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Dealbreaker: STOP Calling me "Sir"!!!


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No it isn't.


You should serve in the military before you start talking about it like you know about it.


It annoyed me that the General was being called Sir, because I served in the Marine Corps, and we call NCOs and Officers Sir if they are male and Ma'am if they are female.


Edit: NCOs are called by their rank not sir or ma'am sorry mistype


you should know your history before you start talking about it like you know it.


women use to be called sir.

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It's still a Star Wars thing. With some genders you really can't tell if they are male or female (or none, or both, or something else). Plus some of them might be incased in armor, have their faces hidden, their voices masked.


Plus with the empire you have all these people who are on their toes and will zap you for the slightest misstep.

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Personally, I prefer "sir" over "ma'am".


And honestly, if you served with aliens that you may or may not be able to tell what gender they are (without getting way too personal), then "sir" seems like the best option to go with.

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Do you not realize that in the cut scenes, the NPCs use the appropriate pronouns depending on if you are playing a male or female?


Come ON. You are mad about your toon being called SIR? it's a military thing!


I'm a woman who also plays male toons so I don't really care one way or another.

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I agree with the OP. That should be fixed. Story and immersion are the strong points here, polish them until it is perfect.


One minor issue I had with the trooper story is the senior officers always saluting first. In all armed forces I'm aware of, the subordinate solider should initiate and hold salute until the superior returns and finishes theirs. At least make the lower rank start the salute first, not as big of a nit pick on who finishes the salute first.


I'm assuming this would only be noticed by military/ex-military players though. So obviously not super high priority.

Edited by Wepo
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Do you not realize that in the cut scenes, the NPCs use the appropriate pronouns depending on if you are playing a male or female?


Come ON. You are mad about your toon being called SIR? it's a military thing!


I'm a woman who also plays male toons so I don't really care one way or another.


well to people who served its just one of those things that annoys you. They drill this stuff into our heads when we are in. The military is a very anal organization.


Go join the marines and call your female drill instructor Sir and watch what happens!

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well to people who served its just one of those things that annoys you. They drill this stuff into our heads when we are in. The military is a very anal organization.


Go join the marines and call your female drill instructor Sir and watch what happens!


Meh, I'm an old fashioned girl and I think some of the stuff some women get their knickers in a twist over is sorta silly.


But, again, I'm probably really provincial and backward. *evil grin*

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Trooper cutscenes have you calling General Garza "sir".


This is clearly a lore decision, and not a ploy to save money, as Garza's gender does not change from character to character.


It's common for officers in the military to address all higher ranking officers as Sir or Ma'am, as the case may be, and not by their actual rank.


Re: "weak" ingame salutes: There's like a dozen different military salutes on planet Earth... All except for one, I find them all to be universally weak/silly.

Edited by Daemonjax
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It's common for officers in the military to address all higher ranking officers as Sir or Ma'am, as the case may be, and not by their actual rank.


I'm not arguing real-world military protocol. I'm saying that the people saying that "sir" was included in female cutscenes to save money are unsupported by the facts.

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Heh, I was just about to post that. Anyway, for the heck of it, here's the relevant bit of the codex entry.


"Due to the great diversity of service personnel present in the Republic military, regulations specify that the honorific "sir" should be used when addressing any personnel of higher rank than oneself, regardless of the species, gender or position of the addressee."

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