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Legacy Race Combos


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So, with the new video we saw a Miralukan (? blind fold guys) as a low-level Sith Warrior on Korriban. SO. Some new race/class combos are obviously going to be a part of the Legacy system. Has this confirmation affected anyone else? I personally am holding off on some alts until I learn more.


I'd love it if Bioware could sometime in the near future confirm which race/class combos will open up with the system. Ratataki Jedi Knights? Sith Pureblood Consulars? Miriallan Imperial Agents? What about the customization options for Zabraks, will they become available to both factions?


Must plan ahead!

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I just hope the Legacy system ends up living up to it's potential and just doesn't turn into another system I ignore completely like crafting. This is my first MMO so I'm in love with the combat, story, and gear + the thought of my characters being all related and creating super sweet hybrid characters is intriguing to say the least!
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I just hope the Legacy system ends up living up to it's potential and just doesn't turn into another system I ignore completely like crafting. This is my first MMO so I'm in love with the combat, story, and gear + the thought of my characters being all related and creating super sweet hybrid characters is intriguing to say the least!


Yeah I agree. My own speculation though, is that if it only included small bonuses and existing races they would have already implemented. I'm really hoping that the fact it won't be in til March means that it's something big and awesome that needs testing.

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New combos? Oh. This isn't what I was hoping for.


I'm going to continue to beat a dead horse! The current races are disgraceful in comparison to that of even SWG for force sakes...


can we get some INTERESTING races please?

Edited by weezdajuice
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Well, as for new player races, that requires a lot more work. They have to create all the different customization options, plus there could be issues with make each model work with the gear out there. They've also said they want all the player races to be "near human" so no Ithroians :( I think the most out there they'd get is Cathar or maybe Nautilan (did I get that right?).
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my god i can't wait for the patch. I've been hearing about unlocking species for different factions for a long time, main reason why i rolled a jedi miraluka, and now i can finally make my SI miraluka like i always wanted. YEEEAAHHH! super excited
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Well, as for new player races, that requires a lot more work. They have to create all the different customization options, plus there could be issues with make each model work with the gear out there. They've also said they want all the player races to be "near human" so no Ithroians :( I think the most out there they'd get is Cathar or maybe Nautilan (did I get that right?).


the number of customization options STINKS atm. I'm less than pleased that MULTIPLE races from the completely different planets have all of the same hair styles etc. Seems lazy imo.

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the number of customization options STINKS atm. I'm less than pleased that MULTIPLE races from the completely different planets have all of the same hair styles etc. Seems lazy imo.


Haha. I know that feel. It really shocked me how few options there were the time I first made my character.

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the number of customization options STINKS atm. I'm less than pleased that MULTIPLE races from the completely different planets have all of the same hair styles etc. Seems lazy imo.


Yeah, but that's not the issue. Even if there aren't enough options as is in your opinion, it would still take resources to adapt/add some for new races. That seems more like expansion material to me.

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Where is the mirror going to be for the Republic? That is my question...


Miraluka as SW\SI ok I can see that....

Mirilian in any class of the Empire could make sense I suppose...


Sith as Jedi? I don't see that....


Chiss Smugglers? Maybe....


Rattataki Smuggler? Maybe...As Jedi? I don't see it....


Nice perks for Empire classes, don't see the value for Republic....Again...


But hey...no one needs incentive to go republic in this game....right?

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