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Modable belts and bracers?


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Saw a pair of orange SW bracers drop theother day. Only issue was the game seemed to treat it as a white item. So when it dropped in my group of 4 it was looted as if it was a white item no rolls nothing it just went tot he person that clicked the body also no color coded light beam. Looked like a normal grer trash drop light beam.
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Was very lucky on my juggernaut, the first character I made at the launch, in that I found an orange heavy belt off ah for only 5000 creds. I was around level 14, and the belt had a very low requirement as well, somewhere around that level. Didn't even know those were rare; just thought I'd buy it seeing how I was a cybertech anyway and could make my own mods.


Then when playing him on Voss, I found orange inquisitor bracers for level 43 off some random elite I believe.


VERY rarely have I seen orange bracers/belts in the auction house. I always check the ah through for gear my alts could use, but I haven't come across any that I'd need since that belt on day 1 or 2. I saw some smuggler bracers the other day, but that wasn't very helpful to me.

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People.. do yourself a favor.




It even says on the logo .. Torhead BETA .. as in, all of their information comes from the BETA version of the game. Furthermore, what isn't from the Beta is entirely datamined ..


Torhead is LITTERED with titles, codex entries, quests, and the like that are all NOT available in the non-beta version of the game. It's worse than useless because of the level of misinformation.


There ARE no bracers or belts available that are Sentinel/Marauder specific yet. A developer (don't remember when) has said before that those items are not currently available. I think it was in the Sentinel forums at one point.


Anyone who says otherwise... proof or it didn't happen. Thousands of Sentinel players, not one with a bracer/belt, afaik. Screenshot proof or it doesn't exist.

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People.. do yourself a favor.


There ARE no bracers or belts available that are Sentinel/Marauder specific yet. A developer (don't remember when) has said before that those items are not currently available. I think it was in the Sentinel forums at one point.




This thread is about orange gear where only light-medium-heavy matters and not the class. Just remod it the way you want it for your class and spec.

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This thread is about orange gear where only light-medium-heavy matters and not the class. Just remod it the way you want it for your class and spec.



Orange bracers and belts can have class requirements so yes his statement applies. Sentinels/Marauders do NOT have orange specific medium bracers/belts that are droppable. The only medium bracer/belt there is are class specific to the other medium users (smugglers).

Edited by GellonSW
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Orange bracers and belts can have class requirements so yes his statement applies. Sentinels/Marauders do NOT have orange specific medium bracers/belts that are droppable. The only medium bracer/belt there is are class specific to the other medium users (smugglers).


incorrect, there are orange droppable bracers that are specific to sentinels/smugglers, and there are orange droppable bracers that are specific to marauders/agents. They can be obtained through low-level treasure hunting, and are 2 slot level 15 minimum items.

I know that there is also a specific marauder/agent orange belt, level 17.. and although I have not personally gotten one (they ARE rare drops after all) I am certain that there is a republic version as well.

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incorrect, there are orange droppable bracers that are specific to sentinels/smugglers, and there are orange droppable bracers that are specific to marauders/agents. They can be obtained through low-level treasure hunting, and are 2 slot level 15 minimum items.

I know that there is also a specific marauder/agent orange belt, level 17.. and although I have not personally gotten one (they ARE rare drops after all) I am certain that there is a republic version as well.


Nope, we were told in our forum that there are no Sentinel specific belts.


Sentinels and Marauders were the last class to be completed and were rushed that is why they have so many more issues than other classes.

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incorrect, there are orange droppable bracers that are specific to sentinels/smugglers, and there are orange droppable bracers that are specific to marauders/agents. They can be obtained through low-level treasure hunting, and are 2 slot level 15 minimum items.

I know that there is also a specific marauder/agent orange belt, level 17.. and although I have not personally gotten one (they ARE rare drops after all) I am certain that there is a republic version as well.


not sure if u are trolling or not. please read the item description in game. just because its medium doesnt mean marauders can use it. Just because its sith warrior it doesnt mean marauders can use it.


It needs to be BOTH medium and usable by sith warriors not one of them. again i have been asking u for ss ever since u said they exist plz post em and prove everyone wrong instead of saying they exist with no proof.


and no just because its in some site's database doesnt mean its in game.

Edited by dudexx
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I'm looking for orange heavy bracers but I refuse to pay 300-500k for them, which seems to be the going rate on my server, despite being able to easily afford it. Just the principle of the matter since I'm pretty positive the 1.2 patch will change things.


What zone/mobs would be my best shot at trying to score one?

Edited by TheLakers
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Treasure Hunting is a god way to get these items. they DO in fact exist for Marauders as well. though rare, hey are there.I still have a heavy armor belt saved for a future Jugg I plan on making, but the medium armor is definitely harder to come by it SEEMS. If you can't find the belts or bracers, the next best thing is Master Crafted purple belts and bracers AT LEVEL. and MC'ed items can actually last you a good 5-10 levels depending on the stats and availability of next level tier gears. Heck, even some of the blues are decent for a level or 2 until you can upgrade appropriately. But just make sure the stats are beneficial enough to warrant wearing a blue item. I REFUSE to wear a green item except on a low level alt that is under level 15. At that point I'm usually crafting orange gear or Treasure Hunting for it on my 50's so I have a group/FP ready toon that can pull its own weight in a group. Just because they aren't on the GTN doesn't mean they don't exist! Misinformation like that is insane and a sign of laziness on the poster's part. Some people horde that stuff anyhow for a rainy day to put on the GTN. Let the other stuff sell so they can monopolize the market for those items for a day or so before it fills back up again. Some people are like me and horde gear for future alts. We get everything ready then make the alt so its a fast road to 50. Do some work. Put a little effort into it. You may find items exist instead of presuming and making unfounded statements here.
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not another one these people.. quit saying they exist without any proof. read up on the marauder/sentinel forums.


No one has ever provided a SS when asked for one after claiming they saw one.. just post a SS of an orange bracer. There are thousands of marauders and sentinels one of them has to have it equipped if they do exist. GTN is not the only way u can find proof.


anyways im tired of arguing with u guys. i would love for it to exist since i got a marauder myself but it just doesnt

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1st, currently 3/4 of my chars have both moddable bracers and moddable belt.


they were supperb for leveling AND with lvl 52mods they were better than columni statwise.


on my main, i even had the luck to drop a 58armoring off karagga, so using a 58armoring/56mod atm it is far better than any rakata.


waiting to get a second armoring, and allong with 2 58lvl mods that i can easily pick out from spare rakata drops they should be bis.


as far as marauders/sents, i believe the first pair of maddable bracers for my smuggler were indeed just "medium" armor without restrictions of base class (the IA ones i got much further and they are IA only i think)

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A friend of mine looted a moddable bounty hunter belt from a random NPC on Hoth. Players have also seen them drop on Quesh. They are random and apparently very rare. Not seen any bracers on the market, but they are out there.
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got my inq belt from a strong mob on quesh. got a consular belt from a blue box i bought with commendations from god knows where but it was a lower level zone. got a smugglers belt from a blue box reward in my low 40s not sure on the planet for this one either.


there has to be a farmable way to get them as i have seen several on the gtn from the same people covering different classes at the same time for the same level. on my server they go for 100 to 250k. thanks to a link from a post above i now know where and how.


wrists appear to be more rare.


both are class specific meaning none of the 20 plus i have seen on the gtn were just light, medium or heavy armor only. this doesnt mean they dont exist however.


as far as bis i have mixed feelings about this. you have two mod slots but the enhancement mods are the ones loaded with specials like surge, defense, crit, power and etc which they dont have. a well re superior purple will have alot more of these stats than the belt/wrists will ever have. BUT the base stat plus endurance will be lower. for a dps class the extra base stat can be a better choice but for a tank or healer having a signicant defense or alacrity increase might be a better choice.


good luck out there getting these.

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A friend of mine looted a moddable bounty hunter belt from a random NPC on Hoth. Players have also seen them drop on Quesh. They are random and apparently very rare. Not seen any bracers on the market, but they are out there.


On Hoth I looted RD-17A Hellfire Bracers that I plan on posting on the GTN in a couple days when I'm able to log in again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
incorrect, there are orange droppable bracers that are specific to sentinels/smugglers, and there are orange droppable bracers that are specific to marauders/agents. They can be obtained through low-level treasure hunting, and are 2 slot level 15 minimum items.

I know that there is also a specific marauder/agent orange belt, level 17.. and although I have not personally gotten one (they ARE rare drops after all) I am certain that there is a republic version as well.


incorrect, there are only orange droppable bracers that are specific for SMUGGLER on the republic side. There are no jedi knight/sentinel medium bracers in game. do not use torhead for reference.

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Found an orange belt from the GTN and then while in Taris got another from a loot, but it was for a Sith (I'm BH). So, I put the Sith one in the GTN for 1k and it was sold in no time, lol.


That's because they are worth several hundred thousand (at least on my server). They are best in slot currently (better than rakata) and are a very rare item.

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I've seen two pairs of modable bracers drop before, and I'm wearing one of them on an alt. The reason I didn't sell it was because it was, quite frankly, worthless on the auction house at the time. Not sure why, but it was not selling, even at the incredibly cheap price I was offering it. So, I decided to use it instead. Edited by TheRealBowser
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