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Tracer missile tracer missile tracer missile tracer missile tracer missile


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I'll explain a bit how Mercenary (and its republic counterpart) works, for those who genuinely don't know.

Those who want to troll will never be persuaded anyway.


Here is how an Arsenal Mercenary works (the one with tracer missile):


First of all it has to be said that BH has a heat bar instead of force/energy. Most special abilities have a heat cost. When the heat bar is full, the mercenary can only use the basic attack until heat dissipates or, if available, can use Vent Heat do dissipate 50/66 heat (66 if you put two points in bodyguard tree). Vent Heat is on a 2min cooldown, Pyro Mercs can purchase 2 boxes which will lower the cooldown by 30sec, full arsenal spec can't.

Heat dissipation is more efficient if your heat lvl is low, but the higher your heat lvl is, the lower your heat dissipation will be.

I don't have access to the game right now but if memory serves me it works like this:

0-39% heat->5 points dissipated per second.

40%-79%->3 points per second.

80%-100% heat->2 points per second.

In short: as a Mercenary you must keep heat low unless you want to be forced into a 30 seconds cooldown where you're absolutely useless and vulnerable. In order to have the best possible dissipation, we must keep our heat below 40%, unless we really have to finish off someone (to prevent them from scoring, so to say), in which case we'll have to deal with the downtime.


Mercenary Specials:

-UNLOAD: channeled ability, does good damage over its 3 seconds duration, 15 seconds cooldown. With proper template, its damage can be improved and it can have up to 100% chance of snaring a target for 2 seconds with each hit.

Via template, Unload has a 50% chance to vent 8 heat.

Very good ability, to be used everytime it's available.


-TRACER MISSILE: charged ability, 1.5 seconds cast time, no cooldown, 25 heat cost heat cost lowered to 16 via template). Each Tracer applies up to 2 heat signatures (depending on the template), which lower target armor by 4% each for 15 seconds and stack up to 5 times (i.e., you need 3 Tracers Missile to get the maximum amount of signatures).

Tracer Missile puts a vulnerability to Rail Shot on the target.. see below.

Also depending on template (full Arsenal have this), each Tracer Missile grants 1 Target Tracking (stacks up to 5), for each target tracking you get a 6% damage bonus on your next Rail Shot.

In addition, critical hits with Tracer and Heatseeker missiles have up to 50% chance of venting 8 heat (therefore, it's needed) and, via template, Tracer missile has up to 30% chance of proccing barrage, which ends the cooldown on Unload and makes the next unload hit 25% harder (see above).


RAIL SHOT: good damage, instacast, 16 heat cost, 15 seconds cooldown. The target must be incapacitated, burning or vulnerable via tracer missile for Rail Shot to work. Arsenal Mercenaries don't get the big bonuses (armor piercing, chance to reset its cooldown etc) on Rail Shot that Pyro Mercs get, however our high velocity gas cylinder (call it our stance, to be clear) lowers the cost of Rail Shot by 8.

It's a very good ability which we must use everytime it's available.


HEATSEEKER MISSILE: This skill is only available to those who go full Arsenal, is instacast, 15 sec cooldown, 16 heat cost.

Its damage is improved by 5% per heat signature on the target, meaning it's mostly effective once we have stacked our 5 (cap) heat signatures.


-POWER SHOT: same cost and cast time as Tracer Missile, no cooldown, but as an Arsenal the only benefit we get to using it is a chance to reset cooldown on Unload.

This special is intended to be the alternative to Tracer Missile for Pyros (who get lots of nice bonuses on it) and Bodyguards (they get nioce bonuses on this too, via proc).

Power Shot is pretty much only good to bait interrupts for us, because we don't get any of the debuffs/vulnerabilities etc out of Power Shot.


-FUSION MISSILE: damage on impact and burning on a 2mt radius from target, the burning lasts for 6 seconds. 33 (!) heat cost, 30 sec cooldown, 1.5 sec cast time.

It's a nice Dot and if the opponents are very close to each other (within 2m from target) it's AoE. The very high heat cost makes it usable only in certain situations or when we have our Thermal Sensor Override up (2min cooldown, 1.30min via template), which allows the next ability to be fired at no heat cost.


-DEATH FROM ABOVE: our best AoE, on targeted area, 25 heat cost and 60sec cooldown


-SWEEPING BLASTERS: another AoE on targeted area, no cooldown, but its 33 (!) heat cost make it hardly worth it due to heat management issues.


-MISSILE BLAST: instacast, 25 heat cost, deals damage to one target and little damage to up to 3 targets close by. Almost useless due to heat cost, only good to finish off a runner who's on the brink of death combined with rapid shots (our basic attack) and if we have heat to spare OR to prevent 2-3 enemies from capping an objective.


-EXPLOSIVE DART: explodes after a few seconds dealing damage to target and nearby enemies, 16 heat cost, 15 sec cooldown.


Have to cut it short now, I'm probably forgetting something for sure..


Anyway, if you read the above it's clear our rotation MUST be the following:

-Unload (the heat cost will dissipate before channeling is over if we're at 0 heat)




Now we have 5 heat signatures on target and 3x bonus on railshot

-Heat Seeker



Now we have maximum bonus on Railshot


If Barrage has procced in the meantime, we can do Unload again.. otherwise rotation restarts.


Depending on heat level and situation, we can try to add a Fusion Missile or Exploding Dart here and there if they are off cooldown.


The point is this: the class was built around Tracer Missile. If you don't like it keep in mind that they would have to change THE WHOLE ARSENAL tree to make the class different but still viable.

Adding a cooldown or the likes on tracer without changing the rest of the class would make Arsenal absolutely useless.

EDIT: I forgot to mention this but it's important.. all this can be countered by any class (any) with interruptions/KD/stuns if you have what it takes as in full health, shields or such ready to be used etc AND (most important of all) if you don't, any class can simply run away from the mercenary .

Some classes even get passive or active speed buffs, incombat stealth to escape, charge attacks to jump somewhere else and lose the mercenary, which make it even esasier.

But again, even if a mercenary opens on you, unless you're already half dead or wait too long, ANYONE can run away and there's nothing an Arsenal Merc can do to prevent opponents to do so or to kill a runner.

It's how the class was designed, it's essentially a turret: if you stay within range and let them fire on you, you're gonna die. If you run away or have the means to interrupt/stun/heal the first burst, you survive/win.


You forgot that Tracer Missle with the Talent (Power Barrier), has a 100% chance to reduce damage taken by 2% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Other than that, great post. :)

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This video is what happens when you have solid pvp gear, do not get cc'ed because your enemies are not doing what they should and you are fighting ungeared players. As a merc I am insta-targetted in PVP because of peoples misconception that tracer missile is going to own them like that just automatically, when in fact the ability is not OP, there are many variables for that to happen, the average BH/MC will be ganged hard trying to ONLY spam tracer.


And as said, other DPS classes can achieve this if they spec for it as well with their own specials.



Problem with tracer missile spam is that you're an immobile one-trick pony doing it, and even if you're a crit/surge stacked mofo and spec'd just perfectly, you're still gonna be ramping up heat and having to blow the vent CD if you're not PVPing in a vaccuum.



I never did apparently PVP with my merc in Arsenal spec 'right'. I tried the tracer missile spam and kinda went "Doubleyew Tee Eff is all the noise about this then?" 'cause it wasn't even something I had the habit of doing in PVE.


It builds heat too fast. It's absolutely wrong for heat management. Great for bursting a gold to the ground before it kills you, sure, but that's about it.


I dunno, I never had anything but a highly mediocre experience with it in PVP. I felt very much, mostly for the 1.5s base immobilization to charge it, like I was a broom.


I was real good at finishing off the mostly dead, and found myself using it more than I wanted to just to get it to proc taking Unload off CD. At least my Unload popped the target with a 2s slow.


For a while there, I was pretty well able to pick my killcount by targeting mostly marauders, but then I think the general body of PVP folk got wise to a merc's rather small bag of tricks. No biggie and nothing wrong with that; sure won't see me QQing about it.


But I did respec to healer in part due to that. Frankly, I feel far more useful in warzones now even if I don't post huge numbers and I'm never gonna be the guy with 11 medals. Or typically more than 5 medals.


Not a lot of love for healers out there right now, but still, I cannot even remotely dispute the sheer value I feel I'm contributing as such compared to being a one-trick tracer missile pony.


Tracer missile really ain't that great. And only being able to do anything useful when you can hold still often finds your target LOSing you by shot #3 of anything but Quick Shot, with which you can give chase.


That's just my mileage. Others' may vary. But really, I tried to find the good purpose of tracer spam and I just couldn't. Entirely possible that I wasn't 'doing it right', but to be honest...good.


It was a total fool-errand mistake where heat management was concerned anyway, and that's where I enjoyed maximizing myself.


Was really super effective in most PVE exchanges though. WOnderful, wonderful sustained, consistently high DPS.


Tracer spam though...nah. Just...nah. There are far more intelligent ways to play to an Arsenal merc's strengths that are much more useful to yourself and your team.


That'll almost never be one of them.

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Had to switch to using a more tanky companion to maximize the purpose of half my powers and secondary benefits thereof (which seem primarily to be tank assists such as +10% defense when using the fast healing scan on the target as well as a reactive Kotto Shell heal), but my DPS is still plenty fine to do my dailies and beat things away from gathering nodes no problem.


In PVP, I have no business trying to burn anyone down and I basically can't even when I try anymore, but I'm very well set to run healing support. Not the most glamorous job, and I usually don't even post huge total points healed for being heavily tactical in where/how I throw my healing around, but I help my team win.


In hardmodes...oh yeah. Little bit of skill in heat scheduling and occasionally throwing a fusion missile out there to womp a dot on a boss when I've got some breathing room and that's where I've been shining, or throw a 60 second merc-universal CC on something during pre-fight setup for that matter.


Merc bodyguard, and I'd presume the trooper equivalent, can be super effective healers. Our heat or your ammo pool isn't as deep as a force healer's, but it replenishes faster and, I think, is more useful for a drawn out endurance run for that.


In PVP, I usually tap a tanky sort since I queue solo a lot when I can. Pulled off some great duoing stunts, though people can, will and do go 'HEALER DIE!" and rip you down under a focused dogpile...but that's ok.


It's been a great change of pace, and a real perspective swap. Effectiveness is undisputable, but the approach is totally different. Roll a full spec'd healer out there and you pull that role intelligently and you'll, often enough, be a heavy contributor to wins you're a part of.


'Course, if your team's a random and a fustercluck, you'll just melt a lot. But in that case, one does anyway.


I'd recommend anybody looking for a change of pace that has the option to give it a whirl. It'll help you get a real firsthand feel for the tolerances and abilities of a healer (and let you better tailor your DPSing or even tanking with such knowledge in mind) and you'll almost certainly be in high demand for every hardmode and op if you take the time to be a -GOOD- healer and work it like it's goin' out of style.


BH merc bodyguards and, again I'd only suspect, their trooper equivalents can be dead awesome healers, and I wouldn't want a different sort of healer for a long, grueling fight where decent heals are gonna have to just keep rolling like clockwork non-stop.



Edit: Also, DPS crit/surge gear is also great for a healer spec. Some folks seem to think you have to stack power to up your baseline, but if you're rolling around with 35-40% tech crit on a merc (or trooper) healer? You're literally critting over a third of the time, and with an enormous 85-95% surge rating (I roll with 89%) it's dirt easy to throw 4-6k heals pretty consistently and pull off 2500-ish crits with kolto bomb (a merc's AoE heal).


I've tried the power stacking and, frankly, it didn't up the baseline nearly enough to come out equal to rolling streams of consistently high crits. Kinda flies in the face of conventional healer gearing philosophy (The 'never rely on crits' truism specifically), but I've solo healed stupid PUG hardmodes with idiot tanks and scatterbrained DPS' effectively.


In a decently organized run, pfffff...your biggest worry isn't gonna be if you can heal enough, fast enough, consistently enough; it's gonna be if the crazy heal aggro is gonna pull too much hate at a bad time when you don't have breathing room to scale it back.


So, if you're rocking crit/surge gear, you don't even have to get new gear to give it a genuine feel. Just a respec (or two if you decide you don't like it).


Thanks, I'm still thinking about it, but the part I bolded and underlined really has me worried. I swear, no matter what server or side I'm on, I manage to get on the short bus teams. Some of them are so bad I just wish I could knock them in the fire myself instead of waiting for the enemy team to do it.

Edited by maradigamer
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I've got another one for you:


Skip to the :24 second mark for the laugh.


All that guy does is complain about general melee vs ranged in MMOs. Also if he's a decent representation of the people whining about tracer the problem doesn't lie with the ability. He's doing the #1 mistake of any melee class vs cast-time ranged, using his gap-closer way pre-maturely. Why on earth would anyone start a fight vs a merc with charge? They are the second most immobile spec in the game, there's absolutely nothing they can do to prevent people from just running up to them.

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All that guy does is complain about general melee vs ranged in MMOs. Also if he's a decent representation of the people whining about tracer the problem doesn't lie with the ability. He's doing the #1 mistake of any melee class vs cast-time ranged, using his gap-closer way pre-maturely. Why on earth would anyone start a fight vs a merc with charge? They are the second most immobile spec in the game, there's absolutely nothing they can do to prevent people from just running up to them.


Melee does tend to rip my face off if my team is being their usual inept selves and not bothering to help each other.

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There are two complaints about Arsenal:

1) Tracer Missile spam.

2) Lack of mobility (and by extension, survivability).


To address this, I think BW should just have Tracer Missile stack a maximum of two times for 6% armor reduction each. In the end, you will have a maximum of 12% armor reduction instead of 20%, but two TMs would reduce armor equivalent to three TMs in their current incarnation (and let's face it, Arsenal rarely gets more than three missiles off on a target anyway).


To compensate, buff Missile Blast. Replace Light Em Up with Tracer Lock (since the stack count has been reduced), and then add a fifth tier talent that reduces the heat cost of Missile Blast by 3/6/9 with a 10/20/30% to knock down the target regardless of its size (with a 30-second internal timer to stop shenanigans).

Edited by Suzut
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Thanks, I'm still thinking about it, but the part I bolded and underlined really has me worried. I swear, no matter what server or side I'm on, I manage to get on the short bus teams. Some of them are so bad I just wish I could knock them in the fire myself instead of waiting for the enemy team to do it.



A very understandable worry. When I queue solo, I tend to look for the person on whatever team I'm on with the most PVP gear and duo up as their pocket healer, running with the assumption that they probably know what they're doing if they're rolling around in Battlemaster equipment and I'm just going to help them do it three times better.


This works for me alarmingly well just often enough to keep me doing it.


Of course, if you can roll a premade with some agreed upon tactics beforehand, that's where you'll shine. Healer potential is almost entirely wasted in a disorganized mash of everyone doing whatever.


What I would point-blank say you won't do in a healer spec is 1v1 kill pretty much anybody. Me, I like forcing people to rage-burn their breakfree CD's when they're fighting others and then heal their target.


I am consistently enraging 3-5 people in huttball and leading them on merry chases as far as I'll survive the run just so they're chasing me and not our ball carrier, for example.


Sometimes, I'll throw energy shield up (makes me immune to interrupts while its up for the talent I've got in it) and just heal through their damage until ES drops and I implode under a wave of red numbers.


On several occasions, my team in Hutball has scored -twice- while I kept half the opposing team tied up trying to revenge themselves upon me, and that's just awesome.


It doesn't make you a big poster on the totals board at the end of the game, but man oh man is it fun.


If you're not deep into high priced respecs, I'd highly recommend giving it a go for a day.


Just mess around with it in PVE and PVP alike. Go nuts. You might, like I did, wind up going 'zomg I should have been playing this the whole time'...or you might go 'meh' and switch back.


If your gear is crit/surge, as it probably should be if you're a seriousface DPS-aholic, no new gear investment required or even encouraged.


Plus, folks don't seem to know what to do yet with a merc with no tracer missile as BH mercs go. They come gunning for me because I'm a BH; they find a healer that'll lead them on a merry chase and throw a fusion missile dot at the back of their head if they break off, then heal their target.


Which leads them go going 'RAWR!' and chasing me some more. Heck, I can only assume its blinding rage that's seen some of them -follow me into the huttball fire-.


Straight-up suicide run and there some meleers have come.


Sorcs aren't so easy to escape or embarass though. They just dot and lightning you from across the planet, but it's still fun to make them focus fire on me.


Whodathunk that one of the best and most fun roles of a healer would be rage-bait cannon fodder and distraction? It works. And you can, in fact, get several medals just by healing yourself through others' rage-out damage.


Kehehe. Give it a go sometime! Might just appeal to ya.

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Actually it goes more like..


Tracer Missile Away! .... cant see target.. crap




Tracer Missile Away!!.. Cant see target.. crap




Tracer Missile Away!! ... cant see target... /groan




Tracer Missile Away!!.. cant see target.. /sigh




Traser Missile Away!!.. cant see target... /punchmonitor


Or interrupts, knockbacks, stuns when you try to grav round.

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A very understandable worry. When I queue solo, I tend to look for the person on whatever team I'm on with the most PVP gear and duo up as their pocket healer, running with the assumption that they probably know what they're doing if they're rolling around in Battlemaster equipment and I'm just going to help them do it three times better.


This works for me alarmingly well just often enough to keep me doing it.


Of course, if you can roll a premade with some agreed upon tactics beforehand, that's where you'll shine. Healer potential is almost entirely wasted in a disorganized mash of everyone doing whatever.


What I would point-blank say you won't do in a healer spec is 1v1 kill pretty much anybody. Me, I like forcing people to rage-burn their breakfree CD's when they're fighting others and then heal their target.


I am consistently enraging 3-5 people in huttball and leading them on merry chases as far as I'll survive the run just so they're chasing me and not our ball carrier, for example.


Sometimes, I'll throw energy shield up (makes me immune to interrupts while its up for the talent I've got in it) and just heal through their damage until ES drops and I implode under a wave of red numbers.


On several occasions, my team in Hutball has scored -twice- while I kept half the opposing team tied up trying to revenge themselves upon me, and that's just awesome.


It doesn't make you a big poster on the totals board at the end of the game, but man oh man is it fun.


If you're not deep into high priced respecs, I'd highly recommend giving it a go for a day.


Just mess around with it in PVE and PVP alike. Go nuts. You might, like I did, wind up going 'zomg I should have been playing this the whole time'...or you might go 'meh' and switch back.


If your gear is crit/surge, as it probably should be if you're a seriousface DPS-aholic, no new gear investment required or even encouraged.


Plus, folks don't seem to know what to do yet with a merc with no tracer missile as BH mercs go. They come gunning for me because I'm a BH; they find a healer that'll lead them on a merry chase and throw a fusion missile dot at the back of their head if they break off, then heal their target.


Which leads them go going 'RAWR!' and chasing me some more. Heck, I can only assume its blinding rage that's seen some of them -follow me into the huttball fire-.


Straight-up suicide run and there some meleers have come.


Sorcs aren't so easy to escape or embarass though. They just dot and lightning you from across the planet, but it's still fun to make them focus fire on me.


Whodathunk that one of the best and most fun roles of a healer would be rage-bait cannon fodder and distraction? It works. And you can, in fact, get several medals just by healing yourself through others' rage-out damage.


Kehehe. Give it a go sometime! Might just appeal to ya.


:D I do like to annoy people, it was the best thing about my low level sorc. And in the disorganized messes of the teams I had tonight on my BH, I was already getting focused anyway. I think tracer missile also makes people very unhappy!


But I didn't do so well at the running away part as dps spec. Then again, I'm only level 21 on her.


I have so, so many alts.

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Tracer does do more damage than grav rounds.


Not 29084209840928490284024x more like they said, but it is really noticable. :p


Tracer does 2000-2500.

Grav Round does 800-1200.


Grav round is nothing but filler to get Full Auto off CD and prime high impact bolt and demolition round. Tracer round is better than Full Auto and has no knockback. Full Auto is only better if all 3 hits crit. Even then it is inferior because of the 15 sec CD. A BH can outright kill you in half that time spamming tracers.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Tracer does 2000-2500.

Grav Round does 800-1200.


Grav round is nothing but filler to get Full Auto off CD and prime high impact bolt and demolition round. Tracer round is better than Full Auto and has no knockback. Full Auto is only better if all 3 hits crit.


aren't grav and tracer exact mirrors?

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aren't grav and tracer exact mirrors?


Obviously not.


Tracers need to be brought down to grav round damage. The descriptions are wrong. Hence, I believe the damage is unintentional. And it's not some level 50 thing either. I've seen lvl 22 and 37 spamming for 2100-2500 hp a pop. At lvl 50 a grav round is lucky to top 1500.


If grav round had tracer dmg I'd never have switched to Assault as I can practically spam grav round indefinitely.

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aren't grav and tracer exact mirrors?


Yes, tracer missile and grav round are exact mirrors. Their tooltips are identical except for the name of the ability (including damage numbers).


If there were any discrepancy (there isn't) then it would be a problem with the internal formula, which I guarantee you is identical.


EDIT: If you are seeing huge discrepancies in damage then it is most likely the result of mitigation, mainly expertise. My tracer hits 'geared' or tanky repubs for 1400ish.

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Tracer does 2000-2500.

Grav Round does 800-1200.


Grav round is nothing but filler to get Full Auto off CD and prime high impact bolt and demolition round. Tracer round is better than Full Auto and has no knockback. Full Auto is only better if all 3 hits crit. Even then it is inferior because of the 15 sec CD. A BH can outright kill you in half that time spamming tracers.




how do people STILL not realize they are mirrors?


do people even know what mirrors are?

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Tracer hits for 2500 only when it crits, otherwise it hits for 1200-1500.


Tracer Missile cannot be spammed forever because of heat issues.


The Reason Tracer Missile hits really hard is because of the 35% Armor Penetration from the Stance, stacked with the 20% you get by stacking heat signatures.




The Stance itself is actually the overpowered portion of the class, not tracer missile itself.


35% Armor Reduction on every attack is pretty much dead tank.



Please learn how classes work before calling for nerfs.




Because Tracer ignores 55% of the target's armor, it pretty much hits every class for the same amount, its the most sustained damage in the game, none of it is bursty, its almost always about the same amount no matter who your fighting.




I am all for nerfing the stance, since that is what probably needs to happen, because its really the stance that your having an issue with, not the ability.

Edited by Daecollo
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I would personally expect them to learn how to play.1 skill is no PVP,tactics or otherwise,its SPAM.Majority of people are facerolling trooper/bh because of that 1 easy mode skill

Lets see how you all feel when all you come across is a bh/trooper spamming 1 skill OP atks.


Well, that 1 spam button is working. It's pvp when it kills another player, no?

I don't have a problem with the grav round / tracer missle spamming. (Powertech)

I just kinda jet charge to interrupt, punch them in the face, interrupt again, stun, and then **** them.

No problems, all fun

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Level 50 Mercenary in almost full battlemaster hits my friends warrior, who is full battlemaster, IN defensive stance for 1500-1800 damage with tracer missles. Grav rounds is lucky to break 1200 damage.


Maybe because the Grav Round Commando isn't using critical gear, because Grav Round Criticals for 1800-2700.

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Level 50 Mercenary in almost full battlemaster hits my friends warrior, who is full battlemaster, IN defensive stance for 1500-1800 damage with tracer missles. Grav rounds is lucky to break 1200 damage.


There is no imbalance. If you believe there is so adamantly then find a merc and a commando with the same stats and have them attack the same target enough times to get real data.


I've noticed a huge trend by repubs on these forums to try to explain away underperforming in WZs with 'imbalances' of which only about 5% have any validity.


Also, FWIW there are probably just as many imbalances with the mirrors the other way, but Emps who are used to winning all the time don't spend half their playtime try to find any excuse for losing except poor coordination/teamwork/gear.


Obviously I am generalizing (sorry if this doesn't apply to you personally) but there is a definite trend with this attitude.

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