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Lev 50 Marauder, nearly full champ.


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Pommel Strike and Savage kick are DISABLED in pvp.


They are not disabled, they are not categorized to hit gold and above mobs, which players are categorized as


I will do 260k + 55k heal as an average on huttball not due to low dps, but because my uptime to actually dps is low.


As a marauder I won't get jumped at full health by assassins/operatives. Maybe those on my server are strange, but they rather open you up when you are already in a 2on1.


Sorcs tend to disengage aswell, note I said disengage meaning stun + force speed away and searching something new to do.


Then there are those high value ranged targets on the ledge I try to attack, well I will often land on my butt at floor level if they are at least a bit smart about their knockback and in the time back into the fray I will not deal damage. If I had 30m range I am sure I would pull 600k every wz ;)


Still I feel like a single long range short duration stun. The reason is to simply break cover of snipers for a short time.


E.g. a 30m 2s stun as an example. Of course we would still get instantly knocked back but it is a huge difference compared to having to autowalk to them twice especially if they are on a ledge.

Edited by Pappus
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I have 9 screenshots at the moment (used to have a lot more, but I just got a new computer) showing my Annihilation spec Marauder. I'm full Champion gear with a few pieces of Battlemaster. Currently valor rank 63.


Here's your proof that Marauders are just fine:




As far as damage goes, I am ALWAYS at the top 3 and usually #1 on damage unless there's a good Sorcerer on the team too, but even then I'll give em a run for their money.


You sir are a beast! Hopefully one day I can put out 400-500k....can only do 200-300k atm



*edit* just hit 399k and 78k healing ugh 1s more and my saber throw would have hit 400k

Edited by OpenConflict
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If you cant break 300k in a warzone with a marauder your definitely doing it wrong. Also we are the single best healer killer/disabler in the game. And have the best overall team buff for pvp (predation).


Go try assassin. I **** healers much, much easier on my sin because of electrocute. Plus, assassins have a 10m range interrupt. Interrupt them at 50%, stun them when their heal comes back up (interrupt is still on cd), and use your knockdown/interrupt again as needed. Most of them will be dead long before the first stun even wears off.

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Hellion you do do some nice damage granted. But i can point out several battle masters who have similar stats. We may be great very last on with awesome gear but thats not to say that in the mean time we blow. I dont do badly for myself 300k damage usually, but its taken alot of gar to bridge the gap for 150k average to 260 -300k average while my sorc/sniper friends started at about 260/300 when they hit 50 and now have gotten progressively better. My merc buddy who wears mostly PvE gear goes 400k+ consistantly without half the crap we have to put up with.

Marauders aren't the problem, its trying to compare us to any other class that is, often i get my friend to just guard me as its an easy 3 medals for him and i actually survive the stunlocks (well... some of them atleast)

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I play Anni and have close to 400 exp and valor rank 54.


I kill most classes/players in 1v1, i must say i love the spec.

Tips for peeps havin trouble use defence rotations as good as you use attack rotations.

I think we have everything we need to kill stuff.


And dont stare to much on damage done in WZs some farm weak targets just to get high amounts. And that dont help your team much at all.

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If you cant break 300k in a warzone with a marauder your definitely doing it wrong. Also we are the single best healer killer/disabler in the game. And have the best overall team buff for pvp (predation).


this tbqh

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i usually do 100-150k damage on huttball as marauder because i like to concentrate on the ball


250-350k on voidstar with centurion weapons and mixed cent/champ armors.



You should remember that most of the damage that mercenaries or any other aoe casters do is mostly useless damage, it gets countered by healers quite easily, sure it gives them big numbers but that doesnt win you games while the high single target dps actually kills targets.

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Id happily take Juyo form giving us 10% dmg, like Shii does & force pull they stole from us in beta.


Wait...seriously? We had force pull in the beta? Why did they take it away? That sucks...lol. So they only give force push to guardian/jugg and they take away force pull...I guess BW hates sentinel/marauders lol.

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Hellion you do do some nice damage granted. But i can point out several battle masters who have similar stats. We may be great very last on with awesome gear but thats not to say that in the mean time we blow. I dont do badly for myself 300k damage usually, but its taken alot of gar to bridge the gap for 150k average to 260 -300k average while my sorc/sniper friends started at about 260/300 when they hit 50 and now have gotten progressively better. My merc buddy who wears mostly PvE gear goes 400k+ consistantly without half the crap we have to put up with.

Marauders aren't the problem, its trying to compare us to any other class that is, often i get my friend to just guard me as its an easy 3 medals for him and i actually survive the stunlocks (well... some of them atleast)


I disagree with you. We FAR from blow. Most of those screenshots I have up currently are not with premades. That is me solo queue'ing and it is consistently like that. I know some very good Sorcs/BHs and they didn't scale as well as we did with gear. They certainly did do way more damage when we both hit level 50, but after getting geared out I am consistently beating them, especially when it comes to 1v1 damage. You have to remember most of their damage comes from their AoE (if you're not Rage). So when that final damage screen comes up and you have more damage than them or are even close to them, then you KNOW you are putting out way more damage than them.


Your Merc buddy puts up 400k+ damage with PvE gear. I'm sure we could too, I have almost 200 more str in PvE gear, but I'd rather have more survivability. He does that without doing half the crap we have to put up with? That's because Mercs are one button heroes which = BORING. I am happy we have so much to work with as Marauders, it's one of the main reasons I play this class because we have so many tools in our possession.


The point is, to anyone out there who plays Marauder, if you feel like you are playing this class as best as you can and aren't satisfied, then obviously this is not the right class for you and you cannot see how great this class is.

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I disagree with you. We FAR from blow. Most of those screenshots I have up currently are not with premades. That is me solo queue'ing and it is consistently like that. I know some very good Sorcs/BHs and they didn't scale as well as we did with gear. They certainly did do way more damage when we both hit level 50, but after getting geared out I am consistently beating them, especially when it comes to 1v1 damage. You have to remember most of their damage comes from their AoE (if you're not Rage). So when that final damage screen comes up and you have more damage than them or are even close to them, then you KNOW you are putting out way more damage than them.


Your Merc buddy puts up 400k+ damage with PvE gear. I'm sure we could too, I have almost 200 more str in PvE gear, but I'd rather have more survivability. He does that without doing half the crap we have to put up with? That's because Mercs are one button heroes which = BORING. I am happy we have so much to work with as Marauders, it's one of the main reasons I play this class because we have so many tools in our possession.


The point is, to anyone out there who plays Marauder, if you feel like you are playing this class as best as you can and aren't satisfied, then obviously this is not the right class for you and you cannot see how great this class is.


I love the class tbh but the off chance of getting proper gear is killing the fun I get a champion bag i smile i open it its comms i die inside as a non geared maud 200k + is a pipe dream with out the gear. On a good note i love how intense the fighting is! as you say we are not 3 button mashers :D

Edited by skotish
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Please don't come in here and post your 20 screenshots pre 1.1 about how you do 400k dmg, it's very misleading. All that means is you powergamed to 50 and then stomped lowbies with nearly/full pvp gear before the 50's bracket.


Edit: Also I wanted to add, we are not the best healer killer. Operatives/Scoudrels are (currently). So what a 25% debuff? Classes with a knockback can 1 shot other players in warzones using the terrain. The best healer killer is the guy that knocks the healer into the warzone hazard, hell, sometimes u can knock multiple ppl to there death in 1 button push.

Edited by xSkynet
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im lvl 48 and after reading all this im so excited to hit the 50 bracket and get what the f...ck stomped. no really, when you get stomped into the ground you do 2 things. 1. learn and get better, then get better gear and learn more and get better still. or 2. quit and reroll which means that only the best of the best marauders remain.


End of the day the game has been out for what..... 1 month. In time things will change and you will see that marauders are not as bad as people say they are due to buff/nerfs of this class or other classes.


stick with it and just remember why you rolled it. in the end its a game and you all need to enjoy it for what it is.

Edited by Shakydvs
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I face-stomped hordes of marauders on my way to rank 63 on my sorcerer, so I told myself: "surely the class cannot be that bad, all those people just don't know how to play their marauders".


So I rolled one, dominated 1-49 bracket, got into 50 and uhh yeah. Facing people who are decently geared, and know how to play is difficult. I am currently annihilation spec, and while I can get decent total damage for the warzone + I am hard as hell to kill, my killing power is also basically nil. No real burst to speak of, the sustained damage gets outhealed, and the over-abundance of knockbacks means that even with a shorter cooldown on my force leap, I end up spending too much time chasing my targets.


Partially it may be a l2p issue, but I think there is just too much CC in pvp. It needs to get toned way down to make melees competetive.

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All these guys in there premades with there focus target on them buff galores and their healing friends good job on yer scores lol :D


this guy never quits trolling and pay him no attention cus he sucks. ima break it down for u im 50 no pvp gear yet and i put over 350k on the board easy with plenty of kills and no less than 6 medals

1.Dont start with leap save it for the knockback

2.after u get a few rage saber throw to root

3. get knockbacked an/orstuned

4.break the stun and leap

5. use gore

6.use force scream(im never under a 3.7k crit)

7 spam massacre

8.smile cus hes dead

and in the midst of all that if u have more than 1 op4 on you then blow cd's in a timely manner not all at once and save rage for when ur really low and u will beat both

i like the anni spec... for pve cus u can build

for pvp some ppl make it work while others dont its a tossup. but carnage is utter **** with the snares ect

Now i will break this down for you

1. 50 percent of mara's/sent's say its broken

2. 50 percent say they own


4.if 50 percent are beating *** with it then its apparent that the other 50% are doing something wrong, because if it were literally broken then no one could make it work. now if 50 say its broken and 50 say ehh i can hang but no where near the top then yes we need some juice. but with all these ppl kicking *** i beg to differ.

just a friendly reminder......

1. dont open with force leap

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200-250k dmg a warzone, very rarely break 300k.


My equally geared powertech BH friend is 400-450k and occcasionally breaks 500k.


We have been gaming together for a decade and have always been equals in terms of skill.


I have only once EVER broke 5k dmg in 1 hit on a fury/15%/relic/adrenal annihilation. And that was before 50's brackets.


I play annihilation atm, 31/10/0. I have been playing this class since launch and know it extremely well at this point (all specs). Fact remains, this class is sub-par. You may be having great success, as am I now that I'm 50 and geared, but heavy armor wearing ranged classes are doing it too, and doing it much better(as are ops and scoundrels). We dont have a stun or a knockback which is booty, a 4 second vanish is pretty pathetic, and if our purge/trinket is down a decent operative will kill you, no exception. Also, the whole fury/beserk* mechanic is too much extra crap to push and be conscious of. The only class that would benefit from this would be ones that can attack from stealth. Wasting 4 GCD's to fury/zerk/adrenal/relic while actually fighting someone is rediculous.


Thank you for reading my rant.


You're doing it wrong...



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Marauder do not suck....they just have way too many **** to look after


Lets see how many fight in pvp goes for us Marauder(assuming specc'ed rage like mine): Force Charge, put Force Crush on target, built rage , SMASH, then Force Scream( now we usually get CC'ed/slowed/pushed back) then we need to get on our target again, hmm k simple enough Obliterate/Force charge again,built some more rage, pop defensive CD if we have to, check enemy resolve bar to not waste Force Choke, SMASH, interupt stupidly OP heal, Viscious Throw if under 20%.


A commando can pretty much stand in the back pressing 1 key ( Grav Round) and still do really well. The same goes for any ranged class, it's much easier to deal damage from range because you don't have to move around as much and you don't get CC'ed as much.


So yea! Marauder are fine (kind of) , but playing as a melee in any BG is a pain in the *** as every freaking class seems to have push back,10 sec CC and stun to keep us off them.

Edited by Paralassa
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I disagree with you. We FAR from blow. Most of those screenshots I have up currently are not with premades. That is me solo queue'ing and it is consistently like that. I know some very good Sorcs/BHs and they didn't scale as well as we did with gear. They certainly did do way more damage when we both hit level 50, but after getting geared out I am consistently beating them, especially when it comes to 1v1 damage. You have to remember most of their damage comes from their AoE (if you're not Rage). So when that final damage screen comes up and you have more damage than them or are even close to them, then you KNOW you are putting out way more damage than them.


Your Merc buddy puts up 400k+ damage with PvE gear. I'm sure we could too, I have almost 200 more str in PvE gear, but I'd rather have more survivability. He does that without doing half the crap we have to put up with? That's because Mercs are one button heroes which = BORING. I am happy we have so much to work with as Marauders, it's one of the main reasons I play this class because we have so many tools in our possession.


The point is, to anyone out there who plays Marauder, if you feel like you are playing this class as best as you can and aren't satisfied, then obviously this is not the right class for you and you cannot see how great this class is.


Class does not play well until level 50 and geared.


Class is working fine.


One of these things does not fit with the other.

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I face-stomped hordes of marauders on my way to rank 63 on my sorcerer, so I told myself: "surely the class cannot be that bad, all those people just don't know how to play their marauders".


So I rolled one, dominated 1-49 bracket, got into 50 and uhh yeah. Facing people who are decently geared, and know how to play is difficult. I am currently annihilation spec, and while I can get decent total damage for the warzone + I am hard as hell to kill, my killing power is also basically nil. No real burst to speak of, the sustained damage gets outhealed, and the over-abundance of knockbacks means that even with a shorter cooldown on my force leap, I end up spending too much time chasing my targets.


Partially it may be a l2p issue, but I think there is just too much CC in pvp. It needs to get toned way down to make melees competetive.


Agreed. I feel like I do pretty good DPS but the constant knockbacks and CCs is freaking insane. Meanwhile even tank spec BHs can do ranged damage, so they're stacking up numbers the whole game and don't care if they get knocked back, and they don't have a leap cooldown to wait for. Oh, yeah, they get leap too. Oh, AND they get force pull. And they do great dps while tanking. Hm.


And even though I feel weaker as a mara, I get focused like crazy in pvp. Do people fear the two sabers? Do people have an impression that marauder does insanely more DPS than other classes? Because we surely don't. Not that we're under-powered in damage, we're about the same. But we sacrificed the ability to tank or heal spec and we lost all kinds of utility, so in return we got.... nothing. We do the same DPS as everybody else but we have more weaknesses.


Maybe Marauder isn't underpowered. But if so, BH, Sorc and Operative are OP.


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And even though I feel weaker as a mara, I get focused like crazy in pvp. Do people fear the two sabers? Do people have an impression that marauder does insanely more DPS than other classes?


Because people know how weak they are. Or that's a poor choice of words. People know the limitations of Marauders, and consider them a free kill.

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we sacrificed the ability to tank or heal spec and we lost all kinds of utility, so in return we got.... nothing. We do the same DPS as everybody else but we have more weaknesses.


This bears repeating... over and over and over

Edited by HBninjaX
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Marauder SHOULD be the best at dealing damage. We can't do anything else ffs! We have to manage bazillion CD to even stay on a target with all the pushback/CC, yet we do the same damage as someone in full tank gear. Fix our number plox! I don't mind being focused if I actually deal more damage than anything else but right now they just focus marauder because they die fast when their CD are down not because people fear our mighty damage.
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