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Part of that process, is to try something new and different. Story was their main hope. They clearly put a LOT of effort into that area.


The thing is, you can't please everybody. I don't like Fantasy MMOs too much, so WoW can't really hook me. But I love SW and I love the story, so it wins. For me.


So Swtor does Story and that story works for me and many people I know.


Whether it will work for enough players, I dunno. But it does bring something new to the tired MMO industry.


Story is different then features though.


Story is and lore is the back bone of any mmo regardless. They put alot of effort into vo's and things like that but thats no excuse to neglect what most mmo's have now days even at the most basic levels.


Its the small things like /roll.... can you tell me that would have taken a dev much time to code in there? Probably not they just didn't do it.

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compares every new MMO to WoW, because right now it's king. This is a big reason why new MMOs 'fail', it's because people set the bar too high in terms of expectations.


Sad but true... not many people have patience these days. If it's not right immediately instead of giving them some time to fix things they just move on. Most new MMOs don't even have a chance because of it. It's disappointing because who knows how far those games could've gone if people had only given them a chance to work on things. I hope TOR doesn't suffer the same fate. Only time will tell...

Edited by DarrkLore
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Sad but true... not many people have patience these days. If it's not right immediately instead of giving them some time to fix things they just move on. Most new MMOs don't even have a chance because of it. It's disappointing because who knows how far those games could've gone if people had only given them a chance to work on things. I hope TOR doesn't suffer the same fate. Only time will tell...


I doubt tor is going anywhere. An MMO is considered successful with only like 100-300k subs.

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Story is different then features though.


That may be the case, but story is still very important. Rift, while a well polished and supported game never grabbed me like SWTOR (and WoW at release) did simply because there was no story and the questing experience was like rubbing sand into my eyeballs.


I can certainly live (for the time being) without certain features omited from this game at launch, however if I can't bare even getting halfway through the leveling experience due to terrible quests/story, I'm more likely to quit the game sooner and not bother resubbing.


Just my opinion on the matter. To each his own, right?

Edited by MrPigCS
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I love the game and all but if SWTOR has too wait as long as WoW did to get a lot of the features that players seem to want than this game is in a ton of trouble when it comes to player retention.


Now that said I have no desire to jump ship at this point but if my currently satisfied group of friends becomes unsatisfied and bails than I'll probably do the same since an MMO is only as good as the people you play it with IMHO.

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I doubt tor is going anywhere. An MMO is considered successful with only like 100-300k subs.


Yeah I think you're right. Supposedly the game has sold over 2 million copies now. So even if they retain just a third of those numbers, they'd have a pretty healthy subscriber base.

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I love this.


For months upon months the community screeeeamed to be able to play as soon as they could. Thread after thread was dedicated to "If I have to wait until 2012 I am going elseware!"


Now people have the game, and they complain.


Who needs TV when you have this much entertainment. Maybe Bioware should charg subscriptions to the forum, you can't find this much ragequit on day time soap operas.



Anyone who knows computer games, especially ones that are this large, -Know- they come with bugs. You either open up the game and have the community help find them, or you wait another YEAR before you release it. Yes year, by allowing the community in you increase your bug finding by hundreds of thousands. And that staff is working for free! Woo!


Dont want bugs, they you should have waited. But if you did that, you would just be trolling the forum with rage posts why you cant play. Now you can play, so give your heads a shake and help fix the issues instead of sitting back and moaning about them.


I know the internet is full of children, but it doesnt mean you have to act like them.

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That may be the case, but story is still very important. Rift, while a well polished and supported game never grabbed me like SWTOR (and WoW at release) did simply because there was no story and the questing experience was like rubbing sand into my eyeballs.


I can certainly live (for the time being) without certain features omited from this game at launch, however if I can't bare even getting halfway through the leveling experience due to terrible quests/story, I'm more likely to quit the game sooner and not bother resubbing.


Just my opinion on the matter. To each his own, right?


This is true.


There is something about the game regardless of all the things I dislike that make me want to keep playing. Cant put my finger on it though...


Logged into wow today and just looked around and said meh. logged off.

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I agree with your last point about bugs, but unfortunatley, everyone DOES compare tor to WoW.


Everyone compares every new MMO to WoW, because right now it's king. This is a big reason why new MMOs 'fail', it's because people set the bar too high in terms of expectations.


The funny thing is, SWTOR does compare very favorably to the current WoW.


1) World PvP: A Draw. Tol Barad and Wintergrasp = Ilum. Pretty much world PvP is a no go in games with two different factions. One side will always have the advantage and its too difficult to balance it to be fair. Not to mention game lag and all the other minutiae that occur when you have that many people online within a zone. Both games start to chug during world pvp.


2) Crafting: Both games have pretty worthless crafting end game. Bioware wins here in my opinion because I don't have to go out farming everyday for hours on end to find mats, I have slaves..er..companions that will do my bidding for me. I'll also give Bioware the benefit of the doubt because WoW has had 7 years to make crafting worthwhile and they still haven't done it, Bioware has had about a month.


3) Leveling: No contest, SWTOR is so much better. Leveling doesn't feel like a grind because you have...wait for it...GASP...a STORY! With real voice acting and everything. And your character has an overarching storyline just for him. Even the most hardcore gamer out there probably listened to his class story even if he just space barred through the rest. In WoW no one reads the quests (except weirdos). You just accept the quest and then go to wherever Questhelper says you need to go. And don't get me started about grinding through 85 levels from level 1.


4) Endgame: Its a wash here too. Guilds in WoW clear endgame content as fast as they have in SWTOR. Hell, Blizzard even made it easier once they started losing subscribers after the launch of Cata (they tried to make things a challenge again). So after 7 years of a head start WoW is still reusing the same boss fight mechanics and dumbing things down for players, whereas Bioware has put out solid raid content at launch on par with WoW. Just an FYI, WoW had no end game when it launched. Onyxia was too bugged to kill and MC wasn't introduced until a later patch.


5) PvP: I'll make this one a wash too. World pvp for both games is awful. Both games have BGs or WZs. Huttball is pretty damn original in my opinion, but I'm just one man. Balance wise its a wash with one big caveat. SWTOR just launched so it will take some time to make balance changes. WoW has had 7 years and its still an imbalanced zerg fest. So, at least BW has an excuse for imbalance, what is WoW's?


6) Stability: WoW wins this one. SWTOR still needs some serious fine tuning in the stability department (gameplay wise, not server wise). A lot of people still have issues with the game not running optimally despite having rigs capable of handling this game according to listed specs from BW.


OK, that was just off the top of my head, but comparing both current games SWTOR measures up very well (better imho). So, I'm not sure what you're upset about.

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I think most of us are willing to wait a few months and see how SWTOR matures. The difference is, some of us are willing to pay a sub during that time and others of us are not.


I agree, when I look at what's waiting for me back at WoW, namely Pokemon, I'm more than willing to sub up to TOR. I'm confident things will improve, with more features added in the months to come. Considering the game engine isn't theirs and they have to work and modify within the confines of it, they're not doing too bad.

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Apparently, there are some trolls in the ranks of investment analysts, too:



"Electronic Arts saw its shares rise more than 2% Friday, gaining back some of the ground lost in the previous session after an analyst questioned the health of its highest profile videogame launch of late – “Star Wars: The Old Republic.”


The bounce-back came after three other brokers issued notes Friday morning disputing the concerns, saying in essence that the online multi-player game that hit the market on Dec. 20 is performing in line with expectations."

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It IS a fair comparison though.


SWTOR isn't competing with vanilla WoW, but current/present WoW.


While this is true, it doesnt mean that current WoW is anything to write home about. More polished, sure, but also very stale and dumbed down content.

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