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A good day for Marauders


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Ill be happy when they announce we get a stun and a knockback. This is a start though.


This just made me think of an interesting run I had in FE recently. We had 2 maraduers, a BH tank and a inq healer.


So we get to Mal and are like crap we didn't consider that we don't have two knockbacks. So what we ended up doing is have the BH strafe the ledge, jump off while grappling Mal and then have the inq life grip the BH.


Took us a few tries to get it to work but we did. There are a few abilities we could live without in replacement for a knockback.

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I am very excited about this. I have experienced horrid ability delay before and it makes playing the class a horror. I don't seem to have it all the time, but I am happy they are addressing it and attempting to fix this for a smooth and fluid playstyle for the community. I am also going to be happy about the small damage bump and correctly functioning talents. These fixes should hopefully make playing the class that much more enjoyable. Edited by juddnelson
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This just made me think of an interesting run I had in FE recently. We had 2 maraduers, a BH tank and a inq healer.


So we get to Mal and are like crap we didn't consider that we don't have two knockbacks. So what we ended up doing is have the BH strafe the ledge, jump off while grappling Mal and then have the inq life grip the BH.


Took us a few tries to get it to work but we did. There are a few abilities we could live without in replacement for a knockback.


You're aware they added Pulse Grenades to not require class-specific knockbacks, right?

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ill be glad when they laugh at your for wanting a knockback as a melee.... ill be happy with a knockdown aka stun tho


Technically jugger is melee so is assassin.


So ill be laughing at you when they laugh at you for laughing at him. ;)


what stun?


intim roar, its a aoe stun

Edited by Kodokai
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Technically jugger is melee so is assassin.


So ill be laughing at you when they laugh at you for laughing at him. ;)




intim roar, its a aoe stun


ahhh dont have it yet i see thats awesome... and why would you laugh at me? what does jugg or assasin have to do with me laughing at him for mara's wanting a knockback? i never said it was good for sins or juggs... unless u have a huttball its useless really so while you all laugh at me ill laugh at you for your stupidity and in-ability to read

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Ill be happy when they announce we get a stun and a knockback. This is a start though.


I would much rather have a non-channeled incap than a knockback ability, or a temporary resist/immunity to CC or knockbacks that is on a 1.5-2m cooldown.


Knockbacks are useful in certain situations like huttball, but as an anni mara I'm much more interested in keeping a target close to me, not shoving them away.

Edited by deathTouchIG
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I don't mean to troll or be pessimistic but honestly


IMO: The blog is a bunch of ******** and finger pointing. They try to look good by saying "Yeah we are top of the topic" but they aren't showing any results instead of giving results they give us this ******** "The magnitude of the delay varies with a number of factors, including processor hardware, but can, especially on dual core CPUs, result in a very perceivable reduction in game responsiveness." Seriously? I ran WoW on a single core PC and it's responsiveness will be on a whole another level that SWTOR cannot achieve. Now I have a i7 8G Ram GTX580 and your telling me my computer is the problem?


The way I see it is that they are just trying to keep people from unsubbing saying that they are constantly near a solution. EA Games might not know but in life half right, does not make you right. I want results not a bunch of ******** blog saying "We got this"

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mara would be OP with a stun or knockback in pvp,the class is fine,once thewy fix some bugs in talents and the ability delay,the class is a beast already ;o dont need buffs,nor nerfs,its some other classes that need a nerf(operatives and scoundrels) but nerfs for those are in patch 1.1 ptr notes
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I ran WoW on a single core PC and it's responsiveness will be on a whole another level that SWTOR cannot achieve. Now I have a i7 8G Ram GTX580 and your telling me my computer is the problem?

This would be like saying I could run Alien Invaders on my C64 but can't run Crysis on it now. Games get more complex, live with it.


IMO: The blog is a bunch of ******** and finger pointing. They try to look good by saying "Yeah we are top of the topic" but they aren't showing any results instead of giving results they give us this ******** "The magnitude of the delay varies with a number of factors, including processor hardware, but can, especially on dual core CPUs, result in a very perceivable reduction in game responsiveness."


They will give you a result with the next test patch. I'd expect it this Tuesday, if not the next at least.

Poor BW can't make anything right, whatever they do, people cry.

If they don't post status updates, people complain they are ignoring issues, if they post updates, people complain that it's not the update they wanted or they wanna see something for themselves.


WoW had issues, too. This game is just one month old and they fixed a lot of stuff + added and showed some upcoming fancy stuff. With games getting more and more complex, fixing stuff becomes so, too. Most issues are not straightforward to fix.

BW wants to keep this game on the market for a long time, therefore I'm confident this game will get some love and the annoying bugs will vanish. Keep in mind that some "minor looking" issues might not get fixed as fast as we'd expect because other issues got a higher priority.

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ToR's responsiveness has nothing to do with being complex. In fact it's actually a step back from what WoW has.


The Hero Engine does not support multi-threading, which causes the large amount of delay in ability activation as well as - a slightly separate issue - the lag in large battles in Ilum.

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