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why does EVERY mirror balance issue favor empire?


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Next patch:


Jedi Consular




Mental Alacrity: Now correctly costs no Force to activate.

Salvation: No longer heals targets twice on application. It now correctly heals all affected targets once when applied.



Well, glad we got THAT imbalance out of the way.


But guardians get their 3 seconds back on freezing force. Maybe that evens things out.




Sorcs don't get the initial heal. I can't seem to find it now, but someone made a comparative video on youtube.
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Oh man this makes me SICK its so DISGUSTING. This is like a SLAP IN THE FACE. (You sound ridiculous saying this)




...but come on really? You really think they are doing it on purpose? Why? It wouldn't help them. The Empire being l33t is not what they are interested in they want the game to do well so they can make money.


I don't think it is like this. I think it is more a fact of that the team would rather work on the imp classes so they put more time and effort into them.

It is a death of a thousand cuts and it is what makes republic over all weaker.

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The actual best part is FA whining.



BTw, the turrets start pointing to the center, and the middle is facing one of the other turrets. But, you can believe random forum posts if you'd want, rather than use your own eyes.


Wrong both outside turrets always start every match pointing to the republic ship. Now whether this was fixed with patch 1.1 I cannot attest as being republic I cannot get into anything other then Huttball without it ending early due to population imbalances. I have yet to receive a Alderran warzone since 1.1

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Wrong both outside turrets always start every match pointing to the republic ship. Now whether this was fixed with patch 1.1 I cannot attest as being republic I cannot get into anything other then Huttball without it ending early due to population imbalances. I have yet to receive a Alderran warzone since 1.1


plenty of pics showing outside ones facing centre b4 1.1

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Wrong both outside turrets always start every match pointing to the republic ship. Now whether this was fixed with patch 1.1 I cannot attest as being republic I cannot get into anything other then Huttball without it ending early due to population imbalances. I have yet to receive a Alderran warzone since 1.1


as republic i relish huttball, it happens so seldomly, im SICK of void star and almost as sick of alderaan, as much as i love Swtor on the whole, arathi basin > alderaan civil war, but huttball > warsong gulch, so please let us poor republic underlings have some more huttball bioware :D

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I cannot state for fact that Bioware's development team created these imbalances on purpose, but here is a few things to consider.


1. Almost every member of the dev team has publicly said at some point that their own main character is Imperial.


2. When developing a game with mirror classes, you write down the abilities base effect. Then create 2 different class matching names for the ability, then create 2 animations that groove with said classes, then tweak dmg and cost after some ability testing.


There is no way they went through all of those steps with every ability without noticing the major differences between the abilities. They don't have a Trooper team and a Bounty Hunter Team... They have a Trooper/Bounty Hunter team.... There is no excuse for any differences however slight between the classes when the same people are designing the abilities for both sides at the same time.

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The sorc ability ignoring the resolve bar entirely (the mirror doesnt, obviously)
Just going to say this bit is a load of crap its just consulars crying roll a inquisitor and you will see no difference i am a 50 assasin and a full reslove bar means i cant stun them fact.
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Happens to imperial as well just they dont QQ and post vids over SECOND DIFFERNCE IN A TICK


It's not one second sooner, it's one second faster.

One second difference per tick over ten ticks is ten seconds.

Also, the turrets start as neutral, but once capped are immediately turned towards the Republic ship. If the Republic side capped a turret, it must turn from the Rep ship towards the Imp ship. That's a free tick per turret right there.

I don't know about you, but I've been in plenty of Civil Wars where the difference in the ending score was below ~50 points, which is exactly how much you'd get with the free tick+speed ticking difference.

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this same person has been creating this same thread over and over every day for 2 weeks or so now


Good. Bioware has failed massively with this game. It needs to be kept in the light until they come out and say, "yes we screwed up, we are sorry, we will do everything in our power to fix it."


Instead they have taken a hard nosed point of cover up and denial. Latest example was the 1.1 Ilum changes. They released the patch and I am sitting there watching a stream of a bunch of players farming turrets. Guy is getting valor ticks every time the turret died and there is no Republic players being killed as it would have showed "randomscrub01 has been defeated". About 5 hours into the stream all the sudden turrets stop giving valor gains. And a few minutes later there is a dev post that it was a lie and they were never giving valor....


Or how about the claim that the only people having performance issues in game are the 5% minority with inferior low end computers... But most of the people having the biggest problems and reporting them along with Dxdiag logs on the forums have extremely high end gaming rigs. And forum reports only represent the portion of a gaming community who take the time to post. While small in general active forum members can be seen as a viably proportionate sample of the entire games population. If 100 forum posters report their performance and 40% of them have bad performance statistically 40% of the entire games population is probably having performance issues.


Bioware claims they have sold more copies then they anticipated, but EA stock traders are claiming 3% drop in stock prices after the announcement that SW:TOR has underperformed both in sales and subscription retention as of yesterday.


Sorry Bioware but cover up and denial always eventually come to light... Just ask any major government around the world.

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It's not one second sooner, it's one second faster.

One second difference per tick over ten ticks is ten seconds.

Also, the turrets start as neutral, but once capped are immediately turned towards the Republic ship. If the Republic side capped a turret, it must turn from the Rep ship towards the Imp ship. That's a free tick per turret right there.

I don't know about you, but I've been in plenty of Civil Wars where the difference in the ending score was below ~50 points, which is exactly how much you'd get with the free tick+speed ticking difference.


If you watch video it would only affect if you lost 5-0 so its a second sooner u will find

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That's because he's right.


No he takes all the bugs that favor Empire, ignoring the ones that favor Republic. Throws in a bunch of forum myths of fairytales that favor the Empire and cries a river that puts the Nile to shame.


His claim is, EVERY mirror balance favors Empire. Well they are fixing a bug that strongly favored Republic. And there is a whole bunch more, but the OP did not include these at all. Which testifies volumes to how biased he is. So that makes it very hard to take him serious, let alone believe anything he says.

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No he takes all the bugs that favor Empire, ignoring the ones that favor Republic. Throws in a bunch of forum myths of fairytales that favor the Empire and cries a river that puts the Nile to shame.


His claim is, EVERY mirror balance favors Empire. Well they are fixing a bug that strongly favored Republic. And there is a whole bunch more, but the OP did not include these at all. Which testifies volumes to how biased he is. So that makes it very hard to take him serious, let alone believe anything he says.




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No he takes all the bugs that favor Empire, ignoring the ones that favor Republic. Throws in a bunch of forum myths of fairytales that favor the Empire and cries a river that puts the Nile to shame.


His claim is, EVERY mirror balance favors Empire. Well they are fixing a bug that strongly favored Republic. And there is a whole bunch more, but the OP did not include these at all. Which testifies volumes to how biased he is. So that makes it very hard to take him serious, let alone believe anything he says.


You have to remember that since launch there has only been 3 abilities found that may or may not have favoured the republic while over 17 found favouring the Imperials. Also the ones that Republic players are complaining about most of them have been known since early closed beta and were ignored. The Imperial ones were mostly newer discoveries found since full release.


Major faction imbalance + large number of favouring abilities that have been known for a long time + Ilum screw up + Lies , lies, and more lies on Bioware's part add up over time.

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The Flash Grenade / Flash Bang difference between Smugglers and IAs was without a doubt the most glaring and obvious difference. This bug has been reported multiple times at beta and has only recently been adressed.



Ofcourse, this incompetence might not necessarily be due to favoritizing the empire, neglectance of said classes might also be an explanation.

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there are so many advantages the empire has in there abilities its ridiculous. don't think bioware doesn't know this! its absolutely ridiculous and shocking how the slower animation times for the republic are so blatantly obvious that this had to be there intended feature. you can't be a game developer and not see this when any 8 year old can. now if bioware really wanted to even out the sides they would have done it by now. this should be #1 priority but it's obviously not! soon the game will be all imps then that will get boring and the game will die. i also love how any advantage the republic toons may have had are immediatley fixed while all the empire ones remain. just another example why the republic was intended to have disadvantages. Edited by MasterOneHit
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