due to me keeping them alive, I feel a bit gypped as a healer. I was thinking there could be a medal for doing a certain amount of healing to a player within the span of a single life (similar to tanks doing a certain amount of protection in a single life). "Heal a player for twice their maximum health" or something.
  5. I'd like to see the quests removed altogether - not sure why it was done that way. Have Republic or Empire symbols on the map instead.
  6. I agree about same-faction warzones. Let the Imperials sit in queue. It might encourage them to reroll. Rather than trying to compensate for the imbalance, they should be trying to correct it. Otherwise this is quickly going to become a single-faction game. That's no fun for anyone.
  7. I like this idea. Been doing that and I still have very little gear. You only get 3 centurion commendations per bag. That's 11 bags for a 39-commendation piece... much more for a weapon. That's a lot of warzones just to get a "starter" set of pvp gear. Not to mention my terrible luck with the Champion tokens.
  8. Is it just me, or does this make no sense? Why make it easier to get Battlemaster gear, if undergeared new 50s are still at the mercy of RNG? I'm rank 55 and I barely have my 2-set due to the RNG of Champion tokens. I don't see the logic in changing one but not the other.
  9. I checked the FAQ. I may be misunderstanding (the English isn't very good on that site), but it says those are "instantaneous" numbers. So I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it does show. Can I make guesses on overall subscription count based on these graphs? No you shouldn't be relying on them to make so guesses. These graph purely relies on instantaneous server population values provided by Bioware, nothing more. So... yeah. It does show concurrent population. However, the populations are in relative values and not actual numbers. In other words, the numbers indicate the relative size of the server pop (heavy, light, etc.) and not an actual number of players. So it's really a moot point anyway.
  10. Livestreams for anyone interested, both from the same server (Jung Ma). Republic: http://www.twitch.tv/skrigg Empire: http://www.twitch.tv/tiduszx
  11. Republic queues are near-instant on most servers, particularly if you solo queue. Dunno how the math comes out, but I figure it comes out ahead for them since some of them do it quite a bit. Not exactly. I got into a Huttball just as they were scoring the 6th goal. My numbers were all 0's Not a substantial waste of time, but still annoying. I've also been in games where people left Voidstar because the first door went down, and that guaranteed a loss because we didn't have the numbers to hold them off the rest of the doors. New spawns go to a spawn point ahead of the action, so they can't help you until the attackers have already gotten through.
  12. It happens to me all the time -- I take a queue pop, and arrive in a warzone that is already a loss. Why should I be stuck with someone else's lost game? There is currently no incentive to stay, and no penalty for leaving. Taking it a step further, I've noticed that some of the other 50s on my server, particularly ones with high valor ranks, will leave a match the second they realize it isn't going to be an easy win. For example, they leave if the first bomb gets planted when we're defending in Voidstar. This is how they are reaching higher valor ranks at a faster rate than others. They are actually being rewarded for this behavior rather than punished. Meanwhile, their team is suffering from the turnover, as new people have to load in for each person that leaves. They're not just avoiding a loss -- they're guaranteeing one for their teammates. I'm curious if anyone else has noticed/had problems with this, and what your thoughts are on penalties for leaving warzones (such as a cooldown).
  13. People were already noticing this in beta, so I'm not sure how it was left alone for so long. The problem isn't the strength of the items. It's the fact that Biochem and Cybertech are the only skills that provide any BoP bonuses. Even if nerfed, those crew skills still have items that are not available without the crew skill. The same isn't true of the other crafting skills. There are two possible solutions: add BoP bonuses to the other skills to make them competitive, or completely get rid of the BoP bonuses to Biochem and Cybertech. A nerf will only work if it's enough to render the items useless, in which case the items may as well be removed anyway. Personally, I favor adding bonuses, not removing them. I think that would make everyone happy.
  14. Who have you successfully "called out" here? I have yet to receive a rational response from you, just a lot of hot air. I've played quite a few, and been chain-whirlwinded in quite a few. Care to tell me what's wrong with my statement so we can discuss it, rather than questioning my experience?
  15. I've been chain-whirlwinded while my groupmates were killed (I'm the healer) or while the other team capped a door in front of me (given, I shouldn't have been the only one up there... but it wouldn't have been possible without stacking sorcerers). My points were mostly about why sages/sorcerers are so stackable. Currently you can keep someone CC'd for quite a while if you stack whirlwind, because of the way DR works. Thanks for the rational reply, btw
  16. Tell me where I'm wrong, then, and quit raging like a 12 year old. You ignored everything else in my post to again act like you're somehow superior to me rather than actually addressing the issue. These are they type or people I deal with on these forums
  17. Why so angry? I made a constructive post about this issue. You could easily do the same rather than resorting to personal attacks. Flashbang lasts 8 seconds. Whirlwind lasts 60. Sages/Sorcs also have an instant cast AOE knockback. They also have a stun. They also have a slow. They also have a sprint to get away from people. They also have a friendly pull to get others away from people. Yes, I do know quite a bit about this game. Why are you sure that you know so much more than me? Other healers don't get their most powerful healing tools without speccing into a healing tree. Force Armor is a universal Sage ability, and the talents are in the Telekinetics tree/low in the healing tree. Shields tend to be the most powerful healing tools in PVP in any game, and they're readily available to dps Sages/Sorcs, fully buffed. The AOE knockback is good enough to knock the entire team off of a bridge in Huttball, which was my point. I never said any of the other things you're implying I said. I'm quite aware that other classes have knockbacks; I just never considered that I needed to list them off in order to prove anything. Rescue is good enough that if you lined people up properly, you could simply pull the ball carrier straight across the map to the goal. I'm surprised more people aren't doing so. And obviously you care, because you're making a big deal of trying to argue about it. I hope my post cleared things up, because your response is full of baseless implications and presumptions. The "you must be bad" argument? I laid out a very concise set of points, and you're willfully ignoring them and presuming to know how good/bad I personally am at PVP instead. You leave me to believe that you have to put words in my mouth and/or try to make me look bad, and I can't imagine why. If I'm wrong about something, you seem articulate enough to approach it more productively.
  18. Yeah, it's a culmination of a lot of things. Only the healing part is class-specific.
  19. Between playing a Sage myself, and fighting against Sorcerers, I agree with most of your post -- particularly the stacking issue. There are several reasons why Consulars and Inquisitors stack so well. One of them is the absence of a meaningful diminishing returns mechanic. The Resolve bar does nothing to prevent stacking multiple CC's of the same type, which is one of the reasons to have a DR mechanic in the first place. Currently you can chain-whirlwind your way to victory. Then there's the lack of synergy buffs. You don't group with another class and think "yay, now I get 5% increased alacrity" or something. Every class is pretty much equally effective regardless of the other classes that are in the group. So overall, where you would expect the team with a variety to have an advantage, it becomes a matter of stacking the single most powerful/useful class. Another issue is that there is VERY LITTLE in the Sage/Sorcerer healing tree that actually buffs healing output. The healing talents all revolve around synergy and sustainability, neither of which matter very much in PVP. So a non-healing specced Sage or Sorcerer is still a fully capable healer, they're just a fully capable healer with 3 healing buttons instead of 6. And I doubt they're missing our AOE heal or our HoT very much -- especially since they have easy access to the Force Armor/Static Barrier talents. All this on top of some pretty impressive damage, utility, and crowd-control. Several times I've done matches as a fully specced healer, and done over 250k healing, with my groupmates doing just as much damage -- but we've lost to teams with 5 inquisitors who were doing 50k damage and 50k healing a piece. All you need to do is stack the class, and everyone can keep themselves alive, while also providing duplicates of the best crowd control and utility abilities currently in the game (the AOE knockback & friendly pull are ridiculously useful in Huttball).
  20. Having just been chain-whirlwinded while the other team (with 5 inquisitors) capped a door in Voidstar, I definitely agree that the system needs some work. Moreover, the system does nothing to prevent class stacking, which is a big part of what diminishing returns is intended to do.
  21. It's really hard to be a healer in warfronts right now, because I can't rely on my raid frames to accurately display people's health or whether they are in range for heals. I basically have to watch the bars over people's heads, which is less than optimal to say the least. In every warfront I've done, I've been pretty much the only person focusing on healing, and I imagine that's because other healers got frustrated with the frames, or they aren't even aware that people have health deficits because the frames aren't showing it.
  22. Jedi Consular Index [aname=anchor6]Helpful Links[/aname] Credit goes to AstralFire for compiling the original index. [aname=anchor61]General Consular Info[/aname] The Consular's Codex - Ezrya Consular Newbie Guide - JaeOnasi Companion List and Gifts - JohnnyGatt Jedi Archives (archives of pre-launch Consular forum) - Keozon [aname=anchor62]Sage Advanced Class[/aname] The Jedi Sage's Handbook - AstralFire Balance Sage PVP Guide - Kutsus Seer Healing Guide - Woßß [aname=anchor63]Shadow Advanced Class[/aname] The Jedi Shadow's Handbook - Astralfire Shadow Tanking Compendium - Alratan Balance Shadows - The Unorthodox Way - GFreeGamer Guide to Jedi Shadow Tanking - MercArcher Maintankasin.com - Parthis [aname=anchor64]Consular Videos and Streams[/aname] Innverse Infiltration PVP Videos - CitizenSnipe [aname=anchor65]Other Helpful Sites[/aname] Darth Hater (News and Database) R2-DB (Database) TORHead (Database) Sith Warrior (Theorycrafting) TORycraft (Theorycrafting) [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor7]Notes[/aname] Previous thread: Jedi Consular - Confirmed Facts Thanks to Drudenfusz for compiling the original thread. [aname=anchor71]Updates[/aname] 8/7/11 - Original version of this thread created 12/13/11 - Thread recreated for new forums. 1/20/12 - Removed some things that didn't make it into the game from beta. 1/28/12 - Added Index per moderator request. Completed companion info sections. ► indicates recently updated information. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto]
  23. Jedi Consular Talents and Abilities [aname=anchor3]Class Abilities[/aname] These abilities are available to Consulars regardless of advanced class choice. Talent points can significantly alter some of these abilities. [aname=anchor31]General Abilities[/aname] Armor Proficiency: Light Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip clothing, robes, and light-weight armor. Quick Travel Starting Ability, Activation: 6 secs, Cooldown: 30 mins Takes you to a discovered bind point of your choosing. Not usable in combat. Revive Starting Ability, Activation: 6 secs, Range: 10m Revives a defeated friendly player. Revive Companion Starting Ability, Activation: 10.5 secs, Range: 10m Revives a defeated companion. Speeder Piloting Level 25 Able to ride speeder bikes. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor32]Class Abilities[/aname] Weapon Proficiency: Vibrosword Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip single-bladed vibroswords, conventional swords, and other conventional one-handed melee weapons. Weapon Proficiency: Training Saber Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip training sabers. Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip single-bladed lightsabers. Meditation Starting Ability, Channeled: 15 secs Pause and meditate to restore your health and force. Damage causes this effect to end prematurely. Cannot be used during combat. Force Valor Starting Ability, Instant, Cooldown: 6 secs, Range: 30m Increases the target's Strength, Aim, Willpower, and Cunning by 5% and internal and elemental damage reduction by 10% for 60 minutes. If the target is a party member, all other party members are also affected. Saber Strike Starting Ability, Instant, Range: 4m Deals weapon damage spread across a flurry of 3 attacks. Double Strike Starting Ability (Rank 1), Force: 25, Instant, Range: 4m Strikes the target twice. Each hit deals a low amount of weapon damage. Project Starting Ability (Rank 1), Instant, Force: 22.5, Cooldown: 6 secs, Range: 10m Throws debris at the target, dealing moderate kinetic damage. Standard and weak targets are additionally stunned for 3s. Telekinetic Throw Level 2 (Rank 1), Channeled: 3 secs, Force: 30, Cooldown: 6 secs, Range: 30m Hurls a volley of debris at the target, dealing high kinetic damage and slowing movement speed by 50%. Standard and weak targets are instead immobilized for that duration. Force Wave Level 3 (Rank 1), Instant, Force: 20, Cooldown: 20 secs Deals low kinetic damage and knocks back all enemies within 8 meters. Standard and weak enemies are additionally knocked down for 3 seconds. Force Lift Level 4, Starting Ability, Activation: 2 secs, Force: 20, Cooldown: 1 min, Range: 30m Lifts the target helplessly into the air, preventing all action for up to 60 seconds. Damage will break the effect prematurely. Force Stun Level 6, Instant, Force: 20, Cooldown: 1 min, Range: 30m Deals low kinetic damage and stuns the target for 4 seconds. Starting Ability, Instant, Range: 4m Deals low weapon damage spread across a flurry of three melee attacks. Force Potency Level 8, Instant, Cooldown: 1m 30 sec Grants 2 charges of Force Potency, which increases the Force critical chance of your direct attacks and heals by 60% and increases the range of Telekinetic Throw to 30 meters. Each time a direct Force ability critically hits or you activate Telekinetic Throw, you lose 1 charge. Lasts 20 seconds. Force of Will Level 9, Instant, Cooldown: 2 mins Demonstrates your force of will, immediately freeing you of all incapacitating and movement-impairing effects. Sprint Level 14, Instant Increase your movement speed by 35% while not in combat. Mind Crush Level 14, Activation Time: 2 secs, Force: 40, Cooldown: 15 secs, Range: 30m Crushes the target's mind with the Force, instantly dealing low kinetic damage and an additional moderate amount of kinetic damage over 6 seconds. Channel The Force Level 15, Instant, Cooldown: 20 mins Summons the Force to aid you and your companion, immediately finishing the cooldown on Force Stun and restoring 2% of maximum health every 3 seconds. Requires an active companion. Lasts 1 minute. Force Speed Level 16, Instant, Cooldown: 30 secs Increase your movement speed by 150% for 2 seconds. Does not break stealth. Mind Snap Level 18 (Rank 1), Instant, Cooldown: 12 secs, Range: 30m Interrupts the target's current action and prevents that ability from being used for 4 seconds. Force Slow Level 22, Instant, Force: 15, Range: 10m Deals low kinetic damage and slows the target's movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds. Tumult Level 28, Instant, Range: 4m Kicks the target, dealing medium kinetic damage to weak and standard targets, and low kinetic damage to strong targets. Only usable on incapacitated targets. Unity Level 46, Instant Unifies you and your companion through the Force, reducing damage you both take by 50% for 15 seconds. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor4]Sage Advanced Class[/aname] "Sages are famed for their wisdom much as for their powerful healing and defensive skills. In troubled times, a Sage brings together the insight of the past with raw power to change the flow of galactic events." - Advanced Class Page Renamed from "Jedi Wizard" via community vote. (News Article) Force Points: Force Studies - Versed in the Force, your maximum force is increased by 400. (Force Points function more like a traditional mana pool.) TOROcast Article [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor41]Sage Abilities[/aname] Armor Proficiency: Focus Level 10, Passive Able to equip a Force focus in your off-hand. Benevolence Level 10 (Rank 1), Force: 50, Activation: 1.5 secs, Range: 30m Heals friendly target for a moderate amount of health. Force Reach Level 10, Passive Increases the range of Project, Telekinetic Throw, Mind Snap, Mind Crush and Force Slow by 20 meters. Also increases the duration of Force Lift to 60 seconds. Force Studies Level 10, Passive Versed in the Force, your maximum Force is increased by 400. Jedi Healer Level 10, Passive Reduces the cooldown of Revive by 100%. Disturbance Level 10, Force: 30, Activation: 1.5 secs, Range: 30m Fires a blast of telekinetic energy at the target, dealing moderate kinetic damage. Deliverance Level 12 (Rank 1), Force: 55, Activation: 3 secs, Range: 30m Heals a friendly target for a high amount of health. Force Armor Level 14 (Rank 1), Force: 65, Instant, Cooldown: 4.5 secs, Range: 30m Surrounds the target in a force shield that absorbs a high amount of damage and lasts 30 seconds. Protected targets become Force-imbalanced and cannot benefit from Force Armor again for 20 seconds. Weaken Mind Level 16, Instant, Force: 35, Range: 30m Weakens the target's mind, dealing high internal damage over 15 seconds. Noble Sacrifice Level 20, Instant Sacrifices 15% of your maximum health to restore 8% of your maximum force. Each time this ability is used, your force regeneration rate is reduced by 25% for the next 10 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times. Restoration Level 24, Rank 1, Force: 60, Instant, Cooldown: 4.5 secs, Range: 30m Cleanses a friendly target of up to 2 hostile mental or Force effects. Cloud Mind Level 30, Instant Clouds the minds of your enemies, instantly lowering your threat by a moderate amount. Forcequake Level 34, Intant, Force: 100, Range: 30m Channels the Force into the ground at the target location, causing it to quake and tremble. All enemies within 8m of the target location are struck for moderate kinetic damage over 6 seconds and knocked off balance, reducing movement speed by 30%. In addition, standard and weak targets have a 33% chance to be knocked down by the quake each second. Rescue Level 42, Force: 30, Instant, Cooldown: 1 min, Range: 30m Greatly lowers the target's threat and if the target is a party member, pulls the target to your location. Revival Level 50, Force: 30, Activation: 1.5 secs, Range: 30m Revives an incapacitated ally. This ability is usable while in combat. When used, all party members can neither use nor be the target of an in-combat revival for the next 5 minutes. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor42]Seer Specialization[/aname] "Allows the Sage to master the art of using the Force to heal and protect allies." - Advanced Class Page "Healing and buffs using the Force, with abilities like Serenity to boost Force regeneration and reduce damage taken." - News Article Role: Healing Talents: Tier 1 Immutable Force Passive, 2 ranks Reduces the activation time of Deliverance by 0.25/0.5 seconds. Penetrating Light Passive, 3 ranks Increases the Force critical chance by 1/2/3%. Wisdom Passive, 2 ranks Increases total Presence by 3/6% and all healing done by 1/2%. Tier 2 Foresight Passive, 3 ranks Reduces the pushback suffered while activating healing abilities by 25/50/75% and lowers the threat generated by healing abilities by 5/10/15%. Pain Bearer Passive, 2 ranks Increases all healing received by 4/8%. Psychic Suffusion Passive, 2 ranks Increases the damage and healing of area of effect abilities by 5/10%. Tier 3 Conveyance Passive, 2 ranks Requires 1 point in Rejuvenate Your Rejuvenate has a 50/100% chance to grant Conveyance, which increases the effect of your next healing ability: Benevolence: Force cost reduced by 50%. Deliverance: Activation time reduced by 1 second. Healing Trance: Crit chance increased by 25%. Salvation: Force cost reduced by 30%. Rejuvenate Instant, Force: 30, Range: 30m, 1 rank Unlocks Conveyance and Force Shelter Immediately heals a target for a low amount, plus an additional amount over 9 seconds. Valiance Passive, 2 ranks Unlocks Egress Reduces the health spent by Noble Sacrifice by 1/2%. Preservation Passive, 2 ranks Reduces the Force cost of Force Armor by 15/30, and reduces the cooldown of Force Armor by 1.5/3 seconds. Tier 4 Mend Wounds Passive, 1 rank Lowers the Force cost of Restoration by 15. In addition, Restoration now removes negative physical effects and heals the target for a low amount. Force Shelter Passive, 2 ranks Requires 1 point in Rejuvenate Increases the duration of your Rejuvenate by 3/6 seconds. In addition, your Rejuvenate has a 50/100% chance to apply the Force Shelter effect to its targets, increasing armor rating by 10% for the duration of the Rejuvenate. Egress Passive, 2 ranks Requires 2 points in Valiance Force Armor increases the target's movement speed by 10/20% for 3 seconds. Tier 5 Confound Passive, 2 ranks Targets affected by your Weaken Mind are slowed by 10/20% for its duration. Healing Trance Instant, Force: 40, Range: 30m, 1 rank Unlocks Resplendence Heals a target for a low amount immediately and a further amount per second for 3 seconds. Serenity Passive, 2 ranks Increases your Force critical hit chance by 1/2% and reduces all damage taken by 1/2%. Tier 6 Resplendence Passive, 2 ranks Requires 1 point in Healing Trance Healing Trance crits have a 50/100% chance to make the next Noble Sacrifice activate without degenerating Force and without spending any health. Clairvoyance Passive, 3 ranks Increases your bonus healing by 2/4/6% and chance to hit with all abilities by 1/2/3%. Tier 7 Salvation Force: 100, Activation: 2 secs, Range: 30m, 1 rank Heals all allies within 8 meters of the targeted area. Targets remaining in the area heal for an additional amount over 10 seconds. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor43]Telekinetics Specialization[/aname] "Affords the power to distort reality and move waves of energy, tearing apart enemies." - Advanced Class Page "Ranged Damage using Force attacks, such as ‘Telekinetic Blast’ which does high damage in an ‘area-of-effect’." - News Article Role: Mid-Long Range Damage Dealing Talents: Tier 1 Inner Strength Passive, 3 ranks Reduces the Force cost of Force attacks and healing abilities by 3/6/9%. Mental Longevity Passive, 2 ranks Increases your total Force by 50/100. Clamoring Force Passive, 3 ranks Increases the damage dealt by Disturbance, Mind Crush, Telekinetic Wave, and Turbulence by 2/4/6%. Tier 2 Mind's Eye Passive, 1 rank Increases the maximum range of Disturbance, Telekinetic Wave and Turbulence by 5 meters. Disturb Mind Passive, 2 ranks Increases the duration of Weaken Mind by 3/6 seconds. Concentration Passive, 2 ranks Reduces the pushback suffered while activating Disturbance, Telekinetic Wave and Turbulence by 35/70%. In addition, Disturbance has a 50/100% chance to increase your Force regeneration rate by 10% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. Telekinetic Defense Passive, 2 ranks Increases the amount absorbed by your Force Armor by 10%. Tier 3 Blockout Passive, 2 ranks Lowers the cooldown of Force Lift by 7.5/15 seconds and increases the lockout duration of Mind Snap by 1/2 seconds. Telekinetic Wave Force: 30, Activation: 3 secs, Range: 30m, 1 rank Unlocks Tidal Force Sends a wave of telekinetic energy that deals low kinetic damage to up to 5 targets within 8 meters of the primary target. Psychic Projection Passive, 2 ranks Weaken Mind critical hits have a 50/100% chance to grant Psychic Projection, causing your next Telekinetic Throw to channel and tick twice as fast. This effect cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds. Force Wake Passive, 2 ranks Force Wave has a 50/100% chance to unbalance its targets, immobilizing thm for 5 seconds. Damage dealt after 2 seconds ends the effect prematurely. Tier 4 Tidal Force Passive, 1 rank Requires Telekinetic Wave, Unlocks Telekinetic Momentum Your Disturbance has a 30% chance and your Forcequake has a 10% chance when dealing damage to grant Tidal Force, immediately finishing the cooldown on Telekinetic Wave and reducing the activation time of your next Telekinetic Wave by 100%. This effect cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds. Telekinetic Effusion Passive, 2 ranks Force attacks that critically hit have a 50/100% chance to grant Telekinetic Effusion, lowering the Force cost of your next two Force abilities by 50%. Additionally reduces the cooldown of Force Speed by 5/10 seconds. Kinetic Collapse Passive, 2 ranks Your Force Armor has a 50/100% chance to explode in a concussive wave when it ends, incapacitating all nearby enemies for 3 seconds. Damage causes this effect to end prematurely. Tier 5 Tremors Passive, 1 rank Requires Telekinetic Momentum Your Telekinetic Momentum causes tremors that increase your Force bonus damage by 1% for 30 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. Telekinetic Momentum Passive, 3 ranks Requires Tidal Force, Unlocks Tremors When you activate Disturbance or Telekinetic Wave, there is a 10/20/30% chance the ability will produce a second attack that strikes the same targets for 30% damage. Mental Alacrity Instant, Force: 30, 1 rank Unlocks Reverberation Grants 20% alacrity for 10 seconds. Tier 6 Reverberation Passive, 5 ranks Requires Mental Alacrity Increases the critical damage bonus of your Weaken Mind, Telekinetic Wave and Turbulence by 10/20/30/40/50%. Tier 7 Turbulence Activation Time: 2 secs, Force: 45, Range: 30m Deals high internal damage to a single target. Turbulence automatically critically hits targets affected by your Weaken Mind. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor44]Balance Specialization[/aname] This is the shared talent tree for both advanced classes, although the talent tree isn't 100% the same for both. "Enhances the Sage’s Force attacks and augments the Shadow's Force and Lightsaber abilities." - Advanced Class Page "Overall survivability and utility, with abilities that enhance both melee and Force attacks." - News Article Role: Mid-Long Range Damage Dealing Talents: Tier 1 Empowered Throw Passive, 3 ranks Increases the damage dealt by Telekinetic Throw by 4/8/12%. Jedi Resistance Passive, 2 ranks Reduces all damage taken by 1/2%. Will of the Jedi Passive, 2 ranks Increases total Willpower by 3/6%. Tier 2 Pinning Resolve Passive, 2 ranks Reduces the cooldown of Force Stun by 5/10 seconds. In addition, your Force Lift affects up to 1/2 additional standard or weak enemies within 8 meters of the target. Upheaval Passive, 3 ranks When you activate Project, you have a 15/30/45% chance to project an additional chunk of debris at the target, dealing 50% of normal damage. Focused Insight Passive, 2 ranks Causes your periodic damaging abilities that critically hit to restore 0.5/1% of your total health. Psychokinesis Passive, 2 ranks Reduces the Force cost of Double Strike by 1/2 and Project by 3/6. Tier 3 Force in Balance Instant, Force: 50, Range: 30m, 1 rank Unlocks Force Suppression Deals internal damage to up to 3 targets within 8 meters of the targeted area and heals you for a low amount per affected target. Psychic Barrier Passive, 3 ranks Reduces the pushback suffered while activating Mind Crush and Telekinetic Throw by 25/50/75%. In addition, each time your Telekinetic Throw deals damage, you have a 33.3/66.6/100% chance to recover 1% of your total Force. Telekinetic Balance Passive, 1 rank Unlocks Presence of Mind Telekinetic Throw no longer has a cooldown. Tier 4 Containment Passive, 2 ranks Lowers the activation time of Force Lift by 50/100%. In addition, when your Force Lift breaks early from damage, the target is stunned for 1/2 seconds. Mind Ward Passive, 2 ranks Reduces the damage taken by all periodic effects by 7.5/15%. Presence of Mind Passive, 1 rank Requires Telekinetic Balance When your Telekinetic Throw deals damage, you have a 30% chance to cause your next Force damaging attack with an activation time to activate instantly and deal 20% more damage. Tier 5 Force Suppression Passive, 1 rank Requires Force in Balance Force in Balance now suppresses resistance to the Force, increasing the amount of damage the targets suffer from your next 10 periodic damaging abilities by 20%. Lasts 30 seconds. Drain Thoughts Passive, 2 ranks Increases the damage dealt by Weaken Mind by 7.5/15%. Assertion Passive, 2 ranks Increases the duration of Mind Crush by 1/2 seconds. Tier 6 Mental Scarring Passive, 3 ranks Increases the critical damage bonus of Force in Balance and your periodic damage abilities by 10/20/30%. Psychic Absorption Passive, 2 ranks Increases the amount of healing generated by Force in Balance and Focused Insight by 10/20%. Tier 7 Sever Force Instant, Force: 20, Range: 30m, 1 rank Weakens the target, freezing it in place for 2 seconds and dealing internal damage over 18 seconds. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor5]Shadow Advanced Class[/aname] "Wielding double-bladed Lightsabers, Shadows embrace the synergy between melee and Force combat, enabling them to strike down enemies of the Order with deadly efficiency." - Advanced Class Page Screenshot of Talent Trees Force Points: Martial Studies - Increases the rate at which your Force regenerates by 3 per second. (Force Points function more like a traditional energy system.) TOROcast Article [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor51]Shadow Abilities[/aname] Armor Proficiency: Shield Generator Level 10, Passive Allows a shield generator to be held in the off-hand. Weapon Proficiency: Electrostaff Level 10, Passive Able to equip electrostaves and other staff melee weapons tied to the Willpower attribute. Weapon Proficiency: Double Bladed Lightsaber Level 10, Passive Able to equip double bladed lightsabers and saberstaves. Force Technique Level 10, Instant, Force: 50 Assumes a Force technique, giving your attacks a 50% chance to deal low kinetic damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. Requires doble-bladed lightsaber. Does not break Stealth. Shadow's Training Level 10, Passive Increases your total Endurance by 5 per rank, and increases the base damage dealt by Project by 25%. Stealth Level 10, Instant Enters stealth mode, making your movements difficult to detect but slowing movement speed to 85% of normal. Your companion will not react to enemy attacks while in stealth. Most hostile actions will end the effect prematurely. Cannot be used in combat. Shadow Strike Level 10, Instant, Force: 50, Range: 4m Deals medium weapon damage to a single target. Only usable from behind the target. Requires a double-bladed lightsaber. Force Breach Level 12, Instant, Force: 20, Range: 10m Locates and breaches the target's shatterpoint, causing an effect based on your current technique. Only usable while a technique is active. Requires a double-bladed lightsaber. Force Technique: Deals medium periodic kinetic damage over 18 seconds. Combat Technique: Strikes up to 5 nearby enemies, dealing medium internal damage and decreasing the targets' accuracy by 5. Combat Technique Level 14, Instant, Force: 50 Assumes a combat technique, giving your attacks a 50% chance to deal low internal damage and heal you for a low amount. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. Increases your armor rating by 150%, shield chance by 15%, and threat generation by 50%. While active, melee bonus damage is reduced by 5%. Requires a double-bladed lightsaber. Does not break Stealth. Guard Level 14, Instant, Range: 30m Guards the target while it remains within 15 meters. While active, the target takes 5% less damage and generates 25% less threat. In addition, 50% of all incoming damage from enemy players is transferred back to you. Requires Combat Technique. Mind Control Level 16, Instant, Range: 30m Controls the mind of the target, forcing it to attack you for 6 seconds. Player targets deal 30% less damage when attacking anyone other than you. Lasts 6 seconds. Mind Maze Level 20, Instant, Force: 50, Range: 10m Confuses the target, leaving it bewildered and unable to act for 60 seconds. Damage will break the effect prematurely. This ability is only usable in stealth mode and cannot be used against a target in combat. Only one target can be incapacitated at any given time. Cannot be used on droids. Blackout Level 22, Instant Increases your stealth level by 15 for 8 seconds. Only usable in stealth mode. Force Cloak Level 22, Instant Uses the Force to make you vanish from sight, immediately exiting combat and entering stealth mode. For 10 seconds, you become virtually undetectable, but all healing done and received is decreased by 100%. Deflection Level 24, Instant Increases your ranged and melee defenses by 50% for 12 seconds. Requires a melee weapon. Whirling Blow Level 26, Instant, Force: 40 Deals low weapon damage to all nearby targets. Mass Mind Control Level 30, Instant Forces all enemies within 15 meters to attack you for 6 seconds. Player targets deal 30% less damage when attacking anyone other than you. Lasts ? seconds. Spinning Strike Level 32, Instant, Force: 25, Range: 4m Issues a subduing strike, dealing medium weapon damage. Only usable on tarets at or below 30% max health. Resilience Level 36, Instant Removes all hostile removable effects and increases your chance to resist Force and tech attacks by 100% for 3 seconds. Does not break Stealth. Spinning Kick Level 42, Instant, Force: 30, Range: 4m Performs a spin kick that deals high kinetic damage and knocks the target down for 2 seconds. Only usable in stealth mode. Battle Readiness Level 50, Instant Readies yourself with the Force, increasing the damage dealt by Force and Shadow Technique by 100% and the healing done by Combat Technique by 300%. Lasts 15 seconds. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor52]Infiltration Specialization[/aname] "Masters of stealth, these Shadows use positional attacks and surprise to defeat foes." - Advanced Class Page Role: Close-Mid Range Damage Dealing Talents: Tier 1 Shadowy Veil Passive, 2 ranks Increases your armor rating by 15/30% while Shadow Technique or Force Technique is active. Infiltration Tactics Passive, 3 ranks Direct damage attacks have a 10/20/30% chance to grant Find Weakness, causing your next Shadow Strike to ignore 50% of the target's armor and cost 50% less Force. Cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds. Shadow's Respite Passive, 2 ranks Unlocks Masked Assault While in stealth mode and for 6 seconds after leaving stealth mode, Force regeneration is increased by 25/50%. Tier 2 Misdirection Passive, 3 ranks Increases your effective stealth level by 1/2/3 and movement speed by 5/10/15% while stealthed. Security Breach Passive, 2 ranks Reduces the cooldown of Force Breach by 1.5/3 seconds Tier 3 Circling Shadows Passive, 2 ranks Increases the critical strike damage dealt by Shadow Strike by 15/30%. In addition, Double Strike and Clairvoyant Strike have a 50/100% chance to grant Circling Shadows, reducing the Force cost of your next Project by 25%. Stacks up to 2 times. Shadow Technique Instant, Force: 50, 1 rank Unlocks Profundity Assumes a Shadow Technique, giving your attacks a 25% chance to deal internal damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. Requires a double-bladed lightsaber. Does not break Stealth. Masked Assult Passive, 1 rank Requires Shadow's Respite Blackout can now be used out of stealth mode, granting 6 seconds of Shadow's Respite. In addition, Force Cloak no longer reduces healing done and received. Vigor Passive, 1 rank Increases your total Force by 10. Tier 4 Kinetic Field Passive, 2 ranks Reduces damage taken from area of effects by 15/30%. Profundity Passive, 3 ranks Requires Shadow Technique, Unlocks Exit Strategy When your Shadow Technique deals damage, you have a 10/20/30% chance to recover 10 Force. This effect cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds. Fade Passive, 2 ranks Lowers the cooldown of Blackout by 7.5/15 seconds and Force Cloak by 30/60 seconds. Subduing Techniques Passive, 2 ranks Increases the duration of Force Slow and reduces the cooldown of Force Slow by 1.5/3 seconds. Tier 5 Situational Awareness Passive, 2 ranks Reduces the Force cost of Whirling Blow by 5, and reduces the cooldown of Battle Readiness by 15 seconds. Exit Strategy Passive, 2 ranks Requires Profundity When your Shadow Technique deals damage, you have a 50/100% chance to formulate an Exit Strategy, increasing the damage dealt by your next Shadow Technique Force Breach by 6%. Stacks up to 5 times. Low Slash Instant, Force: 30, Cooldown: 15 secs, Range: 4m, 1 rank Unlocks Clairvoyant Strike Slashes the target low, dealing weapon damage and incapacitating the target for 4 seconds. Damage causes this effect to end prematurely. Requires a double-bladed lightsaber. Tier 6 Deep Impact Passive, 5 ranks Increases the critical strike damage dealt by your Force Breach effects and Project by 10/20/30/40/50%. Tier 7 Clairvoyant Strike Instant, Force: 25, Range: 4m Requires Low Slash Strikes the target twice, dealing weapon damage for each hit. Each use of this ability increases the damage dealt by your next Project by 15%. Stacks up to 2 times. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor53]Kinetic Combat Specialization[/aname] "Uses the double-bladed Lightsaber defensively to protect the Shadow and his allies." - Advanced Class Page Role: Tanking "The Shadow Advanced Class now has a skill tree that allows them to fill the role of a tank effectively, using Lightsaber defense and Force powers." - Developer Blog: Advanced Classes Update Talents: Tier 1 Applied Force Passive, 2 ranks Increases the damage dealt by Double Strike, Whirling Blow, and Clairvoyant Strike by 3/6%. Double-bladed Saber Defense Passive, 2 ranks Whenever you successfully parry or deflect an attack, you recover 1/2% of your total Force. This effect cannot occur more than once a second. In addition, your melee and ranged defenses are increased by 2/4%. Technique Mastery Passive, 3 ranks Improves the effect of your techniques while they're active: Force Technique: Increases crit chance by 1/2/3% and the duration of Force Technique's Force Breach by 1/2/3 second. Combat Technique: Increases internal and elemental resistance by 3/6/9%. Shadow Technique: Increases your armor penetration by 3/6/9%. Tier 2 Mental Fortitude Passive, 3 ranks Increases total Endurance by 1/2/3%. Elusiveness Passive, 2 ranks Reduces the cooldown of Force Speed by 7.5/15 seconds, and Resilience by 3 seconds. Rapid Recovery Passive, 2 ranks Increases the chance your Combat Technique applies its effects by 2/4%. Expertise Increases damage dealt by your techniques by 3/6/9%. Tier 3 Mind Over Matter Passive, 1 rank Activating Force Speed now removes all movement-impairing effects, and your Resilience now lasts 2 seconds longer. In addition, using Cloud Mind while Combat Technique is active will no longer reduce threat, instead taunting all enemies within 15 meters and forcing them to attack you for 6 seconds. Particle Acceleration Passive, 1 rank While Combat Technique is active, Double Strike and Whirling Blow have a 50% chance to finish the cooldown on Project and make your next Project a critical hit. Accelerate Projects that consume a charge of Force Potency deal an additional 50% crit damage. Kinetic Ward Instant, Force: 10, Cooldown: 12 secs, 1 rank Erects a kinetic ward with 8 charges that increases your shield chance by 15% for 20 seconds. Each time you successfully shield, Kinetic Ward loses 1 charge. Does not break Stealth. Shadowsight Passive, 2 ranks Increases your stealth detection level by 1/2 and defense by 1/2%. Tier 4 Impact Control Passive, 2 ranks Increases your shield absorption by 2/4%. In addition, when you activate Battle Readiness while Combat Technique is active, you instantly heal for 5/10% of your total health. One with the Force Passive, 3 ranks Increases the rate at which your Force regenerates by 10/20/30%. Tier 5 Bombardment Passive, 1 rank Increases the threat and damage dealt by Project by 15%. Stasis Passive, 1 rank Force Lift no longer breaks on damage, but while the effect persists, the target takes 75% less damage from all sources. Force Pull Instant, Cooldown: 45 secs, Range: 10-30m Unlocks Nerve Wracking and Slow Time Uses the Force to draw the target in, instantly pulling it to your location and generating a high amount of threat. Does not work against targets in cover. Nerve Wracking Passive, 3 ranks Requires Force Pull Targets controlled by your Spinning Kick or Force Stun take 9% more damage from all sources. Tier 6 Harnessed Shadowes Passive, 2 ranks Project has a 50/100% chance to grant Harnessed Shadows, which makes the next Telekinetic Throw used uninterruptable and immune to pushback. In addition, each stack increases the damage dealt by your next Telekinetic Throw by 25%. Stacks up to 3 times. At 3 stacks, Telekinetic Throw damage additionally heals you for 3% of your maximum health. Force Break Passive, 3 ranks Increases the damage dealt by Combat Technique's Force Breach by 5/10/15% and Slow Time by 10/20/30%. Tier 7 Slow Time Instant, Force: 30, Cooldown: 7.5 secs, Range: 10m, 1 rank Requires Force Pull Slows the passage of time for up to 5 targets, dealing kinetic damage and decreasing the damage all targets deal by 5%. This ability generates a high amount of threat. Lasts 15 seconds. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor54]Balance Specialization[/aname] This is the shared talent tree for both advanced classes, although the talent tree isn't 100% the same for both. "Enhances the Sage’s Force attacks and augments the Shadow's Force and Lightsaber abilities." - Advanced Class Page "Overall survivability and utility, with abilities that enhance both melee and Force attacks." - News Article Role: Close-Mid Range Damage Dealing Talents: Tier 1 Force Synergy Passive, 3 ranks Force critical hits increase your melee critical chance by 3/6/9% for 10 seconds. Jedi Resistance Passive, 2 ranks Reduces all damage taken by 1/2%. Force Focus Increases the damage dealt by Force Technique's Force Breach effect by 8/16%. Tier 2 Pinning Resolve Passive, 2 ranks Reduces the cooldown of Force Stun by 5/10 seconds. In addition, your Force Lift affects up to 1/2 additional standard or weak enemies within 8 meters of the target. Upheaveal Passive, 3 ranks When you activate Project, you have a 15/30/45% chance to project an additional chunk of debris at the target, dealin 50% of normal damage. Focused Insight Passive, 2 ranks Causes your periodic damaging abilities that crit to restore 0.5/1% of your total health. Psychokinesis Passive, 2 ranks Reduces the Force cost of Double Strike by 1/2 and Project by 3/6. Tier 3 The Force in Balance Instant, Force: 50, Cooldown: 15 secs, Range: 30m, 1 rank Unlocks Force Suppression and Mental Potency Deals internal damage to up to 3 targets within 8 meters of the targeted area and heals you for a low amount per affected target. Mental Potency Passive, 2 ranks Requires The Force in Balance Reduces the Force cost of The Force in Balance by 25/50%. Adjudication Passive, 2 ranks Unlocks Force Strike Increases the critical strike damage dealt by Double Strike by 25/50%. Tier 4 Containment Passive, 2 ranks Lowers the activation time of Force Lift by 50/100%. In addition, when your Force Lift breaks early from damage, the target is stunned for 1/2 seconds. Mind Ward Passive, 2 ranks Reduces the damage taken by all periodic effects by 7.5/15%. Force Strike Passive, 1 rank Requires Adjudication Melee critical hits have a 33% chance to finish the cooldown of Mind Crush and make your next Mind Crush activate instantly and cost 100% less Force. Tier 5 Force Suppression Passive, 1 rank Requires The Force in Balance, Unlocks Sharpened Mind The Force in Balance now suppresses resistance to the Force, increasing the amount of damage the targets suffer from your next 10 periodic damaging abilities by 20%. Lasts 30 seconds. Sharpened Mind Passive, 2 ranks Requires Force Suppression Consuming a Force Suppression charge restores 1/2 Force. Assertion Passive, 2 ranks Increases the duration of Mind Crush by 1/2 seconds. Tier 6 Mental Scarring Passive, 3 ranks Increases the critical damage bonus of Force in Balance and your periodic damage abilities by 10/20/30%. Psychic Absorption Passive, 2 ranks Increases the amount of healing generated by Force in Balance and Focused Insight by 10/20%. Tier 7 Sever Force Instant, Force: 20, Range: 30m, 1 rank Weakens the target, freezing it in place for 2 seconds and dealing internal damage over 18 seconds. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto]
  24. Jedi Consular Companion Info [aname=anchor2]Companions[/aname] Companions are acquired in the course of your class story on a given planet, regardless of your level. They automatically gain new abilities as you level up. They do not need to be trained. Companions are not allowed in warzones or operations. Flashpoints can have a maximum of 4 characters, including players and companions. With a full group of 4 players, no companions can be used in a flashpoint. Companions will enter stealth if you do, and will not aggro enemies on their own. Links: Companions Holonet page Developer Blog: Companion Characters Update - Part 1 Developer Blog: Companion Characters Update - Part 2 Companion Characters Video More Companion Info [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor21]Companion Management[/aname] Summoning and Dismissing: Once you've acquired your first companion, you'll have a companion unit frame in the bottom left corner of your screen. Right-clicking here will give you the option to summon or dismiss your companion. To summon a different companion, you'll need to open the Crew Skills window (default N key) and click the summon button beside the companion you want to use. Crew Skills: Companions can be sent out on missions at any time using the Crew Skills window (default N key). The mission will indicate how long the companion will be gone. Missions can be canceled at any time if you wish to bring your companion back. Up to five companions can be working on a crew skill at any given time. Crafting jobs can be queued up to 5 times, but mission skills and gathering skills cannot be queued. Right-clicking a gathering node with your companion out will send them to gather the resource automatically. Combat will interrupt them and they will run to fight instead. Ability Bars: By default, only 4 companion abilities appear in your interface, directly underneath the companion's portrait. The bar can be extended by clicking the + button beside it. This will move your companion's abilities into one of your own ability bars, giving you space for 12 companion abilities but preventing you from using that row for your own abilities. The bar that is used for this can be changed in Preferences. You can have your companion's ability bar on the left or right sides of your screen, or in the bottom bar right below your own. You can also minimize it again at any time by clicking the - button. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor22]Qyzen Fess[/aname] Holonet Page Why Trandoshan As a Jedi Consular Companion? - Dev post from Jo Berry Gender: Male Species: Trandoshan Roles: Melee tank Melee damage dealer Acquired: Tython (1-10) Preferred Gifts: Favorite: Weapon Loves: Military Gear Likes: Technology, Underworld Goods Crew skill bonuses: +5 Biochem +15 Archaeology Gear: Heavy Armor Techblade Shield Generator Power Generator Primary Stat: Aim [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] Qyzen's Abilities Armor Proficiency: Heavy Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip heavy combat armor. Armor Proficiency: Medium Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip medium-weight armor. Armor Proficiency: Light Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip clothing, robes, and light-weight armor. Armor Proficiency: Power Generator Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip a power generator in your off-hand. Armor Proficiency: Shield Generator Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip a personal shield generator in your off-hand. Weapon Proficiency: Techblade Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip techblades and other one-handed melee weapons tied to the Aim attribute. Trandoshan Regeneration Starting Ability, Instant/Toggled, Cooldown: 1.5 sec Enters a guard stance, increasing threat generation by 100% and shield chance by 20%. Additionally, Qyzen's health regeneration while not in combat is boosted by 10%. Taunt Starting Ability, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 20 sec Taunts the target, forcing it to attack the companion for 6 seconds. Power Attack Starting Ability, Instant, Range: 4m, Cooldown: 9 sec A powerful attack that deals high weapon damage. Flush Prey Level 9, Instant, Range: 15m, Cooldown: 15 sec Qyzen leaps at his target, dealing high weapon damage and immobilizing the target for 2 seconds. Combat Stance Level 11, Instant/Toggled, Cooldown: 1.5 sec Enters an offensive stance, increasing all damage dealt by 5% and lowering threat generation by 25%. Additionally lowers the cooldown of all attacks by 25%. Hunter's Surge Level 13, Instant, Range: 4m, Cooldown: 12 sec Qyzen activates an explosive pulse device, striking up to 5 nearby targets for elemental damage. Guardian Strike Level 17, Instant, Range: 4m, Cooldown: 12 sec A powerful attack that deals high weapon damage and increases the companion's armor rating by 20% for 15 seconds. This ability generates a high amount of threat. EMP Blast Level 23, Instant, Range: 4m, Cooldown: 15 sec Discharges an EMP blast that deals energy damage to up to 5 targets in an 8-meter radius and weakens them, reducing the damage they deal by 5% for 6 seconds. This ability generates a very high amount of threat. Flaregun Level 29, Instant, Range: 15m, Cooldown: 60 sec Draws in the attention of all enemies within 15 meters, forcing them to attack the companion for 6 seconds. Deploy Shields Level 35, Instant, Cooldown: 2 min Reduces all damage taken by 25% for 12 seconds. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor23]C2-N2[/aname] Gender: Male voice programming Species: Protocol droid Roles: Healer Acquired: Coruscant (10-16) Preferred Gifts: None Crew skill bonuses: None Gear: Heavy Armor Droid Armor Power Generator Primary Stat: Aim [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] C2-N2's Abilities Armor Proficiency: Heavy Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip heavy combat armor. Armor Proficiency: Medium Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip medium-weight armor. Armor Proficiency: Light Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip clothing, robes, and light-weight armor. Armor Proficiency: Power Generator Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip a power generator in your off-hand. Med Watch Starting Ability, Instant/Toggled, Cooldown: 1.5 sec Enters a healing stance, increasing all healing done by 5% and lowering healing threat generation by 25%. Additionally lowers the cooldown of all healing abilities by 25%. Med Scan Starting Ability, Activation: 2 sec, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 6 sec Heals a friendly target. Field Dress Level 9, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 12 sec Heals the target every 3 seconds for 9 seconds. Cleanse Level 13, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 15 sec Cleanses a friendly target of up to 2 negative tech or physical effects. Kolto Jolt Level 23, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 15 sec Instantly heals a wounded target for a high amount. This effect can only occur on the same target once every 30 seconds. Carbonized Stream Level 29, Instant, Range: 30m Traps the target in carbonite for up to 8 seconds. Damage to the target causes this effect to end prematurely. Targets may only be affected by Carbonized Stream once every 30 seconds. Medical Pack Level 35, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 15 secs Lobs a medical pack at the target that releases kolto gas upon impact, healing up to 3 allies within 8 meters for a moderate amount. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor24]Tharan Cedrax[/aname] Gender: Male Species: Human Roles: Healer Ranged damage dealer Acquired: Nar Shaddaa (20-24) Preferred Gifts: Favorite: Luxury Loves: Technology Likes: Cultural Artifact, Underworld Goods, Courting (from female character) Crew skill bonuses: +10 Cybertech +10 Slicing Gear: Medium Armor Blaster Pistol Scattergun Primary Stat: Cunning [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] Tharan's Abilities Armor Proficiency: Medium Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip medium-weight armor. Armor Proficiency: Light Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip clothing, robes, and light-weight armor. Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip blaster pistols, and similar sidearm weapons. Weapon Proficiency: Scattergun Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip scatterguns, shotguns, and flechette launchers. Blaster Stance Starting Ability, Instant/Toggled, Cooldown: 1.5 sec Enters an offensive stance, increasing all damage dealt by 5% and lowering threat generation by 25%. Additionally lowers the cooldown of all attacks by 25%. Med Watch Starting Ability, Instant/Toggled, Cooldown: 1.5 sec Enters a healing stance, increasing all healing done by 5% and lowering healing threat generation by 25%. Additionally lowers the cooldown of all healing abilities by 25%. Med Scan Starting Ability, Activation: 2 sec, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 6 sec Heals a friendly target. Field Dress Level 9, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 12 sec Heals the target every 3 seconds for 9 seconds. Wounding Blast Level 11, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 12 sec Fires a very powerful shot at the target, causing the target to bleed for damage every 3 seconds for 9 seconds. Cleanse Level 13, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 15 sec Cleanses a friendly target of up to 2 negative tech or physical effects. Kolto Jolt Level 23, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 15 sec Instantly heals a wounded target for a high amount. This effect can only occur on the same target once every 30 seconds. Deploy Holiday Level 29, Instant, Range: 30m Tharan's holocompanion Holiday dazzles the target, keeping them dazed for 8 seconds. Damage to the target causes this effect to end prematurely. Targets charmed by Holiday can only be controlled once every 10 seconds. Medical Pack Level 35, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 15 secs Lobs a medical pack at the target that releases kolto gas upon impact, healing up to 3 allies within 8 meters for a moderate amount. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor25]Zenith[/aname] Gender: Male Species: Twi'lek Roles: Ranged damage dealer AOE and Sniper modes Acquired: Balmorra (32-36) Preferred Gifts: Favorite: Imperial Memorabilia Loves: Weapon Likes: Military Gear, Underworld Goods Crew skill bonuses: +15 Investigation +1 Underworld Trading Crit Gear: Medium Armor Blaster Rifle Scattergun Sniper Rifle Primary Stat: Cunning [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] Zenith's Abilities Armor Proficiency: Medium Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip medium-weight armor. Armor Proficiency: Light Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip clothing, robes, and light-weight armor. Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip blaster rifles, carbines, and repeaters. Weapon Proficiency: Scattergun Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip scatterguns, shotguns, and flechette launchers. Weapon Proficiency: Sniper Rifle Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip long-range sniper weapons. Burst Starting Ability, Activation: 1.5 sec, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 6 sec Shoots a target for high weapon damage. Quickshot Starting Ability, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 6 sec Blasts a target for weapon damage. Thermal Bomb Starting Ability, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 9 sec Throws a thermal grenade that deals kinetic damage to up to 3 targets within 8 meters. Sniper Mode Level 9, Instant/Toggled, Cooldown: 1.5 sec Increases the damage of the companion's activation time abilities by 10%, and decreases the activation time of Aimed Blast by 0.5 sec. Aimed Blast Level 11, Activation: 3 sec, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 12 sec Shoots the target for high weapon damage. Shield Boost Level 13, Instant, Cooldown: 2 min Increases the ranged and melee defenses for 50% for 15 seconds. Shares a cooldown with Combat Acumen. Collateral Damage Level 17, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 15 sec Zenith throws sticky bombs at all enemies near your target. Each bomb detonates after several seconds, doing damage to the target immediately and damage over the next 3 seconds. Assault Mode Level 23, Instant/Toggled, Cooldown: 1.5 sec Increases the damage of the companion's area damage abilities by 10%, and decreases the cooldown of area damage abilities by 25%. Volley Level 27, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 15 sec Unleashes a series of shots that each hit for weapon damage. Combat Acumen Level 35, Instant, Cooldown: 2 min Increases the critical hit chance by 25% for 15 seconds. Shares a cooldown with Shield Boost. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor26]Lieutenant Iresso[/aname] Gender: Male Species: Human Roles: Ranged tank Ranged damage dealer Acquired: Hoth (37-41) Preferred Gifts: Favorite: Trophy Loves: Republic Memorabilia Likes: Luxury, Weapon, Courting (from female character) Crew skill bonuses: +2 Armstech Crit +2 Scavenging Crit Gear: Heavy Armor Power Generator Shield Generator Blaster Rifle Blaster Pistol Primary Stat: Aim Romance option for female consulars [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] Iresso's Abilities Armor Proficiency: Heavy Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip heavy combat armor. Armor Proficiency: Medium Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip medium-weight armor. Armor Proficiency: Light Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip clothing, robes, and light-weight armor. Armor Proficiency: Power Generator Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip a power generator in your off-hand. Armor Proficiency: Shield Generator Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip a personal shield generator in your off-hand. Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip blaster pistols, and similar sidearm weapons. Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip blaster rifles, carbines, and repeaters. Guard Stance Starting Ability, Instant/Toggled, Cooldown: 1.5 sec Enters a guard stance, increasing threat generation by 100% and shield chance by 20%. Charged Shot Starting Ability, Activation: 1.5 sec, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 9 sec A powerful shot that deals high weapon damage. Distract Starting Ability, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 20 sec Distracts the target, forcing it to attack the companion for 6 seconds. Rifle Rush Level 9, Instant, Range: 20m, Cooldown: 15 sec Iresso rushes in with his rifle, leaping to the target and immobilizing them for 2 seconds. Sniper Sight Level 11, Instant/Toggled, Cooldown: 15 sec Enters Sniper Sight mode, increasing all damage dealt by 5% and lowering threat generation by 25%. Incendiary Mortar Level 13, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 24 sec Fires an incendiary device, dealing kinetic damage to up to 3 targets within 5 meters and igniting the targets, dealing additional elemental damage over 6 seconds. Flameguard Level 17, Instant, Range: 8m, Cooldown: 12 sec Releases a burst of fire that deals elemental damage and increases the companion's armor rating by 20% for 15 seconds. This ability generates a high amount of threat. EMP Blast Level 23, Instant, Range: 4m, Cooldown: 15 sec Discharges an EMP blast that deals energy damage to up to 5 targets in an 8-meter radius and weakens them, reducing the damage they deal by 5% for 6 seconds. This ability generates a very high amount of threat. Flaregun Level 29, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 60 sec Draws in the attention of all enemies within 15 meters, forcing them to attack the companion for 6 seconds. Deploy Shields Level 35, Instant, Cooldown: 2 min Reduces all damage taken by 25% for 12 seconds. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] [aname=anchor27]Nadia Grell[/aname] Darth Hater Comic-Con Coverage Companion Characters Video (Nadia appears several times, including some dialogue) Gender: Female Species: Sarkhai Roles: Melee damage dealer Bleed and armor penetration modes Acquired: Belsavis (41-44) Preferred Gifts: Favorite: Cultural Artifacts Loves: Republic Memorabilia Likes: Luxury, Underworld Goods, Courting (from male characters) Crew skill bonuses: +10 Synthweaving +2 Diplomacy Crit Gear: Light Armor Focus Training Saber Lightsaber Electrostaff Double-bladed lightsaber Primary Stat: Willpower Voiced by: Holly Fields Romance option for male consulars [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto] Nadia's Abilities Armor Proficiency: Light Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip clothing, robes, and light-weight armor. Armor Proficiency: Focus Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip a Force focus in your off-hand. Weapon Proficiency: Electrostaff Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip electrostaves and other staff melee weapons tied to the Willpower attribute. Weapon Proficiency: Training Saber Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip training sabers. Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip single-bladed lightsabers. Weapon Proficiency: Double-Bladed Lightsaber Starting Ability, Passive Able to equip double-bladed lightsabers and saberstaves. Perforation Starting Ability, Instant/Toggled, Cooldown: 1.5 sec Enters an offensive stance, incraesing armor penetration by 15%. Power Slash Starting Ability, Instant, Range: 4m, Cooldown: 6 sec Issues a powerful slash that deals weapon damage. Run Through Starting Ability, Instant, Range: 4m, Cooldown: 15 sec Close-range attack that causes internal damage over 12 seconds. Charge Level 9, Instant, Range: 30m, Cooldown: 15 sec Jumps to a distant target, dealing weapon damage and immobilizing the target for 2 seconds. Exsanguination Level 11, Instant/Toggled, Cooldown: 1.5 sec Enters an offensive stance, giving all damage abilities a chance to deal additional internal damage over 6 seconds. Force Eruption Level 13, Instant, Range: 4m, Cooldown: 18 sec Nadia unleashes a wild burst of Force energy that deals energy damage to up to 3 nearby enemies. Standard and weak enemies are knocked down. Blade Ward Level 17, Instant, Cooldown: 2.5 min Increases parry and deflect chances by 50% for 12 seconds. Shares a cooldown with Combat Acumen. Wild Energy Level 23, Instant, Range: 4m, Cooldown: 30 sec Nadia's wild Force energy erupts, causing damage to nearby targets each second for ? seconds. Freeze Level 29, Instant, Range: 4m, Cooldown: 30 sec Freezes nearby foes, reducing their movement speed by 50% for 9 seconds. Combat Acumen Level 35, Instant, Cooldown: 2.5 min Increases the critical hit chance by 15% for 15 seconds. Shares a cooldown with Blade Ward. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto]
  25. Jedi Consular Class Information "For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." Last updated February 1, 2011 ____________ [aname=contents]Contents[/aname] [jumpto=anchor1]General Info[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor10]Voices[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor11]Playable Species[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor12]Gear[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor13]Attributes[/jumpto] [jumpto=anchor2]Companions[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor22]Qyzen Fess[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor23]C2-N2[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor24]Tharan Cedrax[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor25]Zenith[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor26]Lieutenant Iresso[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor27]Nadia Grell[/jumpto] [jumpto=anchor3]Class Abilities[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor31]General Abilities[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor32]Class Abilities[/jumpto] [jumpto=anchor4]Sage Advanced Class[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor41]Sage Abilities[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor42]Seer Specialization[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor43]Telekinetics Specialization[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor44]Balance Specialization[/jumpto] [jumpto=anchor5]Shadow Advanced Class[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor51]Shadow Abilities[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor52]Infiltration Specialization[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor53]Kinetic Combat Specialization[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor54]Balance Specialization[/jumpto] [jumpto=anchor6]Links Index[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor61]General Consular Info[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor62]Sage Advanced Class[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor63]Shadow Advanced Class[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor64]Consular Videos and Streams[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor65]Other Helpful Sites[/jumpto] [jumpto=anchor7]Notes[/jumpto] · [jumpto=anchor71]Updates[/jumpto] ____________ [aname=anchor1]General Info[/aname] Consular Holonet Page Advanced Classes Page Starting world: Tython Allegiance: The Galactic Republic Faction: The Jedi Order Leader/Representative: Satele Shan Ship: Corellian Defender-class light corvette Mirror Class: Sith Inquisitor [aname=anchor10]Voices[/aname] Female: Athena Karkanis "Join the Fight" Trailer - 0:58 Taral V Developer Walkthrough - 3:32 Male: Nolan North Consular Class Video - narrator [aname=anchor11]Playable Species[/aname] Human Racial: Rally – Rallies nearby allies. (2.5 minute cooldown) Causes friendly characters in range to cheer. Mirialan Racial: Focusing Ritual – Undergo a focusing ritual to rest and recuperate spirit. (No cooldown) An alternative to our Meditation ability. Miraluka Racial: Sense Force Alignment – Senses the target’s alignment with the Force. (15 second cooldown, 30m range) Characters glow different colors based on their alignment. Twi'lek Racial: Parlor dance – Perform a unique dance. (No cooldown) The only unique dance animation in the game - everyone gets the same dance animation otherwise. Zabrak Racial: Inspire loyalty – Inspires the target ally. (15 second cooldown, 30m range) Causes a friendly character to salute. Species unavailable to Consulars: Chiss, Cyborg, Rattataki, Sith Pureblood [aname=anchor12]Gear[/aname] Weapon: · Vibrosword · Training Saber · Lightsaber · Electrostaff (Shadow advanced class only) · Double-bladed lightsaber (Shadow advanced class only) Offhand: · Focus · Shield Generator (Shadow advanced class only) Light armor (robes) [aname=anchor13]Attributes[/aname] "Willpower increases your aptitude with force powers. It is the primary attribute for the Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor." - (3:01) Primary Stats: Willpower: Increases the damage, healing, and critical chance of Force powers. Endurance: Increases your total health and health regeneration. Presence: Increases the health, damage, and healing of companions. Secondary Stats: Critical Chance: Increases the chance that your Force powers will deal critical damage or healing. Surge: Increases the percentage by which critical hits will increase the damage or healing done. Accuracy: Increases the chance that your offensive powers will affect the target. Accuracy over 100% reduces the target's resistance to your abilities. Alacrity: Reduces the time it takes to activate or channel abilities. Pacing/Resource Mechanic: Force Points All Consulars have 100 Force Points from level 1-10. Each advanced class has a passive ability that modifies the function of Force Points after level 10. [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto]
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