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Everquest didn't have these features at launch


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Might have been a bad release, but it was quickly turned into the deepest game you'll find to this day. Most of the people slobbering all over ToR's knob would have an aneurism the first time they had to pull out a calculator to twink into higher level items. Shame Funcom let it waste away, but they're doing the same with AoC now that TSW is coming, so it's not surprising.


I played it again quite a bit later. I can't remember, but I think I had a doctor that made it to near 200. I remember getting a program to help figure out the best implants. That was work healing in that game because you had to regularly use stims and run up to the injured guy. I couldn't kill very fast or good with my doctor, so I had to run missions, by basically exploiting the very poor pathfinding of mobs, for money to pay for my grouping with people because I spent so much on stims and such.

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I played it again quite a bit later. I can't remember, but I think I had a doctor that made it to near 200. I remember getting a program to help figure out the best implants. That was work healing in that game because you had to regularly use stims and run up to the injured guy. I couldn't kill very fast or good with my doctor, so I had to run missions, by basically exploiting the very poor pathfinding of mobs, for money to pay for my grouping with people because I spent so much on stims and such.


Nanonanny. :D


Yeah, being a doc was a pain for a long time. After AI and then Shadowlands though, it got a lot better. Hell, even Atroxes can solo as a Doc now and put out some pretty good damage. Between heals and HoTs, and virus attacks/DoT's, all they need is to slap on a nice set of pistols and go to town.


But now we're in the 5th year of "We're working on the new graphics engine" and they just last month replaced the Game Director ,who talked to the players every single Friday, with a former AO artist and she hasn't said a peep since being in.

Edited by Zorvan
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  • Instanced Dungeons
  • Quest logs
  • Seamless Zones
  • In game maps
  • Mounts
  • Extensible UI
  • Epic quests
  • Taxis/Zeppelins
  • Spirit healers
  • Soulbound items
  • Talent trees
  • NPC tethers
  • etc.


You really can't expect a game that came out five years later to have them all at launch.


EDIT: 1999 > 2004 is five years. HINT: WoW. It had more modern features than EQ2 which launched *alongside it,, then continued to innovate. Nobody made excuses for WoW being a "brand new MMO, these things take time etc. etc."


WoW also had one of the worst launches of all time




Their taxies also didn't work half the time and define Epic Quest

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My MMO experience started with Everquest.Since then I've played:




Lord of the Rings Online




had brief looks into


Dungeons and Dragons Online

Everquest 2



Nothing, Nothing has come close to Everquest in terms of sheer enjoyment.


Of course you have to consider the temporal context


But still...

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One feature i'd settle for... decent PVP.


Let me know when they get around to it, as there were MMO's that were release 14 years ago that did it right, and at release.


And no, pointless mini game grinds for gear is not good PVP.

Nor is CC/stun locks.

Zerg rushing.

or crate clicking.

Edited by Jebi
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Agreed, times have changed though. That being said alot of your list is gamer specific. I for one have zero interest in cross server LFD at all. I wouldnt likley quit if it was added, but it is something I do not want in my MMO of choice.
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  • Instanced Dungeons
  • Quest logs
  • Seamless Zones
  • In game maps
  • Mounts
  • Extensible UI
  • Epic quests
  • Taxis/Zeppelins
  • Spirit healers
  • Soulbound items
  • Talent trees
  • NPC tethers
  • etc.


You really can't expect a game that came out five years later to have them all at launch.


EDIT: 1999 > 2004 is five years. HINT: WoW. It had more modern features than EQ2 which launched *alongside it,, then continued to innovate. Nobody made excuses for WoW being a "brand new MMO, these things take time etc. etc."


Everquest didnt need them.....





Everquest still to this day is my all time greatest MMO experience...kind of strange that in this modern time of MMOs, very few have come close to creating the feel you got when logging into Norrath.

Edited by Malchoir
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  • Instanced Dungeons
  • Quest logs
  • Seamless Zones
  • In game maps
  • Mounts
  • Extensible UI
  • Epic quests
  • Taxis/Zeppelins
  • Spirit healers
  • Soulbound items
  • Talent trees
  • NPC tethers
  • etc.


You really can't expect a game that came out five years later to have them all at launch.


EDIT: 1999 > 2004 is five years. HINT: WoW. It had more modern features than EQ2 which launched *alongside it,, then continued to innovate. Nobody made excuses for WoW being a "brand new MMO, these things take time etc. etc."


-Copying every feature down to a tee, from every MMO that has come before a new one, is never a good move. Not every feature molds perfectly into the design of every new game, despite being within the same genre.


-Many of the features you listed are not MMO-only staples of modern games, so don't go giving WoW so much credit.


-Many of the features the community here has been clamoring for are not desirable overall for the general community. There is a very very large population of people that would greatly oppose the idea of, say, a dungeon finder, or an arena system, and many other features. Rolling these out on day one would be taking a big risk. It is obvious that Bioware is taking a step backward and testing the waters with its community before rolling out such big decisions. So, despite what you may think, "give it time" is actually a very valid point to make.

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