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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why do we get the darth title and not...? (SPOILERS)


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were never acknowleged as a darth at any point in the game our title in game is the emperors wrath even in the loading screen its emperors wrath and lord what ever your char's name is we were originally never given the title darth we did get emperors wrath but complaining that we didnt get drath bw went outside the class story took away the one that made sence and gave darth why not have both titles so we could atleast have the one that makes sence looking at torhead sith warrior has the least class titles there was no reason to take it away to add darth and why not fix things such as the loading screen to say darth instead of lord.


I agree with this. SI get force walker as part of their story, I want "The Emperors wrath" as mine. Every other class, at least on the Imperial side gets at least 1 extra title, as part of their story.


Edit: I was wrong, the Agent doesn't either. see below.


Warrior: Acolyte -> Apprentice -> lord -> Darth


Note: because you are nobility, you considered an acolyte


SI: Apprentice -> lord -> Force walker -> Darth


Note: because you arrive as a nobody, you aren't considered an acolyte


Bounty hunter: Hired Gun -> the Relentless -> Knight of Alderaan or Baroness or Homewrecker -> Grand Champion of the Great Hunt -> republic's most wanted


Imperial Agent: Agent -> Cipher Agent -> Double Agent -> Master Conspiritor


If Acolyte is our version of Force walker, then I am disappointed.


Note: the titles may be in the wrong order.


Suggestion: Award all warriors the title: "The Emperor's Wrath" at the beginning of Chapter 3.

Edited by Fallerup
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It was replaced with "Darth" right before launch due to hundreds of cry threads and thousands of posts demanding it.




yup, the little darth vader wannabe QQ bi*ches couldnt handle not having the darth title so they pissed and moaned for weeks on end


and im actually ok with that


but what im not ok with is BW deciding that instead of just giving us darth, they had to take away emperors wrath ... thats just crap


inquisitors get forcewalker (or something like that) so where is our unique title ...


cave to the QQers and punish the ones that didnt QQ ... good plan BW

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were never acknowleged as a darth at any point in the game our title in game is the emperors wrath even in the loading screen its emperors wrath and lord what ever your char's name is we were originally never given the title darth we did get emperors wrath but complaining that we didnt get drath bw went outside the class story took away the one that made sence and gave darth why not have both titles so we could atleast have the one that makes sence looking at torhead sith warrior has the least class titles there was no reason to take it away to add darth and why not fix things such as the loading screen to say darth instead of lord.


I think I agree with you. However, I can't be sure because you didn't use quite enough punctuation.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Very disappointed that I did not get that title. Darth is cool. Awesome in fact. I am proud to have it, as my fight with Baras was incredibly difficult and it was a hard fought victory. That said, if given a choice, Emperor's Wrath is far cooler.


It would be a pain, but we should at least have an option. I'd be fine with having to choose one over the other, but having to lose the one I did not pick. I've been the Emperor's Wrath since either before January or the first or second week. I can't really remember. When 1.2 went live, I talked to the npc on the Imp fleet that started the black hole dailies on Correlia. In the cutscene, he referred to me as the Wrath, and then I was saddened all over again. All because I never received that darn title.


I hope that BW at least considers bringing the title back to us. No matter the cost, I pay it gladly.


I realize it has been nearly a month since someone posted here, but this is how I will always feel. Someone should revive threads like these from time to time.

Edited by LordTaral
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The previous Emperor's Wrath wasn't even a Darth, and he was the Wrath for 300 years. (won't give away who it was for other class spoilers)


This whole topic (title included) already spoiled the fact. Anyone that read the bloody book would know what he's talking about. Sucks because i didnt get a chance to finish the story line first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see your point. But the REAL problem is that it's a spoiler in the name. Even as cool as WRATH is, it also makes sense that as the wrath, you are a darth. Im not sure which I prefer, but darth is easier to show. I dont know, but wrath is too much of a spoiler (yes, that also includes "grand champion of the great hunt" being a spoiler too. But that was kind of obvious)

So I think darth works, but maybe if they adde a new title to show who you are... Not wrath, not darth. I do like darth though :D (even as an inquisitor)


So I'm neutral on this. Good luck EMPEROR WRATH"S"!!

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What basically happened was that late in the beta (as someone has pointed out) it was changed because someone leaked it to the community at large (SW can't get Darth was the thread name I believe) and the SW nerds went ballistic. When I hit 50 wI was disappointed a bit that i didn't get the Darth title in the beta but the finale of the SW story line more than made up for it and I though the title more in keeping with the story. Back in in December I stated a thread to get the title back and not much came of it


I would still like it are you listening Bioware?

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  • 2 weeks later...
That seems a lilttle short sighted. With the storyline calling you the Emperor's Wrath, and then not give it, seems a lil'like a let down. Hadn't thought about this, since "finishing" my Juggie, till I got to the point with my Knight, where I met a Wrath.
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  • 7 months later...
Make Darth an act 2 title and Wrath Act 3. What they should have done.


They never call you Darth take Darth away and put Emperor's Wrath, alsoThe Emperor was never a Darth he was a Lord before be coming the Emperor.



Please Bioware take Darth away and Put Emperor's Wrath or let us acquire that tittle in ''Rise of the hutt cartel''


I beg of you Bioware

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If there can be countless many "Republic's Most Wanted"s running around, then I see no reason why there couldn't be more than one "Emperor's Wrath". I have a level 50 Jugg, not playing him anymore but I loved the story. I would be glad to carry the Emperor's Wrath title over Darth.


Just saying.

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If there can be countless many "Republic's Most Wanted"s running around, then I see no reason why there couldn't be more than one "Emperor's Wrath". I have a level 50 Jugg, not playing him anymore but I loved the story. I would be glad to carry the Emperor's Wrath title over Darth.


Just saying.



everyone who finish the story does

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