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Everything posted by Scarfez

  1. Awesome ideas, good stuff OP. If I may add one, at least for guilds that are part of the Empire... Guild Ship = Executor class SSD... The dirty rebels.. err I mean Republic, can have a Corellian Corvette hehe
  2. BioWare can't force people to start using them, that's on us. Besides they've only been open, what, a day-ish at best? Give people time to realize they're even there, GOSH.
  3. Yeah, I actually feel like I'm leveling faster the higher level i get. I'm on Balmorra, hardly into the story quest at all yet (I love doing the side quests, and usually put those ahead of the class quests..) and have run BT a few times, HS once, and done a few of the space missions and it seems like I'm leveling faster now than from 1 - 10. It's like the higher level/better geared I get, the easier the quests are to complete, and therefore the faster they get completed... making the process go really quickly. I remember it seemed like it took forever to get to 10, and now it's just flying by. I'm thinking lower the amt of xp granted for quest turn ins and mob kills (but don't give a toggle to turn off mob xp), and especially lower xp granted from space missions. I was pretty much right on track with pace until I started doing those (and they're fun, so I don't want to NOT do them). my 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209 cents. Roughly rounded, of course.
  4. They DID have wookies in mind when they designed it, contrary to popular belief.
  5. I do not have a high end computer by any means of the term, yet i manage 30 - 75 fps or so, depending on what planet I'm on, and what's going on around me. The biggest factors I have found that affect fps is the level of transparency AA you have set up in your video card drivers (I turned mine down from 4x supersampling to 2x) and the in game sliders for grass & trees (I keep each of those at 50%). If I turn the sliders up too much, then performance takes a huge hit because of the amount of transparency AA being done. I run it at 8x AA for everything but the transparencies. And to prove my point about my pc, here are the specs: AMD PhenomII x2 560 Black Edition OC'd to 4.01Ghz 4Gb Crucial Ballistix Sport 1600Mhz DDR3 Dual Channel RAM Gigabyte GTX 550 ti 1Gb OC Edit for price spent on above hardware: cpu, mobo & ram = $150 vid card = $150
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