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What 1.2 patch notes SHOULD look like....


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OP, did you just randomly throw number % into your post?


Specifically for the Operative/Scoundrel and the Commando/Merc


Nerf Grav/Tracer by 20% and Acid blade by 25%? That is a massive, massive nerf.



I understand people don't like Mercs/Commandos having their spec focused on one ability but you can't just gut their damage and then think they'll be fine.


Operatives/Scoundrels aren't even overpowered any more lol It's things like this that ruins the game because people see this and then complain about said classes because they died to them.


I feel bad for operative/Scoundrels, they'll be labelled overpowered until they can't kill anything.

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Plenty of decent fixes.


Not sure about the class balancing as I haven't played them all yet.


The faction imbalance buffs seem to be ideal, given the QQ at the mere suggestion. The easy-moder re-rollers would quickly return to the Republic.

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A lot of 1 star people in here. Guess you prob just skimmed to the part about your class and went "hell No' without reading the whole thing. You must have also missed the description of the stars because you are saying you CANNOT adapt.

Get it?


PVE forums are thatta way ------>


Or what you posted was garbage. There is that to consider.


1 Star.


I would quit your game even if it was free.

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Sith Warrior Marauder, and Jedi Knight Sentinel.


-Lowered the total damagedone over time of Rupture/Cauterize by 20%. Tooltip changed to reflect alteration.


This alone shows that you do not know what you're talking about. Rupture's bleed damage is low and only last's six seconds. If you're looking for the Marauders bleed effect that hurts, that would be deadly saber, and it hurts because it is stacked 3 times.


You touched on some issues, but seriously, just simple example: merging servers and upping the queue time? The servers can hardly hold the current load of heavily populated servers, and you think they could magically be capable of holding the population of three?


No offense man, but stick to your day job :o

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2 stars at best. I will address changes I don't agree with and why. Please note that my main is a Jedi Guardian. my ret. is a Jedi Sage, and I have a low level sniper. I didn't read the class changes because the first 2 class changes were idiotic and I ignored the rest. The only thing that needs to be done to classes is to change the sorc tree a little, and (for comm on repub and I think merc on imp) add as short a CD as possible to TM to inspire the use of other abilities and kill the channel on it.


---Population Imbalances---

-To solve the population imbalance that was forseen, we have decided to merge servers.

We will be picking out 3 servers at a time and merging them. The merges will be of the same ruleset (PVP/PVE/RP-PVP/ETC). The population cap before a que is in place has been also raised.


The queue is there to prevent stability problems. Combine servers and you get more players on a single server overall, increase the queue without a massive and expensive hardware upgrade simultaneously (which will likely result in a 3-4 day down time that you won't be very happy with) and you will cripple or crash the servers, making it slow or impossible to play for everyone on that server. This suggestion clearly didn't get a lot of thought put into it by the OP


-In addition, a new algorithm has been implemented that will auto-check faction population on servers every 12 hours. If the system detects an imbalance of greater than 10%. The lesser population receives a 30% buff to exp, and valor gains, for the next 12 hours until the pop is checked again. If the imbalance is greater than 50% the lesser faction gets a 10% max health bonus and a 5% bonus to damage and healing in addition to the above buff, again until the population is checked again.


So in a wz instance where population is limited (excepting the empire exploit of 12 players), the lower populated faction receives a buff that gives a substantial and unfair advantage to something that makes no immediate impact on warzones? Once the factions have a decent balance and players get gear this will get exploited. Not to mention the clear exploit in terms of PVE for the lower faction.


And this is coming from a primary republic player. Yes there are faction imbalance issues. But this isn't the fix, and is frankly unfair to primary empire players.



-We have also decided to implement certain character customization options including faction changes, gender changes, and cosmetic changes (ones usually done at creation) for a small fee of $15.


Gender changes would likely have a problematic impact on storyline



- When a premade group ques for warzones they are placed in a que to be only pitted against other premade groups.


This is BS. Bracket by skill, not by communication abilities and teamwork. There are good player pugs, and bad player pugs. Likewise, there are well-geared premades, and poorly geared premades. Your solution only punishes people that can effectively work together communicate, and does nothing to fix the real problem



- PVP tier armor system reworked. Centurion gear can now be purchased for high amounts of Warzone and Mercenary commendations. Centurion PVP gear now requires a valor rank of 20. In addition, Champion bags will always drop champion commendations but still have the same unchanged chance to drop champion tokens and now require valor rank 40. Finally, Battlemaster bags will always drop at least 1 Battlemaster commendation, with a chance to drop up to 3. The commendation cost for Battlemaster gear has been increased across the board by 2 for every piece.


Not bad, but I think it needs to be more difficult than you're making it. Making players work for their gear and accumulate over time creates a better class of player. Centurion should be 30, Champ 45, BM 60 with your other requisites. Crybabies with no dedication or skill will cry regardless of what BioWare does, you can't expect to coddle these low-skill players that want the world on a silver platter

Edited by drdarpa
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You do realize that once force armor/static barrier goes down the Sage/Sorc is probably the easiest class to kill.


Pro tip: Don't use insanely large attacks while the shield is still up, use small attacks to break it, then kill the player. The shield only absorbs about 2k-4k damage. The lockout period is 20 seconds, the shield lasts 30 seconds until broken. I can only put one up every 20 seconds. If you can't kill me in 20 seconds...well urdoingitwrong.

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On another note, the way to control population is perhaps by allowing a limited faction swap (obviously imp to repub in almost all cases) to only the respective class with no loss in gear or money, and a full on mirror of dark to light to include gear.


Although even if you do this, there are severe storyline gaps. So perhaps paid server transfers (free for entire guilds of 30 players on the roster or more and signatures from each member) and BW collecting population statistics for several months will help with balance.


Allowing players to act freely is far better for public opinion than forced merge.

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well we know what class you play..


how about instead of a straight TM nerf to a class thats already lacking you make it insta cast or maybe give us some cool force powers like pull/speed/leap


TM should have a short CD and be instacast.


If you want some "cool force powers" you should be willing to either give up range or heavy armor.


Knight = Melee restriction

Consular = light armor restriction.



Do try to keep up next time, though.

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4 Stars.


Most of the class changes aren't bad and I'm about to explain which ones are good.


Shatter/Plasma Brand. That is perfect. The CD can stay the same but the length of the DoT duration is too long.


Overcharge Saber/Battle Readiness now reduce the force cost of all abilities by 15% and removes all internal cooldowns on techniques during it's duration. Ability tooltip has been updated. - Good!


Now what I think you can do to make this better is dial back the amount of damage decreased on each ability by 5%


Snipers don't need anymore crit chance especially when they can shoot you point blank in the face and not be interrupted unless stunned.


Keep Fletchette Round/Acid Blade Off GCD, and make the damage increase 15% down from 20%


Root on Cover Pulse = no. They don't need that. 1.5 seconds of that root is wasted by the GCD


Marauder's rupture/Sentinels Cauterize do not need such a huge nerf. Only Deadly Saber/Overload Saber will do 1k ticks and thats talent with the crit damage. Cauterize will do maybe 600-800 Ticks.


Change Maul Crit Chance to Crit Damage 15% increased Talented.


But other than that its Gravy

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Jedi Counselor Sage, and Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer.


-Increased the immunity element offrom receiving another Force Armor, or Static barrier by 20 seconds. We also added a cast time to the ability of 1.5 seconds. Changed the tooltip of the ability to display changed values


So first off, my class doesn't advise students or act as child supervision at camps. It's CON-SU-LAR.


Secondly, so what now we get a 40 second debuff (37 with the 2piece mystic bonus)? The ability only lasts 30 seconds maximum if it doesn't get broken... I guess now there's just this 10 second window that stealthers will ALWAYS wait for. You also completely remove the classes mobility and make our only real defense interruptable if you force us to stop and cast this.


This single change would CRIPPLE every spec the Sorc/Sage have. I'm not against extending the debuff a little (though you can't make it longer than the ability duration) or reducing the absorption amount to bring things into line, but adding a cast to it? That might be the single stupidest thing you could propose, and I don't say that lightly.

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4 stars


Although you overly buffed snipers lol. We'd destroy that patch.


I think you have some solid ideas though, and it'd be a great disservice to the players if BW didn't take some of these into consideration. I honestly think you might be a little off base with your char buffs/nerfs, and things like that would require extensive testing, but the ideas of server merges, faction buffs, and FIXING THE DAMN BUGS are very important.


I couldn't care less if the content is stale right now, fix the damn game first.

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