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Sick of Imps telling Pubs L2P!


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Like I tried to say politely, the developers made poor choices. However I honestly believe there was no hidden pro-empire agenda on the part of Bioware. There were no weekly meetings on how to make the Empire better than the Republic.


The situation we are in now is from a series of bad decisions with no malice. The developers are not out to screw the Republic.


I have been around for a while now. The difference is that I did not draw the conclusion that Bioware was actively trying to push some Imperialist agenda.


I'm sorry but the sheer imbalance in this game between Empire and Republic is more than coincidence can cover. And I'm not talking number imbalance. Devs are human, and humans allow their personal feelings to influence everything they do. Including making video games. You can say they didn't have secret meetings to sabotage the Republic, but the favoritism is glaringly obvious. Don't deny it.

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The problem is you have no control over who is in your WZ. So you can usually only get 4 people who are actually working with you. So it does not matter if you know how to play, if they don't, you lose. Often. And that simply is not entertaining.


this is neither a matter of faction imbalance nor of gear imbalance nor of class imbalance.

of course the team that plays together better will win. gear adds a factor, which you can even overcome by playing strong in tactical means.

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Can't wait.

If it is faction specific why is that not spelled out in the patch notes?


Because you don't need to spell everything out.


Just wait, you'll see for yourself. I joined last night in Ilum, we had 50 in Ilum, not everyone was PVPing, because some people are off doing the dailies, the instances, calling for groups for PVE content so we had mayb 35/40 Imps PVPing out of our cap of 50.


We had public groups up which IIRC you can have 24 people in. Asked where the fight was, was told we were being camped in at the speeder by the Republic base, I travelled over there, wow red zerg! I loved it, we couldn't be hit or hit anyone from the platform as it was out of range so we just kept dropping down, killing, being killed, spawning at the taxi point, dropping down, we had a battle there for about 10 minutes before we pushed them back to their base, when we got to their base we had a bttle where they stayed in their base with their new invincible champion gun and insta death pulling us in so we died instantly, some might say that's cheap but hey it's part of PVP and we got on with it. We didn't come to the forums complaining it was unfair that they outnumbered us at the start and were camping us in at our spawn (sound familiar) how can we win when considering this, we get even numbers and then the republic team chooses to stand next to an invincible gun that deals mass dmage and be protected by a invisible forcefield that kills you when they pull you into it. We just got on with it.


Once they left the comfort of their gun and rushed us we had a fight at the bottom of the hill, where their repair console is, they pushed us back about 100 metres, we had another fight there. We pushed them back again. It was awesome.


Now if this isn't happening on your server, then like I said you're on the wrong server. I doubt very much that on my server with all the republic you'll see in my screenshot, that they had 0 on their fleet and that every single person on the republic side happened to be level 50 and stood in Ilum. Therefore the fleet numbers on some servers are higher than what you think is 'normal' just because it's what you see on your server where there seems to be an issue with the amount of people that want to pvp.

Edited by Zetara
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This idea that devs sabotage a multi-million investment deliberately, and risk their salaries so they can enjoy their gaming in their free time is one of the most ridiculous things I ve ever read in this forum.
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I'm sorry but the sheer imbalance in this game between Empire and Republic is more than coincidence can cover. And I'm not talking number imbalance. Devs are human, and humans allow their personal feelings to influence everything they do. Including making video games. You can say they didn't have secret meetings to sabotage the Republic, but the favoritism is glaringly obvious. Don't deny it.


Examples of your allegations? Because I guarantee that the vast majority of them are just you mindlessly believing the ******** accusations thrown about on these forums

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This idea that devs sabotage a multi-million investment deliberately, and risk their salaries so they can enjoy their gaming in their free time is one of the most ridiculous things I ve ever read in this forum.


I know right?


Some people just want to hold on to things like this, and nothing you or I say will convince them otherwise.


I just hope that Bioware does not pull a Flagship here. (Hellgate: London) Oh man, just thinking about that still makes me giggle at the people that bought lifetime subs.

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I have NEVER seen 200 people in fleet. Hell the other night I decided to mess around and check out my Empire mirror class (I am a Jedi Shadow). One of the first things I noticed, there were actually more people in the Sith starter zone than in the Republic fleet...


LOL at this. I hopped on my low level imp alt last night and there were 111 people on Hutta. There were 32 people on the Pub Fleet. :D

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Examples of your allegations? Because I guarantee that the vast majority of them are just you mindlessly believing the ******** accusations thrown about on these forums


-- All Imp PvP gear looks 10x to the 14th power better than Republic. Don't even try to deny it.


-- It is CONFIRMED that more Republic classes have the dreaded ability delay/misfire problem than their Empire mirror class. Don't make me link threads, it's EVERYWHERE. Due to Imp animations being short, succinct and economical, and Pub animations being long-winded, unnecessarily drawn out and at times (i.e. Mortar Volley vs. Death from Above) almost totally broken.


-- While I found my JK storyline to be entertaining, I'm a minority. I went and cut some dudes head off on my little alt BH and was disgusted with myself. SO MANY PEOPLE complain about the vanilla nature of Republic story/dialogue. And you know what? My 18 Sorc has shown me that even while choosing light side options, the story is immensely more satisfying.


It's late, I've hit some of the main topics, I'd come up with more but cbf. You get the picture. If you dispute ANY of these points, your credibility will be shot.

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This idea that devs sabotage a multi-million investment deliberately, and risk their salaries so they can enjoy their gaming in their free time is one of the most ridiculous things I ve ever read in this forum.


We can apply Occam's Razor:


"Never attribute to malice that which can be more simply explained by stupidity"


However, humans let their personal opinions force them into mistakes and their arrogance disallows acceptance of said mistakes. Unacknowledged mistakes will almost always replicate themselves in a particular pattern.


The fact is that the dev team, all be it unintentional, made a series of mistakes that ended with the perception of Imperial favoritism. Arrogant people don't own mistakes, so as I type this the same dev team is busy at work trying to figure out why the community can be dumb enough to believe that there is some sort of bias.


Successful video game developers are some of the most arrogant individuals you will ever have the pleasure of meeting.

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-- All Imp PvP gear looks 10x to the 14th power better than Republic. Don't even try to deny it.


-- It is CONFIRMED that more Republic classes have the dreaded ability delay/misfire problem than their Empire mirror class. Don't make me link threads, it's EVERYWHERE. Due to Imp animations being short, succinct and economical, and Pub animations being long-winded, unnecessarily drawn out and at times (i.e. Mortar Volley vs. Death from Above) almost totally broken.


-- While I found my JK storyline to be entertaining, I'm a minority. I went and cut some dudes head off on my little alt BH and was disgusted with myself. SO MANY PEOPLE complain about the vanilla nature of Republic story/dialogue. And you know what? My 18 Sorc has shown me that even while choosing light side options, the story is immensely more satisfying.


It's late, I've hit some of the main topics, I'd come up with more but cbf. You get the picture. If you dispute ANY of these points, your credibility will be shot.


I happen to like the JK gear the way it is. You are arguing aesthetics like there is some absolute. This is subjective. =/


I *loved* the JK story line. I was excited to log in and play. Since I power leveled with a JC friend I was able to view their class story line. (Which I did think was so-so at best.)


I would call the animations a failed attempt to add a distinction between the factions. The idea behind it seems good, the implementation was terrible. This goes back to what I was saying about a series of bad choices.


I am not denying there is an issue with the animations. I feel every Republic player's pain when my zealous strike misfires every time. Which burns a GCD, and likely causes my stacking buff to fall off. Yes it aggravates me, but I understand it was from poor design and not some conspiracy to make my faction fail.

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-- All Imp PvP gear looks 10x to the 14th power better than Republic. Don't even try to deny it.


-- It is CONFIRMED that more Republic classes have the dreaded ability delay/misfire problem than their Empire mirror class. Don't make me link threads, it's EVERYWHERE. Due to Imp animations being short, succinct and economical, and Pub animations being long-winded, unnecessarily drawn out and at times (i.e. Mortar Volley vs. Death from Above) almost totally broken.


-- While I found my JK storyline to be entertaining, I'm a minority. I went and cut some dudes head off on my little alt BH and was disgusted with myself. SO MANY PEOPLE complain about the vanilla nature of Republic story/dialogue. And you know what? My 18 Sorc has shown me that even while choosing light side options, the story is immensely more satisfying.


It's late, I've hit some of the main topics, I'd come up with more but cbf. You get the picture. If you dispute ANY of these points, your credibility will be shot.


Once again...not true at all.

1) Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Most end game armor sets look retarded. It's hardly confined to ONLY Republic.


2) Ability delay affects Empire classes to. All I've seen are people SAYING it only affects Republic classes. In the actual ability delay thread (the OP who actually did all the research) I see nothing of the sort. Pull your head of your *** please. Also, your Mortar Volley vs DfA issue isn't due ability delay. In any case, besides that and the project vs shock issue, what else? And even then project has some advantages over shock BECAUSE of the animation. In any case I KNOW that the issues in that laughable "ZOMG DEVS FAVOR EMPIRE" thread most of the what the OP stated was just false. Sounds like you just read **** on the forums and chose to believe it.


3) Storyline's being interesting? We're talking about PvP here.

Edited by Paralassa
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I suggest that everyone should ignore any response that includes these three most common responses:



QQ more

Can I have your stuff


I have my ideas as to why the past years these three sentences are becoming a copy/paste response. But I wont go into that as many will get provoked (mainly the population using those responses).

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I suggest that everyone should ignore any response that includes these three most common responses:



QQ more

Can I have your stuff


I have my ideas as to why the past years these three sentences are becoming a copy/paste response. But I wont go into that as many will get provoked (mainly the population using those responses).


It's because for every thread that deserves a decent response, there are 10 that do not deserve a decent response filled with incorrect exaggerated information that's so wide off the mark and just made by an angry person who got owned by something he should have been owned by, didn't like it etc etc and it becomes hard to distinguish what is what because everything looks the same.


I hate seeing L2P too, but sometimes it's just mind boggling the level of facepalm you see in a post. Not saying that it's this thread, but there are plenty out there. Take the turret giving valour threads for instance. How many 'OMG turret giving 8k valour per kill RIDICULOUS LOL FIX IT NOW or I CANCEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bioware rubbishest thing ever, can't believe they'd make it happen like this lol did I say lol? Let me sayi t again LOL!!!!' etc.


When really, it's complete rubbish. That's what l2p remarks are for.


Unfortunately, when a decent thread comes along and we can have an actual debate, one side will always get snotty or high and mighty and trying to be witty and then ti descends into QQQ etc.

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