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Community Blog: Ilum PvP issues


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Personally, I have no problems with rolling back Valor of the people that gained it on Ilum during this (I'm not calling it an exploit because in my eyes, it wasn't). However, I think "account actions" are not called for.


To me, an exploit is doing something in game that tries to explicitly take advantage of something wrong with the game code. The game code on Ilum in this case was "working as intended" and I really don't see any reason to punish people here for using it. Take away their valor? Yes. "Account actions"? No.


Also, for the record, I only have one character who is currently level 49 and has not yet been to Ilum.

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Excellent news from Bioware.


Looks like only people who are complaining here are the Imp zergs who got their enormous amounts of Valor that day and are angry now because they will have to part with it soon.


I personally cant wait to see the QQ in here from people who must must think it is normal to get a Battle Master rank in day when their Valor gets hit by the RESET button.

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It's quite a stupid reason really as people have been saying, it is purely from a lack of people playing republic and its not exactly an exploit in the game, it's just because there are so many imperials wanting to get it done and not enough armaments or they are too hard to find.

So because of the sheer ratio on what i gather on most servers of imps : pubs is that imps just keep pushing to complete daily / weekly quest until they have just ended up at the pubs base rather than sitting in the middle twiddling their thumbs...

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Funny that he posts this after the biggest star wars fan site out there bashes the hell out of Ilum and its design.


Sounds like a bunch of damage control to me.


that is so funny if tehy do nothing ppl come and QQ if they take actions ppl come and QQ. Plz st fu and let BW work


and for all the tards who think they do nothing wrong i have a soft laugh ^^

Edited by Aimy_dlx
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Haven't gone to Ilum yet, but, what's the big deal? It's open world PvP, camping is going to happen. It sounds like maybe they need to better protect the bases with higher level turrets and/or guards, but again, it PvP. Is this why people are complaining there are too many Imps v. Rebels?
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seriously.. on the 1.1 patch day.. what lvl 50's were NOT at ilum? there was maybe a handful of people who just stuck to warzones. And Im sure they would all be more than happy losing the bit of valor they grinded if they knew it meant all the peope who exploited were being set back.



Seriously.. what a ******** excuse


i stayed away from ilum and did warzones, if they rolled back my valor from the day i would be pissed off. almost to the point of getting a refund for my subsciption and cancelling my account.


WHY should I be punished for the actions of others.

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From the post: "Our in-game metrics are able to give us precise details on where players were, what they were doing and what rewards they gained."


Yet, somehow, they did not anticipate precisely this result from the hamfisted changes they made to Ilum?

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i stayed away from ilum and did warzones, if they rolled back my valor from the day i would be pissed off. almost to the point of getting a refund for my subsciption and cancelling my account.


WHY should I be punished for the actions of others.


Who said you will be punished, you had nothing to do with it so relax.


Only the ZERGS will face the Valor reset button.

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Yeah that's exactly what i was saying. Why not? Some people find shortcuts and more power to them, do they pay the same as you to get the same opportunity or the same outcome? Bioware's fault, Bioware's problem, not theirs.


So you would think if someone went to an ATM and withdrew money and realized that the ATM coninued to spit out cash beyond what should be given, that they should be able to keep all the extra money because its the banks fault not theirs. We both know thats not the way it works. You find out you have a million dollars in you account, you know youre not keeping it because the bank is going to get it back even though it was their mistake. Same goes here in game

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Who said you will be punished, you had nothing to do with it so relax.


Only the ZERGS will face the Valor reset button.


To be honest as I know a few online mmo devs and programmers in RL you wont see ANY individual punishments.


Its too much to ask, the official response put out by that Hick guy has probably got the coders cringing in their hands, there will either be a total rollback (not possible now i have been told as it would mean all valour gained from then to now being revoked) or just letting it go.


They will let this go mark my words, all those butt hurt players calling for account bans and such will be very vocal but easily ignored.

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They will let this go. Remember the servers are still in their "infancy" and now the exploiters will fill some of the upper ech of players on ea server as is usual at the start of any MMO. Tell me a MMO that has never had any exploitation of its game mechanics shortly after its release(and even long after from patches) by those that eat, sleep, and poop that particular MMO 24/7.

Right now the main point is; will they be able to fix it so it will not happen again.

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They will let this go. Remember the servers are still in their "infancy" and now the exploiters will fill some of the upper ech of players on ea server as is usual at the start of any MMO. Tell me a MMO that has never had any exploitation of its game mechanics shortly after its release(and even long after from patches) by those that eat, sleep, and poop that particular MMO 24/7.

Right now the main point is; will they be able to fix it so it will not happen again.


Agree, this is much more of the important issue.


The official response that players will be punished is just plain stupid.


Sure it will abait the whiners that got caught up in the slaughter in ilum that day but when they see nothing can be done after being promised something would be done to punish players it will come back and bite them.


Simply a post saying that a mistake was made and a slaughter happened would be much more logical, for indeed in war sometimes shi* happens.



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Jeff Hickman is from Mythic/Dark Age of Camelot.


Yes THAT game. Where Radar was rampant for years and they did nothing about it until it was already too late (2005, a year after WoW and they bled subs).


So, nothing is going to happen here and they will quietly ignore it. Check in a couple of weeks when the repubs that exploited still have their rank.

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I hope the camping deals with the carebear servers.. I've already been thru level 50 s camping questing areS and towns on tatooine on our pvp servers and I think its great..


If bioware needs to tame the wild pvErs and their servers no, however if its not exploitation or cheating tan please keep the regular pvp servers like the wild wild west

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You failed to roll back so you just lost at least 25% of your player base.


this games pvp system is broken and the only way you will save it is to reset valor for everyone....


Every player who leveled hard in valor from day one was just spit on by one days exploiting that you chose not to roll back.


Sorry but you ruined pvp and i will only do pve for this game now in protest until you wipe the valor and reset pvp....

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Sort the balance out, the empire dominates on most servers ( if not all ) and in order to balance world pvp you will have to come up with a system or mechanic that will even the odds for the heavily outnumbered faction. The base farming is a direct result of unequal faction ratio's.


WoW tried addressing this issue by buffing the outnumbered faction, while this wasn't perfect and had its flaws. Atleast the pvp zone was more balanced. Ilum is broken and tbh extremely boring, where's the challenge?

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While i applaud the desire to create game balance and am in agreement with this action, i really don't think it is fair to punish players for taming advantage of the situation. This game is suppouse to simulate a war. The players are right to exploit any advantage when it is given. If you feel the need to roll back valor on some players, fine. But they shold not be punished more than that.
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Hello everyone! We've posted a new blog from Jeff Hickman that talks more about this week's PvP issues on Ilum. Click here to read the blog!


Well done, but still you'll have to work more on this. At least you're listening to the community.



Sort the balance out, the empire dominates on most servers ( if not all ) and in order to balance world pvp you will have to come up with a system or mechanic that will even the odds for the heavily outnumbered faction. The base farming is a direct result of unequal faction ratio's.


WoW tried addressing this issue by buffing the outnumbered faction, while this wasn't perfect and had its flaws. Atleast the pvp zone was more balanced. Ilum is broken and tbh extremely boring, where's the challenge?


I agree with you in the "outnumbered faction" thing. If there's a clearly outnumbered faction they should do something, buffs as you say or even introducing some kind of mobs to balance the gameplay on Ilum.


When you really stop and think about it, they handled the fix quickly. It took 24 hours to fix the Ilum problem after 1.1. That is pretty great. I have been a member of MMO's that go for months with a major issue. Thanks BW for the fast fix!


Even if you're right, I think they should keep working on this. Because, as said by kwintox, there're clearly unfair battles in some servers. Anyway, we'll see since the game just has one month and not all players are 50s.





Edited by Erethrian
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well all i can say is pvp is no longer fun i get nuked in 2seconds due to the huge amount of imps with battlemaster since patch 1.1


this patch as now killed pvp for me due to the illum huge issue

sort it out bioware!


and to W/E to any 1 go's QQ or goodbye i have a right to brust out

Edited by burnsyy
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I for one would love to see the spawn campers get banned. These are not the kind of people I want on my server, or any others for that matter. For all of those giving all the blame to Bioware, I would suggest you read the legal terms you agreed to in the EULA. If you exploited you violated a legal agreement and you have NO case. I won't rehash the ethics of exploiting but if you are upset that the might fix this obvious problem let me help you find the door.
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Sorry BioWare, but coming from someone who knows a thing or two about games, and didn't exploit the Valor bugs at all, as I don't have a high enough character to; You can't ban or suspend ANYONE who abused the BLATANT error that YOUR company is responsible for.


"We have postponed the patch until the 18th due to exploits that were found and brought to our attention by players." Remember posting that?


Remember what happened next? You guys put the exploits in anyway. So yeah. Roll their valor back, take away any PvP gear they earned from said valor increases, and that's it. Take the self-inflicted gunshot wound you all gave yourselves and move on.


Just pray you didn't lose too many customers because of how horrible this launch has been. Three years of production and we get this PoS that looks like it was put together in 3 months.



No account actions, only rollbacks. And yes, once again, this is from someone that didn't benefit (exploit) the bug that BIOWARE chose to push live.

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Arguing about what happened on Ilum is essentially pointless. In this game, BW is the referee.....the judge....the law...the final word. If they say something is ok, then it's ok and if they say something is wrong, then it's wrong. That is the only measure that means anything as far as this game goes. It's safe to say that a majority of players are satisfied with BW's decision anyway.


And since we're fond of analogies, here's one just for kicks:


I'm hosting a chess tournament. I own the venue, the seats, the board, the pieces and i'm the ref. I am God there. I accidently gave one player 3 queens and I didn't notice. That player sets up the extra pieces and uses them to easily beat his opponent. I come over and say, "You can't do that. You'll have to give those pieces back and start from the beginning" He then blames me for giving him extra pieces.




At least as fast as the tedious analogy war goes. The problem with the "its bw's fault" qq is that it ignores that this is a multi-player game and bw is responsible to the whole community. This isn't to say bw isn't culpable - they clearly are - but they simply can't let people keep that bs progress.


Although I don't expect a breakdown of specific discipline, an update in two weeks telling us, cumulatively, how many players had how much valor adjusted, and how many got what length of bans, would do a lot to silence people who think this is cynical posturing.

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