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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

To Everybody thinking about quitting


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People seem to lack enough sense to grasp that the market doesn't give two ****s about what happened in 2004, they aren't buying something in 2004. The thought never even crosses their mind. They are buying something that has to compete with todays creations.


You don't see people going to the store and buying those ****** rip off mp3 players that play music videos over an itouch do you? Because it isn't competitive, especially not for the price.


Now stop being stupid, its insulting to everyone around you.


(not person i quoted, you're a cool guy)


I would never buy an itouch. I'd rather buy an android phone for $50 or a Sansa.

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There are folks out there that say comparing SWTOR to CURRENT WoW is an invalid comparison. Those people are foolish. Let me explain by analogy:


If you go out and buy a 2012 model sports car today, do you want one that is "as good" as one made in 2005? Hell no. You want one that was made to compete with current-year offerings, not 2005 crap!


With this analogy in mind, SWTOR should not have been released in its current state and should have included:


1. Customizable UI (this is a standard feature in MMOs now)

2. Macro system (another standard feature)

3. Tuned user experience (referring to the character responsiveness issue)

4. An LFG tool (again, pretty much standard)


I am sure folks can come up with other things that should have been released out the door.


Now, let me point out a few good features SWTOR has to balance this post a little bit:


1. Companions. Love 'em! Makes questing easier (no duh), but being able to send other companions off to level crafting/gathering skills while you continue questing is really great. I give BW a major thumbs up for this feature.

2. Gear modifications. Being able to take level 15 orange gear that you like the looks of and just spend commendation badges to upgrade it all the way to 50 is just awesome.


Bottomline: Bioware shows its inexperience with MMOs and its inability to evaluate the competition and bring an overall better product to market. I, too, am going to give the game 1 more month before canceling my subscription.


you can't compare sports cars to mmos. sports cars don't get updated on a weekly basis.

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no you dont lol


You compare a new game to a new game, you cannot compare an established game to new game

Unless its the same company and same engine


its actually really funny when people do though so please continue


So if a new company makes an iPhone type phone, I can't look at Apple's iPhone as a comparison?


Dang, and here I was thinking that looking at established products and new products was good consumer sense.

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"But you don't compare vanilla WoW to current SWTOR. You compare current WoW to current SWTOR."



lol, totally disagree with this statement, you cant compare a product that has been out for over 5 years, to a product that has been out for only a month...and dont feel like educating this person on this as well, its kinda self explanatory.


You dont compare them content wise, but you do compare then feature wise.....i think thats pretty self explanatory.

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I would never buy an itouch. I'd rather buy an android phone for $50 or a Sansa.


thank you for making my point, the android is competitive with todays phone standards and kicks the itouch/iphones *** therefore sells way more.


You dont compare them content wise, but you do compare then feature wise.....i think thats pretty self explanatory.


and thank you as well, people keep going you can't compare because its got all this content yada yada, people are willing to overlook the content, its the freaking features that are missing.


Everyone who quit can no longer access the forums.


implying everyone has been playing since day 1.

Edited by mcfabulous
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I Agree with the Original Poster. If i compared this games to Current MMO's I would hate this game. But i can't. This Game Just Launched. WOW has had over 10+ years of development. Where this games has not received that kind of time frame. First goal in Development is to get a working product to the masses. Second goal is to prefect your product. Third goal to keep perfecting your product. The people who are complaining. ARE MMO Players who are just in it for the End Game PVP and OPS. Sorry Bro you selected the Wrong MMO. Go back to Panda's and Pokemon we will see you later. This Game was developed to bring MMO and BAD *** RPG together. Give me a RPG with a good story line and the ability to co-op and damn it to hell i will love you. Starting WOW was great all the way to BC even. Then it has been a down hill fall for wow. The time it took me to get from 0-60 at start to how long it takes me now Makes me laugh. I can get to 0-60 is a day. 0-85 if i sleep in 3 days. That is a problem. I know the game so damn well it has turned into a 85 pumping factory. **** i got the new season of gear for my main in WOW is 2 days. WHOLE SET... ***... But that is what wow is right PVP who is better. I don't care who is better in SWTOR. i am here for the story. If you are a fan of MMOs you might or might not like this. But if you are a Fan of Star Wars Then you found a home to make you happy. For all you people out there. Get a life and enjoy the story. **** even WOW has RPPVE server's Role Play once in a while enjoy the game. If you want to kill ****. Go play COD or BattleField like a real Gamer and get the **** off of MMO's.
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no you dont lol


You compare a new game to a new game, you cannot compare an established game to new game

Unless its the same company and same engine


its actually really funny when people do though so please continue


Umm... yeah, you compare 2011 to 2011. Not 2005... Hey, while you're at it. Compare Madden on the PS3 to Madden on the SNES.

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Which is a ridiculous concept as well.



Of course WoW current wins out.



It has more content

It has more polish

It has more features




Because it's had more time to get there, 7+ years to be exact.


So comparing SWTOR to WoW current is as asinine as comparing SWTOR to WoW Vanilla.


This is why people need to STOP comparing a new MMO to X MMO. X MMO will almost always win out, because the name of the game in the MMO industry is TIME.


And no not time as in this is 2012 not 2004. Time as in this MMO has had X amount of time to develop pre and post launch. Because that's what MMOs do, they develop mostly post launch.


Until the lot of you newbie mmo players (you know those of you that basically have just WoW under your belts) expect to see the events that occurred with Rift, Warhammer, Age of Conan, Champions Online, here and so on to continue to repeat indefinitely in the future.


The issue being in the current market is that far too many do have World of Warcraft as their only real MMO that they have dedicated play time to. I don't know how many brand new MMO players SWTOR has managed to make, but before WoW there were not enough people playing in the industry to warrant the sales SWTOR has managed to obtain, unless they stripped the player base of all other MMOs.


To achieve the numbers SWTOR did, they are going to gather many WoW players. And in the post-WoW market, things are far, far tougher than they were when WoW launched.


WoW had no significant competition, unless you look at EQ1 which had a grind to end all grinds, a death penalty that could lose you levels during play, and so forth. Even EQ2 was much more hardcore at launch than now. SOE was the king of the hill back then, and their style of design practically handed Blizzard the torch.


WoW was the opposite of EQ1 in many ways.


Any game that releases now is going to compete with current WoW, especially if they blatantly clone themselves from WoW (as Rift openly did), or promote WoW as their design benchmark (as the SWTOR Devs did in many development interviews). Once they went that route, they were competing with current WoW, not a WoW of 8-years ago.


MMOs that want to go head-to-head with WoW by (1) clonning them or (2) promoting them as their own benchmark, had better be prepared to go head-to-head against current WoW, or be viewed as inferior by that majority of a player base they are trying to pull into their own camp. The SWTOR team helped shoot themselves in the arse on that one with point #2.


(Note: As far as games like Champions Online, Star Trek Online, DC Universe Online, and the handful of others that failed and didn't go head-to-head against WoW, they failed for being completely inferior products by any MMO standards with missing leveling content, bugs that make this game look perfect, hackers exploiting the combat system with no punishment (DCUO at launch), and a host of reasons unrelated to World of Warcraft).

Edited by Jumajin
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The goal is not quiting cause it sucks. We are quiting because we will be back when its what its suppose to be. I refuse to pay for a car that has no engine that I must push to work. So instead i bring it back to the garage and rent a car while I stop paiements on the car til lthey put in an engine. Then I return the rented car and get my car back and start paying for it again.


Space combat is a joke. its fun the first time then after 17 times of doing the same exact tunnel vision gamestyle u get very very very bored. PVP is all about getting 8 inquisitors together an chain stunning people. so pvp = sucks.

Then heroic+2 or +4 forces you to group with people you dont know for one of them to drop in the middle of it because life got in the way. Why have 5 companions when U can only deploy 1 at a time with you.

and finally the ui sucks and we cant change it yet.


So fix space

Fix companions so i can deploy 3 of them with me in instances and only 1 in normal world.

and let me customize my UI and then Ill be back and willing to pay for this game.


till then i will go back to playing games I enjoy playing for the few hours week i can invest in games. A lot of people fall in that category and if you are to compete with other giants for game time from these people with lives then you better make it great which atm is far from it.

Thats why i left. But I will be back since Bioware usually gets it right. EA is who made this what it is. Any massive online EA had a grip on failed. Earth and beyond and Warhammer are the best example of games that could have been great but EA messed up. Reminds me of Sony and all the great games like Vanguard and swg they messed up. EA and Sony should merge. Would make epic failures worth playing just to laugh hard. they should have left Bioware alone and maybe then swtor would have had a better fighting chance.


So see you back in a few months or years when swtor is great and fun to play for more then 3 weeks.

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MADDEN for SNES was and always will be the best madden EVER!!!!!


While I don't disagree being able to throw hail mary every play or having Bo run around the entire field with every player in tow and being able to score a touch down is indeed awesome. Their features are completely different.

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Okay I know Im probably gonna get hated on for posting this thread but whatever. Im seeing alot of people sit here and talking about quitting the game or Im bored as hell or this is whats wrong with the game blah blah blah...listen you all have to realize that this game has JUST started. This isnt like WoW where it has take 5+ years to build itself up. There are going to be bugs there is going to be missing content. Patience.


They just now released a video today talking about upcoming content. New Warzones, New Flashpoints and Ops, UI CUSTOMIZATION (Been seeing alot of people wanting that) and Finally! Legacy features. So just have patience people, its gonna take time for this game and devs to build this game. If you have suggestions post them in the forums not you making a thread talking about how the game is boring and how you hate it doesnt have this feature because you arent helping the game at all by doing that. You wanna see a change or improvement then make a good logical post in the suggestions forum.


Yes, This MMO is a lot different that alot of those other ones out there. Why? Because this isnt the type of MMO that you just rush through and try to get to 50 within a week that way you can get the 50 gear. The devs made the game to where you take your time with each character. The game is still FAR from perfection. Problem is is that you got ALOT of people coming from WoW over to this MMO and they are so used to WoW that this is something completely 100% different than what they are used to. If they made this game exactly like WoW than what would be the point in buying it. WoW has been the dominator in the MMO industry for years and nobody has been able to even touch it. But SWTOR is doin a very good job on making some competition for them. But all thats irrelevant. All Im saying is be patient and the features you love and miss will come.


May the force be with you!


Nice sentiment, but not really applicable.


People are not going to sit around and pay for a game that does not entertain them, not matter how young the game is. If the content they have provided to them currently is not fun, or is buggy or does not contain the feature of any normal MMO, they will leave. Some may stick around and suffer through mediocrity, but I do not know any people that plop down money for a game that is not fun for them.

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A mistake is you assume most people are upset about the lack of content when in fact its about the lack of features, bioware looked at things such as lfg as an example and instead of doing it right wasted time and money doing it horribly.


This is one example of many features missing and things like ability delay existing it just shows sloppy work. Now in regards to end game content its completely reasonable to not have a huge ammount and bioware has done well with that, no one expects all 4 expansions of content that wow has at launch of swtor.


And it seems people have that idea, people like me who i think arent as much as a minority as you think are disatisfied because all these things that were shown in the coming soon video should of been in at launch and there is so much more still missing.


Content is impossible to match features is Required to match your competitors.


No one releases a phone these days that can just simply call and expects it to top the market.


That is because the community is completely conflicted in whether or not they want LFG or other features. Some say yes, some say no. It's all a matter of what we want in it or not. Some of us don't want cross server, but might be ok same server LFG, Addons another big controversy. Personally, I don't think we all know what we want in there as "features". We want to learn the mistakes of what WoW did and don't want to repeat them. We would like, more than anything a strong community but not to destroy a game we want to play.

Edited by darkdayze
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The goal is not quiting cause it sucks. We are quiting because we will be back when its what its suppose to be.


Nope. This year is going to be good for MMOs, so I'm sure I'll find something else. In my mind ToR is a train wreck and I won't be back. I'm just here to see how it gets derailed, because this is the most exciting part about this game.

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Ok lets compare a new mmo like Rift to tor.


1. Rift had macros


2. Rift had guild love (man the guild missions and guild skill trees were pretty cool imo)


3. Rift had lfg tool at launch (may be misremembering this one so someone let me know)


4. Rift had pvp brackets AND you could queue for the one you wanted (God I loathe you huttball)



Sorry but this game is missing alot of standard features that it shouldnt be. Also the fact that Legacy was marketed as a key selling point pre launch and isnt included at launch just ticks me off to no end. Yes I decided to sub for another month, maybe even two but unless they wow me, no pun intended, I will be moving on. On a side note I am impressed that they are implementing UI customization so quickly I just hope it comes sooner then the march patch

Rift only had half of that at launch, and most of it didn't work. They have been patching stuff in like SWTOR. They just got their "LFD" tool.
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I would rather be able to join a FP Finder than sit around LFG and not being able to find a group. I did enough of that in FFXI, I don't need to do that here. Hell, saw HM runs of BT looking for a DPS for over 30 minutes the other day while I was going in and out of WZs.
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Nope. This year is going to be good for MMOs, so I'm sure I'll find something else. In my mind ToR is a train wreck and I won't be back. I'm just here to see how it gets derailed, because this is the most exciting part about this game.
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Dude I just quit and maybe I'll check out the forums and see how good the new stuff is and what Legacy is about and such. Maybe I resub again in a few months, maybe not. But atm the game has no grip on me anymore. It is just boring ...
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Patch 1.1 was a big hit for many of us who thought who enjoyed this game greatly for this 1st month. I knew it was gonna do great things for people who PvP'd under 50 but I still believe it was premature for them to put in a 50s bracket.


Overall its good they wanna add content fast. While I had that nerdrage day of wanting to quit I simply stopped playing early and gave the game a day off. Am I in love with this game as much as I was before patch 1.1...nope. However I don't feel there is any MMO in the market that matches its potential or storyline abilities plus my first character is almost valor rank 60 (through legitimate methods) so I'll hang on until they really screw the game up or something better comes along.


Like others have said, its officially only been out for 1 month and the game still does have a good foundation even after patch 1.1

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How are they trolling? With GW2 coming out this year and TERA(I'm not looking at this game at all because I'm pretty much dead set on never touching an Asian MMO again) there is going to be some extreme competition out there against TOR. Not to mention the biggest feature(the VAs) that TOR has been touting for ever, GW2 has it too, and has had it before TOR.


Oh, and they're doing their own special coding for certain things so you can see boulders that other players are shooting from a draw distance that would make this game crash.

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