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Usefulness of Tranquilizer?


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I'm curious about this specifically in a warzone against the 'good players'.


Is it a full 60 seconds in pvp warzones/ilum?


I like to sit in the opponents end zone during Huttball, stealthed, and use this against the opponents as they spawn back(to delay them from reaching the group, since im not with the group to help) and wait for my team to get close and pass the ball for a quick score.


I also like to guard a turret in Alderaan and use this to delay the 'scout' from trying to take a node that looks unguarded, while telling my team incoming and waiting for them to help.


My issue with this is it gives them a full resolve bar. . .and if they're smart and have their CC break up, they can use it and proceed with a full resolve bar. This is probably not as big of a deal in Huttball since they usually lost the resolve bar by the time they get to top of their 'ramp', but I could see it being an issue in other spots.


Just curious about other people's thoughts on this ability in pvp with it giving a full resolve bar.

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Dosnt work with ONE of the players, you, or target is in Combat ... as a Huttball-Carrier invariably is in combat... no use.


Works with people just running towards an objective... or guarding one, but they can break it... so its more a first strike, or annoy someone-Move. Fun though.

Edited by Kheldras
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Dosnt work with ONE of the players, you, or target is in Combat ... as a Huttball-Carrier invariably is in combat... no use.


Works with people just running towards an objective... or guarding one, but they can break it... so its more a first strike, or annoy someone-Move. Fun though.


right, i know this. i gotta make sure to use it as they're approaching the node. i usually knock out the person in back(if there are 2) if not i just hit the one and wait to see if they use the cc break instantly or not


my main question is how bad would this be to have an opponent go into a fight with a full cc bar. or is the delay from the ability a good enough strategy when protecting a node



Yeah, other than the fun factor it's pretty useless in PvP. It does have an extreme situational use, but most of the time all it does is gets someone to burn his cc break.


I guess it's BW way of balancing out for being so OP in PvE. :rolleyes:



it really is fun XD


i can actually enjoy huttball when i go around and harass them XD

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I'm curious about this specifically in a warzone against the 'good players'.


Is it a full 60 seconds in pvp warzones/ilum?


I like to sit in the opponents end zone during Huttball, stealthed, and use this against the opponents as they spawn back(to delay them from reaching the group, since im not with the group to help) and wait for my team to get close and pass the ball for a quick score.


I also like to guard a turret in Alderaan and use this to delay the 'scout' from trying to take a node that looks unguarded, while telling my team incoming and waiting for them to help.


My issue with this is it gives them a full resolve bar. . .and if they're smart and have their CC break up, they can use it and proceed with a full resolve bar. This is probably not as big of a deal in Huttball since they usually lost the resolve bar by the time they get to top of their 'ramp', but I could see it being an issue in other spots.


Just curious about other people's thoughts on this ability in pvp with it giving a full resolve bar.


utterly useless in pvp.

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It does have plenty of uses in PVP, but my main gripe with it is that the Shadow/Assassin's mirror ability (same stun length, same requirements) gives a lot less resolve.


does it do the same thing? thats sad to hear :(


but wait. isn't the mirror class the operative?

Edited by FourTwent
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Anyone who thinks this ability is useless in PvP is a bad player. Like any well-designed ability, this one is situational.


Here are times to use Tranquilizer:


If you're trying to bomb a door in Voidstar or cap a turret in Civil War that is guarded by a single player, Tranq him and then get on the objective. If he uses CC break, just use Quick Escape to restealth and wait for the resolve bar to expire, then do it again. There is literally nothing a single player can do to stop this.


If you are the only one at an objective that is being overrun by enemies, you can remain in stealth and use Tranq to interrupt players trying to capture the turret or plant the bomb. Wait until they are 3/4 through the channel, then Tranq them. This will delay their cap (sometimes for a long time) giving your reinforcements time to arrive, or at least allow your team more time in control of the objective.


If you are heal spec or hybrid, you should have the Sedatives talent. Use Tranq on an enemy right before you open on them to reduce their damage by 50%. Its also useful for winning 1v2 as you can Tranq 1 player, then then Tranq the 2nd player and immediately open on the first player. The first player will have the 50% damage reduction while you fight them, and the 2nd player will have the reduction when Tranq breaks.


In a large-scale battle, such as the start of Civil War on the center turret, you can rush to the enemy team's side in stealth and Tranq their players in the back. This will give your side a numerical advantage and waste a lot of their CC break abilities as they rush to get into the battle. This is even more effective with Sedatives.


There are plenty of other times to use Tranq, as well. Its very good.

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I haven't PVP'ed much but then again I just dinged 50 yesterday (yay!)


I have had great use of the Tranq in PVE stunning strong and elite mobs to clear out normal mobs before taking down the strong mob but I imagine everybody can break it in PVP?


On that not where do you respec? I have the feeling that my talent trees are a bit messy atm...

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Tranq is highly useful in PVP, unfortunately it appears a lot of people don't understand basic PVP strategy. Typically you are defending a turret and its you and one other player. Opposing teams understand that so they send 3 to take the turret. As long as you the stealther is playing out in the filed, you Tranq Dart the lagging player who is now immediately out of play. You then can attack and kill the second player running up with help from your other defender. By the time tranq dart wears off, you should have player number two at 50% and you and your other defender should have reinforcements coming to help defend.


If you didn't tranq dart, it would be a 3 vs 2 scenario and 3 players can burn and kill a single player in under 6 seconds and then its you in 6 seconds and then the turret is flipped before defenders can make it there in time, when dealing with average responds times in PUG's.

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bummer that scoundrel - scrappers are on the developer radar for negative changes along with imperial agents but it was going to happen sooner or later and better now so we can all get over it and deal with it because what we have here are all the flavor of the month players ruining it for the rest of us so hopefully they'll go pick a new flavor of the month after we get the hammer.


(inquisitors are next)

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Tranq is useful in pvp, as others said especiually for solo turrent defense, or bomb planting (if the guy is and idiot) otherwise my issue with it, is i so rarely get to use it except in solo pvp situations... because i am "forced" into combat, it needs to just work from stealth period, we can only mez 1 person at a time, and it also gives em full resolve, no reason it shouldn't work in combat too honestly, our droid mez (completely worthless in pvp), works in combat...


also that 50% damage reduction (if you specced into it as a healer) is freaking huge at times, always keep that in mind, that can easily buy you plenty of time for re-enforcements to come in, or in solo fighting it can be the difference between winning and losing a fight, also just watch their resolve bar and follow up later with a good kick for the stun :)

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