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Everything posted by Diresith

  1. This is false, at least for normal mode flashpoints. I was in the process of gearing up my alt BH's companion Mako so I had my brother, who is also a BH help me grind out Hammer Station. It 8 runs we had 4 non BH drops total. 4. Total. Every other times it was BH gear. Now considering that there are 3 bosses, that comes out to 24 possible drops. That would mean bounty hunter gear NORMALLY drops 83% of the time? Really? If it was 100% random I should have seen one frigging piece Mako could use in 8 bloody runs. My solution was to have my IA friend run me through a couple of times, and look all of a sudden IA gear drops just as often as BH gear.
  2. I think its 2 reasons, first people prefer evil characters. Second, style. Empire has miles and miles of style.
  3. Exactly! The codex entries, alot of stuff, particularly titles was removed and they never updated it. I to was trying to collect em all and then I did some research on what I was missing, and found out, that yea never gonna happen.
  4. I got very lucky and got the blademaster bracers and belt off the ah, but I have never seen em up again.
  5. Salsa pretty much hit the nail on the head. There is a very good reason that the New Jedi Order (what Luke Skywalker founds for those of you not familiar with the EU) is fully ok with jedi getting married. Half the masters are married, including 2 married couples sitting on the council. Also correct me if I am wrong, but I had HEARD, heard being the key word, that the same sex relationships got the X cause it would have bumped the rating up to M.
  6. Yea I agree that the LS Jaesa needs an overhaul, not just adding the romance but her story is kinda strange, since when am I for turning the Sith Empire into the Republic? First time I saw the idea mentioned was from her. I am an honorable warrior, but I still believe in conquering the galaxy, by the sword as needed.
  7. *cough* Smuggler, Risha and Akavi Spaar *cough* Akavi is kinda butch admittedly but still.
  8. Yea the lack of a light side romance I found really disappointing. I thought the fact that you could make her go LS or DS was fantastic and I was really looking forward to doing the LS romance, was leveling away to get there, and then I found out it wasn't an option. Pretty disappointing. Haven't worked up the desire to hop back on that toon since.
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