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Bioware Insulting Bias


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Hey Bioware,


I just wanted you to know that you didnt fix illum.


You basically changed it from Imperials farming the med center, to imperials farming armaments.


I guess you think its slick and sneaky of you to create a never ending supply of free daily items in the center of the map for your baby empire faction.


I have waited 3 days now on my empire alt for my 50 to have something to do outside of PVE (my guildies arent 50 yet) and I have yet to find anything. No warzones, no ilum.


I said this before i'll say it again, if you are going to be blatantly obvious about your infatuation with the empire faction you created, at least have the decency to admit it and delete the republic.


They dont need us to pvp, they dont need us to do ilum dailys, they dont need us for anything.


I feel like i'm living in a sick social experiment to find out how far someone has to be pushed before they believe they are being discriminated against.


Why not get a bunch of a your friends and fight the Empire then lol, basically your saying there are too many Imperials to go do your daily? horse ****. Grab your high end rep 50's that are doing squat and go out and get that daily!

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Jedi are boring even in the movies they stuck to the lore even the jedi code is boring



You like soo many arrogant people when it comes to star wars no very little.


You do know that Jedi are not the Republic right?, the Jedi are apart of the republic your basing just like that other guy that the republic should be less interesting based solely on the Jedi state of mind.


The republic is build from many worlds and many classes is a commando a jedi? is a smuggler a jedi is the republic senate jedi, no they are not.


BW does have an obligation to entice players to both side and provide balance to said factions so both have equal opportunity within the game, both sides may have the alternative to the others class but they are not mirrored, not by half.


And as for sticking to Lore, well that's just BS right there, Lore is what BW dictate it to be within there view of star wars based on there game, for instance, it's small but it's still a point, jedi have the capability and a fact being jedi have used force lightning offences or defences they still have the ability, BW decided Jedi didn't know how to use the force to summon lightning, becuase THEY base it as evil.


So yeah since bw designed this game, regardless how you fanboys like to defend BW, YES they are to blame since they made the coding, they designed and they decided what class uses what and what class and surroundings look like.


And when they fix republic cd's and animations next patch then we shall see how it can be evened out, and before any of you say there is nothing wrong with the animations or cd's, Use your brains and think again, BW have already acknowledged it after complaints and footage shown of said issues and are now dealing with it.


Proof? i don't need to provide you with proof since BW has done that for me by making an official post on it. do find it.



It's sad but i can understand a faction defending there own when they have the upperhand, so will flame and deny all aspects of it to try there best to hold onto it, it's going to change you don't have to like it but it's going to happen.

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I put my 63 Valor Republic Battlemaster (the rank meaning nothing now anyway) to bed and am enjoying the Sith Warrior, a class that has been given 100000000x more passion in its development than my "might as well be a librarian's assistant on Coruscant" Sage.


Balance be damned. I play to have fun, not carry the burden of the underdog.

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Why not get a bunch of a your friends and fight the Empire then lol, basically your saying there are too many Imperials to go do your daily? horse ****. Grab your high end rep 50's that are doing squat and go out and get that daily!


Please read my post. There were 4 republic 50s online.

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it is bad for both sides.. empire circle around the center trying to loot armaments while republic just don't show up. i can't finish my daily and i'm sure they can't either. 30 kills/armors should be the weekly.. cus honestly that's how long it is gonna take.
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Wait, so a person/guild can not set up time frames for hardcore PvP and PvE content, they must do one or the other? How very Himmler of you. So now we know the way, it's one or the other, we can not have both.


You are misunderstanding me. It's one thing for a "gamer" to personally enjoy any and all aspects of a game. It is another thing to have the lead developer for an aspect for the game to not be qualified. One look no further than the mess we have; but what I was pointing out is that yes, one who is a "Hardcore PvP'r and a Hardcore PvE'r" is an oxymoron. That isn't to suggest players can't and don't enjoy both equally; but from my experience it's unusual at best. Most "hardcore" pvprs PVP; they don't raid unless it is necessary to be competitive in PvP. But we don't need to debate "the player". The problems here are with the developers and yes, I stand by my belief the lead PvP developer for any game should be a hardcore pvpr and despite what Gabe believes, he isn't.

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I never said we don't outnumber you, I said us outnumbering you is not Biowares fault people choose the faction they wanted to play, as it turned out, Republic was not popular, I was disappointed with this fact, as pre beta and during beta numbers were even. Now, not. Oh and good thing it's in the TEST SERVER. They can see if it works or not, then implement changes, cause you know, that's what the test servers are for and all. So you can keep that hole for yourself, stick your head in it and scream to the mole people,"I'M COMING DOWN THERE CAUSE THE SKY IS FALLING." Oh and I love the whole Republic abilities delayed excuse,. Yes the animation is longer, damage, still hits, I fought a Sage, fired off my shock, killed him, he fired of his throw rock at the same time, rock kept coming, killed me. I have a sage, played huttball, threw project, he ran behind cover, project went though cover, hit him. So...what's your point.



Are you devoid of all logic here? Did you seriously just say that it's on the test server because they need to test to see if it's fair for Guardian's Freezing Force to last 9 seconds just like Juggernaut's Chilling Scream?


Did you SERIOUSLY just say that and then top it off with the most ignorant sarcasm I've ever seen? Wow. Are you sure playing on ez-mode for less than a month hasn't lowered you IQ a bit more? Please, stick your ignorant head into that hole I've dug for you right now. The world has just collectively facepalmed at your "brilliant" wittiness.


And way to shoot yourself in the foot. If his attack was instant, you'd be dead and he'd still be alive because the fact that he got off the project meant that he hit the button quicker than you. If this was an enemy capping the node with 1 sec or 2 left, an Inquisitor would've succeeded in interrupting the action. A Consular wouldn't because of the delay. Great job letting the point fly right across your head there.


It's become obvious that I'm not only talking to an ignorant person, but one that isn't really the sharpest tool in the shed either. Can someone send a smarter ignorant Empire player over to debate this? This guy isn't just shooting his foot, he's taking a freaking shotgun and blasting his leg off here.

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it is bad for both sides.. empire circle around the center trying to loot armaments while republic just don't show up. i can't finish my daily and i'm sure they can't either. 30 kills/armors should be the weekly.. cus honestly that's how long it is gonna take.


This is why pvp is broken.



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We're blaming Bioware for making one faction choice bland and boring.


Indeed. I usually play the good/light/paragon faction, but the Jedi and the Republic as a whole feel like a catholic priest seminar, or a parody thereof.

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Just an FYI, Common Pop Culture knowledge and Fact: The Empire/Sith Empire/The Dark Side has been extremely popular side since 1977, do to the appearnce and mystery.


BW did not in any way shape or form make the Jedi boring nor did they single handedly make the Sith popular to be bias and spiteful against subcribers.


Also as well, the Empire in all LORE created always out numbered the Republic/Rebels, the Empire wins some battles, but lost many of the major wars. The Jedi/Republic/Rebals/Light Side has and aways will be (according to George Lucas) the under-dogs who end up rotfstomping the empire in the end.

Edited by RangKer
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Are you devoid of all logic here? Did you seriously just say that it's on the test server because they need to test to see if it's fair for Guardian's Freezing Force to last 9 seconds just like Juggernaut's Chilling Scream?


Did you SERIOUSLY just say that and then top it off with the most ignorant sarcasm I've ever seen? Wow. Are you sure playing on ez-mode for less than a month hasn't lowered you IQ a bit more? Please, stick your ignorant head into that hole I've dug for you right now. The world has just collectively facepalmed at your "brilliant" wittiness.


And way to shoot yourself in the foot. If his attack was instant, you'd be dead and he'd still be alive because the fact that he got off the project meant that he hit the button quicker than you. If this was an enemy capping the node with 1 sec or 2 left, an Inquisitor would've succeeded in interrupting the action. A Consular wouldn't because of the delay. Great job letting the point fly right across your head there.


It's become obvious that I'm not only talking to an ignorant person, but one that isn't really the sharpest tool in the shed either. Can someone send a smarter ignorant Empire player over to debate this? This guy isn't just shooting his foot, he's taking a freaking shotgun and blasting his leg off here.


Yes I said the Test server is for testing, is that really that much of a surprise? Do you actually think that everything on the test server is permanent and destined for the real game? Also do you not know that that once a Sage even begins to pull that rock outta the ground it's still gonna come no matter what, we hit it at the same time, we had a laugh about on Tattoine in /say about it after we went right back to what we were doing and ended up crossing each others paths again. I shocked him he died, his rock still finished coming up and then flew at me. killing me. so either way we would've died at the same time. Seriously all I'm hearing is a bunch of whining from some one who has nothing better to do than try and prove points that mean nothing. Animations are delayed, but they still hit, perhaps you believe that a rock should instantly materialize out of thin air and fly towards the enemy at the speed of light (like lightning should do).


Again as always, none of this is Biowares fault, they made a Star Wars game, to make a Star Wars game you have to abide by certain rules. If not, it can be instantly scrapped cause it didn't follow lore. And if lore is not followed, no fan of the whole IP will not touch it. If you want a game where both sides are eaxtly move fore move, go play some other MMO where the only difference in faction, is looks.

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Also do you not know that that once a Sage even begins to pull that rock outta the ground it's still gonna come no matter what, we hit it at the same time


Could you please explain to me then why my rock is hovering in midair, staying there and doing pretty much nothing, should my target use vanish and go stealthmode? I don't think the same goes for your shock, as it is, you know, instant.

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Could you please explain to me then why my rock is hovering in midair, staying there and doing pretty much nothing, should my target use vanish and go stealthmode? I don't think the same goes for your shock, as it is, you know, instant.


actually that reminded me, On my sage I was attacking an assassin, I called for my rock, he vanished, it went straight for him, broke his stealth, so maybe Empire should complain about that, you have stealth seeking rocks.

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actually that reminded me, On my sage I was attacking an assassin, I called for my rock, he vanished, it went straight for him, broke his stealth, so maybe Empire should complain about that, you have stealth seeking rocks.


I've fought so many assassins by now that I can safely say, that it does not break their stealth, nor does it auto follow them. It does what I describe. My projectile hangs in midair and disappears after some time. So, he either popped out of stealth by himself or had a DoT going on him. Stealth seeking rocks, hehe, that was actually funny, more please ;)

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The utter irony of all this is that the overnight battlemasters of the Empire are *********** awful.


I was playing warzones for my daily today and we steamrolled through the first two matches against the Empire. Absolutely steamrolled. Their poor BADlemasters had no idea how to fight us despite the vast difference in gear quality. They got manhandled. Then we slide into Huttball. Groans can be heard. Then the gates open and it's a Republic-on-Republic match (middle of the day on a Saturday go figure the Empire must have homework or be out doing chores). Hardest fought most brutal match of Huttball I've been involved in. Final score was 6-5 with 37 seconds left in the game. Most people had more than 30 kills and 7 medals. Just an absolute tour de force of PvP ability.


For the record, my team lost. But it was nonetheless an awesome game.


So, Gabe Amatangelo should fire himself. His replacement should seek to do three things: figure out a way to provide incentive to reroll Republic (until there are enough 50s, anyway), delete PvP gear and replace it piece-for-piece with Tionese/Columi gear. We have the RNG bags. It'll be fine. Then set another bar at which PvPers can get Rakata gear.


Game saved. You're welcome.

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Hey Bioware,


I just wanted you to know that you didnt fix illum.


You basically changed it from Imperials farming the med center, to imperials farming armaments.


I guess you think its slick and sneaky of you to create a never ending supply of free daily items in the center of the map for your baby empire faction.


I have waited 3 days now on my empire alt for my 50 to have something to do outside of PVE (my guildies arent 50 yet) and I have yet to find anything. No warzones, no ilum.


I said this before i'll say it again, if you are going to be blatantly obvious about your infatuation with the empire faction you created, at least have the decency to admit it and delete the republic.


They dont need us to pvp, they dont need us to do ilum dailys, they dont need us for anything.


I feel like i'm living in a sick social experiment to find out how far someone has to be pushed before they believe they are being discriminated against.


They DIDN'T NEED to add world pvp. WoW killed their world pvp with flying mounts. Rift has no world pvp to even mention. In fact in Rift most opposite faction players would ignore eachother. So your complaining that BW added something they didn't need to at all and that is bad?


Instead of being a self-entitled whiner. How about you thank them for even trying to add something every other mmo has removed, never had or gave up on?

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does anyone else think its funny that the battlemaster gear isn't really that much different from the champion gear? so maybe, just maybe for the first time ever, people on an internet forum are blowing things out of proportion? why dont you all stop complaining on here, and get in the game and just have some dam fun, dont take everything so serioudsly
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I've fought so many assassins by now that I can safely say, that it does not break their stealth, nor does it auto follow them. It does what I describe. My projectile hangs in midair and disappears after some time. So, he either popped out of stealth by himself or had a DoT going on him. Stealth seeking rocks, hehe, that was actually funny, more please ;)


Well that's certainly a possibility, I won't discount any possibility that I could be wrong on that account, but still, it traveled, and hit him, maybe he popped out, maybe dots, I don't know, I just know I have fun playing both sides and don't nit pick small things that in the end don't really matter.


Not sure if that was sarcasm about the stealth seeking rocks, cause I just find the wording funny. but honestly, if enough dumb Imps saw what I wrote they could call the same BS as everyone complaining about having a long animation. All based of the same logic. I myself have never seen my rock simply float then vanish, it always goes. Maybe others like yourself have seen it vanish, but I can't stand among them, for I have never witnessed it.

Edited by LordXile
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If people are drawn to the darker side in a game and even more being Sith in a Star Wars game, shouldn't BW be prepared for this and add faction limitations? If a server is stacking too many Sith that faction should be locked until factions balance out. Same goes if Republic gains too many on their side.


So maybe BW was not responsible of the SW lore and or the look and feel of the factions. But they are responsible for creating a game that should be playable for all (dispite the lore). There they failed miserably.


And a small penny to the discussion regarding rock/lightning. If a skill is insta and the other isn't then it should, by no means be called mirrored.

Edited by -Zajo-
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Well that's certainly a possibility, I won't discount any possibility that I could be wrong on that account, but still, it traveled, and hit him, maybe he popped out, maybe dots, I don't know, I just know I have fun playing both sides and don't nit pick small things that in the end don't really matter.


Not sure if that was sarcasm about the stealth seeking rocks, cause I just find the wording funny. but honestly, if enough dumb Imps saw what I wrote they could call the same BS as everyone complaining about having a long animation. All based of the same logic. I myself have never seen my rock simply float then vanish, it always goes. Maybe others like yourself have seen it vanish, but I can't stand among them, for I have never witnessed it.


Well, you just have to take my word for it, but I am telling you, it has happened a few times to me already, and it does look kinda hilarious with the object hanging in midair. By the way, I am not whining, I just think that in PvP there should be equal ground from the start, meaning mirror classes and abilities should indeed be identical mirrors, so not the ability decides your wins, but your ability to use them.


Mind you, it's not that I use my dps stuff that often as a pvp healer, but I had a few close situations when it came to interrupt someone capping a door/turret where I noticed the slight delay in project. I think its barely 1 second that it takes the animation to pull up the object from the ground, my char raisinghis arm and hand and then doing a push motion towards the enemy propelling that object. It is not even 1 second, but it is enough for someone to finish capping, and it is certainly far from being instant hit.


I just hope they gonna fix this at some point.

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