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Operative Nerf is too much


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The funny thing is people haha L2P and all this bs when they dont understand the class first hand. Im rocking 9% expertise and my average rotation goes like this ( shoot first 4.5k, pistolwhip 2.3k, backblast 3k, suckpunch 2.5k, ) that 12.3k total. Now i know your sitting thinking wow that is a bit much. Little do you umderstand that those are all crits. My crit chance is 25%. 25 goes into 1 hundred 4 times. My opener is a 4 button rotation huh? That means 9 out of 10 times only one them gets to crit which brings it from 12.3k total to about 6-7k total which aint crap considering im energy starved with 0 sistained damage at this point. A little nerf here and there ainy nothing. This is the demise of a class since the shared tree is blah and healing is considerably dull and boring with this class. You guys nerfed it a little to hard of the get-go. Sorry that us ops/scoundrels were not lightsaber classes and did well. Nerfing our burst will destroy us becuz its all we got. And for the people saying to nerf our burst and buff are sustained damage. My question is why? That makes no difference. All it does is makes it simular to other class thus taking are uniqueness. You may say to me l2p. But if you do, your on this thread thriving off are nerf cuz you suck and cant beat us when we are indeed beatable. What im trying to say is l2p your class and stop worrying about others. -Sieg-
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The funny thing is people haha L2P and all this bs when they dont understand the class first hand. Im rocking 9% expertise and my average rotation goes like this ( shoot first 4.5k, pistolwhip 2.3k, backblast 3k, suckpunch 2.5k, ) that 12.3k total. Now i know your sitting thinking wow that is a bit much. Little do you umderstand that those are all crits. My crit chance is 25%. 25 goes into 1 hundred 4 times. My opener is a 4 button rotation huh? That means 9 out of 10 times only one them gets to crit which brings it from 12.3k total to about 6-7k total which aint crap considering im energy starved with 0 sistained damage at this point. A little nerf here and there ainy nothing. This is the demise of a class since the shared tree is blah and healing is considerably dull and boring with this class. You guys nerfed it a little to hard of the get-go. Sorry that us ops/scoundrels were not lightsaber classes and did well. Nerfing our burst will destroy us becuz its all we got. And for the people saying to nerf our burst and buff are sustained damage. My question is why? That makes no difference. All it does is makes it simular to other class thus taking are uniqueness. You may say to me l2p. But if you do, your on this thread thriving off are nerf cuz you suck and cant beat us when we are indeed beatable. What im trying to say is l2p your class and stop worrying about others. -Sieg-


25% crit as geared scoundrel? You do something terribly wrong. I'm almost 40% with self buff and I'm not even full champ yet. And there are talents that increases crit % of some of your skills(like +16% back blast) so crits are actually much more reliable.

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You OPs need to stop complaining.So what u can't solo kill ppl in 3 seconds anymore in a TEAM Match.PVP isn't about killing ppl solo it's about working as a team to win,and even with lower Burst if ur working with ur team like u should be you'll be fine.I say this as someone who plays Sin and had to deal with it being nerfed more and more every time a new build in beta came out,and as someone who has a OP
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Changes are on public server, dont throw yourself to the pool that soon, they have done some changes on OP and observing how they behave in that aspect, if they think it is too much of a nerf tey will reduce it or tweak some things,although I do agree we need a gap closer
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Im sure its no different than lethality is for ops (ie. ok for pve, terrible for pvp)




Guess your unaware that geared sentinels/marauders/juggs/gaurdians are actually the best classes in the game, followed immediatelly by powertechs and sorcs/sages.


Im rank 70 and none of those ranks were from face roll aeing illum i have a pretty good idea about which classes are good even with the best player playing them. And Sentinels/Maurdars are all terribad because the class is terribad.

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The MOST I crit for right now in the 50's bracket using adrenal/stim/relic/warzone buff is about 5.6K. Without all those buffs stacked, my crits probably average somehwere around 3-4K. Backstab is doing about 3K and lacerate about 2.5k. I don't think that's too much considering those are CRITS!



I am in full champion gear.


With a Rakata stim, an Adrenal that gives 565 power AND a relic that gives 365 power AND bloodhthirst ALL UP the HARDEST I HAVE EVER CRIT is for 4.4k with my most powerful ability.


So you, in your part champ part centurion gear, critting for 5.6k, is probably out of whack, yes.

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OP/Smug attacks in question are also positional, require stealth, require being in melee range by sneaking around avoiding detection, avoiding AE attacks.


You just charge in, hit, and expect to do the same, if not more, damage in one attack, while holding on more defense.

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I am in full champion gear.


With a Rakata stim, an Adrenal that gives 565 power AND a relic that gives 365 power AND bloodhthirst ALL UP the HARDEST I HAVE EVER CRIT is for 4.4k with my most powerful ability.


So you, in your part champ part centurion gear, critting for 5.6k, is probably out of whack, yes.


You don't mention what class you are. Through your posting history, I assume its Marauder / Sentinel. Now, this is pretty basic, but try to understand that you are not a burst damage class but rather sustained damage, whereas OP/Smuggler IS a burst damage class. Simply stating you dont have an attack as powerful as that is a moot point when your longterm DPS is higher, as intended.

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I love how everybody loves to use the excuse... I am mad.. im unsubbing...


I also loved how the Operative players use to tell everybody under the sun that they needed to learn how to play when they were able to knock a guy down and kill them before they even got up.


Now the shoe is on the other foot and they got the ole nerf bat and now they dont know how to play?


so instead of doing this insane of amount of damage that can kill somebody in 2 hits you have to do it in 3 or 4 hits... LOL


thats still rediculous.


this was a long awaited nerf. You were on top of the pedestal and now brought back to earth.


so take your own advice Op players and Learn to play with what you got. You were the "great players" right?


what happened? a little nerf is gonna make you that bad? you still do insane damage. Oh and stop saying you dont have anything. You have plenty of escape routes and tricks. You need to rethink your strategy now.

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25% crit as geared scoundrel? You do something terribly wrong. I'm almost 40% with self buff and I'm not even full champ yet. And there are talents that increases crit % of some of your skills(like +16% back blast) so crits are actually much more reliable.


I have a level 35 scoundrel in greens that has more crit than that lol.


Let me sum up nicely, what all Op/Sm thinks about this nerf






And now what other class thinks about this nerf




Exactly the situation.


I love you :)

Edited by CommandoPower
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The Nerf is simply too much.


I wouldn't have much of a problem with any one of the nerfs on their own, but combined, it's completely over doing it.


I am in almost full champion with a few pieces of centurion and one missing piece of PvP gear. I have ~565 expertise.


The MOST I crit for right now in the 50's bracket using adrenal/stim/relic/warzone buff is about 5.6K. Without all those buffs stacked, my crits probably average somehwere around 3-4K. Backstab is doing about 3K and lacerate about 2.5k. I don't think that's too much considering those are CRITS!


That doesn't happen every time. Sometimes I hit for about 1K with Hidden Strike. On a geared tank, I've seen as low as 927 follwed by 1.2k, 1.3k, 1.3k on backstab, shiv, and lacerate. This is with Acid Blade.


Now, a straight 20% reduction in damage on Hidden Strike is a pretty damn large amount. Combined with the Acid Blade reduction, I'm scared to see what I'd hit for without crits. Add in the fact that we will only get a 1.5 second knockdown, and it's just wow...


The class might end up being completely useless in PvP. We don't have ANY of the utility that a lot of other classes get. They nerfed the only thing we had, opening burst, and they nerfed it significantly.


I haven't even mentioned PvE. I haven't done it much, so I don't know if it will make much difference there. Probably not being that fights are longer and you don't use your opener much.


Anyways, I think it was a huge mistake to ner so much all at one time. I cancelled my subscription. It wasn't even "rage quitting." It was more like, "If it's only been one month and they are making huge nerfs, I can't imagine what else is in store." I don't feel like rolling another class if Operatives do indeed become useless. I kind of just needed a reason to quit to push me over that edge and this was it.


And I called it a little while ago. I said they'd to Operatives exactly what they did in DAoC with Critblades - completely ruin them.



The story was good though, I'll give them that. Thank god I caught my subscription before it renews today.



EDIT: If Hidden Strike still completely fills the resolve bar, then the Jarring Strike talent becomes completely useless. There would be NO reason to ever take it. Instead, you could open with Hidden Strike and you'd probably get at least one more attack in before the person reacted. You could then stun them Debilitae and follow up with flash bang later.


They need to fix that if it's the case.


Agreed, and I don't even play the class. After their initial burst they are useless and sitting ducks. They are completely squishy. And with the L2P comments, i really hope those arent coming from troopers, mercenaries, and sorceres.

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L2p coming from an assassin here


Meh, Ive never had problems with Scrappers/Operatives. They did their initial burst, got me half way down my health bar, I got up, popped a warzone med, and proceeded to own them. They have nothing after their initial burst. Class didn't need a nerf. Too much whining around here.

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Meh, Ive never had problems with Scrappers/Operatives. They did their initial burst, got me half way down my health bar, I got up, popped a warzone med, and proceeded to own them. They have nothing after their initial burst. Class didn't need a nerf. Too much whining around here.



He is absolutly right.


For L2p its more like this :D





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L2p coming from an assassin here


Carefull sins are pretty op themselves. Why one stealth class gets force speed and great out of stealth damage is kind of rediculous. I see sins wrech people over and over without even needing a stealth burst. Then not only do they have vanish they have super speed. Thats pretty fair.

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