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Why make excuses For MMO's at launch?


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Well what i keep reading in these threads is mostly people making excuses for MMO's at launch, In my understanding MMO means Massivly Multiplayer Online. Soo why do people make excuses for MMO's at launch?


When we buy an MMO game, we do not buy it for constant bugs and things not working as they should. People make too many excuses for these companies and developers of these games.


Does not matter what excuses are going to be said in this thread. I bought this game for fun and it should not matter if i buy this game at launch, or 6 months after launch i should get the same experiance there is no excuse for that.


What is the point of BETA for soo long if launch is not going to be perfect (or atleast close)


People giving theses companies the excuse of ''ALL MMO'S ARE THE SAME AT LAUNCH'' is not the answer. Giving them this excuse lets them bring out MMO's before they are actually ready giving profit from a game that is still in BETA stages.




I have read muliple threads about BW not fixing bugs that were reported in BETA and the bugs are still in game, I blame mostly the '' ALL MMO'S ARE THE SAME AT LAUNCH EXCUSES'' without these the companies and developers would work harder to get the MMO up to scratch before launch.


Ok soo i know i am going to get people hating my opinions and soo on but who agrees with me and why ????????


Thanks for your time and patiance this was bigger than i thought i would have been :)


may the force be with u all :)

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Well what i keep reading in these threads is mostly people making excuses for MMO's at launch, In my understanding MMO means Massivly Multiplayer Online. Soo why do people make excuses for MMO's at launch?


When we buy an MMO game, we do not buy it for constant bugs and things not working as they should. People make too many excuses for these companies and developers of these games.


Does not matter what excuses are going to be said in this thread. I bought this game for fun and it should not matter if i buy this game at launch, or 6 months after launch i should get the same experiance there is no excuse for that.


What is the point of BETA for soo long if launch is not going to be perfect (or atleast close)


People giving theses companies the excuse of ''ALL MMO'S ARE THE SAME AT LAUNCH'' is not the answer. Giving them this excuse lets them bring out MMO's before they are actually ready giving profit from a game that is still in BETA stages.




I have read muliple threads about BW not fixing bugs that were reported in BETA and the bugs are still in game, I blame mostly the '' ALL MMO'S ARE THE SAME AT LAUNCH EXCUSES'' without these the companies and developers would work harder to get the MMO up to scratch before launch.


Ok soo i know i am going to get people hating my opinions and soo on but who agrees with me and why ????????


Thanks for your time and patiance this was bigger than i thought i would have been :)


may the force be with u all :)


Most people are sheep. They have become used to getting an incomplete product, paying full price for it and living with it.


In their world it is the norm, and attack people norm is seen as an attack on themselves.

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Why hold an MMO at launch to standards even MMOs that have existed for years can't meet?


Why hold your children to higher standards then your parents did you, or their parent did them, or so on and so one. So what if you could not make it to college, your child should not be expected to go to college and succeed more then you in life... Shoot why even have standards.....

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Why hold your children to higher standards then your parents did you, or their parent did them, or so on and so one. So what if you could not make it to college, your child should not be expected to go to college and succeed more then you in life... Shoot why even have standards.....


Wait, so your argument is that if your standards aren't impossible, why even have standards?


Would you please try saying something that makes sense instead?

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MMOs are allowed to launch with bugs etc because the games tend to be far larger than single player games. If they waited until the game was bug free the game would never launch.


MMOs will never be bug free, WoW is 7 years old and still filled with bugs because when you add new content, it messes things up.


In a perfect world we should expect a game with 0 bugs but let's be real here, that will never happen with todays technology.



Most people are sheep. They have become used to getting an incomplete product, paying full price for it and living with it.


In their world it is the norm, and attack people norm is seen as an attack on themselves.


This makes absolutely no sense.

Edited by KhealThar
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Wait, so your argument is that if your standards aren't impossible, why even have standards?


Would you please try saying something that makes sense instead?


umm, sorry, you first......?


Your argument boils down to, if other companies did not care about standards why hold other companies to them..


It has nothing to do with if standards are possible or not.

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I blame


There is your problem right there.


You and the haters of the game "blaming" all the time. Persistent and distorted negativity.


Oh, and by the way, they are not "making excuses" for the game, they are trying to have a reasoned converstation with unreasonable people in the forum.


People enjoying the game get tired of a minority of very vocal people who dislike the game constantly flooding the forum with negative complaints and subjective standards of judgement about the game. Yet they will still take the time to reason with such people (which is largely a waste of time, but good people try anyway).

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umm, sorry, you first......?


Your argument boils down to, if other companies did not care about standards why hold other companies to them..


It has nothing to do with if standards are possible or not.


No, my argument is that standards should be reasonable. I kind of said that very clearly.


If any of my tax dollars went to No Child Left Behind I want them back.

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The basic thing is yes it can not be bug free but then why get people doing BETA for soo long if........... the bugs that were reported do not get fixed before launch ?


Because quite simply they are thinking about money before anything else.


Maybe it takes more than a month or two to fix some bugs.


Any WoW fanboy can tell you that blink and vanish still do not work properly.


How long has that been going on, now?

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Well what i keep reading in these threads is mostly people making excuses for MMO's at launch, In my understanding MMO means Massivly Multiplayer Online. Soo why do people make excuses for MMO's at launch?


When we buy an MMO game, we do not buy it for constant bugs and things not working as they should. People make too many excuses for these companies and developers of these games.


Does not matter what excuses are going to be said in this thread. I bought this game for fun and it should not matter if i buy this game at launch, or 6 months after launch i should get the same experiance there is no excuse for that.


What is the point of BETA for soo long if launch is not going to be perfect (or atleast close)


People giving theses companies the excuse of ''ALL MMO'S ARE THE SAME AT LAUNCH'' is not the answer. Giving them this excuse lets them bring out MMO's before they are actually ready giving profit from a game that is still in BETA stages.




I have read muliple threads about BW not fixing bugs that were reported in BETA and the bugs are still in game, I blame mostly the '' ALL MMO'S ARE THE SAME AT LAUNCH EXCUSES'' without these the companies and developers would work harder to get the MMO up to scratch before launch.


Ok soo i know i am going to get people hating my opinions and soo on but who agrees with me and why ????????


Thanks for your time and patiance this was bigger than i thought i would have been :)


may the force be with u all :)


Why say "it's a new game"? Because it's true and that fact is a valid reason.


So far SWTOR's launch has been the smoothes one I've ever experienced or even heard of. Sure, there are bugs, but every MMO has bugs an other issues at launch. In fact every MMO has bugs in them in every stage of their lives, it's part of the nature of MMOs. This is the best explanation I've seen to date.

Edited by Runeshard
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Why say "it's a new game"? Because it's true and that fact is a valid reason.


So far SWTOR's launch has been the smoothes one I've ever experienced or even heard of. Sure, there are bugs, but every MMO has bugs an other issues at launch. In fact every MMO has bugs in them in every stage of their lives, it's part of the nature of MMOs. This is the best explanation I've seen to date.


If windows, a much more complex piece of software crashed constantly, would you not complain?


Software complexity, or x person did it are poor excuses to not hold a company to standards.

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Indeed, they keep buying MMO's at launch even though they know that each time they do they will experience problems, and then proceed to complain about it rather than wait a few months to try/buy it once a few patches hit. ;)


Lol. In November I was telling my friends that I was going to wait a month or two after launch to avoid all the attendant madness and whatnot.


Then I heard they were giving early access to everyone and I preordered the DDE and started playing 2 hours later.

Edited by SamuraBob_Fl
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If windows, a much more complex piece of software crashed constantly, would you not complain?


Software complexity, or x person did it are poor excuses to not hold a company to standards.


Windows is notorious for crashing.


Bad example, m8.


BSOD anyone?

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No, my argument is that standards should be reasonable. I kind of said that very clearly.


If any of my tax dollars went to No Child Left Behind I want them back.


"Why hold an MMO at launch to standards even MMOs that have existed for years can't meet? "


Where does any of that say that standards should be reasonable?? at best you are trying to *imply it, not state it. And you did a very poor job of it.


Maybe you should ask for your parents money back as well.


Anyways, MMO companies dont even meet the basics of the IEEEs professional standards, which are very reasonable.

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I agree with you 100%. I'm also tired of both types of posts on this forums the dev defending ones and I'm canceling my sub ones.


I've played a few mmos in my time, at launch or post launch. The only things that bugs me in this game is the armour variety. I hated it when I've hit 400 on armourmech and synthweaver to see that I can create only few armour archetypes from which there are a lot of recolors.


Besides that i feel like I'm playing beta. And to people that say there are no game breaking bugs, my main is a JG and I feel like I'm going to puke when i see that large thing under the robe of my char that makes it look like if it had a bump 3x the size of J LO's booty.


I would love this game not to fail, as it can be something big, but I won't pay 15$/month to beta test it for next 6 months

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