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Community Blog: Ilum PvP issues


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I can reassure you that those who were involved and who gained an unfair advantage over other players inappropriately will be carefully reviewed and action will be taken to restore game balance. This could include Valor adjustments or account actions in accordance with the severity of the issue.


Followed by:


We have made the decision not to enact a mass 'rollback' of Valor points for all players in the game, or even on Ilum.


PR nonsense is nonsense. Rollback and revoke all champion/battlemaster gear and tokens earned by those that engaged in actions that never should have been possible.

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Well, this post may have single handedly done in this game for me as far as end game. On a PvP world there is no "unfair" advantage, capturing control points is a logical strategy. Muster some more fighters or you are out of luck, you enter a PvP server with the agreement of the possibility of constant battles, in my case, as well as a majority of the faithfuls from SWG, HOPING for constant battles, this is a sad development :confused:


Wait, ok, I actually took time to read some other posts, so there was an exploit and they aren't just punishing people for winning a battle and maintaining control of strategic points?


Yes because loading dead then ressing dead then ressing dead can be countered by more bodies that perpetually killed before you can even finish loading. Server populations that average 3 imps per 1 rep. Youre either trolling or dont have the cranial capacity to understand the problem.


PVP servers have nothing to do with it, west half of Ilum flags you regardless of server. Ignorance isnt cool, brah.

Edited by Warkyd
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The problem is they added in what they thought would be a good design and change of the existing zone. Now they have created more problems then existed.


Roll the zone back and the quests back to what they where before all these changes and go back to the drawing board for Ilum ideas.

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Rediculous in my opinion. Your going to punish a side for taking the enemies base on the supposed war ridden planet? Their fixes in this last patch are pretty weak too in my opinion. I'm not saying I think camping the other sides base is horrible(theres other ways into ilum, the speeders on the side), I just think the planet needs some work, as opposed to threats.


1. fortify bases with mannable turrets, shields, walls and other defenses. Make it so 20 in a base can fight off 100 invaders. Hell, add artillery in the base, can be fired every minute, but creates a debuff not allowing you to fire a second time for a couple hours(so others can fire it). That would end zerging. Plus how nice would it be to get 50 kills with one shot cause your opponents all zerged into one area.


2. Make those vehicles do something? If your at the northern point, and you destroy the imperial vehicles, the republic vehicles should move towards the base and contribute too attacking it. This makes guarding/destroying the vehicles more fun/important than static spawns that are horrible shots(seriously, they've never hit anything:)


3. get rid of the middle zone, and replace it with something more chaotic, and worth more. Make something there thats really hard to control(maybe a complex bunker/trench system, making it a nasty place to run around in)


4. If a base is overrun, spawn the hero for each side to, well fix the problem. Imps took the repubs base, well now Satele Shan lands and whoops arse, if its the other way, malgus cleans house. Kind of like a massive world boss, with the added bonus of allowing the base to be retaken by the defeated side that lost it.


Just crazy ideas, but they could really do something to make ilum fun, cause camping rebels, even though I'm sure you rebels think we think otherwise, is not fun. It sucks, I don't even want to come to this planet and wouldn't if it where not for my daily/weekly's.


Just think bioware should try a different approach.

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In my opinion, I don't think players should be punished for finding an exploit, which in the first place, comes from a mistake by you guys, aka Bioware themselves. Illum should have been looked at on a bigger scale. Seeing as there were these exploits of farming valor, I don't see this being tested on that bigger scale.


Don't punish for actions that have only been caused by your mistakes. Just saying.

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In my opinion, I don't think players should be punished for finding an exploit, which in the first place, comes from a mistake by you guys, aka Bioware


Finding an exploit is never the problem. When you find one, you bug it, and refrain from using it.


Lets say I find a bug, when I push 4 skills in a row, it kills every Emp player within 1000 meters instantly. If I do it once by accident, I am doing nothing wrong. If I do it a second time, I am testing it. If I do it for a day, gaining infinite Valor, and ruining others players play - then I am exploiting and should be punished.


That is what exploiting is - using a bug or design flaw to gain an unfair advantage. Players have a responsibility to refrain from utilizing design flaws to gain an unfair advantage.



Let me try and put this in a context some of you can understand ... lets say your 8th grade math teacher forgets and leaves a copy of tomorrows test on his desk after class. Yes, he made a mistake. Yes, you would be tempted to take the test and copy it. But, it would be wrong to do so. It would be an honor code violation to do so, which could subject you to sanctions - because you would gain an unfair advantage.

Edited by Brad-
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Great, hate bugs, but it happens on all games so you can just be grateful that some are trying to fix this :)


Erm... grateful? We are freakin paying for this game its not a gift or anything.


They are supposed to be fixing the bugs, yesterday Illum was more of a slideshow than a game. And no its not my pc (...) everyone was complaining about having 4-9 fps.

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Erm... grateful? We are freakin paying for this game its not a gift or anything.


They are supposed to be fixing the bugs, yesterday Illum was more of a slideshow than a game. And no its not my pc (...) everyone was complaining about having 4-9 fps.


What are you going to do about then, well we cant do anything about it and you know that every single game have bugs in it and its up them to fix it , give it a break dude:cool:

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Everyone needs to read these. The people who participated probably violated every bolded section. They definately violated the following: Abuse or exploit bugs, undocumented features, design errors or problems in the game.. The fact that it was a design error is no excuse. They should not have participated.


There is no question that they abused the design error, and should be punished severely.



It has been a week now ... we should have seen some results. I hope the delay does not mean that they have decided to allow people to exploit in SWTOR. That will not bode well for the future.

Edited by Brad-
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What are you going to do about then, well we cant do anything about it and you know that every single game have bugs in it and its up them to fix it , give it a break dude:cool:



Mate, a "bug" is when you cant loot from a chest or get teleported to the fleet instead of a planet or something.


Character Responsiveness is not a bug, Illum 5fps pvp is not a bug, lack of content is not a bug. Its called "its not working"!


And when you buy something for 57 + 27.5 euro (2 months of sub) and its NOT working, you ask your money back. Cause while they are trying to fix it we are paying to help em fix it. Its outrageous if you sit back and think about it.

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Ilum is beyond stupid. This change instituted on pvp servers with this degree of faction imbalance leads to picking up ground spawns. I didn't roll on a pvp server to be forced to click crap on the ground 30 times a day, and 150 times a week.


This is the only option you have left us as valor 60+ players outside of the warzone weeklys and dailies. I have no way to purchase battlemaster bags.


THIS...IS...NOT...FUN, and I am not alone when I express my distaste for these changes.


We have been saying how terrible Ilum's design was for months and months and months, and nobody listened to us in the beta.


This should not be a shock, or a surprise to anyone that this was inevitable.


It needs to be fixed now.

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I just hope within the next few months alot of changes are made...i mean ppl exploiting to get an edge on others is just crap.. no one wants to play a game with exploiting derps....


and could u pls put a immune buff on CC break? i mean like 3-5 seconds? lol


again i know the game just came out and i still really like playing the game for now but its gunna be ruined if action isnt taken on ppl being **** *** **ssys..


just enjoy the game! and if ur sith (((


u really shouldnt be exploiting u alrdy out number! ;)


anyway if all else fails some really good lookin mmos coming out soon.. k tks :(



An Ex Por.

Corp Por.

In Nox.

An Mana.:eek:

Edited by AxesTHEpker
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Moral of the story is.......

Don't PVP on a PVP Battleground ..... I have single handedly fixed Ilum!


Also, how are players supposed to know all the mechanics of gameplay when the game came out a little over a month ago?


For all everyone knew, a few Walkers could have spawned and steamrolled everyone in the base, or a bomber come and start to bomb the Imps....Etc.


I supposed now pulling / grappeling people into the Repub base which insta kills people is an exploit, and people doing so should be banned. After all, i'm sure those were not the mechanics Bioware intended.

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I played WoW for like 6 years and pvp was my 1st love in that game. I was hoping I would find that love again in this game but alas I have not seen it yet. I want it and your going to give it to me and in order to see my love again I am willing to help you. Ilum is not a fun for republic on my server ( the harbinger) granted many of the players are horrible. Imps camp the middle en mass and farm crates while waiting for republic players to wander in to swarm them 10-1. The few times I have gone to Ilum with intentions of pvp it did not go that bad but I also made a Ops group to match the zerg swarm the imps had pushed them from the middle and camped it doing the same thing they had been doing to us. It was kinda fun but alot of effort, the solution is simple:


1. spread the crates around the entire zone then make the pvp quest 2 quests, 1 for kills 1 for crates and lower the amount needed.


2. more quests! one I can think off the top of my head is one to capture the control points and make the rewards something pvp players will desire.


3. the command points must provide something valuable to pvp players but not buff them. one idea I have had and really like flys in the face of the "do not buff them" but it would be bad ***. them vehicles at each capture point, yeah capture a point and you get access to 1-3 of the vehicles which should be heavily armed and only destroyed by rocket launchers which you would have to pick up and have limited ammo carrying capacity.


4. If your aim was to have an area where massive pvp battle occur I like these 2 approaches 1 is to place a quest hub somewhere (usually the middle) person who controls X get extra quests 2 place a flashpoint or operation somewhere and if you control X your team gets access to it.


1&2 will diffuse the center command point and force combat across the entire zone not just the center 3&4 will force big battles this should make things flow instead of just being stagnant.



160000+ player kills in wow. want to help tor pvp. Ilum fixes: spread crates across the entire zone, add more quest, make the command points worth capturing, add some kind of WSG element where your side gets a Operation or something for completing X in Ilum.

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What do you at Bioware think was going to happen??


You guys made horrible changes to a system that was already badly designed from the start and expected it to work??


Don´t you have the population of republic/Imperial for all servers? Didn´t you know that there´s an imbalance between Republic and Imperial sides on almost all the servers?


And even if there wasn´t didn´t it cross your mind that pvp in ilum would be like a turn based game dictated by the amount of republic/imperials currently on the planet?


You guys make bad decisions and then you decide to take actions against players by calling them "exploits"??


If you mean camping boxes with low lvls (or any lvl 50 for that matter) yes you should punish them but then again you shouldn´t allow non 50´s into Ilum.


But calling an exploit the fact that people stay at the entrance to the opponents base?? I mean isn´t it a map location like any other map location??


Try to find a solution and forget what happened and come up with a decent fix for it .

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What do you at Bioware think was going to happen??


You guys made horrible changes to a system that was already badly designed from the start and expected it to work??


Don´t you have the population of republic/Imperial for all servers? Didn´t you know that there´s an imbalance between Republic and Imperial sides on almost all the servers?


And even if there wasn´t didn´t it cross your mind that pvp in ilum would be like a turn based game dictated by the amount of republic/imperials currently on the planet?


You guys make bad decisions and then you decide to take actions against players by calling them "exploits"??


If you mean camping boxes with low lvls (or any lvl 50 for that matter) yes you should punish them but then again you shouldn´t allow non 50´s into Ilum.


But calling an exploit the fact that people stay at the entrance to the opponents base?? I mean isn´t it a map location like any other map location??


Try to find a solution and forget what happened and come up with a decent fix for it .



you mad bro?

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Simple answer.


No I´m not, its the truth.


In fact it´s not the first mmo punishing players heavily for mistakes the developers make. Now players have to figure what is an exploit on their own?


How can I decide what´s an exploit and what´s a bad implementation?

Edited by Agenteusa
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Carebear alert. Roll on a pve if u waana qq about getting camped. Sounds ignorant right? So does all the comment demanding imps to get rollback or balance servers automatically. And most of all, BW threats are thost ignorant and empty threats. Ban someone for wat? Knowingly exploiting? You have zero evidence they "knew" they were exploiting. Your failure to properly design does not constitute a need to comprehend every detail of the game mechanics.


If it didnt work as intended then you should have thought about that before releasing public. You had ample time to test and elaborate and provide opportunity to find all exploits however you failed BW. Now technically your roll back on any player for a faulty mechanic PRODUCED by you is in a sense stealing there time they spent which would be like stealing money. They pay to play, not to play in fear of accidently being involved in an exploit. Now maybe thats a drastic statement but think now on a corpwrate level like BW is. BWhas an income from us but if the gov wanted to step in and say hey this is not how we intended for whatever reason seems fit and takes half the profit or all in this case, Bw be mad bro. Well thats how it looks and how it is. So the argument is merely the fairness and blame. Solved above.


If you dint wanna worry about being camped or unfairness in pvp go roll pve on pve server. Simple. If you play pvp and complain about being camped blah blah, close and restart client and select pve server and create character button. Those are both100percent flawless.




You missed the whole point!....narrow minded bafoon!....besides Ilum is a PvP world on both PvE and PvP servers.....Sith that luv calling Reps carebears make me Lawl,.....FYI game company's would never make any money if they prescribed to your logic which is severly lacking btw.....

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You missed the whole point!....narrow minded bafoon!....besides Ilum is a PvP world on both PvE and PvP servers.....Sith that luv calling Reps carebears make me Lawl,.....FYI game company's would never make any money if they prescribed to your logic which is severly lacking btw.....


He´s 100% right. Same opinion as me except for the rolling on a Pve server part.


Most people don´t seem to put into perspective that all that folks were doing was getting their Valor/ daily marks the best way they could cause there was literally nothing else to do besides camping opponents bases. Either that or hope that by some random luck a group of players would pop up on some random spot on the map. Even BW admitted that what they implemented was a failure(not those words but the meaning is the same) so I don´t understand what the fuss is about.


So you´re saying that you would consider fair if they banned/penalize you for something that they consider an exploit even based on the fact that you had no idea or for that matter a way of knowing you were using an exploit?


If you answer yes then ok you have a point , its not my opinion but it´s a point.


If you answer no, then it´s you who has no valid points.

Edited by Agenteusa
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So you´re saying that you would consider fair if they banned/penalize you for something that they consider an exploit even based on the fact that you had no idea or for that matter a way of knowing you were using an exploit?



Yes. If you participated in the area before the patch then there is no excuse for not being aware that what was happening was an exploit. If you were new to the zone post 1.1, you have no excuse for participating in something that others openly and blatantly talked about being an exploit. If the player honestly made a mistake, then players like Agenteusa are to blame for the innocent player's account being banned - not BW.

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