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How would you rate this game?


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Never played Bauldur's Gate...


This game, in comparison to the only one that matters, is about a 7/8 out of 10. The bugs are minor (albeit, some are game-breakingly stupid) - but the story, flow, and general fun that can be had just by questing, doing flashpoints, and screwing around in PVP are worth the $15.


The future will bring fixes, the Pandas will bring an influx in subscriptions to try it out, and the sky will not fall.

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Honest opinions please. No need to sugar coat it but at the same time don't be spiteful either. Also I don't want to use a 1 to 10 scale because frankly that has been done to death and is never used as an accurate scale anyway.

So lets rank this game comparitively, in terms of its impact on the genre.


Would you say Star Wars The Old Republic is the Baldur's Gate 2 of MMOs?

Or would you say that Star Wars The Old Republic is the Dragon Age 2 of MMOs?




Foolish rating system. I can say that SWTOR is like game "A" but unless you know what I think of game "A" the response is meaningless. Even if there is some correlation, game "A" might be better or worse for you than me. No true way to judge.


Oh wait .... this is a troll post isn't it. Well, you got me alright!

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6/10; above average.


I would give it an 8/10, but I can only give it a 6 due to outstanding issues, many which are minor - but there's many of them. Many small annoyances that slowly add up to the point where I find myself not wanting to play anymore at times.


It's still a good game. Technically. It really is. I want to love it.

But then another one of these small annoyances crop up, I put it on my frustration heap and it starts to sink the boat.


Edit: Someone said that it is the Jade Empire of MMOs. I agree. It's solid, playable, but somewhat forgettable. It is nowhere near being the "Baldur's Gate" of MMOs, nor the Dragon Age 2 of MMOs. It is somewhere in-between greatness and failure, but most decidingly on the side of being good.

Edited by Luckmann
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wait, the game gets bad press and you think thats a good thing?


Have you ever done a search on the amount of hate press WoW has? It's a sign that its disrupting things yes. Entire guilds from other games are coming here. Why do you really think WoW put in a LFR feature RIGHT when SWTOR was about to launch? Because this game has ruined most of the raiding amongst guilds. So naturally the ones who came here and didn't want to are going to try and destroy this game anyway they see fit. It's not rocket science but it's 12 year old mentality adults with a grudge.


Because with all the problems this game and every MMO has there is nothing being posted that makes this game a failure. It's personal opinions of people who are either trolling, feel betrayed because it's not their game of choice or have a vested interest in their game not having competition.


The good news is every other MMO is still running so why people don't just play the one they love and leave the new ones to its fans is what blows my mind, but it happens to every new MMO that is half way decent. The people that fear it try to ruin it.

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7/10. Worth playing the main quest line once, if you can stand the eye-grating, endless corridor battles.


Great effort, but disappointing considering how long it was in development and the hype that surrounded it.


First, DAII, now this. Oh yes, EA has had an effect. Beware the ides of March (ME3).

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this game was poorly designed past the story line. bolster in warzones is rather lame. gear based game but gear doesn't mean anything. they need to do lvl brackets. They came out with 1.1 and added new content when the old content was full of bugs. sad just sad
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Going by the intended rating system... TOR is kind of the Planescape Torment of MMOs. There's a really awesome IP and big focus on story and characters and I like the story and characters, but there seems to be little to no ingenuity or eventhe polish anywhere else: just more of the same/a six year old formula.


I'll totally play through to finish out the story and enjoy doing that, but once that's over I don't see anything else to recommend it or retain my interest.


I say this as someone who loves Torment and wants TOR to improve and do well.

Edited by Jairec
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What is this "X out of 10" garbage?! I specifically asked for us not to use such an antiquated rating system!


OK...I rate it 127 out of 152 Bandoxsdfrian Points. Not the Frixtotan version of that system mind you, but the newer Pootraxius version.

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LOL this thread is a classical example for that most people only read the thread title and if it contains more lines than their replies it's "TL;DR" all over :p


However it is very difficult to use a ranking system such as the one being asked for because it's based on using a subjective reference in order to do a subjective ranking.


I'd think a split up numeric system would yield more precise results:


- Levelling: 8/10 - game is pretty much innovative when it comes to story-telling and narration but lacks the diversity in mission objectives


- Lasting Appeal: 7/10 - depending on how the next months will go this might improve for me, right now the number of alts are keeping me entertained


- Gameplay: 7/10 - ability response delay is taxing the player alot, talent tree design feels outdated and so does the ability levelling system aka spell ranks, otherwise it's pretty much MMO standard repertoire and if you got along with that then you will get along with this too


- Sound: 7/10 - the voiceovers are superb and one hell of a saviour but the ambient and object sounds range from nicely done to unbearable (taxis!), the soundtrack albeit very rarely to hear fits the them but frequent sound cut-outs when another sound is added or area has changed are annoying and so is the most frequent silence only to be interrupted by random weapon fire


- Graphics: 6/10 - frequent FPS drops, poorly performing shadow rendering and over-use of background graphics and in general the engine's age cannot be overlooked, if the goal was to make it run fine on low-end machines then the goal has been missed, if the goal was to add in something for high-end machines then my Asus GTX580 video card is entertaining itself less with modern features but more with under-optimized rendering tasks


- Performance: 7/10 - the game itself performs okay, is stable, but it wouldn't have hurt to adopt new technologies such as 64 bit compatibility

Overall: 7/10 - which is about the same I gave in Beta.

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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I'd say that it isn't an MMO. That is my honest opinion. Sure, there's other people but from 1-49 I never need to do anything with any of them. Most of the game actively tries to make me do things solo.


At 50, we have PvP, WZs, and some really, really, really easy PvE content (every single boss fight in every single instance is a tank and spank). So, we have 1-49 solo play mostly, and sessioned 50 play. So, it's a single player game with a multiplayer matchmaker service.


Sounds like Diablo 2 to me. If I had to directly liken it to another game though, I'd say SWTOR is most like Space Marine. Both games lead you around by your nose, both have a good story. Both have zones that are completely restrictive to creative exploration.


Both also have the same replay value. Play it through twice and you've seen just about everything.

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8/10, or if using moving critic ratings, a 3.5 star.


It is the SWTOR of MMOs. No other MMO has made me think about the world and characters as much as this one.


If they manage to get in a decent LFD system and fix the animation-locked ability delay before I hit 50, I'd go so far as to rate it a 9/10.

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