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ETA on fixes


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I'm Spartacus.


In all seriousness though, I'd love to know of a few ETA's on certain things like the screen flickering bug, GTN UI revamp, mission reward window closing other windows down issue, etc, etc.

Edited by Tarka
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Dear OP'er,


Please read the stickied topics, patch notes, and dev tracker feeds. You are one person in 2 million that has purchased this game. You are not unique. Instead of demanding something, try to help yourself. Just because a game does not work properly for you, does not mean the problem is inherent to the game. There's a whole list of issues you could have on your end.


I have two computers and both run this game fine. If you are computer illiterate, you should try console games.

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ETA on fixes for the SWTOR functionality ?


I got the idea there is no way you guys going to refund..


But I cant even play the game cause of screen flicking / random loading screens crashes and many other issues I've reporting this for days, yes I know you guys already aware of those issues but any ETA ?


I'm seriously thinking of calling a lawyer what you guys doing is beyond not acceptable and not even legal in some points.


Please this going CS reps not to anyone else please let them answer my question and do their





I bet he's calling his lawyer right about now

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