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The real reason Empire is more popular than Republic


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He looked cool and originally didn't talk, so you're all like, whats this guy all about? Then he fell into a giant lady part with teeth and died. What more could you want from a character?


But then George had to go all backstory on him. To this day, I wish that when he picked up his father's helmet a head hell out.

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I must agree. My greatest sorrow when running the class quest line on Voss was that I could not loot the Sith guy's wonderful Scottish accent after killing him. Oh, and that one Imperial officer on Hoth who's working with the Republic to take down the White Maw Pirates. DAMN, I want that accent.


Lanniter Droge on Droman Kaas (quest is Black Science). When his holo started talking all I could think was "Scots in Space!" Then I got all annoyed because I couldn't find out who his voice actor is.


And for anyone who wants to hear why a Scottish accent is oh so loverly.. check this short video of my favorite Scottish voice in action.


Tell me he's voicing Republic characters and I'll go Republic before you can say lightsaber.

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Boba Fett disagrees


No way is Boba Fett more popular than Darth Vader...you mean the same Vader who ranks top 10 on most greatest villain lists? The one whose mask is recognizable by mostly anyone?


Fett is popular though, but if you asked a non-star wars fan who he is they may have heard of him if they haven't forgotten.

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I play sith because I like to roleplay. I don't want to be a goody goody like I am in real life. In real life I'm an activist and I am constantly getting signatures and going to protests and all that ****. In star wars I want to play as part of the evil empire, not spend my time opposing it like in real life.
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The sith are rife with controversy (political scheming, assassinations, etc), don't really have any moral standards (it all depends on the individual, of course) and have an expansionist mindset made of awesome. They are ruthless and controversial, and therefore... interesting.


The Republic doesn't really have that. I stopped playing my Jedi Shadow after level 11 because I found Coruscant boring ("Kill the bad guys" was the narrative I saw). There isn't as much of a 'gray area' as there should be.


I wanted my character to be able to slowly go over to the dark side -- through compassion/emotion, and not through evil. This isn't an option - to go to the dark side you need to be selfish and start off evil (which makes no sense for a jedi, seeing as if you act like that they kick you out during training, considering how they kicked out two people for being in a romantic relationship.).


There's no controversy or grey area; it's dull. We should have an evil Empire which often also does good and a good Republic that often also does evil, through whatever means; intention does not equal results, so make them have good/evil wishes but end up doing the opposite of what they're wishing. It's not TOO hard, jeez. ._.


TLDR: No real conflict in the Republic, while that's all the Empire is.

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TLDR: No real conflict in the Republic, while that's all the Empire is.


Lol Republic is full of defectors/traitors and corrupt politicians/bureaucrats who like to gain power or credits. Should try trooper.

Edited by Seravie
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My reason is that I feel its more gratifying to shock people with lightning than it is to pick up dirt and throw it in their face.


I base my decision on animations tbh. The only republic character I would play would be the gunslinger. Love the sound of the blaster pistols and the visuals are just more appealing to me than what the Sniper mirror class offers.

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The sith are rife with controversy (political scheming, assassinations, etc), don't really have any moral standards (it all depends on the individual, of course) and have an expansionist mindset made of awesome. They are ruthless and controversial, and therefore... interesting.


The Republic doesn't really have that. I stopped playing my Jedi Shadow after level 11 because I found Coruscant boring ("Kill the bad guys" was the narrative I saw). There isn't as much of a 'gray area' as there should be.


I wanted my character to be able to slowly go over to the dark side -- through compassion/emotion, and not through evil. This isn't an option - to go to the dark side you need to be selfish and start off evil (which makes no sense for a jedi, seeing as if you act like that they kick you out during training, considering how they kicked out two people for being in a romantic relationship.).


There's no controversy or grey area; it's dull. We should have an evil Empire which often also does good and a good Republic that often also does evil, through whatever means; intention does not equal results, so make them have good/evil wishes but end up doing the opposite of what they're wishing. It's not TOO hard, jeez. ._.


TLDR: No real conflict in the Republic, while that's all the Empire is.


Except that this is completely false, and there is a ton of conflict, corruption, power grabs, and grey area within the Republic storylines. Including both class stories as well as world quests.


To be honest, the Empire side probably has less grey area. Do you kill someone instantly, or slowly torture them to death? That is the crux of a good many light/dark choices on the Imperial side.


If the entirety of the Republic story can be summed up by "kill the bad guys," then most certainly the exact same sentiment of "kill the good guys" can be paralleled in the Imperial stories. You're sent to stop rebellion, after rebellion... after rebellion. Unless you're sent to stop malfunctioning droids, who have risen up against their masters.. oh wait, that's just more rebellion.


Most major story arcs in TOR, regardless of faction:


NPC: "Go kill those rebels."

PC: "Ok, done."

NPC: "Not good enough, go find out who was supplying them."

PC: "I have some bad news. It was the Republic/Empire secretly funding the rebels."

NPC: "What?! Well, you better go kill them too."



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The main problem I see is that the Republic side is modeled after that that idiotic United Nations in space we saw in the prequel movies. You know, the guys who put us to sleep? If it had been modeled to be more like the Rebels in the original trilogy (and video games like Dark Forces, Shadows of the Empire, etc) I think they would definitely have more people willing to sign on.
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The main problem I see is that the Republic side is modeled after that that idiotic United Nations in space we saw in the prequel movies. You know, the guys who put us to sleep? If it had been modeled to be more like the Rebels in the original trilogy (and video games like Dark Forces, Shadows of the Empire, etc) I think they would definitely have more people willing to sign on.




There is a lot of truth to this.

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Lets look at the class storylines (first 10 levels or so). I've played most of them.



Sith Warrior: Surrounded by jealous equals and set up as a pawn between two Sith superiors. You are forced to prove yourself by climbing over the bodies of other neonates. No allies, no support, only your own brutal will to live.


Sith Inquisitor: Treated like dirt for being an ex-slave, sent out on missions by a superior who wants you to fail. Hatred is literally the fuel you must use to rise above your enemies. Vindication and victory, your enemies humbled and the lamentations of their apprentices as you leave Korriban.


Imperial Agent: Sent undercover as a killer merc working to trick the Hutts into joining the Empire. You are literally James Bond in space. There is nothing but win in this.


Bounty Hunter: A rather limp "Trying to get a place in some competition". I found this boring and the recurring enemy silly. Very ho hum. Still Rocket punch & death from above are pure joy to use.



Smuggler: I have a ship! Which I leave unlocked. And empty. In a war torn port. Oh noes, it got stolen! Apparently I am a moron. I see I'll be spending the next 15 or so levels just trying to get back to what I started the game with.


Trooper: Special Forces, Best of the Best, time travelling Shepard from Earth. Awesome. Loved it. Best rep class story by far. Pity the class seems to have some of the most broken power animations I've seen to date.


Jedi: Only played the Jedi Knight one. Sent to a planet to train with Jedi masters. Other students get attacked by space orks. For some reason the Jedi send me (a student) out to save them. With a trainee blade. I literally walk past a line of lightsaber wielding Jedi who apparently have better things to do that save students.


What a bunch of *****. This does not make me feel the Jedi are righteous. Next stop, poor starving refugee village literally down the road from the massive Jedi temple/HQ.


There is no real sense of a story, just wandering from place to place wondering what the heck the other Jedi were doing while innocent people are dying right outside their HQ.


I mean at least with the Sith you know why they allow thieves, murderers and monsters to prey on their students. Its because the Empire is a brutal meritocracy, if you die its because you're weak and this is how the Sith weed out the weak. The Jedi have no excuse and its bad story writing to set up a plot that relies on the Jedi not caring about others.




Empire gets better class stories that start on more interesting planets. Shock horror, more people play Empire.

Edited by Moitteva
inappropriate content (political)
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No, it's because kids think it's cool to play as the bad guys, when in reality the good guys always win.



We have been living in two different realities.



I play Empire because my friend did, also because of ULTIMATE POWWAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

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