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Ditch the voiceover for all future expansions


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translation: I mean features I personally care about, not features in general.


No translation needed for anything told in plain English. You know that part where I said "I wish..." that meant that it was my personal opinion.


Anyway, I said I liked the voiceovers, I just wish they'd spent more time on other gameplay features as well.

I mean we're talking about an MMO that launched without simple things like Guild Banks or even a decent LFG system.

Edited by chaosdefined
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VO is defining for this MMO, but after the first play through, they tend to be a bit much for me. I now just space bar most if not all (except for class quests).


I can see them moving away from this in the future and just having the first three chapters so VO heavy.

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Day/Night cycles
For what purpose?


More planets to level up on in the same bracket so rolling alts is not boring.
Please no, people are already very sparse as it is.


Killable npc's in each factions base
No... Please no... Wait your name is GANKdalf? That maeks sense.


All invisible barriers removed
You want to remove voiceovers AND everything else previously mentioned so that Bioware can focus on creating entire PLANETS?


Ability to level up with friends without having to do each class quest numerous times
Roll different classes.


Faster future content as I am sure creating cinematics for each quest takes ages and costs a fortune.
Not as much as developing entire planets would.


Remove the instancing while you are at it
So then, that means that if a planet were to be filled with players with no way to separate them, then that'd basically mean that mobs would be constantly killed and nodes constantly taken? No thank you.
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I feel Vo's should be used not in every expansion, but every other one, use one expansion for adding tons of content, and another Expansion cycle for epic stories and add Vo's.


I love the Vo's but feel they are also locking BW into only being able to do certain things certain ways.


Spreading out the addition of VO's would allow some freedom for devs and designers.

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The voiceovers are fine and made swtor stand out from all the other mmo`s, however do you really they are needed in Hard mods FP`s or OP`s to get the hard mode content you would have done the normals and already listned to the voiceovers. I think they should ditch teh voice overs for Hard mode content as that is where most of it is Spaced out as people doing those are not there for story but for the higher grade lootz.
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Answer truthfully.


How many of you watch the voiceovers and cinematics, every time, when you do the quests? And how often do you just spacebar through them as fast as you can to move on and get the video out of the way.


The OP never said they were bad, just not to let them get in the way of better play features. Cut scenes are good, but they do not keep people playing for years. Features do. And right now, outside of the cut scenes, this game does not have any features to set it apart, or even remain competitive once folks have seen all the cutscenes a few dozen times.

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There are 4 classes in swtor once you have heard the vo for them, they become an anoying time consuming distraction from what I want to do in the game which is Get xp Get loot. I have a 2 Sith warriors 1 for dps and 1 for tanking, however I dont want to listen to same story twice.
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VO's was a waste of money, sure it makes the journey to 50 more pleasant but hitting maxlvl in a mmo shouldnt be the end. Unfortunally this is the case with SWtor. No effort was made for the endgame and Bioware shot themself in the foot, people where happy as long they were below 50 but geez... Theres no real endgame, no real challange.


I might have an unfair POV since im a pvp player and this game isnt a pvp game at all, yet I thought Star Wars was about WAR between 2 factions. I have not gotten any feeling of that at all nor any community feeling.


This is my feeling for the game, and thats why i've left.


Your feeling is wrong. Next time, research a game before buying it. TOR was never marketed as a PVP game.

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Answer truthfully.


How many of you watch the voiceovers and cinematics, every time, when you do the quests? And how often do you just spacebar through them as fast as you can to move on and get the video out of the way.


The OP never said they were bad, just not to let them get in the way of better play features. Cut scenes are good, but they do not keep people playing for years. Features do. And right now, outside of the cut scenes, this game does not have any features to set it apart, or even remain competitive once folks have seen all the cutscenes a few dozen times.


i awtched every VO CS and even rewatched a few(i like the foundry one) i enjoy them .

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What do you mean by "watched" and "even rewatched a few".


My point isn't folks don't watch them at all. I imagine everyone watches them all at least once or twice. My point is that after watching them repeatedly, every day for dailies, every FP, every Op, over and over, folks just space through them to get them out of the way.

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I wasn't aware there was a poll in which every single player voted for if they did or didn't.


Or are you just assuming that your opinion must be what the majority thinks?



Because the game was advertised as such and sold as such. You really don't need to be a rocket scientist to put 1 and 1 together.

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So I gotta ask everyone, if you roll another toon, aside from the Class Quests are you really going to watch all of those interactive cut scenes again? When you go back through that Flashpoint again for the 5th time are you really looking forward to that dialog? My guess is probably not. I haven't done an Operation yet, but I sure hope there isn't a boat load of dialog in them. Week in week out of having to skip the dialog during your Operation seems painful.


I enjoy the voice overs and interaction for the class quests and maybe a main quest line per planet, after that they over did it and probably spent too much $$ on this feature.


Yes, I watch every dialogue scene, even for classes I already have a 50 of. Not that it matters, since you'll just say something like "oh well lol your in teh minority".

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No not self entitled; but when players start leaving and they look to the community to ask what they can do - then my voice will still be here asking for guild vs guild PvP.


I have no delusions of grandeur, just the understanding that the minority that speaks is normally the minority that changes the game.


MMOs = PvP - it has been that way dating all the way back to UO. It was the PvErs that bastardized MMORPGs, not PvPers. So by all logic if SWTOR wants to be a true MMO then they must cater to the PvPers.


Now all kidding/joking aside I realize there are many types of play styles that are in this game we know as SWTOR. I am not enough of a ***** to take away all other styles to suit my own. I do feel they could spend their money more wisely and not continue with the voice overs for end game content.


PVP is MMO's is niche. PVE has always been the staple for every majorly successful MMO released in the west.

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What do you mean by "watched" and "even rewatched a few".


My point isn't folks don't watch them at all. I imagine everyone watches them all at least once or twice. My point is that after watching them repeatedly, every day for dailies, every FP, every Op, over and over, folks just space through them to get them out of the way.



This is YOUR feelings and YOUR opinion. Please do not pretend you are speaking on anyone's behalf.

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