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So the game isnt dead.


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'Best' is a very subjective thing. But having most subs for an MMO does indeed make it the 'best' in a sense. Atleast.. the most popular.


And if I was concerned about what's popular, I'd listen to country music, watch Glee and American idol, believe in God, eat at McDonalds and care about the Kardashians day to day lives.


I do none of these.

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WAR actually is partially free to play; you can play as much as you like in Tier 1 (pretty much the best part of the game) without paying, though you'll never level above 10.


WoW's also gone partially free to play; F2P level cap is 20.

Actually, its not F2P. Thats called an unlimited trial.


You can't trade, you can't use the AH for both.


In WAR, you cannot go to the capital cities.


In WOW, you have a 100 cap on skill. 10 gp limit.


Lets say SWTOR sets up something similar. Level 10 max, 1000 credit max limit, you cannot go to the imperial fleet or use the GTN. what fun!

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'Best' is a very subjective thing. But having most subs for an MMO does indeed make it the 'best' in a sense. Atleast.. the most popular.

So you disregard his point completly.... That what is most popular isnt always the best, and most cases it realy isnt.

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Most games don't just fall off a precipice and die on impact. It is more like a slow and lingering death periodically interspaced with more and more desperate attempts to breathe life into the patient.


If this game is going to die, it will be protracted. I myself have many issues with the game as it stands, but I am also keeping my subscription active at the moment. If, however, as time progresses I find I no longer have interest in logging in, I will simply cancel my account. There will be no fanfare or angry posts on the forums as to why I left, I'll simply leave.


However, whilst I am still here, I will be vocal about my distaste for bugs and certain aspects of the game. After all, I still have hopes things can be fixed. Unfortunately, as time progresses, those hopes will diminish along with my interaction with this game.

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People who keep making the comparison to WoW's endgame need to realize that SWTOR has been out one month (less than that officially.) WoW has had years to perfect their end game and add in content. SWTOR is still fixing initial release hiccups that every MMO has. Give it some time people. New content will be released. That's what the monthly subscription is for. You're helping to fund the ongoing game development. So sit back and let them do their job and we'll be seeing a lot new content soon enough. Edited by Virsane
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Oh nice, I see you've played it already.


Lmfao :rolleyes:


No i could care less about that game, that is why I am in the Star Wars forums and i am subscribe to Star Wars. You seem to have a vested interest in promoting wow, very strange.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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Oh nice, I see you've played it already.


Lmfao :rolleyes:


I don't need to play, say, Mario Sunshine to know I won't like it.


Much the same as I don't need to play Pandaland Adventures to know I won't enjoy it.


I know what I like, I know what I don't.

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My move? Jesus, this is an easy one:


WoW is dominating right now. So what is your point?




Thats exactly my point. Yes WoW is dominating now. But EQ was Dominating as well before WoW was released. So my point is that the same thing is going to happen. Question is, are they going to move to TOR or something else? I'm hoping for TOR, but MMO players are a very fickle players.

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Oh nice, I see you've played it already.


Lmfao :rolleyes:


wow is just turning into a rehash machine and cata is proof of that. Now they're going to rehash scholomance like they did zul gurub, shadowfang keep, black rock, etc etc. They are going to bring nothing new they will just keep updating old content because the mouth breathers dont know the difference, they're on autopilot which is what blizzard loves.

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I don't need to play, say, Mario Sunshine to know I won't like it.


Much the same as I don't need to play Pandaland Adventures to know I won't enjoy it.


I know what I like, I know what I don't.


To know what you like, you would of had to try it out in the first place with an unbiased opinion. Very nice paradox my friend.

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wow is just turning into a rehash machine and cata is proof of that. Now they're going to rehash scholomance like they did zul gurub, shadowfang keep, black rock, etc etc. They are going to bring nothing new they will just keep updating old content because the mouth breathers dont know the difference, they're on autopilot which is what blizzard loves.


Good post, you just showed me you know nothing of what they intend to do in MoP.



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So, now its the 22nd?


on the 22nd will it be "Oh some people bought three month cards"


The game isnt died.


My server population doubled since 1.1


You cannot WILL the game to fail


Nope. I never said anything concrete, don't put crap in my words.


The game won't die, ever**. If SWG can survive, this can survive. But will it be all that it could be? Nope.


Secondly, I cannot emphasize how much I never said I was "Willing" the game to die. Don't be a freaking alarmist.


I simply said, wait until a few more days, there is the grace period - a factual statement. So I am greeted with speculative responses like you, you're no better than the alarmist people running around with headless chickens screaming out "SWTOR IS GONNA DIE ****"


Cause I know it won't, I was a SWG launch subscriber. Even when 50% of the game unsubbed, the game continued. The game simply stopped making expansion packs and received a lower level of content updates which was in due to the part of the low subscription base.




** Until the license to use Star Wars ends or the game truly hits a negative cash flow balance which won't happen, as Asherons Call (12++ years) is still running. They'll simply layoff staff as necessary

Edited by lowflyingmeat
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