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Why is Watchman so good in PvP?


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Combat is HOSED if you're affected by the Stuttering issue. Bladestorm taking 3-4 animations to fire is crippling to our dps output.


Ah, well, yeah. I play a Marauder and Force Scream doesn't have much in the way of an animation, tee hee hee.



I'mma gonna stick with SWTOR and wreck some faces with my level 10 Sentinel (was top damage, kills, accrued 6 medals that game AND had a modest amount of objective points as well)!


Top damage and kills, with extra objective points on the side is how all Sent/Marauders should roll. Rock on!

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Top damage and kills, with extra objective points on the side is how all Sent/Marauders should roll. Rock on!


Except maybe only 5% of all Sentinel players know what they are doing :(


(which arguably is also the % of people with an IQ above 125)

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I've found that there are a few reasons I seem to do better with Watchman:


1. More focus, faster centring, excellent Zen effect.

2. DoT's prevent opponent's re-stealthing and burn while you channel stasis.

3. Reduced cd on leap and kick is excellent.

4. Merciless Slash hits like a truck, especially once you've built 5 stacks of Juyo.

5. DoT's are elemental damage.

6. Self healing might be minor, but it's a nice side-effect.

7. Cauterise slowing opponents down (when talented) in addition to all the good burny stuff.


What you forgot:

8. 100% damage reduction from Force Camo (every 45 seconds)

9. Faster Centering = also more frequently party skills

10. 0-30m Force leap (or 5-30m for those who prefer it)


Watchman has a bit less burst than Combat but still plenty enough burst to take down even healers as long as you interrupt. And the burn dots are by no mean inferior as they crit for +1K. A little less burst yet still plenty + sustained damage + self/party heals + increased focus/centering = Plenty DPS and more survivability than any other tree.


My experience so far is that the only class that can defeat a Watchman 1v1 is an Operative, depending if your CC breaker is on CD etc. And now they're getting a tiny nerf, lol.

Edited by darthtoph
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IQ and gaming skills totally go hand in hand :-)


Never said so. I just so happened to be looking at some stats on humanity while writing this.


By the way, did you know over a billion people still don't know how to read/write? Astonishing.


(If I continue I'm going to start sounding like that fact maniac student in "Bones")

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Except maybe only 5% of all Sentinel players know what they are doing :(


(which arguably is also the % of people with an IQ above 125)


I think part of the problem with today's day and age in MMOs is that everyone likes to have things spelled out for them and don't want to / care to figure things out for themselves. You can educate these "bad" players to be "good" players. However, the players that are able to stand back and look at the bigger picture; those that can form talent specs, gear in an optimal way, analyze skills (for themselves) in depth, and/or formulate a rotation / priority system themselves are often times what makes a "great" player.


As much as I love coming on the forums to read people's opinions, complaints, ideas etc....it seems that forums nowadays are just an easy way for (lazy) people to educate themselves. Admittedly, I've picked up a thing or two reading these forums though :o.

It's great to share information and I love that forums have the potential to bring people together as a community but these threads like "Why is Watchman so good in PvP?" or "What is the best spec?" often times just steer people the wrong way - and by wrong way, I mean a spec that they may not enjoy all that much.


If I can think back to my many years of MMO and think of one of my triumphs, I'd say it's my ability to just pick a class that I enjoy, analyze it and roll with a spec that I enjoy playing, even if the masses say "Don't do that. :mon_trap:". I also seem to be able to simplify things and not overanalyze them either. For many of the guilds I've been in, I've often times been top DPSer and it's often times led to "How do you do so much dps?" and my response is "I just mash buttons." Yes, it's a bit of a lie as I mash buttons in a particular order to achieve those results. I just find people are always trying to weave extra little things in, yet it just complicates things more. If you are an adept player than can do that without losing DPS, all the power to ya! I'm just a firm believer of the "Keep it simple" rule.


Anyways, enough reminiscing / e-peen stroking - I guess my point that I'm really trying to say is: look at the strengths of each spec, use it for a little while and see if you enjoy it. If it feels a bit awkward or you don't enjoy it (even if the masses say it's the best spec), try a different one. If you love that different one, roll with it. You'll most likely do better in a spec that you enjoy playing as opposed to one that feels awkward / clunky / just-not-your-favorite.

Edited by Miraodus
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Just gave Focus a fair shot at 50. Really fun spec to play as. High mobility and burst damage (both single target and aoe) and the sustain isn't bad by any means. I feel like the whole "aoe padding" thing for Focus is way exaggerated. With chain Transcendence and Zealous Leap speed buffs you have ridiculous uptime on any target. (Not to mention Force Exhaustion).
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As much as I love coming on the forums to read people's opinions, complaints, ideas etc....it seems that forums nowadays are just an easy way for (lazy) people to educate themselves. Admittedly, I've picked up a thing or two reading these forums though :o.

It's great to share information and I love that forums have the potential to bring people together as a community but these threads like "Why is Watchman so good in PvP?" or "What is the best spec?" often times just steer people the wrong way - and by wrong way, I mean a spec that they may not enjoy all that much.

Forums are a great starting point. For example, I started leveling a Shadow. I know almost nothing of internal mechanics of the class, so I have two option - either I do everything the hard way, respecing few times, learning from mistakes and so on, or I go to the forum and read that that ability is broken, that one is bugged, that works better than intended and that one is good with this one. From this starting point I can come up with my own spec and ability rotations, which will save me a lot of time and sometimes nerves.


So, my question was lost in the discussion it seems. How do you people make Watchmen work? Manage Focus, spread over Cauterise/Overload Saber?

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I don't think there is a best tree, it just depends on where you like to be in battle. I haven't played combat so I'm omitting that here.


It comes down to:


Do you like being on their healer/sniper's face? Watchman


Do you like being in the middle of the brawl AoEing like a bawss? Focus


EDIT: For above post ^^. Just keeping your focus quite high so that you can pop your overload saber, cauterize and merciless when they come off CD. Also try not to engage with your force leap as every class and his dog has some sort of CC that will make you regret it. Just walk up to the target with rebuke or use camo for initiation, open with zealous strike.

Edited by TheWhiskey
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Am I the only watchman that never uses transcendence? I never have problems catching or keeping up with people, so it seems pretty useless to me. I tend to run in and solo groups of 4+ though so i like to pop my defensive cooldowns and use the zen heals instead to keep me up.
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Sorry for opening a thread like this again, but it have been bugging me for quite some time. As far as I see, Watchman is a DoT tree. And DoTs are weaker in PvP due to presence of healers, so often mentioned 300K damage can be poured into one character and be not enough to kill him, if he's getting heals. Why is then Watchman considered superior to Combat in PvP? Is Merciless Slash that good?


6 second dots are quite short


5.5k MS with adrenal/relic is good burst


selfheal dribble is added survivability


Inbuilt slow


fast centering build



All 3 specs are viable for pvp, combat has more ranged dps, focus more aoe

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Am I the only watchman that never uses transcendence? I never have problems catching or keeping up with people, so it seems pretty useless to me. I tend to run in and solo groups of 4+ though so i like to pop my defensive cooldowns and use the zen heals instead to keep me up.


Don't neglect it's value for Objectives. Especially when traited, a single transcendence at the right time can really punish your opponent for a small mistake.

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Is it worth getting "Insight" from the Focus tree to make our dots crit? I'm pretty sure the dots are force attacks and this talent isn't rated for watchmen at all?


It does work for Overload Saber. Whether it works for Cauterize or not is impossible to know, as Cauterize does both melee and force oriented things with the dot aspect.


However, fully geared you should hover around 30% crit chance, so with a smuggler and full stacks of Juyo you have a 50% crit chance on Dots. Is 3 talent points worth changing that to 56%, considering you use no other skill that benefits from it with regularity?

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Is it worth getting "Insight" from the Focus tree to make our dots crit? I'm pretty sure the dots are force attacks and this talent isn't rated for watchmen at all?
Go for it, and respec out of it when your gear gets really good (see above post)
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It does work for Overload Saber. Whether it works for Cauterize or not is impossible to know, as Cauterize does both melee and force oriented things with the dot aspect.


However, fully geared you should hover around 30% crit chance, so with a smuggler and full stacks of Juyo you have a 50% crit chance on Dots. Is 3 talent points worth changing that to 56%, considering you use no other skill that benefits from it with regularity?


Well I'm thinking that a 6% increased crit chance is better than 3% accuracy. I certainly don't care for the 1 more focus out of leap as I can keep track of my focus and always have enough for cauterize, overload and merc slash when they come off CD.

I'm lv49 atm and full of commendations so I'm just gonna pop to 50 now and open like 6 PvP bags.

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Well I'm thinking that a 6% increased crit chance is better than 3% accuracy. I certainly don't care for the 1 more focus out of leap as I can keep track of my focus and always have enough for cauterize, overload and merc slash when they come off CD.

I'm lv49 atm and full of commendations so I'm just gonna pop to 50 now and open like 6 PvP bags.


3% accuracy is never worth it. Defensive Roll, Force Fade, Focused Pursuit, Inflammation, and even Focused Leap are all far better investments than either Accuracy or Insight in my experience.

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Sorry for opening a thread like this again, but it have been bugging me for quite some time. As far as I see, Watchman is a DoT tree. And DoTs are weaker in PvP due to presence of healers, so often mentioned 300K damage can be poured into one character and be not enough to kill him, if he's getting heals. Why is then Watchman considered superior to Combat in PvP? Is Merciless Slash that good?


The problem is, people like you only compare watchman vs. combat and never consider focus tree when focus true is far far far far far far far superior to watchman and combat tree. This is why most sentinel pick watchman over combat and focus.

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The problem is, people like you only compare watchman vs. combat and never consider focus tree when focus true is far far far far far far far superior to watchman and combat tree. This is why most sentinel pick watchman over combat and focus.


focus is not superior to watchman........


elite watchman > elite focus > elite combat > terrible focus > terrible combat > terrible watchman


underlined and bold is probably YOU

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And guess what watchman can do in those 6 seconds? Interupt 3 heals with kicks, leap and stasis, hell another kick if need be.


and Awe don't forget! AE interupt!


I sometimes get the feeling that merciless slash interupts too, does it?

Edited by Outlawe
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