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Battlemaster Commendations


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When you go on a raid there is no guarantee that the piece you want to drop is going to yet you put in the effort. This isn't that different. We all get a chance but some are luckier than others. If they made it so that everyone was in BM gear shortly after hitting BM people would just complain that it was too easy to get the BM gear.


I think in PvE it's a bit easier to stomach because even if you go weeks without something dropping for you, your team as a whole is getting geared up. I'm just as happy to see a friend get his Tier Blah token as I am to get my own because we're part of the same team.


Even if you're in a PvP guild and do nothing but run premades, if you get screwed by the random number gods then you just did - there's no alternative piece of gear that helps the rest of your premade - it's just here you go, enjoy your tokens, I hear Broonmark could use a new codpiece.

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I personally have no intention to bother with BM bags.


Everything in this game besides the leveling is a complete failure and does not deserve any money past you reaching level 50.


If you want good PvP, go play DAoC or Guild Wars, these are the only ones worth mentioning lately until GW2 comes out and hopefully will continue the top notch PvP from the first one.


FoR PvE, both Rift and WoW are much better as well with less bugs and more content.

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I had worse than horrible luck on champ bags and decent luck on BM bags. I can't believe someone quits over that of all things though, thats just crazy. There really isn't anything hard in this game so why rage about some bad luck on the only semi-difficult thing to get??
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I was battlemaster 6 days before 1.1. I have 0 Battlemaster Comms. I have done every weekly and missed 1 daily since launch. I have lost the ambition to even care about it now. i have accepted i will forever have a champion weapon. Which thanks to all the champion commendations i got from the battlemaster bags, i was able to buy the weapon finally, since the RNG system for champion bags never gave me a token.

My friend is only rank 24 right now, and has been for about 2 weeks now. and has full champion gear including weapon. I would say the system works great! someone who barely pvp's can have close to the same expertise as someone who does nothing but pvp.

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This needs seriously looking at now... 14 boxes later I still only have 1 single commendation, the drop rate on those has to be adjusted and blind RNG luck is bad.


Why not add the ability to purchase them with 1000/1000 and you will also then give more reasons to get people into Warzones than just getting their dailies out the way.


No it REALLY doesnt need looking at. If you compare it to World of Warcraft the battlemasters gear is on the level of arena gear. AT MOST you can get 2 pieces of arena gear a week and MOST people get either 1 or none a week.

If you are insanely lucky with this system you can get 3 or 4 battlemasters pieces in 1 week so tbh I would be happy getting 1 piece a week with a SLIGHT chance of getting more.

The system is fine.

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Not looking forward to this.


Already fully champion geared off about 60 bags centurion comms falling out my ***, valor 48 so still some way to go.


Saving for the 1000/1000 speeder at moment because theres bog all better to spend it on.


Ridiculous that you can only have 1 BM bag in your inventory at a time so I'm doing dailies for no reason at all at the moment when I would have thought I could have had 15 or so bags saved by time I ding valor 60.



My suggestions


Remove the lock on having just 1 bag in inv at a time, this would at least allow us to save BM bags whilst we grind up to 60 valor (if at 50 level)


As others have stated give BM bags a 500/500 or 1000/1000 cost and allow us another means of purchasing them.

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I gotta say, I prefer the random Item in a bag to the chance at getting a single commendation. Maybe its just me, but the drop chance on these bags so stupid considering you can only get 2 a day, excluding weeklies. I finish my first entire pvp set in less than a week of champion, and 3 whole sets in about 2. and now Im going on my 3rd week as BM and have maybe a 3rd of the set. Really I guess I'm just complaining because I was so lucky at getting Champion gear and now I'm feeling the pain of no bag drops.
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The problem is entirely that BM Gear is going to always be chance based, if you knew you could get BM gear and then the chance was to get it faster and so forth it wouldn't be so bad.


The Devs post claims it is a 25% chance for a comm, I'm currently sitting at a about 15% and that is only based on past few days, before that it was barely hitting 10%.

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devs post says 25 %


does not seem to reflect peoples experience, is there a math issue in the calculation?


in theory

you get 16 bags a week, giving you 4 commendations (theory)


IF so gearing speed would be ok. i've yet to see a BM who really reaches 25%, im at 1/6 and no BM i talked was satisfied with his rate either.

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devs post says 25 %


does not seem to reflect peoples experience, is there a math issue in the calculation?


in theory

you get 16 bags a week, giving you 4 commendations (theory)


IF so gearing speed would be ok. i've yet to see a BM who really reaches 25%, im at 1/6 and no BM i talked was satisfied with his rate either.


considering the number of rank 60 people over 100ish server; you population sample is too small.What you are seeing is anecdotal evidence.I saw BM who hit rank 60 and were full BM or close very fast.Also, random sequence then to be a bit differently than people think;its quite common to have a nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing something nothing something.. even at 1/6

Edited by Asurai
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Srsly... 17 Bags one commendation... 1 / 17 chance is not the 1/4 promised... more than 4 times worse! HATE BW!


i'm so mad , cause even my friend who got 60 today got more! Not mentioning a guildie who been 1 day longer BM and got 4 pieces of BM gear...


I UNSUBBED, but not only for this...

Edited by sKyloo
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considering the number of rank 60 people over 100ish server; you population sample is too small.What you are seeing is anecdotal evidence.I saw BM who hit rank 60 and were full BM or close very fast.Also, random sequence then to be a bit differently than people think;its quite common to have a nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing something nothing something.. even at 1/6


you are a scientist as i am, yet i hope it didnt appear as i would give a founded study. i just mean, subjective experiences dont seem to reflect the 25%, and if summarizing a whole lot of subjective experiences (as we have in this forum) it can lead to a significant observation, and may even show some misscalculation of the droprate. the question all those undergeared BMs have, is it really 25 % ?

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The developers have already stated that they will be adjusting battlemaster bags to be on the same steady progression as champion bags. Please go read the developer section. Here is the direct quote from Gabe.


"To reiterate the mention in my previous post, we will be changing Battlemaster Commendation drops in a future patch toward the same 'steady' progession goal without changing the overall average time to gear up."


Also... from personal experience I'm sitting at about a thirty percent drop rate for battlemaster tokens from the bags.


Link to developer section: http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php

Edited by RattyRattail
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