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Is SWTOR the victim of WOW burnout?


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*** does WoW have to do with the buggy overall badness of this game?


So if WoW didnt exist and this game still had the all the same bugs people wouldnt complain about them? Why would people not have high expectations from a top tier game developer?


Ya that makes sense.


You apologist guys are reaching to justify the faults in this game. Why cant you just admit they did a lot of things bad?


The problem is, that a vast majority of the doomsayers are burnt out WoW players. They started hating WoW before they got a chance to like SWTOR. And it's easier to blame Bioware than to look at their own flaws and expectations. Sure, you can expect a perfect and balanced game at launch, but did you ever get it?


It's true that this game needs some polishing, but I didn't expect otherwise. So far I have really enjoyed my experience in this game, despite of some flaws. My advantage is that I'm not a WoW-junkie in a dying need for a fix and unable to score one. I am/was a LOTRO player SWTOR is different enough to keep things interesting. There's plenty that LOTRO did better but I don't feel the need to rage about it because I'm no deprived junkie. I had the fortune the play a game where there were mostly decent people, more constructive people.


And of course, I wasn't looking for a replacement MMORPG, I was just looking around and give an eagerly awaited title a try. The blessings of a laid back and relaxing mindset.

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We can argue about "absolute necessites" for some of them but they are still far more than just plain conveniences.


Can you play the game without them? If so, then they're not "necessities".


None of those things are REQUIRED to play the game. Games existed for years without them, and a number of modern games lack them, as well. And they play just fine.


Calling them an "absolute necessity" is implying you can't play the game, AT ALL, without them.


And that's just not so.


Perhaps I'm just a fan of more precise language. Having two English teachers for parents will do that.

Edited by LyriaFrost
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How can you say that with a straight face?


I liked both Kotors but lets be honest here, everyone usually says the 1st is the best.


I dont know about the witcher because I havent played it but it seems stale and old. Friend said it was "ok"


Well I highly recommend The Witcher games. Absolute graphical and artistic achievements.


But on to Kotor II. I hold it superior as it is a brilliant deconstruction of the entire Star Wars mythos. The character of Kreia is so superbly crafted that to this day I hold all video game antagonists against her effectiveness.

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Let's see, WoW had different sized humans, different colored humans, humans with different ears, and Tauren.


ToR was miles ahead in customization just by having body types and scars.


I mean, were you being serious? WoW had absolutely nothing to offer in terms of customization.


Let's see:


Blood Elf/Night Elf









All different models. I think WOW has more of a variety there. TOR is basically the same models recolored and reskinned.

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Is comparing this game to WoW fair? Absolutely.


They knew who their competition was while they spent years creating this game, and they released a product that can't compete with it anyway. The only thing holding this game together is the fact that most of the community is still leveling, an experience which is by and large very enjoyable and hassle free. But if all you wanted was that leveling and storyline experience, you could go play a single player game.


People go on and on about how this is just the launch and people should be patient, no game launches smoothly or polished. This game really really makes me miss the RIFT launch. Rift launched with:


Quad spec.

Global chat channels for each level range to facilitate forming groups.

A Combat log.

A highly configurable user interface.


Had SWTOR launched with any of those features it would be much more successful, but it launched with none of them, nor did it have any of them after the first major content patch. It was launched in a unfinished state, end of story. There is a place where unfinished games are tolerated: beta.

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Target of target is totally NOT needed, its something to have the game play for you.


UI customization, again not needed. But who cares there working on this.




Not needed TOT: You Don't Tank do you or PVP do you? (play the game for you? lol what nonsense)


Not needed UI Customization: You don't heal do you?


I heal BTW. I vote for me to design all future MMORPG UIs. 1st to go: Fading Icons. I'm so sick of these. If a spell lasts for 6 seconds then I wanna see "6-5-4-3-2-1" not an icon fading.


Stock UIs need to be done from a healing perspective. Not Tank. Not DPS. We are more finicky. Played WOW for 6 years and finally got my UI perfect after 5 years of fiddling lol. (Yea don't expect that UI quickly if you vote for me:P)

Edited by Chosenxeno
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Let's see, WoW had different sized humans, different colored humans, humans with different ears, and Tauren.


ToR was miles ahead in customization just by having body types and scars.


I mean, were you being serious? WoW had absolutely nothing to offer in terms of customization.


Oh cool. Ya, I can make blue humans, or blind humans, or humans with horns, all of which have the same exact animations. I am sorry this game is 7 years newer and has no alien races that don't look human. That is inexcusable.

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Well I highly recommend The Witcher games. Absolute graphical and artistic achievements.


But on to Kotor II. I hold it superior as it is a brilliant deconstruction of the entire Star Wars mythos. The character of Kreia is so superbly crafted that to this day I hold all video game antagonists against her effectiveness.


Ill see if I can get a copy of the Witcher for cheap :)



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If I was burned out on WoW why would I be playing a game that is just like WoW but with lightsabers?


And expolsions, and blasters, and space ships,and huttball (hate it or not you must admit it is innovative and you want to see more like it but w/ a BW twist :csw_jabba::csw_blaster: WoW peeps, don't even say you have anything like it. IT IS NOT CAPTURE THE FLAG. If it is then so is Football (American), Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc. You know you want more ;))


I'm also glad to see that the devs are listening to the fans. When's the last time you could say that about a game?

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Oh cool. Ya, I can make blue humans, or blind humans, or humans with horns, all of which have the same exact animations. I am sorry this game is 7 years newer and has no alien races that don't look human. That is inexcusable.


This. So much. And the WoW races had different animations. A gnome fought differently than a tauren, etc. In all of the fantastic races of the Star Wars universe (Selkath, Rodians, Trandoshans, Droids, Kel Dor, Togruta, and so many others) they offered only the human-looking ones? And with the same animations? That is pretty much *the* textbook definition of laziness.

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Let's see:


Blood Elf/Night Elf









All different models. I think WOW has more of a variety there. TOR is basically the same models recolored and reskinned.


You guys are kidding me right? Ok, I did forget the space goats, but I'd hardly call them a huge difference. In WoW you can't even decide the size of your green re-skinned human, your ear-differentiated human, or your purple re-skinned and ear-differentiated human. I'm still not impressed.


Not to say that's even that big of deal. How did I get on this topic?


Oh right. I let you guys derail me off the fact that Blizzard just clearly and unequivocally admitted that they are completely and utterly incapable and producing even some semblance of class balance.

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I've read alot of the gripes and complaints on these forums, and i've come to the conclusion that the level of intolerance for bugs and tech issues is way beyond anything i've seen in any other game. The first few month of wow's launch, we experienced up to 20+ days of server down time. During that time i didn't feel the hatred i feel in the swtor forums. Personally I blame the burned out wowers who built unrealistic expectations.




I can't dispute this point and I except it as truth.

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And expolsions, and blasters, and space ships,and huttball (hate it or not you must admit it is innovative and you want to see more like it but w/ a BW twist :csw_jabba::csw_blaster: WoW peeps, don't even say you have anything like it. IT IS NOT CAPTURE THE FLAG. If it is then so is Football (American), Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc. You know you want more ;))


I'm also glad to see that the devs are listening to the fans. When's the last time you could say that about a game?


Honestly I don't know where the just like WOW crap comes from. This game has plenty to separate it from WOW. Rift was roughly WOW 2.0, but even it had enough to separate it.


I played WOW for 6 years. Half the people saying "it's WOW with X" have never played WOW imo.

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You guys are kidding me right? Ok, I did forget the space goats, but I'd hardly call them a huge difference. In WoW you can't even decide the size of your green re-skinned human, your ear-differentiated human, or your purple re-skinned and ear-differentiated human. I'm still not impressed.


Not to say that's even that big of deal. How did I get on this topic?


Oh right. I let you guys derail me off the fact that Blizzard just clearly and unequivocally admitted that they are completely and utterly incapable and producing even some semblance of class balance.


Well, to be fair.. WoW races do vary A LOT more than SWTOR races.


But SWTOR customization blows WoW away.

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Oh right. I let you guys derail me off the fact that Blizzard just clearly and unequivocally admitted that they are completely and utterly incapable and producing even some semblance of class balance.


And BioWare is? They couldn't even mirror the classes correctly. Agent's flashbang cooldown is 60s while Smuggler's flashbang is 90s. Consular's project takes like three hours to hit the target while Inquisitor's shock is instant.

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Can you play the game without them? If so, then they're not "necessities".

I could play the first Doom if I wanted to but I don't want to because there are now far better games with more features in the same genre. I know, I know, many FPS's do not still have a lot of features but that was just an example.


Can I live without them? Maybe, but why should I? They're not things that make the game play for me but give me more control over the game thus making it a more enjoyable experience.

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I could play the first Doom if I wanted to but I don't want to because there are now far better games with more features in the same genre. I know, I know, many FPS's do not still have a lot of features but that was just an example.


Can I live without them? Maybe, but why should I? They're not things that make the game play for me but give me more control over the game thus making it a more enjoyable experience.


Which is exactly why they're conveniences. Thank you for agreeing with me. ;)

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People expect perfection now. I remember all the ranting around "Anarchy Offline" during it's launch (which truly WAS a disaster, and I expect beyond anything today's spoiled turds could even imagine).


Then your server would die after being up for 20 minutes, and it would come back up a day later... then crash after an hour.


I knew a guy who had a character stuck in a piece of SWG geometry for two months.


I'm not saying these things were acceptable. I'm saying *that* is what a technical mess looks like. "PvP gear stats are not optimum" , "my abilities are delayed for half a second" do not amount to technical messes, in my humble opinion.

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You guys are kidding me right? Ok, I did forget the space goats, but I'd hardly call them a huge difference. In WoW you can't even decide the size of your green re-skinned human, your ear-differentiated human, or your purple re-skinned and ear-differentiated human. I'm still not impressed.


Not to say that's even that big of deal. How did I get on this topic?


Oh right. I let you guys derail me off the fact that Blizzard just clearly and unequivocally admitted that they are completely and utterly incapable and producing even some semblance of class balance.


But has once in your entire time in WoW has any NPC ever commented on your race and then when you buddy of a different race get treated the same?


No? Thought Not.

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And BioWare is? They couldn't even mirror the classes correctly. Agent's flashbang cooldown is 60s while Smuggler's flashbang is 90s. Consular's project takes like three hours to hit the target while Inquisitor's shock is instant.


I agree with you that three hour cast times are completely unacceptable and should be removed from the game.

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I think the SWTOR community is the victim because they're all raging and crying here :(


I don't think it's raging. Its more disappointed. Especially if you played WOW for a long time and then saw how well Rift launched (if you visited it like me). These re 2 of the best Developers in all of gaming using the biggest budget in the history of the genre and we don't have something as trivial as a customizable UI and Chat bubbles? SMH


People from WOW didn't spend $60 bucks+sub fees just to watch this game fail(which I think is what people are thinking). I have been waiting to play this game since I stumbled onto the info for it. (see my registration date on my avatar I've been registered about a year and a half)

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