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The real reason Empire is more popular than Republic


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Case in point, friend... Lot of negativity towards the empire players but why not illustrate reasons to roll republic?


I made no case for you... I'm just saying look through the thread or the first few pages of this section, half truths and outright lies are their justifications, or arguments regarding canon.

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looool! It doesn't have **** to do with the accents XD Do you really think people choose faction and thus class based on the few minutes of VO that comes with it?


The reason is that dark and sinister has always been more mysterious and thus intriguing than ever-good and self-sacrificing. There's a reason why villains are often perceive as more cool than heroes.

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So many theories, when the truth is out there for all to see...


British accents are sexier than American accents.


End of story.




Simply yes.


I have said this forever.




Especially Malavai Quinn's.



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Boba Fett, I'm not sure he spoke? Can't remember, however, I'm pretty sure if he did he would have had the voice of Jeremy Bullock (Boba actor), also my dad's best friend at school, my dad was best friends with Boba Fett...this fact always makes my nerdy insides warm and fuzzy.


He did speak with a sexy growly voice that the BH in this game sort of sounds like. I was disappointed that they dubbed over Boba's voice in the special edition of the original trilogy.




Simply yes.


I have said this forever.




Especially Malavai Quinn's.






Quinn's the reason I first rolled a SW.

And he's the reason I want to run through the SW story again.

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Because Bioware spent half as much effort designing Republic as they did Empire.

Everything about Republic feels half-baked and unfinished.

That and the endless commercials and videos hyping up Empire.


Basically this is a repeat of the Warhammer fiasco.

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He did speak with a sexy growly voice that the BH in this game sort of sounds like. I was disappointed that they dubbed over Boba's voice in the special edition of the original trilogy.






Quinn's the reason I first rolled a SW.

And he's the reason I want to run through the SW story again.


Geez. All the ladies fawning over Quinn? Even after

that little turncoat tried to kill you?! I seriously couldn't believe that. One of the crazier plot twists in the SW storyline.


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Lanniter Droge on Droman Kaas (quest is Black Science). When his holo started talking all I could think was "Scots in Space!" Then I got all annoyed because I couldn't find out who his voice actor is.


And for anyone who wants to hear why a Scottish accent is oh so loverly.. check this short video of my favorite Scottish voice in action.


Tell me he's voicing Republic characters and I'll go Republic before you can say lightsaber.


Anyone ever figure out who the voice actor on Lammiter is? I've done the quest a few time and the first part of it always sounds like Paul McGillion to me.

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Frankly I really want to play smuggler over IA, I love the story and voice acting of the smuggler but seriously 90% of smuggler armor sets are capes and I can't stand that art direction. (If they put in hide cape option, id switch immediately)


The agent on the other hand has 0 capes, its either a trench coat or tight leather suit, which on a female just looks AWESOME. Having said that, not digging the story.


For anyone who prefers a good laugh I'd honestly recommend the smuggler, as long as you can stand those damn capes.

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Seems that the british are always the evil guys in the game :(. Can't complain i love the empire :D. On a serious note however, more people picked empire (statistically) for the sole reason anyone prefers bad guys to light guys (majority of the time) we are human and we are all evil ****** and i love it :).
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yep, kids will always roll Horde


One thing from an old WoW player, that started heppening only after Burning Crusade. Before that there was a severe imbalance towards Alliance, then the Blood Elves came along and every kid who wish he could be "Legolas" switched sides.


Now, on the topic at hand. It's simple, it's the storylines, the Imperial ones are umpredictable, full of plot twists and you can expect everything from everyone, there's more feeling of real "danger". With the republic, what i saw is that the stories are more straightforward, and that is cool, but at the same time there's less mistery.

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inquisitors have lightning/consulars throw rocks

smugglers have capes for no reason/agents have trenchcoat and a bigger gun

trooper is the universal generic gi character/bounty hunter is elite killer for hire

Knights hold people/warriors choke people

republic armor is lighly colored inspirational stuff/imperial armor strikes fear into its enemies

agent ship looks cooler than smugglers

assassins can charge their lightsabers with visible lightning guess what shadows get

jedi knight story is about becoming a noble champion and saving people and swatting down the bad guy (every rpg story ever) /sith warrior story is more like game of thrones

empire has passion/republic has serenity (really hard to be psyched about not being able to be psyched)


this is my list of why people like empire more.

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So many theories, when the truth is out there for all to see...


British accents are sexier than American accents.


End of story.


That's logic right there. :D


In my opinion however, I prefer playing as a dark-side Republic character over a Dark Side Empire character. Here's why:


1. A Dark Side Republic Character is someone who gets what he/she wants by any means possible. They betray and kill people, they threaten the innocent, and are very unpredictable. The Character has reasoning behind their actions and believes it is justified, and sometimes it is.


2. A Dark Side Empire Chgaracter is just like a Dark-Side Republic Character. The only difference is that half the time there is no reasoning behind their Evil. It's Kill, Threaten, and Betray because he/she can, not because it helps them in any way. It's not the justifiable evils that the republic characters have, It's like playing as a sadistic, cruel, stereotypical bad-guy.

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I truly think there is a bigger factor at work here. Higher than the lore of Star Wars. In most games those that are perceived as evil or bad are flocked to by the masses. I think it strikes at the heart of mankind and is really a look into ourselves. Those dark corners in our minds that we are told not to touch in real life. It is the same reason we need to outlaw murder. The fact that it needs to be written down that murder is wrong is a true vision of mans true self. Here in the virtual world we are allowed to act on these thoughts and feelings by living vicariously through our avatars. The urge of man is to hurt, kill, and destroy. It took thousands of years before we could create civilized culture that forced us against ourselves and our instincts as predators. Many people think on the surface that it is cool to be bad, but upon deeper inspection we have to wonder WHY? Why is it cooler to be bad? This question is only answered by our long lost ancestors that used murder, hate, and rage to survive in an inhospitable world. Where nature had evolved creatures with claws that could rip us in half and reflexes that could snatch us up in an instant. This is who we really are and only when we can push past this can we be truly advanced......


....or People like lightning bolts and red shiny laser swords.



Edited by underdogwin
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That's logic right there. :D


In my opinion however, I prefer playing as a dark-side Republic character over a Dark Side Empire character. Here's why:


1. A Dark Side Republic Character is someone who gets what he/she wants by any means possible. They betray and kill people, they threaten the innocent, and are very unpredictable. The Character has reasoning behind their actions and believes it is justified, and sometimes it is.


2. A Dark Side Empire Chgaracter is just like a Dark-Side Republic Character. The only difference is that half the time there is no reasoning behind their Evil. It's Kill, Threaten, and Betray because he/she can, not because it helps them in any way. It's not the justifiable evils that the republic characters have, It's like playing as a sadistic, cruel, stereotypical bad-guy.



I disagree, my DS empire character is dark sdie II but has LS choices mixed in too, every choice he made had a reason behind it.... yet he is still bad *** and someone not to cross.

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