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why do they call the smuggler a smuggler if he doesnt smuggler anything


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I think smuggler and BH would have both benefitted from having bit more grass roots tier core components to earlier portions of their stories, yeah. I always wanted to see my smuggler smuggling more, my BH being busy with..the hunt before some weird BH olympics roll in. Something like half of C1 should have been about main character doing their thing.; showing to player few more days at work as the smuggler, or as the BH. Instead, both stories get pulled into their respective& equally whimsical grander scheme of things way too early.


Jedi and Sith classes never stop being Jedi or Sith. Thanks to one size fits all stories ever since vanilla, every player char. is a super important person long before KOTFE. Smugglers and BHs essentially end being either in the process. So it'd be nice to actually get to be one bit more while the story still leaves room for it.

Edited by Stradlin
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dont worry, i still play but BW wont get any money from me :)


Leach! You've simply come up with a way to justify your lack of contribution.🙂


This is a Star Wars game, and like the movies, it centers around the conflict between the Republic and the Empire, and some other forces. It's not "Smuggling Simulator 2.0". 😂


And, as I said in response to your other post, my Smugglers use blasters not their fists. 😏

Edited by JediQuaker
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lmao this thread is from 2012.... and its still true

after 7 years nothing really changed, what did they add to smuggler in that time besides removing good animations and adding much worse

did they work on the smuggler story or anything on that class to make it more like starwars?

when did they see han solo running around punching jedis to death and killing everything with his trusty double barrel shotgun?!?! this is just prove that BW does spent their money on crack rather than on good ideas!

just why?! whyyy?!



i just came back to the game but after 2-3days + tons of infos from my friends and i just wanna quit again...


good job BW



So you necro an ancient thread just so you can through a tantrum about smugglers not smuggling things?


Besides the smuggler smuggles more things than Han Solo does. First the blasters, then all of Risha's goodies (lets face it, Republic customs probably wouldn't be impressed to find a Sith's severed head on your ship, or an endangered (rather large) critter that probably needs all sorts of licenses to have and transport)



If you read this Jackie, here is an excellent example of the necro problem mentioned in the Forum Feedback thread...

Edited by MadDutchman
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So you necro an ancient thread just so you can through a tantrum about smugglers not smuggling things?


Besides the smuggler smuggles more things than Han Solo does. First the blasters, then all of Risha's goodies (lets face it, Republic customs probably wouldn't be impressed to find a Sith's severed head on your ship, or an endangered (rather large) critter that probably needs all sorts of licenses to have and transport)



If you read this Jackie, here is an excellent example of the necro problem mentioned in the Forum Feedback thread...


It's also an example of what has been happening lately, threads brought back for no reason, or to stir up arguments. People using necro threads to trolls, etc.


To any mods reading this ,I'm not calling anyone in particular a troll, nor am I hinting at anyone, I'm just pointing out to jackie (if she reads this), that threads that should be locked are being used to troll the forums.

Edited by DarkTergon
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"through a tantrum"? Do you perhaps mean "throw"? 😂😉


I can't see that necroing an old thread is much different from starting a new one. 🤔


Yes, my bad on spelling. Wasn't quite awake yet this morning


At least a new thread would mean I don't have to sift through 8 year old posts to find the new comment.


Necroing in general is bad forum etiquette, and should be avoided, especially when the post contributes absolutely nothing to the original (as was the case here)

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i just came back to the game but after 2-3days + tons of infos from my friends and i just wanna quit again...

dont worry, i still play but BW wont get any money from me :)


So the game annoys you so much you want to quit...oh no, you don't want to quit, you just don't want to pay for it.


Dunno, but it seems to me that if you hate something so much that you're gonna necro a thread from 8 years ago, then I would expect you to say you uninstalled the game again after 3 days because it's that bad.


And yet..

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That changed a few years back in SWG as they intronduced smuggler missions for funky powerups, weapon schemetics and titles.


Originally they made much sort after spice, also irrc they were the only class that could slice terms for better payouts, sliced weapons and armor for better stats etc. They were half combat half crafting class. The crafting was all smuggler based (illegal to slice gear and carry spice). You used to get turned overt (pvp)if the imps caught you with illegal goods.

Edited by Suzsi
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In a movie - the key to a 'smuggler' is usually "don't ask what the cargo is" (and then they invariably discover it's a beautiful woman etc etc).


In TOR, everything remotely smuggling-oriented seems to play out that way...

- get me these boxes, oh... and they are full of illegal drugs!!!

- get me these chips, oh did I mention they are for evil slave collars???


No, really, that's wonderful but could you just let me smuggle stuff without giving me a guilt trip and forcing a LS/DS choice on every possible occaision?


Here is my take on this, Smugglers should never be strongly aligned with either side, your choices depend or your character Light/Dark Side are great roleplaying points to define your character and if you are not doing that then give it a try. Are you Credits are Credits person, Some one with a heart of gold, a person with different morals or ethics? As a Stronger example I play a Sith Juggernaut despite a heavy slant to the Dark side, I always back my crew, I don't always make them happy but I I do value each of them and support them. My Smugglers aren't near that same level and Are highly likely to never leave neutral without a extreme amount of play.

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So the game annoys you so much you want to quit...oh no, you don't want to quit, you just don't want to pay for it.


Dunno, but it seems to me that if you hate something so much that you're gonna necro a thread from 8 years ago, then I would expect you to say you uninstalled the game again after 3 days because it's that bad.


And yet..



The good news is, he's unsubbed, so he won't be able to necro another thread to annoy you ;)



*Humorous Comment -- just incase...you know :rolleyes:

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I bet almost everybody would have loved to see a neutral scum&villainy type of a faction between Reps and the Empire. - Faction Smugglers and BHs could call home. Identity of - and writing for Smugglers and Bounty hunters would have benefitted from such faction a great deal. I'm betting such faction actually was a thing somewhere during pre production. Just that time, budget and balance issues happened and idea got dropped.


Stuff that caused such frustrations for OP all those years ago remains unchanged. OP would be out of fate only if there had been some major overhaul to original class soties since the release. Not a thing.

....Besides that, if OP had issues of VANILLA smuggler not being enough of a smuggler, imagine how he'd feel about the KOTFE/KOTET and beyond. :D So if anything, this thread is more current now than it used to be in 2012.

Edited by Stradlin
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You know, in all of the Original Trilogy we never see Han Solo smuggle.


Really makes you think.:rak_02:


In all of the original trilogy, we never had camera hovering above Han's head for 100+ hours either. Had it been 100 hours instead of, what, two hours, then we might have seen bit more of Han doing stuff for Han?:p OT isn't a story about Han. Meanwhile, story about the smuggler is a story about the smuggler. So bit more smuggling would have been swell.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So you necro an ancient thread just so you can through a tantrum about smugglers not smuggling things?


Besides the smuggler smuggles more things than Han Solo does. First the blasters, then all of Risha's goodies (lets face it, Republic customs probably wouldn't be impressed to find a Sith's severed head on your ship, or an endangered (rather large) critter that probably needs all sorts of licenses to have and transport)



If you read this Jackie, here is an excellent example of the necro problem mentioned in the Forum Feedback thread...


swtor doesnt have any smuggling, the story starts that u did smuggle weapons for the republic or something like that but thats it!


this isnt smuggling, its just the start of ur class story nothing more

there are alot mmos who have smuggling systems and i dont get it why we cant have this in swtor? is it because swtor tries hard to be a wow clone? why we cant have nice things?


stuff like that or ''flying'' ur own ship were always a huge downer for me with this game

dont get me wrong, atm swtor is alot of fun to me but if i compare it with the old swg and compare it features then damn swtor doesnt stand a chance


the devs could really learn from swg's history and should stop with just copy wow

sometimes it seems like the swtor devs forget how powerfull their license is and with a few nice features they could bring back alot of people and make em stay with such stuff.... but a wow clone with star fox flying feature wont fix it for alot of the old swg vets and i still know alot of people who quit swtor early because of these missing features (they told us swtor gonna be our next home and even let us create our guilds early before swtor launch)





also why should i create a new thread about this topic if u have tons of these since 2011, no need to make even more xD

Edited by MuonGoldSmuggler
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