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Faction Balance, Your Ideas???


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So I am wondering what everyone considers faction balance. The number of players on each side or the classes??? What do you consider faction balance and give a couple ideas for BW to solve the issue.


We can not make the better if we do not give feedback.

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Bioware can't fix it.


Back in vanilla Warcraft, the Alliance heavily outnumbered that of the Horde. Then BC dropped and the Horde had a "pretty" race so people moved over.


Since all races in this game are glorified humans i don't think Bioware can go that route.




Maybe add perks to the legacy system ?

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Create a new buff: "Balance of the Force". The side with the fewer PVP-flagged members in an area gets a buff that scales up all their abilities by an appropriate factor, plus some more to account for not having as many GCDs to use those abilities in -- say 1% more per extra person on the other side.




40 Empire vs 50 Republic => +35% to all Imperial player stats and abilities. (25% due to ratio, +10% due to 10 extra players)


60 Empire vs 30 Republic => +130% to all Republic player stats and abilities (100% due to ratio, +30% due to 30 extra players)


Or, as we saw on some of those Ilum videos:


4 Republic vs 24 Empire => +520% to all Republic player stats and abilities. (500% due to ratio, +20% due to 20 extra players)


Being able to one-shot half a dozen enemies each time you respawn would probably act as a sufficient deterrent against them engaging in such activities.


Please note: this isn't a Republic Buff -- it's a Buff to the outnumbered side, whichever they happen to be.


(To save game workload, it should be recalculated and re-applied about once a minute in a given game region/warzone map).


(Note: The power-up should only apply to PVP actions, not PVE in the same area).

Edited by Ancaglon
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Bioware can't fix it.


Back in vanilla Warcraft, the Alliance heavily outnumbered that of the Horde. Then BC dropped and the Horde had a "pretty" race so people moved over.


Since all races in this game are glorified humans i don't think Bioware can go that route.




Maybe add perks to the legacy system ?


According to the devs in their video they released they are adding legacy in soon. Since the video is very vague on when we can only hope.

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faction balance would be a moderately equal number of players on each faction, not sure why that needs a definition.


BW needs to spruce up the republic side a bit. The quests are pretty generic and boring in the beginning and the races themselves are pretty bland. You get human, green human, and twi'lek. The other two races are identical to human. Look at Empire. They are majorly different from the republic, even if its just color.


Plus, the Empire has better storylines.


I rolled empire and republic, but the republic storylines are lame.


"omg flesh raiders, go kill x" is nothing compared to "you have an arch enemy, you must prepare to kill him."

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Bioware can't fix it.


Back in vanilla Warcraft, the Alliance heavily outnumbered that of the Horde. Then BC dropped and the Horde had a "pretty" race so people moved over.


Had nothing to do with pretty. Had everything to do with PALLIES!


Pre-TBC? Pallies only Alliance. Post-TBC? Pallies on Horde side too. Blam. Everyone goes Horde, since they had better PvP racials.


As for SWTOR, Bioware needs to add STRONG INCENTIVES to roll Republic. Such as a HUGE boost to leveling speed. I would reroll Republic. I would. Today. Totally. Just give me +500% XP boost, so I can go 1-50 just by doing class quests. And I'll do it in a heartbeat. Boom. Problem solved!

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Create a new buff: "Balance of the Force". The side with the fewer PVP-flagged members in an area gets a buff that scales up all their abilities by an appropriate factor, plus some more to account for not having as many GCDs to use those abilities in -- say 1% more per extra person on the other side.


This... is actually a great idea.


Arbitrary numbers are arbitrary, however, but a great idea.

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I think they should give the Republic a bunch of races that the Empire doesn't have. When one creates a character and hovers their mouse over the empire option it says: "A rigid militaristic society where aliens are subjugated...". A quest I did also made mention that the Empire is not friendly toward alien species. If these things are true, then tell why, why does the Empire have more playable alien races?! If one looks at the galaxy map, it can be noticed that the republic actually controls a larger portion of the galaxy. I'm a Republic player and from my brief experience in the Empire from beta, I noticed that the the Empire has a lower proportion of alien npcs. It only makes sense that the republic would have more races to choose from, but of course the opposite is actually true.
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I'm fine with them giving a +10% exp bonus to Republic, or even letting them learn all their skills for free as they level up.


I'd love to have more Republic. I enjoy target rich environments.


The problem with the Republic is that their quests seem so bland and the stories are just uninspired. I firmly believe that the Empire has the two best class stories in the entire game (Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent.)


Although, I think they also have the worst one. (Sith Inquisitor past chapter 1.)

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Had nothing to do with pretty. Had everything to do with PALLIES!


Pre-TBC? Pallies only Alliance. Post-TBC? Pallies on Horde side too. Blam. Everyone goes Horde, since they had better PvP racials.


As for SWTOR, Bioware needs to add STRONG INCENTIVES to roll Republic. Such as a HUGE boost to leveling speed. I would reroll Republic. I would. Today. Totally. Just give me +500% XP boost, so I can go 1-50 just by doing class quests. And I'll do it in a heartbeat. Boom. Problem solved!


Ruin a PvE game for PvP? Not likely tohappen.

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Ruin a PvE game for PvP? Not likely tohappen.


Why ruin?


Look, I already leveled a class A on Empire. On Republic, leveling that same class A again, with EXACT same abilities, is going to be boring. There's absolutely zero incentive for me to do it.


Yes, there's the story. WHICH I DON'T LIKE! That's why I made Empire characters IN THE FIRST PLACE! Story of Republic is NOT a selling point for me. Again, zero incentive for me to make a Republic char right now.


What they should do is give ALL Republic chars a consummable, reusable one, that increases XP by 500%. Want to use it? Go ahead. Don't want to, and want to enjoy the story? Go ahead and do that, nobody's stopping you.


What this WOULD do is allow me to easily have a high level Republic char, and balance out PvP. And this can be done in JUST A FEW HOURS. It's the same system that mailed out all those preorder items. Just create a new item to give XP, and mail it out to all Republics. A few hours of work, at most, and the faction balance will begin to even out. I GUARANTEE it.


Will they do it? Probably not. Too logical, too easy. Better to wait until balance ***** to 99-1, and THEN try to do something about it. It'll be a tad late by then, but hey, if Bioware won't sabotage their own product, who will do it for them? Blizzard is slacking off. They could have torpedoed this thing with Diablo 3 release right about now.

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Bioware can't fix it.


Back in vanilla Warcraft, the Alliance heavily outnumbered that of the Horde. Then BC dropped and the Horde had a "pretty" race so people moved over.


Since all races in this game are glorified humans i don't think Bioware can go that route.




Maybe add perks to the legacy system ?



this is part of it... both sides have pretty faces.



More interesting race choices for Republic. The way I see it and how it is depicted in movies that Republic is the faction with most diverse alien background.

So if they made that happen then I'd certainly stick with them.



and this is what they need to do to fix it.




faction imbalance is the biggest issue in the game right now, that could have long term effects. almost everything else that people whine about is secondary/short term.

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This is really simple to fix. They already basically do it in hutball.


They also have "instancing" of zones based on a population cap.


So here is what they do... you zone into the Ilum PVP section and you're randomly placed on a team. Numbers are kept even Battlefield 3 style.


Population problem solved. Do the same for warzone queues and everything is about as fair as it can possibly be.


Now people can play the side they want, stick with their friends, and have evenly matched PVP. All problems solved.

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The Voss are neutral.


They also look really cool!


I think a lot of players would want the ability to play a Voss! But... you can use that to encourage faction balance!


Make it so that you can only create a Voss character for the faction that is currently under-populated on a given server. Make sure you measure population by activity, and not idle characters.

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I played WWII Online for several years and they dealt with imbalance issues a long time ago. These aren't perfect solutions, but they helped quite a bit:


1) Side Imbalance - At a certain percentage of side imbalance, the following would happen to the overpopulated side:

a) Log in to the game world delay (never more than a couple minutes)

b) Respawn delay (never more than 60 seconds)


2) Spawn Camping -

a) When respawning (as infantry), you can choose about five different buildings in your area to spawn at.

b) A better spawn building was created that had multiple exits. This let people organize a counterstrike inside the spawn building.


The "log in to the game world delay" doesn't entirely cross over to SWTOR because in WWII Online, it was encouraging people to log into the underpopulated side. I don't think too many people have lvl 50's on both Republic and Empire.


The rest could easily be tailored to the SWTOR PvP battlegrounds.

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As I recall, the rebels were a small, organized group making skirmish attacks against the Empire until they got the plans to the Death Star and found a weakness. The ratios seem to tell the story of the Star Wars Universe accurately.


WTB Death Star plans! PST!

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