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Remove PvP flagging from AOE effects on PvE servers.


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It isn't whining. We created on a PVE server for a reason.


The last game I played had an auto-PvP toggle in the preferences. You turn it off and you can not accidently be flagged by someone stepping in your AoE or flag yourself by healing a pvp-flagged player (to clarify, if off you could not heal or buff a flagged player)..


We need this so we may play on our servers in the manner we intended.

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No interest whatsoever in PvP, and really, I'd take it a step further and suggest that:


a) if you're not PvP flagged, you can have no effect on flagged players or vice-versa.


b) if they've attacked a mob in order to trick you into flagging that way, then if a non-PVP player targets the mob, then they are pushed *out* of combat with it, and its flag reset- that would remove the inconvenience of having the creature you actually need to fight for your *mission* being unsafe to attack because some idiot's entangled it in their PvP-trap.


c) Option to simply 'not see' opposing PvP players at a UI level- i.e. you *can't* accidentally target them, they can't leap about in front of you and get in the way to try to annoy/trick you into a fight, can't throw repeated duel-request spams up in your face until you fail your current battle because you're too busy closing their pop-ups so you can see the screen that you miss your attacks... when this option is set, PvP-set players simply "aren't there" from your perspective.

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Please add a PvP toggle menu upon right clicking your portrait, so you can simply toggle your PvP status to either

(1) AUTO : auto flagged to PvP when acts on any flagged player or NPC,

(2) OFF : Never be flagged until you toggle it manually

(3) ON : Always on, until you toggle to OFF manually


As simple as that. I guess the majority of MMO players hate to teach you that you need to do this. It is a common sense in almost every MMO I have played, unless you are not aware of the difference of PvE and PvP servers.

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Please add a PvP toggle menu upon right clicking your portrait, so you can simply toggle your PvP status to either

(1) AUTO : auto flagged to PvP when acts on any flagged player or NPC,

(2) OFF : Never be flagged until you toggle it manually

(3) ON : Always on, until you toggle to OFF manually


As simple as that. I guess the majority of MMO players hate to teach you that you need to do this. It is a common sense in almost every MMO I have played, unless you are not aware of the difference of PvE and PvP servers.



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AOE abilities used by an unflagged player shouldn't hit any other players (flagged or not). That's the fix to the whole issue.


True AoE abilities should'nt hit any other players unless there flagged for PvP, i mean that's a fairly obvious problem that BW should have caught on to age's ago.

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I would like to see this implemented as soon as possible. I am not interested in PvP and do not expect to be forced into it on a PvE server by any means. Make PvP intentional only and we'll all be a lot happier - well apart from those griefers who like to use mechanics to ruin other people's days and then tell us we should be more careful. No, we shouldn't have to adapt a PvE playstyle to avoid unwanted PvP. It shouldn't be possible in the first place.
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Hi everyone,


I wanted to let you all know that the development team is aware of this issue and is currently investigating different solutions for it. Your feedback is important and we want everyone to be able to have an enjoyable experience. We'll definitely keep you posted with the latest information on this.


Thank you




Apologies for the delay, but I was waiting to make sure that it was on internal radar and being worked on before I posted. :)



FYI for those not watching the other thread at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=159167&page=84


Happy Day :)

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I have tested this before myself with another republic member and it did not auto-flag me when he was flagged for pvp and I used a AoE attack and vice-verse. This was probably two or three weeks after game launch that I tried this on Hoth so I'm not sure if they changed that since then or what they did. So I would be very confused if they did just add that out of no where without putting something in preferences to turn off auto-flag. Then again it could of just not worked for me and the republic member for some odd reason though.
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I support this thread. This is a horribly broken mechanic. I am on a PvE server, not flagged for PvP, thus not wanting to PvP. Yet, another player can force me to do it, against my will, by stealthing into my AoE attacks. This is griefing and has to be disabled. Either that or remove PvE servers so we all at least know what we're getting into.
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I support this thread. This is a horribly broken mechanic. I am on a PvE server, not flagged for PvP, thus not wanting to PvP. Yet, another player can force me to do it, against my will, by stealthing into my AoE attacks. This is griefing and has to be disabled. Either that or remove PvE servers so we all at least know what we're getting into.


Quoted for TRUTH!


The mother of all irony - BW makes 2/3 of their servers PVE... and they're NOT really PVE! What a massive failure! (Did you guys do any research on this subject in other games before coming up with the specs on how this would be handled in SWTOR?)


As far as my play style - I'm not totally against PVP, but I want to engage in it on my OWN TERMS, not when some a-hole is tricking me into a PVP situation while I'm killing some mob during a quest. Like many others, if I wanted that kind of situation, then I would have created a toon on a PVP SERVER!


BW, let me bottomline it for you - either you fix this in short order (within a month), or when my paid sub time is up, I'm NOT resubbing. This is what I call a "DEAL BREAKER." I'm not paying for this kind of frustration while I'm trying to have a good time "playing a game." And I think it's BS that you release this game with this kind of failure. (According to one person on that monstrous thread about this subject, you knew about this PVP problem on "PVE" servers during Beta.)

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Just had it happen to me. Completely crappy move. Out questing minding my own business. Now I am dead and waiting for my pvp flag to wear off. This needs to be addressed. I am loving the game and these griefers are ruining it for me.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Happened with me today aswell. The biggest dissapoint is that bioware cant hot fix it while players purposly abuse this. There should be no way for different faction side player to hit npc at all that is already in combat with other side faction player. Soemhow they can still put skill on it and voila you will be flagged for pvp.


In rift it was solved easly. If you turn OFF pvp from options menu it ment you CANT PVP at all no matter how much aoe you dish out next to other faction players. They wont get hit and you will never be flagged for pvp combat unless you manually turn pvp possibilty on. In rift i was even in raid with players who didnt had that option turned off and they got killed by other faction players. I was prefectly safe because of this feature. Mind you i was playing in pve server as in this game. But some maps liek ilum allow both factions to kill some content.


Bioware is it so hard to implement that in this game?

Edited by Divona
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To get a group for daily heroics, you have no choice but to join a group with someone has his flag on, and you don't even know it until you go near him. Okay, he does not get my buff. But I am a healer, am I supposed to not heal him in order to not get flagged?


Actually I have no choice but to get flagged by healing him. And this F**king flag would never wear off until I move all the way back to a cantina and sit there for 5 minutes. You can't even turn if off by just doing PvE thing. I thought it will wear off when I travel between planets and I intentionally stay longer in my ship and the fleet, but my flag is still on after 10 minutes or so. I have to move into the cantina of the fleet and sit there for 5 minutes until my flag is off. Even if you spend an hour near the GTN in the fleet, your flag never goes off.

Rest XP accumulates in everywhere in the fleet, not only cantina, but this flag thing only wears off in the cantina. What a sweet specific inconsistent handling ...


They might think this will encourage more world PvP if your pvp flag stays on until you return to a cantina, but I think it can be opposite because it is so hard to turn it off that very few would ever want to turn their flags on, meaning you always want to avoid PvP so you don't have to travel all the way back to a cantina.


The worst PvP flagging system I have ever seen in all MMOs.

Edited by Hologramx
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

They definitely need to implement a toggle that will allow you to determine whether your actions will flag you for pvp or not. If I have it set to say "off", then my actions will not affect an enemy or friendly flagged player. If some guy wants to show up for a scheduled PVE event in my guild then he can do without my heals and buffs until his flag wears off if the raid leader doesn't have the stones to bench him. The game clearly states that on PVE servers pvp is voluntary..meaning it shouldnt be forced on you by either faction.


On a related note wth is up with all the people that roll on a pve server then run around pvp flagged all the time? If you want to be a tough guy/gal roll on a pvp server...don't join the guard (no offense to the guard, they do great work and it is much appreciated) then run out and get a spec ops tatoo and walk around town with your sleeves rolled up.

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  • 9 months later...

I just had this happen to me today on Tatooine on red eclipse PvE server. I had no idea what was going on apart from the obvious part that my level 31 jedi character had just been killed by a level 50 imp, who then proceeded to camp on my body. I knew better than to revive, and escaped back to the cantina.


Got to say, this has really unimpressed me - so far I've been loving this game, but this bug is game destroying for me. I don't want to play PvP... that's why I'm on a PvE server! If this now becomes a frequent event, I may will stop subscribing :(

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I just had this happen to me today on Tatooine on red eclipse PvE server. I had no idea what was going on apart from the obvious part that my level 31 jedi character had just been killed by a level 50 imp, who then proceeded to camp on my body. I knew better than to revive, and escaped back to the cantina.


Got to say, this has really unimpressed me - so far I've been loving this game, but this bug is game destroying for me. I don't want to play PvP... that's why I'm on a PvE server! If this now becomes a frequent event, I may will stop subscribing :(


Question for you: Where did you study necromancy?

Edited by Master-Nala
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