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Faction Imbalance - Fact or Myth?


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Are you Imps really going to try and convince yourselves that there isn't a faction imbalance? You must think the people reading this forum are the dumbest people on earth. I mean its not like we didn't just get a ton of videos, live streams, and screen shots the other day showing overwhelming Imp numbers spawn camping reps in Ilum. But hey I guess If I rolled a faction specifically to enjoy such an advantage I would deny it to.
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Those numbers don't prove anything about your server population except that at the time you did your /who that 89 people were on the Republic Fleet and 255 were on the Imperial Fleet.


For example, there could be 1589 Republic players on your server and 1500 Imperial players. At that momment in time 89 Republic players are hanging out on the Fleet, while the other 1500 are out in other zones leveling, running FPs or OPs, playing an alt on Coruscant, and some just decided to do something else that night. Yet at the same moment 255 Imperials are hanging out in thier fleet while the other 1245 are out leveling, running FPs or Ops, etc.


I'll say it again, your numbers don't prove anything. It is like claiming all people own jetpacks and can fly because you once saw that guy with the jetpack fly into a sporting event or on TV.


What is needed for an accurate census is an actual running audit of all zones for both factions over a minimum 2 week period.




If you don't understand math even this little, I doubt it's worth anymore time trying to prove anything to you. There were multiple 'snapshots' which all showed severe imbalance at different times. One by itself isn't valid, multiple at different times/servers is proof. (not EXACT) but enough to send someone to the chair if you were in court.



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So your saying doing a /who of an area that is the main hang out for a faction does NOT give you some sort of feel on server pop?


No it does not. It is a snapshot of one zone at one moment in time, it give no accurate picture of actual server population.

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Largest poll to date was done on the official product page on Facebook....


As of 12:30pm CST on 01/20/2012:


Total polled: 32,968 - 1.65% of 2 million estimated subs

Republic: 15,442 - 47%

Empire: 17,526 - 53%


So yeah, there is a very slight imbalance based on those numbers, but not as much as has been spouted. Granted while it is a larger cut than any poll on the boards here, it is still missing 98.35% of the estimated player base which could completely change the numbers.

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At this point I don't think there is much EA can do to fix the faction imbalances. I believe they had some options before the game went live however: I think that with the light/dark side they had already implemented they could have added different spell graphics. If a jedi goes deep enough dark he has the option to swap out the project for the force lightning equivalent and vice versa. This way everybody screaming for force lightning isn't forced to go imp side for it. what it comes down to is if you make 1 side "cooler" than the other people will flock to it.. personally i would have set it up so that servers cant be more imbalanced than 60-40.. yes this would be difficult to implement and yes there would be an incedible ammount of QQing. but it would be healthier for the economy of both factions, pvp, pve (finding groups) and overall enjoyment of the game. And in the end the only people QQing would be the ones on the zerg side of the equation ;-)
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If you don't understand math even this little, I doubt it's worth anymore time trying to prove anything to you. There were multiple 'snapshots' which all showed severe imbalance at different times. One by itself isn't valid, multiple at different times/servers is proof. (not EXACT) but enough to send someone to the chair if you were in court.




You can't refute what I actually said, the part about a "running audit of players in all zones for a minimum of 2 weeks", so you toss out a thinly veiled personal attack.


GIGO. Random people taking snapshots here and there are still going to be inaccurate. Just like the guy that did a who at 8:00am on a work day after winter break was over for the kids and claimed this as proof positive that SWTOR was dead on the forums.

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Random people taking snapshots here and there are still going to be inaccurate.
Collecting dozens of random samples is a valid sampling method; once you have a large enough set you can indeed draw conclusions based on that data.


I'm going to continue to believe that republic is significantly outnumbered on all servers until we start seeing a lot of snapshots with more republic players than imperial. I haven't personally seen any...

Edited by ferroz
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When talking to guildies and friends I find the biggest reason why Republic isn't played as much is:


1. Jedi/Consular gears looks terrible.

2. Rep space station looks ghetto compared to Empire.

3. The Jedi starting world takes far longer to get through than Dromund Kaas (nearly twice as long and you leave the planet after all quests at a lower level).

4. (although I do not have an issue with this) Coruscant puts people off as new players typically find a normal style planet more inviting.

5. Many mirrors have bugs and/or animation delay on Republic side more so than Empire.

6. Many I have talked to find the Jedi story arcs to be very slow at start.


Much of the above has impacted individuals I have talked to and have steered them toward Empire.

Edited by Tamanous
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Largest poll to date was done on the official product page on Facebook....


As of 12:30pm CST on 01/20/2012:


Total polled: 32,968 - 1.65% of 2 million estimated subs

Republic: 15,442 - 47%

Empire: 17,526 - 53%


So yeah, there is a very slight imbalance based on those numbers, but not as much as has been spouted. Granted while it is a larger cut than any poll on the boards here, it is still missing 98.35% of the estimated player base which could completely change the numbers.


This method is even worse than doing /who on the Fleets.

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Faction Imbalance can't be fixed.

Aion have this problem for year's they never fix it.

why do you think Bioware can?.



only way they can rebalance is to offer IMP's a service to switch sides without any loss.


First, you probably didn't actually read my post if you're responding to me.


Second, that's actually probably the one equatable solution that doesn't take away customer choice or give someone more for their $15 than others. I don't see them implementing it soon though as you don't get to play though the Republic story and that is a big part of the game. I like it though.

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Make being Republic cooler.


ie: Take our giant circle capital ships that look stupid and give us cooler capital ships.


Result: Instantly Republic outnumbers Sith.


Ok I'm sorry but is this really going to help imbalance lol?

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There is definitely faction imbalance, but there is nothing BioWare/EA can do about it without restrictions to gameplay.


^ - The Jawa is correct.


There is an imbalance on many servers (even one known that has higher Republic pop) but there is not really anything BW can do. They *can* fix the Republic side bugs that are not found on the Empire classes.


What they did do is during the pre-launch marketing is make the Empire seem a more appealing & stronger faction in the promotional videos & the giant Darth Malgus statue. In the three videos (Hope, Return, Decieved) the Empire won 2 with the third a stalemate. This was a not-so-subtle but likely unintended promotion of the Empire stronger faction.

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I'm still trying to figure out why my Jedi is wearing a bustle...:(




I'm pulling your man card for knowing what a bustle is. I had to google it.


As for your OP. Currently there is no good method to collect population data available to players. Pretty much snapshots is all you have to use to get an idea. I can't speak for other servers, but on Veela Republic side is a ghost town and Empire is lively and bustling with people and general chat is always full of people. I'm sure I didn't make things better by re-rolling Empire.


If it was just pvp that suffered I'd suck it up and level because I know the drill. I've been on pvp servers in every other game I've played. The killer for low pops is that the economy dies and it becomes impossible to find groups/guilds for raids and pve. This makes it impossible to gear up, which is really a HUGE part of any MMO.


Something as simple as introducing a cool new race available only to Republic would help. Just look at the impact Blood Elves had in WoW. Most servers favored the Alliance until BC, and then started shifting toward Horde. Its amazing how little things like that make such a big difference, but they do.

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On Rakata Mind Prison last night at prime time central in US, Rep fleet had 71, Imp fleet 202, Coruscant had 77, Dromund Kaas bounced between 180-220.


While its purely anecdotal based on one instance of swapping between rep and imp just to see, it also falls in line with other samples taken by other players on different days and times.



There's no denying there's a huge population imbalance in favor of Empire.


And i recently rerolled to Empire, because Republic seems to universally suck at pvp. Not to mention Empire has much better looking gear (MUCH better looking), cooler voice acting and better storylines, in my opinion.

Edited by Vember
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First, you probably didn't actually read my post if you're responding to me.


Second, that's actually probably the one equatable solution that doesn't take away customer choice or give someone more for their $15 than others. I don't see them implementing it soon though as you don't get to play though the Republic story and that is a big part of the game. I like it though.


i readed you post, it's true faction are not equal. just check fleet both sides.

on any given hour.


your fix, is nothing new NCsoft try this exactly the same tatics.

only way they got a little balance was by given people free Transfer to a other server *that was low on ether factions*


a good game will never ever made a faction based, but rater class based story line.

especialy if world PvP is involved.

Edited by abishe
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Yes there is an imbalance.



Hard proofed stat right here


"Over 850,000 Sith Warriors and over 810,000 Jedi Knights created"



Source: http://www.swtor.com/news/%5Bnews-category%5D/20111226



lol being serious, no one will ever know. But it is imbalanced at least on my server, which is a heavy server. I have a republic alt and the fleet is noticeably smaller in #'s at peak times.

Does this apply to the rest of the servers? No. But there's enough "general consensus" that it's most likely true.

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