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Giving Gifts To Ship Droid


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And the sublight engines for a .0008% increase in efficiency?


What is interesting is that droid says


"point oh oh oh eight percent increase"


When technically a very scientific terms and/or engineering terms should be "point zero zero zero eight percent". I am not sure the reason they went with "oh" instead of "zero"

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What is interesting is that droid says


"point oh oh oh eight percent increase"


When technically a very scientific terms and/or engineering terms should be "point zero zero zero eight percent". I am not sure the reason they went with "oh" instead of "zero"


Because he obviously forgot to do the slash across the middle. Just ask Doctor Zero =p

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What is interesting is that droid says


"point oh oh oh eight percent increase"


When technically a very scientific terms and/or engineering terms should be "point zero zero zero eight percent". I am not sure the reason they went with "oh" instead of "zero"


Yeah it's totally impossible that a long long time ago in as galaxy far far away Engineering terminology would be even slightly different from 20th century Earth.

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What is interesting is that droid says


"point oh oh oh eight percent increase"


When technically a very scientific terms and/or engineering terms should be "point zero zero zero eight percent". I am not sure the reason they went with "oh" instead of "zero"


Because he's a protocol droid. He's programmed to communicate in a way that is more comfortable for humans, rather than sounding like a heartless, cold machine. Like most other protocol droids, however, he's bad at it. :)

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I would like for my wookie companion Bowdaar to rip its arms off :S


C3PO: "But sir, no one worries about upsetting a droid."


Solo: "That's because a droid doesn't pull people's arms out of their sockets when they lose, Wookies are known to do that."

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