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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is getting ridicolous down by 70%


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No, I was looking for abortion.


As in, aborted, cut loose, rejected.


Pre the first major patch the game was good, being a Jedi meant something, but afterwards. Meh...


And it wasn't 10x the game this is. Swg and eve are both sandbox, they are what you and your friends make of them, but they don't have their own story, not like this game does.


Eve is my second job, this game is my relaxation.


If SWG was an abortion, this games a miscarriage.

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I'm almost lvl 41 Sith Assassin (Maz) on Jung Ma and had some alts, one is lvl 13 atm.


Gotta say this game get's boring quite quickly. If it weren't for the guild i play with and to kill some time until GW2 comes out i wouldn't play it. I had to be convinced by few people to even buy the game.


It is exactly what i thought it would be, WoW copy in space with a lot less polishing and content and i am burned out on wow [quit dec 2010].


Oh well, as long as i got ppl to play with i can swallow the bad aspects of the game even tho sometimes it's remarkably hard to do so.




and the load times, seriously is this SP game or what ? They are more annoying than in Witcher 1 pre fixed edition

Edited by Mazari
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Wait.. You mean people must play their 50 instead level other characters and check out the the story line?


You mean level another character through 90% of the same crap you just went through for a couple new paragraphs of "storyline"?

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Oh god, sorry are you being intentionally dumb or just trolling me?


Maybe you should ask yourself this, you went from "never playing a Jedi knight", to "knowing about those games but you aren't into single players", to "I have played all those games"


This was pulled from all your quotes.


So lets go back to your original.


getting to play a Jedi knight has been one of those 'childhood dream' sort of things, even if it's taken 20 years for it to come about!


You have been waiting how long to play a jedi knight?


Coherent consistent conversation doesn't appear to be your strong suit. I am now not at all surprised that you don't know what you have / have not done. Let alone what the game you are currently playing is / isn't like.


I'm out, got adults to talk to which is odd considering how long you have apparently been waiting to play a Jedi knight :)

Edited by Harower
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You mean level another character through 90% of the same crap you just went through for a couple new paragraphs of "storyline"?


This is the real problem for many of us. I am currently playing Republic, will try one alt on the dark side to see their planets. So, 2 months, will see how things are shaping up then.

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You do realize the game is less than 2 months old and had the largest number of pre-orders/orders in mmorpg history right? Just pointing that out.



Yes, and on launch and just after the servers were well populated, now all the ones im on are ghost towns.


Your point is ?

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Yes, and on launch and just after the servers were well populated, now all the ones im on are ghost towns.


Your point is ?


And the fact that january is coming to a close and normal academic life is slowly starting to return to normal is a no mind. Not to mention that work days returned to normal quite some time ago.


The point being that.. People have lives they need to attend to.

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I'm curious as to how many of the people concerned about low server pops are new to an MMO's first month. I've played 3 of these games from beta now and ALL of them drop population significantly towards the end of the first month. WHY? Because most of the people leaving were the ones enjoying the free month ride and had no intention of subscribing.


The low population becomes even more apparent in a game that has multiple servers. WHY? Because the population that's left after the mass exodus is spread out thin over many servers.


In about 6 months the game will probably start it's gimmicks to bring players back. Things like, free weekends or introducing new species, maybe in game character recustomization or dual spec, in hopes to draw back some of the players that left.

Edited by WilV
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daym im dumb can you explain the graphs to me! :D


Sure thing buddy!


"How is the data gathered?

The tool automatically queries swtor.com's server-status page every 5 minutes and commits the samples to it's database.


Can I make guesses on overall subscription count based on these graphs?

No you shouldn't be relying on them to make so guesses. These graph purely relies on instantaneous server population values provided by Bioware, nothing more.


We can make this assumptions on averages;

0 -> offline

1 - 2 -> light

2 - 3-> standard

3 - 4 -> heavy

4 - 5 -> very heavy

5+ -> full"


Offline servers are counted towards server population trends.


The fact that people constantly attempt to cite this as a source of accurate definitive population statistics is hilarious. The site doesn't collect that data. It's all conjecture on possible population based on a scale that doesn't even know server population caps (or the levels at which server population is tiered).


The lack of proper spelling and grammar on the site is also amusing to me.

Edited by lucasomega
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How can people use the population on fleet as any kind of population census? maybe people are doing more things in different places. It is unlike WOW i think with people just hanging, around the city to show off their mount. Get bored of lvling do instances, get bored of instances do pvp, get bored of that do space missions, get bored of that then craft.


I like to chill in my spaceship during down times, does your numbers include this?

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Lots of people are in denial in this thread. If you can't see the drastic decrease in server populations you are seriously lying to yourself.


There being a decrease and it actually being a sign of grim tides to come is not the same thing. As long as people are paying a monthly sub it doesn't matter if they aren't able to be online for most of the day. Also a lot players always leave after the free game time i.e. drifters looking for the sacred land.

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Already did.


It's actually your problem, not mine.


I like you state you're no longer subscribed to the game and don't plan to play it anymore but continue to complain.


I understand voicing your concerns/disappointments in hopes that it can better the game in the future. What I don't understand is continuing to state these disappointments over and over and over again in multiple posts.


We get it. You think the game is terrible, but what could you possibly achieve by repeating your complaints and arguing with people over it? Are you trying to bring more people down with you? Are you so disappointed that you aren't satisfied until everyone agrees with you and stops playing too? Are you just trying to piss people off?


I just don't see the point in repeating the same crap over and over throughout the thread. If you're done with the game like you've said, you've said your piece already so just be done with it and move on.

Edited by Kurugi
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How can people use the population on fleet as any kind of population census? maybe people are doing more things in different places. It is unlike WOW i think with people just hanging, around the city to show off their mount. Get bored of lvling do instances, get bored of instances do pvp, get bored of that do space missions, get bored of that then craft.


I like to chill in my spaceship during down times, does your numbers include this?


Does it have to? The population decrease on the fleet ships will directly correlate and proportionally represent the server population decrease as a whole. If you can't see why this is true, then there is really no need to contribute to this conversation. It's common sense.

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Lots of people are in denial in this thread. If you can't see the drastic decrease in server populations you are seriously lying to yourself.


Lots of people also cite improper sources on the matter. For example, swtorarena's statistics are vastly misunderstood because of those who don't bother reading the FAQ attached explaining the data.



"Some have cited server usage statistics compiled by third parties as indicating less user interest in playing the game. But Ben Schachter of Macquarie wrote Friday that “without knowledge of how EA is allocating its server capacity, it is difficult to make accurate estimates of the number of users based on third-party analysis of server loads.”"


From http://blogs.marketwatch.com/thetell/2012/01/20/ea-bounces-back-as-analysts-defend-%E2%80%98star-wars%E2%80%99/


If EA/BioWare releases actual population data that says the servers are dying, I'll agree. But until then, I refuse to be swayed by a graph to which the creator even states should not be used to form conclusions of overall population. It's server trends and conjecture at that. There's a huge difference, not to mention the data collection technique is poor.

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Lots of people are in denial in this thread. If you can't see the drastic decrease in server populations you are seriously lying to yourself.


Yeah, it has nothing to do with the game just hitting the 1 month mark and the people who've been playing since launch who's billing cycle came around not wanting to stick around and pay for another month.


Every MMO has a significant drop in subs after the first month, because all the people just trying out the game and decided it's not to their tastes leave.

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