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Is SWTOR the victim of WOW burnout?


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Yes, I am honestly finding better.


Yeah I'm 400 artifice and I'm not sure what the point is either, but on the other hand I didn't have to grind to get it.


In WoW leveling alts was painful. Here the story and voiceovers have made me actually enjoy it. Plus I like how they've added challenging fights to the leveling process. You actually have to think to beat some of the packs with silvers and golds, as opposed to WoW where you could basically kill anything outside an instance with your auto-attack.


So in a crafting system it is ok if it is completely useless as long as you don't have to grind? Got it.


WoW has made leveling alts as painless as possible. Here you have to go through the same exact story, except for the 10% that is reserved for your class. All the rest is you saving random planet crisis for a bunch of incompetent morons. There is no variation in planet progression at all. You can't skip planets if you want to do your class story. It is monotonous.


Funny you said you played a mage earlier but then go on to say you could kill anything with your auto-attack, considering casters don't have an autoattack than can kill anything effectively.


But hey, we just fundamentally disagree on everything than. Fair enough. To each their own.

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Servers crashing, patcher *********** up for tons of players is flawless?


IT did well, yes, but not perfect.


Hyperbole more. Any veteran MMORPG gamer knows that Rift had a stellar launch, regardless of the ultimate success of that game. The fact is that it's possible to have a polished launch if the developers try hard enough or actually tell their publishers the game isn't ready. EA killed this game, not Bioware and I hope everyone realizes it.

Edited by WarTornPanda
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Hyperbole more. Any veteran MMORPG gamer knows that Rift had a stellar launch, regardless of the ultimate success of that game. The fact is that it's possible to have a polished launch if the developers try hard enough or actually tell their publishers the game isn't ready. EA killed this game, not Bioware and I hope everyone realizes it.




Rift had a good launch, but it had much less players and much less content to worry about.

Too bad the game was the most boring MMO I've played in some time.

Edited by KvanCetre
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Hyperbole more. Any veteran MMORPG gamer knows that Rift had a stellar launch, regardless of the ultimate success of that game. The fact is that it's possible to have a polished launch if the developers try hard enough or actually tell their publishers the game isn't ready. EA killed this game, not Bioware and I hope everyone realizes it.


Just curious since you post with such confidence, but what makes you the expert on who "killed" this game? I mean, forums aside, I see lots of people in game, enjoying themselves, and content to wait out the first few months. I would not call this game dead by any stretch. So again, what makes you the expert?


Also, out of curiousity once again, but it's apparent you don't like the game, so why still here?

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So in a crafting system it is ok if it is completely useless as long as you don't have to grind? Got it.


WoW has made leveling alts as painless as possible. Here you have to go through the same exact story, except for the 10% that is reserved for your class. All the rest is you saving random planet crisis for a bunch of incompetent morons. There is no variation in planet progression at all. You can't skip planets if you want to do your class story. It is monotonous.


Funny you said you played a mage earlier but then go on to say you could kill anything with your auto-attack, considering casters don't have an autoattack than can kill anything effectively.


But hey, we just fundamentally disagree on everything than. Fair enough. To each their own.


Good job distorting what I said.


First of all, I don't know if you know this, but in WoW they let you have more than one class. Some of the ones I played with did have auto-attacks.


And again, my point was that if you want to compare WoW and TOR, be fair about it. I'm somewhat disappointed with the crafting here, but it's far superior to having to grind out a profession just to get the bonus you need to be competitive.


And it's not like WoW's progression was really less linear. OOH, you can skip the Redridge Mountains! So what? No matter what you do, you're going to end up grinding your way through Stranglethorn Vale.


I like how you said they made leveling alts as painless as possible. Here TOR actually made it fun for me.

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Your memory substantially differs from mine. I was there too and I remember it was like an online version of the French Revolution.


LOL you joking right, WOW is nothing but Ultima Online and EQ put together.... i dont hate the game i think they were smart in using existing features and put it together, and useing an existing brand like warcraft to make an MMO. WOW as a game didnt bring nothing new to MMO, not at start at least. Ultima Online and EQ were the last MMOs where the devs and designers fully experiment on making virtual worlds online.

You sir saying that wow was a revolution on MMOs .. you dont know what you are talking about.

Edited by Spartanik
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swtor is victim of its own incompetence.




From Joystiq.com:


How successful is Star Wars: The Old Republic? That's hard to say definitively, but according to Baird Equity Research, BioWare's maiden massively multiplayer voyage is doing just fine. "We view the early success of Star Wars as an indication of a healthy MMO market," said Baird spokesman Colin Sebastian. The firm estimates that TOR has approximately 350,000 peak concurrent users spread across 215 servers (124 in America and 91 in Europe).


Seems pretty successful to me. :rolleyes:

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LOL you joking right, WOW is nothing but Ultima Online and EQ put together.... i dont hate the game i think they were smart in using existing features and put it together WOW did bring nothing new to MMO, not at start at least. Ultima Online and EQ were the last MMOs where the devs and designers fully experiment on making virtual worlds online.

You sir sayin that wow was a revolution.. you dont know what you are talking about.


You've completely misunderstood the point of my post. I was saying that when WoW launched the community was calling for people's heads.

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Rift had a nearly flawless launch. It's possible and gamers know it. Bioware failed to deliver on many important aspects of the game.


I'm sorry, were we playing the same game at launch?


Yes Rift had a good launch, but "nearly flawless", no. Do you remember the daily patches and downtime? Yes I thought it was a great idea to have 30min down times every day instead of 6-8 hours once a week. And I wish they would do something like that here.


Rift's forums were somewhat like these at launch (not quite as bad). And people are going to ***** no matter what.


You can't compare Rift to SWTOR when it comes to aspects of the game. There is ton's of more content here with all the different story lines. Leveling alts in Rift is so boring since there is nothing different between each class.

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Yes, wow launch. It was buggy. It had a lot of downtime. It had bugs. But it was nice to play because it was new and I had no expectations. I remember not being able to log on for two days straight. I remember falling through the world and being stuck until a GM came to free me. Getting the downtime refunded in extra days helped too.


Nowadays people expect more and they get more. SWTOR's launch beats WoW launch. That some people demand perfection is their problem. It's unrealistic. And coming on the forums having a tantrum about it, just makes you look silly. If you don't like it, walk away and take your money with you. Don't try to pick a fight with the people who like it and want to stay.


It wasn't "buggy." It had bugs. There is a difference. For the most part, the game was pretty polished. The problem Blizzard had was the sheer volume of people wanting to play the game. That's a good problem to have, but it is a very big problem when dealing with server stability.

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People have more expectations these days, are more vocal about it and in addition have less patience than 7 years ago. This is a fast-paced time, people are consuming at 10 times the rate than they were 7 years ago. It has nothing to do with WoW, in fact I am going ahead and say that WoW if released today as it is now people would complain that WoW isn't enough to satisfy their needs as well.

People are now putting their hopes on GW2 but with that mindset they are going to be disappointed plenty really. But the game industry is to be blamed for that as they fostered and rewarded it in first place. Also they don't care, they are happy that people keep banging heads in forums, engaging in trench warfare, calling eachother WoW kiddies and fanboys.

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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I'm sorry, were we playing the same game at launch?


Yes Rift had a good launch, but "nearly flawless", no. Do you remember the daily patches and downtime? Yes I thought it was a great idea to have 30min down times every day instead of 6-8 hours once a week. And I wish they would do something like that here.


Rift's forums were somewhat like these at launch (not quite as bad). And people are going to ***** no matter what.


You can't compare Rift to SWTOR when it comes to aspects of the game. There is ton's of more content here with all the different story lines. Leveling alts in Rift is so boring since there is nothing different between each class.


Wait... You're upset about the 30 minute patches (that were not daily by the way) that happened at 4 AM? Go make yourself some breakfast and take a shower. Haha.


Rift forums were no where near as bad as these, except for the PvP forums which can probably partially attribute to the failure of that game. Getting 1-shot was terrible. Regardless, Rift had the most polished launch of any MMORPG to date which was my point to begin with.

Edited by WarTornPanda
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It wasn't "buggy." It had bugs. There is a difference.


Ok, I didn't know there was a difference. I meant that the game had problems that prevented me from playing it. Like disconnects every 15 minutes, lag spikes that lasted forever and things not doing what they should do (falling through the world is one for them). I kept playing it because the moments it did work it was great, and I was convinced they were working hard to solve the issues. A bit the same as I have with SWTOR. Only this game is really playable and I'm enjoying the current content, while they're working on ironing things out.

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Good job distorting what I said.


First of all, I don't know if you know this, but in WoW they let you have more than one class. Some of the ones I played with did have auto-attacks.


And again, my point was that if you want to compare WoW and TOR, be fair about it. I'm somewhat disappointed with the crafting here, but it's far superior to having to grind out a profession just to get the bonus you need to be competitive.


And it's not like WoW's progression was really less linear. OOH, you can skip the Redridge Mountains! So what? No matter what you do, you're going to end up grinding your way through Stranglethorn Vale.


I like how you said they made leveling alts as painless as possible. Here TOR actually made it fun for me.


You never replied to what I said.


Name some shortcomings for starters. I personally see nothing wrong with the game aside from the fact that it become entirely too easy at one point. That being said, it's no longer my cup of tea. That doesn't mean it's a failure of a game by any means. Quite the opposite actually. No game has ever sucked away so many hours of my life. Being negative about my experiences with that game would be absurd.


What you fail to understand is that 7 years of development for WoW is irrelevant to my (along with the public's) gaming experience. Do you compare BF3 or MW3 to Unreal Tournament 2004 when you play them? Absolutely not. However, if Unreal Tournament 2004 was the most popular FPS of 2011-12 then you most certainly would.


Let me do you one better... Do you compare Battlefield 3 to Modern Warfare 1 and say, "Look at the improvements over that version of the game"? I bet you don't and that's because previous iterations of the game are no longer relevant to the gaming community.

Edited by WarTornPanda
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That is how WoW-players feel when they buy an MMO with no responsive UI, no open gameworld, no endgame, no combat log or chat bubbles or sitting/lying down or swimming or wandering mobs or critters or ambient sounds or day/night cycles or a ton of other staple features of the genre.

You, good Sir, win the internet.

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Originally Posted by WarTornPanda

Name some shortcomings for starters. I personally see nothing wrong with the game aside from the fact that it become entirely too easy at one point. That being said, it's no longer my cup of tea. That doesn't mean it's a failure of a game by any means. Quite the opposite actually. No game has ever sucked away so many hours of my life. Being negative about my experiences with that game would be absurd.


What you fail to understand is that 7 years of development for WoW is irrelevant to my (along with the public's) gaming experience. Do you compare BF3 or MW3 to Unreal Tournament 2004 when you play them? Absolutely not. However, if Unreal Tournament 2004 was the most popular FPS of 2011-12 then you most certainly would.


Let me do you one better... Do you compare Battlefield 3 to Modern Warfare 1 and say, "Look at the improvements over that version of the game"? I bet you don't and that's because previous iterations of the game are no longer relevant to the gaming community.

that is irrelevant since MMOs work in diferent way, then any other game in the industry. Massive virtual worlds online are so complex compared to other games. You cant aplied the same rules.

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Name some shortcomings for starters.


That's because if you're too lazy to scroll up and see where I listed them I'm not going to repost them for you.


Okay... So you got the first part. What about the rest of it?


I personally see nothing wrong with the game aside from the fact that it become entirely too easy at one point. That being said, it's no longer my cup of tea. That doesn't mean it's a failure of a game by any means. Quite the opposite actually. No game has ever sucked away so many hours of my life. Being negative about my experiences with that game would be absurd.


What you fail to understand is that 7 years of development for WoW is irrelevant to my (along with the public's) gaming experience. Do you compare BF3 or MW3 to Unreal Tournament 2004 when you play them? Absolutely not. However, if Unreal Tournament 2004 was the most popular FPS of 2011-12 then you most certainly would.


Let me do you one better... Do you compare Battlefield 3 to Modern Warfare 1 and say, "Look at the improvements over that version of the game"? I bet you don't and that's because previous iterations of the game are no longer relevant to the gaming community.

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that is irrelevant since MMOs work in diferent way, then any other game in the industry. Massive virtual worlds online are so complex compared to other games. You cant aplied the same rules.


Why not? You can't just say "those rules don't apply" and then not give a valid reason.

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I believe a lot of the unmitigated hatred is due to the sky high expectations and hype people built up for themselves. I remember back when BW first started releasing videos and every little thing they released was followed by comments such as:








*Gurgling noises followed by frantic typing sounds*


It was like watching a bunch of toddlers on their first trip to Disney World. When someone shows you a 45 second video of some guy weilding a lightsaber with a blade that looks like a bright red crazy straw and your reaction is one of the previous, you're way too into the hype. When the game releases and it turns out to be just another MMO with a lot of problems, you're devastated and begin lashing out at the people who couldn't bring your unrealsitic dream to life.

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