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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Problems with PvP


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Valor 30-59, usually reach Lv 50 somewhere here, grind for RNG based Champ bags to open 10-20 empty bags. Great feeling of euphoria baby! 1 bag = 800 WZ commendations, ~80-100 per win, so about 10 wins = 1 bag. Each match ~10-15 mins. That's about 2 hours+ per lottery ticket.


You must be Republic. Imperials spent about 2-3 hours doing this phase on Ilum.

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totally signed


they spend 5 years for this 3 WZ´s and the joke of Ilum and are basically just

doing the same stupid failures every last mmo had...


not to mention the stupid rewards and the armor clones, i have paid for this month

but its probably the last month.


I dont see any solution how you could fix this mess, your engine cant even handle 30 players in one area without having 5 fps ...

Edited by SwordoftheStars
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This thread d escribes everything we dislike about this game.


WHY do the armors looks the same for ALL the classes, only different colors?


CAN THE Game developers start listening to the crowd and give us/you a successful game.


WHY ohh whyyy the random bags? just spent 5 hours to get 4 bags , opened them up , and i got 3x marks of each bag and 4.5k creditz, HOW COOOOOOOOOOOOL MOM PLZZ.. NO its not cool. its insulting. like someone mentioned here,


Why the lottery for pvp? WHY!

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I don't think you'd get the point until you have obtained full battlemaster and realise how fruitless and unrewarding the system is.


For the record also, 6 medal equates to absolutely horrible performance. Many classes, as you said especially with the defense medals, can get 10-13 medals with 10 being easily gotten. Objectives does not grant proper obj. points nor does it rewards you as much as medals.


The two defining factor is win/lose and how many medals you got, it does not matter if you scored 5 times, whether you are a great team player, or any other points you can bring. I don't think it is necessary to go too in-depth and you should be able to see how bad the PvP system is.


By titles I meant to write achievement, my bad. Oh by the way, go figure out the hundreds of hours it takes to get up 10 valor ranks to only get a title from rank 60 onwards. Also, I think you got your facts completely misconstrued. You get absolutely NOTHING from hitting valor 60. You just unlock the ability to open Battlemaster bags at two a day, which could just result in many empty bags.


There is absolutely no point in PvP'ing after 60 other than 'for fun'. From a PvP'er perspectives this becomes nothing more than Team Fortress 2 warzone. In fact TF2 is even better, it's competitive, has stats tracking, (lol hats galore), and waaay smooth.


It's great news that they're fixing the combat responsiveness in 1.1.1, but based on the performance so far, don't expect too much. It'd probably break more things or wouldn't even fix it.


What do you expect? that there will be a never ending supply of pvp gear improvement after each 10 levels of valor of 60? Get real, thats never going to happen. Once you have collected everything then yes you play for fun and wait till they release new stuff for you to get pvp wise. Just like PvE waits for there new operations after they geared them self outs etc.

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He gets paid to do it so yes, he is a professional.


Ah, glad to see we agree, friend.


So a mysterious old Russian man has been paying me to develop cold fusion.


We've made huge breakthroughs but the oil companies just wont let us come to the light of day with it.

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Champion Bags being RNG loot is just common sense, really. You think if you go into PvE you have a sure drop? You think? Think you won't get doubles? It is just as RNG, but PvP'ers tend to think, that they are special for some reason and deserve steady upgrades.


Of course you could go with steady upgrades in direct correlation with time spend, but you couldn't do the same with PvE, because whatever you do in warzones you won't go unrewarded. If you lose in PvE you get no shot at loot at all.


Both are similar important and to assure, that you don't get something faster in PvE or PvP they took the RNG factor of PvE and translated it onto PvP.


If you would just take the time to think about both aspects, then you would even come to realize, that PvE and PvP has about the same amount of shots at T3 gear per week.


And I fully agree, the pvp armors are certainly designed by the PvP developer... That ain't a totally different department.


All you will be achieving by flaming the RNG is for people, that come after you to get it easier. I hope you realize that and by then you guys will be the first to flame how hard you had to grind and bla bla bla to get it.


RNG is not a bad thing at all. I like it the way it is and I am not super lucky getting my full set of champion gear on my toons by about valor rank 59. If any side would obtain epics more efficient then the other, then you would people see doing it all the *****ng time and then go PvP or PvE to minimalize their effort.



I thought the argument was that expertise existed due to this highlighted scenario.

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The PVP in this game is unbalance and broken. It was not thought through very well and the implementation of Ilum serves as a indicator to that.


PVP only make you frustrated in this game and is not a fun experience at all. HUTTBALL was an outstanding idea, but how many time can you play just that over and over due toi the fact there are no REPULIC plkayers.


Class abilities are very unbalanced. The ques system is generic and doesn't even try to balance the teams out at all.



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Don't want to be a developer, then just shut it with the name calling and telling there idiots or horrible at there job. Do you hear me saying your crap at your job? No, then just shut it.


Yeah you have the right to complain about the things you arent happy with, that however does not give you the right or a freecard for all I care to insult people.


sorta agree here


noone gets on a thread that congratulates devs for a good job saying "stop, they just did their job"


sometimes a kick up the proverbial backside is needed.


i mean come on, this game has been developed for ages, they could have had some of these issues sorted.

saying that, if they do get through some of these issues then there could be a solid game here

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It seems they absorbed EA Mythic due to designing PvP content but - these guys screwed their own game before... So how they can be of use for BW??


Just compare both games:

  • Boring scenario grinding for getting crappy armor sets is meant to be fun - check.


  • Poor Open PvP Design - check.


  • Useless Valor Ranks - check.


and so on and so forth...


Geeee, I would give nearly anything to have a pvp content comparable to Dark Age of Camelot, where my rewards where realm points for abilities and not blasted item sets. Where Open PvP made sense for the last time...

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Have to kinda agree with OP... I wouldnt complain if there was at least some neat stat tracking for end game! Yes, just playing for the sake of pvp is fun too but when they say it took about 6 years of development and thats then what you get? I simply dunno, what our stance on this should be... Edited by MEdiKLEZ
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The PVP in this game is unbalance and broken. It was not thought through very well and the implementation of Ilum serves as a indicator to that.


PVP only make you frustrated in this game and is not a fun experience at all. HUTTBALL was an outstanding idea, but how many time can you play just that over and over due toi the fact there are no REPULIC plkayers.


Class abilities are very unbalanced. The ques system is generic and doesn't even try to balance the teams out at all.




Unfortunately this is true. I would also like to add, remove the damn stuns from the game, fix the lag in pvp, playing in illum with 2-3 fps is not my idea of fun, don´t allow stealth classes to disappear in combat, don´t allow players to leave warzone while in combat, or enter warzone while in combat.

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System feels tact on and lacking any polish...


The RNG gear system is by far one of the most counter productive systems I've ever seen as a REWARD. Its simply punishing to have to even open one of those turds.


And Ilum....yeah delete that plz.


Combat responsiveness ..... What that is? Is that where the game does what you tell it to? Ha it's just like gearing up, pushing abilities are totally RNG...Maybe they work or maybe they don't.

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I agree on most points but it should be noted that PvP Lead Dev has practically nothing to do with the art of the gear. That is, well, the art team. He just came up with zones, mechanics, how long to grind etc etc.


Art team needs it own thread. I'm a synthweaver and I can't even make any cool unique looking orange gear or anything. It is a travesty.

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