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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best And Worst Class Story?


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The BH and Sith Warrior stories are pretty good if played light sided. I haven't played them dark so I don't know how that works out.


The Light Sided Jedi Knight story is terrible... absolutely terrible. The entire thing is a poorly done rip off of KOTOR 2. Haven't played it dark.

Edited by Bluejayoo
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IA story sucks, i already made a thread about it, too lazy to make another


companion/story for IA sucks(lvl 50 IA)


BH on the other hand, has awsome story/companion.(IA feels very sloppy in comparison)


I hear JK story is awsome, gonna do that next.


It's cliche but it does turn you into the top 10 most powerful jedi of all time.


As for OP


Best: Knight/Consular (simply because the enemies you beat are byfar the strongest enemies compared to other class boss and awesome companions)


Worst: Smuggler. Although I did enjoy the smuggler story very much, you just feel like an errand boy. Same goes to the IA (along with its terrible companions).

Edited by Idunhavaname
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The BH, IA, and Sith Warrior stories are pretty good if played light sided. I haven't played them dark so I don't know how that works out.


Dark Side Sith Warrior is usually pretty typical with some forays into Chaotic Stupid. Turning Jaesa to the Dark Side however is probably the most amazing thing in the game.

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True, the parts where you just call your crew and discuss your next steps are pretty well done on the BH. The same can be said for the SW crew (Except Broonmark, screw him).


Yeah. I really like when you go to the intercom and are like, "Everyone up to the bridge. We need to talk." Small things like that do big things.

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Every story line is the same....Ive played nearly all of them....not to conclusion but deep into them.


Every story line is about mass murder....running around killing mindlessly for the experience so you can level up.....


I mean I thought I was the only Grandmaster of the great hunt until I stand around the fleet and see 2 dozen grandmasters of the great hunt walk by me and realize.


Their life is a mirror image of my life.........hence this games entire design is to entertain you to level 50 so you can then PVP or raid........


Great game for a casual player......really mindless repetition for an avid sandboxer.

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This is my preference on Republic side: Trooper, Smuggler, Knight, Consul, and the last 3 really aren't that great. They should have called the smuggler, Republic Mercenary, then I wouldn't have any problems.


Matter fact, with the smuggler after Chap 1



They outright give up on the smuggler, and ask if you want to work as merc lol


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i only played bounty hunter and i like it so far. but from i what i've seen from the other i think BH stands out because it is more a character story. you are not having world changing choices. you are more having connections with your crew and how you react on actions from other people. i really like that.
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I really enjoyed the first chapter of the Smuggler story.



The antagonist ticked me off so much I practically dirty kicked him to death.



The crew is somewhat lackluster. Corso is alright. Risha is kinda cool, but I wish they had expanded on what makes her gain and lose affection a bit more. I find it amusing that the wookie nearly wets himself with negative affection anytime you mention wanting to fight or kill a Sith.

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It's cliche but it does turn you into the top 10 most powerful jedi of all time.



The battle itself sucks and the dialog before the battle is forgettable. Not to mention the nasty surprise you get just before that battle where they take any choice out of your hands (make sure you research the last mission before you go on it, or you will be sorry).


Up to that point its a string of almost identical quests with all the subtlety of a mac truck. By the time I got to Corelia I just wanted the thing to be over, and Corelia is a never ending series of grinding fetch quests.


There are no interesting choices. At no point do you feel like anything you are doing has any consequence to the progression of the plot. The entire story is completely linear and predictable.


At one point in the story you actually have a forced failure. This is almost a sin in game story line as far as I am concerned. And the story part of the forced failure is the most awkward moment in the entire line. I suppose if you were playing dark sided that part might have some meaning, but if you are light sided the entire sequence is just kind of glossed over.

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The battle itself sucks and the dialog before the battle is forgettable. Not to mention the nasty surprise you get just before that battle where they take any choice out of your hands (make sure you research the last mission before you go on it, or you will be sorry).


Up to that point its a string of almost identical quests with all the subtlety of a mac truck. By the time I got to Corelia I just wanted the thing to be over, and Corelia is a never ending series of grinding fetch quests.


There are no interesting choices. At no point do you feel like anything you are doing has any consequence to the progression of the plot. The entire story is completely linear and predictable.


At one point in the story you actually have a forced failure. This is almost a sin in game story line as far as I am concerned. And the story part of the forced failure is the most awkward moment in the entire line. I suppose if you were playing dark sided that part might have some meaning, but if you are light sided the entire sequence is just kind of glossed over.


Yeah which is why I said it's cliched just like Sith dark. It does put you in the top 10 list of most powerful jedi though unlike any other class.

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I have done the Inquisitor up to level 40, and I have really liked the story so far. I started a BH after my legacy kicked in just to see what it was like, and ended up liking the story a lot better so far. (currently 25) I have heard from many that the IA story is very good as well.
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I find it amusing that the wookie nearly wets himself with negative affection anytime you mention wanting to fight or kill a Sith.


This is what I absolutely HATED with the Smuggler story. The Jedi and Sith characters you'd run across were extremely patronizing and condescending. I'd be running around taking out entire armies and a single Jedi would come in and be like, "You shouldn't be here. You're only a Smuggler. You'll get hurt. I'm a Jedi and clearly superior"


My Bounty Hunter, on the other hand... everyone, including some Sith, treated him like a walking battalion. It's nice to get a bit of respect.


Also another weird thing. Satele is also very patronizing to Republic players, while Malgus is a lot more respectful of my accomplishments. Made me like doing errands for Malgus a lot more than I did for Satele, even though I was Light aligned. Lol.

Edited by CapitaFK
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Yeah which is why I said it's cliched just like Sith dark. It does put you in the top 10 list of most powerful jedi though unlike any other class.


Which is my biggest problem with the story. It's a 50 hour long ego stroking about how gifted and powerful you are. Yawn inducing levels of boring.

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I haven't played through all the class quests yet, but I've played through a couple, and I duo with my roommate so I've seen a couple more through her characters, and I'd rate them from best (top) to worst (bottom):


Imperial Agent - One of the things that really stands out for this is that there's a LOT of leeway on how you present your character in the situation. Are you a reckless, conniving backstabber? A professional who is 100% loyal to the ideal of the Empire? A monster for the sake of others? Someone who sees the Empire as something better than it is? The tension between your agency and the Sith is also very interesting, especially for me since I enjoyed flipping the bird to the full-of-themselves Sith whenever I had the chance.


Jedi Consular - While not as flexible, story-wise, as the IA story, it was at nearly as intriguing. I like the idea of a more diplomatic Jedi, which I played through as best as I could. There were a lot of "saber SMASH" options through the story, but the most interesting ones seemed to come from where you had the chance to talk your way through things. It also was a great deal of fun being able to root out things better left unlearned (in the eyes of some), and dealing with that.


Sith Sorcerer - Pretty well neck and neck with Consular, maybe a bit below simply because there were way too many times your character or your superiors were forced to do/say ridiculously stupid things to keep the ball rolling. The political intrigue of the Sith played out pretty well here, without devolving into Sunday Cartoon Goatee Villain Time.


Smuggler - Only beneath the two above because the poor Smuggler was made to look like an idiot way too often. The story arc overall was interesting and you get fair chances to play through the three basic types I think everyone wanted (Serenity captain wannabe, credits-are-all-I-love freelancer, or cruel criminal). But seriously, how many times did a cutscene go right to "walk into area catiously and THEN OH GOD IT'S A TRAP! GRENADE, HIT THE DECK!" Really. It's like all the grenades in the known galaxy have a singular vendetta against you.


Trooper - This low because I agree with a previous poster: The first chapter was very good, and then it slowly dwindled in the sense it just got less and less interesting. At least one of your companions (I think everyone who has played it knows who I mean) makes zero sense as he's not even the "good soldier but a bit of a loose cannon" type. He's more the "why does anyone think he'll follow orders ever, and why is he actually following my orders" type.


Jedi Knight - Really excellent at making the Jedi Order overall look wildly incompetent. I had hoped it got better over time but nope. The times your character actually feels like a galaxy-class hero and not a confused, bumbling day-one hire are pretty rare.

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Consular is one of the worst, without ANY question of shadow of doubt.

Act 1 wasn't all that bad... I mean, it wasn't great... but Act 2????????


Act 2 isn't a "story" in any way shape or form... I just finished Hoth last night and I STILL have no idea what is going on within the Act 2 story line for the Conular?? Lame as hell.



Plus, the female actress they got for the Consular is probably the worst of all 16.... Her responses sound so canned it isn't even funny.

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Plus, the female actress they got for the Consular is probably the worst of all 16.... Her responses sound so canned it isn't even funny.


I think Male BH voice acting is pretty bad. You get used to it, but it's pretty jarring the first few levels. Whoever did his voice seemed to be copying Christian Bale's Batman.


Luckily it wasn't enough to detract from BH's awesome companions.

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It just occurred to me that none of the class stories (Except Trooper maybe, I don't know) are "war" stories. You get these awesome intros for Imps/Reps yet the individual stories mostly revolve around fixing stuff inside your own faction. It's a little sad, really.
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Jedi Knight - Really excellent at making the Jedi Order overall look wildly incompetent. I had hoped it got better over time but nope. The times your character actually feels like a galaxy-class hero and not a confused, bumbling day-one hire are pretty rare.


QFT... Bastila Shan's appearances in the Empire story lines make her appear confident and a force to be reckoned with.


Every time she opens her mouth in the Republic story lines you have to wonder how you got stuck with the 'B' team Jedis and where the order's real leadership is.


And yet, they constantly tell you how gifted you are, and how strong the force is with you. Coming from those characters it doesn't seem like the bar was set that high to begin with.

Edited by Bluejayoo
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Played a consular to 42 and the story was just meh. It had its moments but overall it was lackluster.


I'm playing a 32 BH and the story is actually very good. You feel like a bad *** roaming the galaxy kicking *** and taking credits.


I've heard the IO is good, but who knows. And I also heard the JK is pretty good, plus they get a bad *** companion...scourge...

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I hear the Agent is pretty good.


gosh darned Imperials though.


Edit: Oh, haha. The censor has a sense of humor.


IA ia awful. Its just so black and white, no nuance at all. why would my agent kill people he can keep alive as an asset? its a pretty shallow boring and predictable story.

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I can honestly say that I enjoyed Act 1 of the BH story immensely...the Great Hunt premise was pretty fun to play through, and exactly what I hoped for in a story about an intergalactic Bounty Hunter (I'm a sucker for tournament-type storylines though :D ). However, I really don't understand Acts 2 & 3. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but there were a couple major plot points that just didn't make sense how they played out. I haven't finished Act 3 yet, though (on Voss currently), so I'm hoping it wraps up better.


The two Sith classes I've only played through Act 1, but I've enjoyed them both so far, especially the Inquisitor's.

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