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New "server" forums are a slap in the face


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All you have done Bioware is divided up the General Discussion forum.


Why would I even bother looking at my supposibly "sever forum" when 90-95% of the topics have absolute no relevance?


If you want to release something half baked, like patch 1.1, that's fine. But don't expect the community to use them. Of course some people will, but that is not your justification.


A low end SAN would of easliy accomodated individual server forums, your whole website and all your official forums as well. If you don't have the hardware, your architect should be shot.

Edited by SirSlayAlot
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All you have done Bioware is divided up the General Discussion forum.


Why would I even bother looking at my supposibly "sever forum" when 90-95% of the topics have absolute no revelance?


If you want to release something half baked, like patch 1.1, that's fine. But don't expect the community to use them. Of course some people will, but that is not your justification.


A low end SAN would of easliy accomodated individual server forums, your whole website and all your official forums as well. If you don't have the hardware, your architect should be shot.


As one who railed at BW for server forums...shut up. Seriously just shut up. This was a huge step from what we had which was nothing. If you dont like them then dont us them but this is an improvement and shows that they are listening.

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As one who railed at BW for server forums...shut up. Seriously just shut up. This was a huge step from what we had which was nothing. If you dont like them then dont us them but this is an improvement and shows that they are listening.


This is not an improvement, all it has done is lighten the load off general discussion, so sit back down and calm yourself child.

Edited by SirSlayAlot
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Right. Let's go back to having nothing.


God, people on this froum are like spoiled kids.


Give it a month and they will be ghost towns. Most will just fall back to the official general discussion forum anyway, cause thats all they are.


God, people on this forum have no foresight.

Edited by SirSlayAlot
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Give it a month and they will be ghost towns.


God, people on this forum have no foresight.


So, they gave you something which you were not entitled to have, which did not even exist before....and you're mad about it?



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Hyperbole isn't just dead, it was drawn, quartered, the pieces were put into separate starships and sent to the four corners of the universe, then each piece was stomped on by a million angry gamers, then stirred into a billion milkshakes and swallowed by ten million atkins diet cheaters.


Or something like that.

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So, they gave you something which you were not entitled to have, which did not even exist before....and you're mad about it?






Not entitled to have? No it's not, but if you want to be successful in the business world, you supply the demand. Basic business practice. But you missed that one ay?

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Not entitled to have? No it's not, but if you want to be successful in the business world, you supply the demand. Basic business practice. But you missed that one ay?


If the demand goes beyond what you think you'll be able to effectively provide? No, that's not "basic business practice." That's called "overreaching."


Not that I necessarily agree with the reasons they're doing it this way, but... well, given the userbase here, maybe I do.

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