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Server population is getting ridicolous down by 70%


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Does it have to? The population decrease on the fleet ships will directly correlate and proportionally represent the server population decrease as a whole. If you can't see why this is true, then there is really no need to contribute to this conversation. It's common sense.


Not really. Common sense is not using such a wildly fluctuating number as the number of people that are in an area at a given moment.

Common sense would be to do a real headcount in the server you're on, preferrably at peak times, and compare it with sortlike headcounts of a few weeks back, and see how they relate.

Common sense would be to not give in drama theatrics and be objective about figures.


That is what common sense would do.

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Totally agree, i play in Rogue Moon server and since i got to Aalderan, qesh, Hoth and now Belsalvis, even during daytime the maximum number of people i see doesn't pass the 25. And because of that i didn't made 17 heroics and it's still piling up. So because of that i did a char in a US server.

Alot of people stoped playing when the 30 day free trial ended.

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Does it have to? The population decrease on the fleet ships will directly correlate and proportionally represent the server population decrease as a whole. If you can't see why this is true, then there is really no need to contribute to this conversation. It's common sense.


Not if it is not being used as a hub by most players once they get their space ship or lvls.

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Lots of people also cite improper sources on the matter. For example, swtorarena's statistics are vastly misunderstood because of those who don't bother reading the FAQ attached explaining the data.



"Some have cited server usage statistics compiled by third parties as indicating less user interest in playing the game. But Ben Schachter of Macquarie wrote Friday that “without knowledge of how EA is allocating its server capacity, it is difficult to make accurate estimates of the number of users based on third-party analysis of server loads.”"


From http://blogs.marketwatch.com/thetell/2012/01/20/ea-bounces-back-as-analysts-defend-%E2%80%98star-wars%E2%80%99/


If EA/BioWare releases actual population data that says the servers are dying, I'll agree. But until then, I refuse to be swayed by a graph to which the creator even states should not be used to form conclusions of overall population. It's server trends and conjecture at that. There's a huge difference, not to mention the data collection technique is poor.


Denial once again.


Do you actually believe that your server has an equal number of people that it did two weeks ago? You don't need anyone to tell you that. Give me a break. :rolleyes:

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Does it have to? The population decrease on the fleet ships will directly correlate and proportionally represent the server population decrease as a whole. If you can't see why this is true, then there is really no need to contribute to this conversation. It's common sense.


Yes it has to! I'm on my ship or leveling on planet with 7 of my 8 characters right now and not standing around in fleet! Fleet population =/= server population! I logged into an alt on the starter planet of Hutta just now to see the difference between it's population and Fleet. Fleet right now is at 30 people. Hutta had 72. And this is at 7am on a US CST server, definitely far from peak hours. Opposite actually.

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Denial once again.


Do you actually believe that your server has an equal number of people that it did two weeks ago? You don't need anyone to tell you that. Give me a break. :rolleyes:


That's right, you're in denial. You refuse to believe anything that doesn't support your fervent wish of population having gone down drastically. Why is that? Why do you feel the need for that to be true? Do you hope that TOR player population is decreased a lot, to the point that you won't even consider the thought that figures might point out for that to be untrue?


An MMO will show loss of players after its launch peaks, however, the question is whether that's a drastic decrease. So far, figures show this to not be the case so far.

Edited by dyves
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Denial once again.


Do you actually believe that your server has an equal number of people that it did two weeks ago? You don't need anyone to tell you that. Give me a break. :rolleyes:


I honestly think it has more people than two weeks ago. And more people than EGA, but that's just from my observations running my characters around. There are people all over, especially at peak hours, and seemingly more than when I first started.


Hey man, you can cry wolf all you want but without any evidence it won't make me believe otherwise. You may have a break if you need one. I'd recommend it actually. While taking a break from SWTOR and the forums, I'd recommend studying probability and statistics. Or read Michael Crichton's State of Fear, that's a good work of fiction that uses real world graphs to skew the data to tell the story it wants to.

Edited by lucasomega
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You do realize the game is less than 2 months old and had the largest number of pre-orders/orders in mmorpg history right? Just pointing that out.




Exactly this.


http://www.swtorarena.com/statistics/ ~




81/111 servers are dead, not to mention the population on my server, one of the highest populated has also been cut down by half




The game is dying, 2-3 weeks its going to be dead ~ simple. yes it was the largest number of pre-orders, but what does that have to do with it being 2 months old??? nothing ~ fact is half of the game population is gone ( most before the free month ended which tells you something) 2 months later, no one will be around apart from the bioware fans living in denial about the games failure from the beginning.

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You mean level another character through 90% of the same crap you just went through for a couple new paragraphs of "storyline"?


Is this something new to MMOs? Every one I've played is essentially the same the second time through and so forth, it's just a different class and set of abilities. This is more of the same, but with an added personal class story.


And yes I'm leveling my alts through the same content. Weird.


P.S. I love how your outlook on the game is the same as it was three months ago in beta, yet you still bought it, subbed, and continued giving attitude on the forums.

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http://www.swtorarena.com/statistics/ ~




81/111 servers are dead, not to mention the population on my server, one of the highest populated has also been cut down by half




The game is dying, 2-3 weeks its going to be dead ~ simple. yes it was the largest number of pre-orders, but what does that have to do with it being 2 months old??? nothing ~ fact is half of the game population is gone ( most before the free month ended which tells you something) 2 months later, no one will be around apart from the bioware fans living in denial about the games failure from the beginning.


Some facts for you bro.


1. These figures are very inaccurate (even stated by creator).

2. This game can't die cause its star wars. If you dont believe me:


3. these forums are not close to represent the whole community cause of high amounts of hate and anti fanboism. Never saw it that bad in another mmo at release. Yes this game has flaws, im not close to a blind follower of BW. But i havent lost my faith cause BW brought us some masterpieces in the past.


4. ofc. ppl are leaving after 30 days. Do you really think this is a suprise for EAware?

Edited by Rykzon
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http://www.swtorarena.com/statistics/ ~




81/111 servers are dead, not to mention the population on my server, one of the highest populated has also been cut down by half


All that site does is take an aggregate of the servers as they are at the time you check it. And since it cannot measure total population, all it can measure is total servers that are "light" at any one time over a period of time. Hopefully there will be ways of tracking total population in the future, but just adding all the "Light" servers together means nothing especially since we don't know how BioWare defines "Light" or how much they've changed the caps over time, which they have certainly increased the caps drastically since release.


What's funny is that site goes out of its way to tell you how it gets its data and people still interpret it incorrectly. It tells you absolutely nothing about the total population.

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http://www.swtorarena.com/statistics/ ~




81/111 servers are dead, not to mention the population on my server, one of the highest populated has also been cut down by half




The game is dying, 2-3 weeks its going to be dead ~ simple. yes it was the largest number of pre-orders, but what does that have to do with it being 2 months old??? nothing ~ fact is half of the game population is gone ( most before the free month ended which tells you something) 2 months later, no one will be around apart from the bioware fans living in denial about the games failure from the beginning.



The tool, used in that graph, only measures server load by the status classes, as the owners of that site have said already.

Facts: the status class has changed over the weeks, where an ingame population of 2000 first might have shown as full, now such a figure would only report as 'standard' with the 'full' status and player cap moved to 3500-4000.


other player activity tools show figures that are nowhere comparable to that graph


ingame headcounts of players for a couple of servers over the course of weeks also show nowhere near a drastic decrease as that graph suggests.


So far, based on ingame head counts as well as the other monitor tools, it shows a 10% decrease after the free month has ended, which is less than other MMO's have shown at this point.


Those are facts too. If you really love and respect facts, those are the ones you'll include too.

Unless ofc you're on an anti-TOR hate rant and get off on presenting lies and halftruths to paint as negative a picture as you can go for, bc for some reason that is your thing.

I'm assuming the former though, not the latter.

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Is this something new to MMOs? Every one I've played is essentially the same the second time through and so forth, it's just a different class and set of abilities. This is more of the same, but with an added personal class story.


And yes I'm leveling my alts through the same content. Weird.


P.S. I love how your outlook on the game is the same as it was three months ago in beta, yet you still bought it, subbed, and continued giving attitude on the forums.


well it is a problem, if almost the whole game is said leveling content. I have two lv 50 and a few alts but I can't level them anymore. Just skipping all those dialogues I have heard 2 times already gets on my nerves. There is nothing you can do once 50 except play PvP, which I won't because it's bad. If you got a fixed group for heroics, have a crafting profession and are doing at least a few dailies, you are full columi or higher in about a week - and you don't need rakata because it's only a minimal stat gain. Then the only thing that remains is raiding which also doesn't take a lot of time because normal mode is extremely easy (just cleared karaggas yesterday without anyone having looked at a single guide: 2 tries at most on any boss and half of the group is in tionese gear and we are no hardcore raiders by any means) and guild raids for hardmodes aren't that often (once a week in our guild). You can't even farm when your are bored, because nothing of value exists, that can be farmed. Not even skilling professions takes time because of how the system works.


This is a huge rant, I understand that, but it also is the truth. When I play an MMO I expect it to be able to fill my time. swtor can't. I'll stick with it 2 months more and then will probably do just raids once or twice a week.



I can understand why population is going down. I myself only play the game for max 2 hours every day now when I could do it 10 hours given my free time. I want to play, but there is just nothing to do worth the time.

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My hatred of trolls is up 400 per cent a second


Why when someone post something you don't like it makes them a troll?


I think this game is pathetic. Based on that statement I am now a troll. Lol even the fan base is pathetic. Seems like the perfect crowd for a game like this.


Rofl, everyone is a potential troll. Just post negative and the fanboi's bring the troll card out. Rofl, too funny!

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