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Why people hate arenas


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Arenas destroy PvP.


Seriously look at WoW.


Arena gear destroyed parts of WOW, (WOW is obvioulsy still very successful)


so Bioware dont give us Arena gear, give us titles and rating, etc (cosmetic rewards). I dont want arena for more gear, Battlemaster gear is just fine as the top end give out arena coms that work roughly the same as warzone/merc comms, same gear w/e. I do arena because its fun and i get to test my teams skill against roughly equal skilled opponents. that is what i want. Please give us arenas. thank you,

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Before you go posting misleading information,



Fact: people who complain about arena, suck at it and it hurt their epeens cause they arent slaying internet dragons for style points


Fact: Swtor will never care about arena because it's like 1% of mmo population


Fact: Guild Wars 2 is the most hyped up, and exciting mmo of 2012. There is a reason it is rated above swtor on every single gaming website. It is better. GW1 sucked, gw2 alpha client runs smoother than swtor.


Keep complaing that you dont want arena and drive more players away from the game. Swtor has already lost probably half their subscribers before the first month.


BTW when arenas came out in BC, they were INCREDIBLY popular, and to say they werent is just lying and misleading.


I would love to see another interview with a wow dev now. Here would be my question...


"whats your opinion on arena now after watching so many failed mmo launches and their inability to tap into the competitive pvp market?"


There is a reason there is an arena competition at every blizzcon and people get paid to play arena. You don't get paid to play something thats unpopular.


LoLz! You start off by suggesting one shouldn't mislead then you go on to make up "facts" of your own, which are nothing more than your opinion. While you are indeed welcome to your opinion please don't pretend to present them as "facts". People get paid to make commercials too, doesn't mean they are popular. Most people skip past them whenever possible for a reason. I think you need to learn the difference between marketing and popular.


I played that Blizzard game from launch to February of last year. I took part in the BG's, the "War Zones" and Arena from the time they were first implemented until I became so disgusted with the game I could no longer justify paying for it each month. Please do not presume to tell me what I do and don't know about it. I was both an avid pvp'er and a raider in that game, and was very successful at both when I played. I also remember the rank "fixing" that went on there early on, do you?


It is all well and good to suggest what GW2 might be, but until it is actually released your "facts" are meaningless, and so are any "lol-reviews" made about it. At least you admitted that GW1 was the pile of stinking refuse that it was (yeah I played that too). Having played and pvp'ed in MMO's since the pre-alpha days of UO you will forgive me if I predict you will see just as many if not more complaints of this nature when GW2 finally gets released and has forums available for people to complain in. It is a pattern that hasn't changed in over 10 years now. Nuff said.


Have fun ;)!

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It's a lot easier to call someone low skill if they don't have a way to prove otherwise.


It's easier to just get carried in warzones to get gear.


You have to use more abilities, and in some cases spec weird to be optimal.


You have to actually contribute.


You have to accept some people enjoy a different playstyle then you do.


There is a possibility they might tweak your class (they are going to do this anyways).


You don't have the advantage of steamrolling pugs, there are none.


If you don't like arenas you don't like them. But to say they shouldn't exist because you personally don't care for them is ridiculous. It is an aspect of a game, it's exclusion only polarizes a demographic Bioware is trying to keep.


Now for the real reasons.


Nobody cares about Arena as a serious form of competitive play, and nobody is interested in having the game balanced around something as small scale as a 3v3 fight.


You have to use FOTM classes and specs to be successful, sometimes going so far as to completely re-roll simply because the class you've been playing took a huge nerf and is no longer viable the way you play it.


Once a season has been established, unless you're being carried by a geared team, it's nearly impossible to start gearing yourself when you're being rolled by geared teams at every turn (because gear and cookie cut specs/rotations matter in arena, skill is secondary.)


You have to conform immediately to arena cliques and the arena playstyle the instant it is implemented. Forget other styles of play, arena becomes all that matters because thats where the only pvp gear that matters is at.


Implementing arena polarizes a demographic as well, and it's one that they are trying to keep, and it's no more or less important than the one that you're a part of. To say they should implement it simply because it suits your vision of how the game should be is no better than anyone else saying it shouldn't be simply because they don't like it.

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There's cry babies everywhere. PVE is fine, PVP is fine. People are just emotional and can't handle small changes.


And Blizz didn't denounce arena, go back and actually read the quote yourself. I doubt you've ever even read the original quote you're referring to. Just spouting ignorant garbage you have no first hand experience or knowledge of.

I'm wondering if YOU'VE read the quote.


No, he's not saying "Arenas are a terrible idea". He IS saying they didn't really work out the way they expected, and the game would've needed to be heavily re-designed to properly accommodate them. TLDR version...MMOs are a terrible vehicle for e-sports.


Honestly, if you guys CARE about good, clean, competitive PvP, you wouldn't be asking for it in an MMO. There are lots of games out there with pure, balanced rulesets that DO allow for proper competitive balance. And if you don't want that, play Chess. Play a sport. Play ANYTHING but an MMO.

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I was rated at least 2500 starting in S2 and finishing in S8. I was the R in a top tier RPM team.


Arenas. Ruined. PvP.


It was the only PvP we did. It drove us absolutely *********** insane. Then to top it all off we had to go raid later on because we were still in a top tier raiding guild because of the trinket drops.


Seriously, even WoW's dev team says they regret arenas.

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I dislike arenas because it requires very good class balance to carry off well.


This game doesn't have that, nor does any other MMORPG I have ever played.


You end up with overpowered classes played by children expressing how great they are because they are playing the FOTM class that the developers never bothered to fix.

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The most accurate description of yourself I can think of.


Three year old Peewee Herman retorts, really?


Go read the quote from the original source. Or continue trolling on pretending like you know what you're talking about. Makes no difference to me. I just feel sorry for people who read comments like "BLIZZ HATES ARENA! 100% TRUE FAX!" and actually believe it.

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Three year old Peewee Herman retorts, really?


Go read the quote from the original source. Or continue trolling on pretending like you know what you're talking about. Makes no difference to me. I just feel sorry for people who read comments like "BLIZZ HATES ARENA! 100% TRUE FAX!" and actually believe it.


It's actually called - holding up a mirror.


Blizz denounced Arenas because of PvE balance. <------that is all I said. You're the one that went on a 5 year old tirade. If anything, you've only convinced more people how bad of an idea arenas is by your maturity level alone.

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Arena is what kept me and irl mates playing for years sorry to hear you are sub 1500 though.


^^^ and this is the absolute worst part about arena, the people who like them. if there's a community EA should want to keep out of the game it's this one.

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If you don't like arenas you don't like them. But to say they shouldn't exist because you personally don't care for them is ridiculous. It is an aspect of a game, it's exclusion only polarizes a demographic Bioware is trying to keep.


Arenas are some of the deepest pits of bad PvP, ever. Crud, not a season of WoW arena fighting went by without teams regularly throwing matches, cheating to gain ratings, exploiting arena terrain/GCD exploitery, or worse. I know, I've seen plenty of seasons in my time and the drek that came of it.


May we never see their like here. You want epeen, go find a game of Huttball and have at it with whoever else thinks they're l33t enough to beat you in the sandbox. One kill should be worth precisely as much as another.

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Arenas destroy PvP.


Seriously look at WoW.


Arena was fine Season 2-4. The only imbalance really was resto druids. And to say it destroyed PvP is a bold statement. They watered down the game so much that people that were terrible in the earlier seasons all asudden could play spell cleaves and global people and become rank1 heroes. Any soccer mom caliber player that could slam his nuts on the keyboard could get glad now days. (Did you see MLG when beastcleave won the match for thousands of dollars in the first 10 seconds?)


Arena gives you a good place to scale ability if the classes are tuned right and dmg to healing is balanced properly, it's really hard to do that with hybrid classes as well because they will bring alot more utility than just a straight dps or a straight healing class.


As a rank 1 and multiglad player, Arena had lost all its fun when wotlk was released and set the expectations of the players to be able to shave off 50% of someones life in 2 seconds. And there was no going backwards on that since gear would only get stronger from there.


Arena also will draw in more player interest when they can see how they can pair up and learn the synergy of multiple classes in 3v3-4v4. You don't feel like you are just grinding against a timed wall playing huttball-alderaan-voidstar matches. You can start to feel your personal skill match against a small group of players opposed to getting zerged by 4-6 players in a bg.

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i promise when you actually leave you'll never hear from me again /wave


If you promise not to change your name Ill promise to drop in on this game in like 1 or 2yr to see if your still playing, if you aren't then I win cause you quit like a kid. But if you are still playing you answer me honestly if sinking your time into this was worth it K?

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to say it destroyed PvP is a bold statement.


It's not bold enough. Arena destroyed WoW, not just PVP. Titles and pretty gear for dueling? Ugh. Not to mention that they continually break classes so that they'll be "balanced for arena." There's plenty of games that gives you perfect balance, they aren't called MMOs

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Wow. Blinded by the "Look at me I need attention green text."


It killed PvP. The only thing that matters once arena exists is arena. Get in your few handfuls of arena games per week and you don't even have to think about fighting another person until the next cycle rolls around.


Thats not PvP. Thats tunneling your activities for the purpose of gear progression, not for fun, not for entertainment. Thats pushing yourself through an activity you don't even enjoy simply for the benefits and rewards.


No thank you.

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