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Why are so many people against Arena in Swtor?


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so you are wrong. also, duel is not a valid option. please explain how i can duel a player of the opposite faction? NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE. even if you get into a duel on ilum, people will just come over and interupt it.




May I point you to a nice little spot I like to call Outlaw's Den?


PvP free-for-all zone. Shoot em up. Not only can you kill the other side, you can even shoot your own faction up for good measure- so you can fight ANYONE and kill them.


arenas dont HAVE to be for gear.


stop assuming that everything done in this game HAS to mirror wow.




What's worse is, you can actually TALK to the other faction in SWTOR. So no excuses on arranging someplace to go duel! There's about six zillion empty spots both factions can fight in, and Outlaw's Den even lets you kill your own faction for good measure, should someone be a pain in the rear and interrupt you can BOTH turn around and blast his head off! Med centers nice and close- as in right there in the Den.


There's your arena-without-gear-or-ratings. Go pwn some noobs. You're right, WoW Arena is fail and Bioware put a no-holds-barred arena for fights right there, ready for all the dueling you can handle, against anyone, either faction, any time.

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Everyone knows the people against arenas are the ones that are bad, they prefer anonymiously zerging in Warzones where they can blame the other randoms for a loose.


Arenas mercilessly reveal the lacking skill of a player, something which is a horrible thought for gamers that overestimate themselfes, which makes up the main chunk of the players.

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Originally Posted by TripleAstyle

Ive dabbled in WOW arena with a druid/lock combo.... ..


IF THEY ADD ARENAS, why not just have BETTING/GAMBLING for credits be the reward? Possibly teams can challenge and wager eachother, with NO GEAR rewards. This will eliminate any "extra" grind, while giving the top teams notoriety and some extra ching!


Really what would the argument be with this? Other than crybaby arena teams saying they want more... this is the MMO lifestyle though.


I really like this idea, I'd take this over gear.



Seriously not enough discussion on my topic! Really what issues would this cause other than what I stated, I think its worth a thought?



Gambling laws cant possibly even be in play for the fella that mentioned it---- there is no real currency exchange, its virtual money, the same as "free" online poker...

Edited by TripleAstyle
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Arenas mercilessly reveal the lacking skill of a player, something which is a horrible thought for gamers that overestimate themselfes, which makes up the main chunk of the players.


No, arena shows what comps beat other comps. It has nothing to do with someone having skills in warzones but not having skills arena's. Every comp in SWTOR arena would have a sage/sorc and a vanguard / powertech. The 3rd filler would just be how your team feels works best with the other 2.

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No, arena shows what comps beat other comps. It has nothing to do with someone having skills in warzones but not having skills arena's. Every comp in SWTOR arena would have a sage/sorc and a vanguard / powertech. The 3rd filler would just be how your team feels works best with the other 2.


Even the comps considered the worst can reach 2300+ in wow.


Player skill is so much more important then which class is played.


If you are a great player you will succeed, only at the very highest cutting edge top of the ladder does comps and minmaxing become the main factor.


Apart from that if comp is sooo important then warzones would have preferred classes also, resulting in the same problem.

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No, arena shows what comps beat other comps. It has nothing to do with someone having skills in warzones but not having skills arena's. Every comp in SWTOR arena would have a sage/sorc and a vanguard / powertech. The 3rd filler would just be how your team feels works best with the other 2.


Im sorry but anyone whos played an MMO in the last 5 years or so has to know... the nerf bat makes its rounds constantly due to the player base input good or bad. Classes go Overpowered to Underpowered in a single patch. As long as they dont balance the game around arena I dont see an issue with adding it for bragging rights, but is that even possible???....


Really Bragging rights in my opinion add alot to the game. I really like world PvP which doesn't seem to exist anymore. But-- the fact its a random 1v1 fight tooth and nail encounter makes it exciting everytime. I think competition drives a person and whenever a game can draw in players in this way they wil profit.

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What is your point in spamming this link? I am watching an arena tournament right now, and I am seeing several different comps.


i'm sure you are. i mean out of the 53 comps possible there are a whole 3 comps that make up the top 50%+ of arena teams right now. clearly comp isn't important. rofl

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This argument about arenas are meaningless, and we just have to simmer down and wait for something to happen. Arguing about the pros and cons will have very little effect on the decision the devs have. If they want arena in the game, it will be by their choice, and they will design it to suit their needs. If there is never any arenas, and you want them, tough luck. Go to another game. Thats the simplest solution.
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Anyone who was successful at arena enjoyed it. There is a large population of people who want it. If there is no arena in STWOR people will move on to Guild Wars where they will have arena style pvp.


People who do not want arena don't need to participate. Arena is important for the longevity of a game because PvP is the only non static content in these MMOs. Implemented right, arena would be a great asset to the game.

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Arena is fun. It's something else to do. If you don't like it, you don't do it. An easy fix for the gear issue, would be just have the gear the same stats as the WZ gear.


You can offer other rewards through arena outside gear. Titles, emotes, ranking system, ect




Anyone who argues against having more options in an MMO is stupid.

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Anyone who was successful at arena enjoyed it. There is a large population of people who want it. If there is no arena in STWOR people will move on to Guild Wars where they will have arena style pvp.


People who do not want arena don't need to participate. Arena is important for the longevity of a game because PvP is the only non static content in these MMOs. Implemented right, arena would be a great asset to the game.



I'm not sure that there is that large a population that wants arena. As it is, in WoW the arena population wasn't large at all. That said, the only way I wouldn't mind arena is if you don't get any additional gear benefits from it. If you can't get PvP gear faster with it, by all means, have an arena. I think it's a horrible PvP setting, but, to each their own.

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Here's why you won't see arenas in SW:TOR:




Even Blizzard admits arenas were a mistake because of what it did to the rest of the game. If you built your game around PvP (AKA Guild Wars), arenas are fine. If you built your game around PvE (SW:TOR), arenas are a BAD idea.


Yup and that's the honest truth, the game needs to be PVP centric in order to maintain an arena style of play.


Ghostcrawler was out in full force trying to backpeddle out of that one for months.

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Wanna be a glad? Be a mage, find a rogue, find a priest, faceroll to epix.


Resto sham + any 2 classes = free glad.


Skill at a premium!


Um no not really...i have seen plenty of bad mages rogues and shamans. Sometimes they get carried but past 2 k rating you start to see the difference

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Sorry I am confused, why would players who do not like the arena system claim they do not want it when it is a 100% voluntary action? There is a smaller minority of people who love arena who love the fact that your fighting on a ladder system, that there is zero chance of anyone interrupting your fight and it all comes down to you and your partners skill. Yes of course some balancing would take place on classes all arena would do is put a spot like on the too powerful classes so Bioware may allow balance. World of Warcraft had massive diversity in there classes that caused huge balance issues constantly, Swtor has very very similar mechanics entwined into each class that would save tones of nerf/buff patchs.


Things Swtor could do better to Arena type pvp


-> Same rewards for Arena pvp as all other type battlegrounds? (same gain rate, so people who only like arena dont have to play huttball against/with bots and afks.)


->I always felt the competitive edge of different gear was what made Arena fun the guy with the legendary hit hard that how it was supposed to work. Swtor could simply auto buff stats to the same level (just like low lvls in bgs) so that regardless of your gear it actually did come down to skill.


TLDR : Arenas were fun in wow, a lot of people used them. Why are there masses of people so against in a 100% voluntary action in a game?


1. Arena ends up dominating the pvp scene, and is lame, let SWTOR try to be something gosh darn different than WOW, since if you just want more of that crap you can always go back to it. I counter, why do people want Bioware to repeat what WoW's lead designer admitted was their biggest mistake, and implement fail-renas??


2. Class balance becomes slavishly dominated by this ******** aspect of the game, see WoW never in 6+ years achieving class balance, just a long series of swapped imbalances and FOTM comps.


3. Arenas suck.

Edited by Dominemesis
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I lead a large, successful and respected guild, Havoc Squad on the Ven Zallow RP server. If arenas were implemented in SWTOR, we would likely find another MMO.


Just say no to arenas in swtor, not now, not ever. There is no need to explain why, the subject has been discussed ad nauseum in WoW, WAR, AoC, Aion, RIFT and now SWTOR.


Dont go there BioWare, arenas just arent worth the trouble they will cause.

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I think you werent even playing when what we're talking about happened.


Until they linked Cheat Death to resilience..


no top rated rogue wore more than about 5% resilience.


The boost they got to dodge/parry/damage output from PvE gear was simply too great and their survivability didn't suffer at all.


Warriors through S4 wore PvE gear in every slot they could get away with. ArPen was simply far too good and scaled FAR too well to do otherwise.


Then I guess all the top rogues I played with and against just simply had other gearsets on when they played without me, because when I played every rogue pretty much stacked full PvP gear because they were too squishy without it. Their survivability was heavily nerfed in 3v3 without PvP gear.

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