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In YOUR opinion: Will subscription rates drastically go down?


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I believe yes, especially in the coming weeks.


I think right now its most if not all Republic players. But once the weeks go by without any real PvP Empire will get bored of making alts and playing Huttball and start to leave the game too.


Sad day.


what? repiblic, na the republic are thbe ones having all the fun. i got a rank51 sorc 550+expertis and i hate it like you said huttball 24/7.


and Ilum is a zerg fest zzzzzzz.


i rerolled a Scoundral with my friend made a republic gank group and its been a blast, im sure our crazy luck in getting champ gear in almost every bag we opened help our liking our alts

but the point is it sucks being on the side thats 3 to 1 ratio republic is much more fun

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what? repiblic, na the republic are thbe ones having all the fun. i got a rank51 sorc 550+expertis and i hate it like you said huttball 24/7.


and Ilum is a zerg fest zzzzzzz.


i rerolled a Scoundral with my friend made a republic gank group and its been a blast, im sure our crazy luck in getting champ gear in almost every bag we opened help our liking our alts

but the point is it sucks being on the side thats 3 to 1 ratio republic is much more fun


Spoken like a true Republic player. We're based off the "Rebellion" archetype from the SW movies... We're SUPPOSED to be outnumbered! And everyone loves the underdog :D

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Don't know what everyone's complaining about. Sure the games still buggy but dear god Vanilla WoW was horrible on launch.


PvP has its flaws, but I enjoy it 10x more as Republic and found some coordinated PuGs on my server so I can't complain.

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Spoken like a true Republic player. We're based off the "Rebellion" archetype from the SW movies... We're SUPPOSED to be outnumbered! And everyone loves the underdog :D


while i want to agree with this, to most people it wont be fun. it will only be fun for the stealth toons who can gank people and pick there battles.

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Well they already lost me.

Changes made for pvp lvl 50 bracket maybe fair for lvl 10-49. But it's not fair for some lvl 50s. Consider my case. I pvp during lvl 10-49. My server has about 20-30 lvl 50 on empire side. I get killed by them and I kill them if I am in groups. I didn't complain the fact that lvl 50s kill me, it's supposed to, they are lvl 50s. I work hard, get myself to lvl 50. Before I get to lvl50, republic side has never won because there's only 1 lvl 50 before me. After I got to lvl50, there were 3 lvl 50 (including me) for republic side. We started winning against their premade, in fact 3 of us have 85% win against empire even though we are outnumbered badly as lvl 50s. I work hard and try to get my champion gear. I have become unkillable in 1v1 or 2v1 against empire's lvl 50s as smuggler.

Now they change the bracket and make it so only lvl 50s are allowed in pvp. Well there's only less than 5 lvl 50s who pvp on my server. And some of them are on different time. Queues are like 8 hours and still no pvp.

So now, you are telling me that Bioware wants me to lvl another toon so I can pvp. I don't want to lvl another toon again, I want to work on just my one character and play pvp. Why can't I play it that way when I am paying for it? They implement it way too soon, especially for servers with light population that already have faction imbalance. I am not playing for a game where I can't pvp.

It doesn't matter anymore anyway, today will be my last posts. I have already unsubscribed since 3 days ago and my account expired yesterday. I don't think I will come back at all once I quit a game.

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I actually cancelled my account, but then I counted to 10. It calmed me down and I am resubbing as this game is still in it's infancy. It should grow and I need to remember that Bioware is a good company even if they are tied to EA.
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Good for you.

But there's nothing in the game left for me since I can't play pvp at lvl 50. I don't feel like restarting a new char on populated server. I have also got all classes to lvl 16-20 at least just to see their story, so I really don't feel like repeating them or spent my time lvling them. I just want one main char that I can focus on. I have already done HM FPs and OPs are light years ahead since there's really no lvl 50s to do them with.

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For $15 a month the game needs more stuff, the story mode and whatnot is fine if thats all youre looking for but that's single player stuff imo. Im thinking of group finders, multi specs, faction balance. I won't be resubbing because I just can't find groups whenever I want to and my republic server might as well just shut down because there's like 1 person lfg to do something at peak hours. I think a lot of people rushed to 50, aren't rerolling alts and for the slower/new people there isn't enough to do flashpoint content with.
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First they announced in their major PVP post that they're are planning more same faction warzones to keep Imperial queue times low. This enables Imperial players to continue playing warzones and PVPing even when there aren't enough Republic players for a queue.


Then they implement a patch that gives a massive valor farm to Imperial players, allowing the rank and file to gear up and catch up to the hardcore players of both factions in PVP gear, while denying that opportunity to Republic casual players.


Magically now it takes me about 5-6 warzones to get a win? On opening patch day it was about 50-50. Before patch day I won probably 3 out of 5. Let me guess, all of a sudden I'm just a much worse player and the Imperials got so much better? The Imps were saddled with more non-50s so their brilliance just shines through better in 50 only? No, I think it seems to have more to do with the fact that every imperial tom, dick and harry is rocking battlemaster gear these days...


I really like this game, and I've loved playing the underdog questing and levelling, but 1.1 has crippled what PVP balance between factions existed before. Obviously you made a mistake, and to some extent the hotfix addressed those going forward, but to not even consider a valor rollback is unfathomable incompetence to me. If this was a credit dupe you'd be all over it. And then on top of all this your current plans for PVP include adding more warzones for Imperial vs Imperial matches so they don't have to wait in queue? Do you want to give a single faction MMO a go or something?


I'm sure I'm just some wow fanboy hater and I should go back to SWG, but the PVP situation is absurd, and the measures taken to fix it wholly inadequate. On top of that their stated plan is to make the thing worse. I'm not quitting... yet... but I certainly can't recommend this game to friends like I've been doing.. it's embarrassing.


The crashes to desktop that have sprung up since 1.1 aren't helping either (I had maybe 2 since stress test weekend and probably 6-7 since patch).

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I still like this game but I changed my 6 month subscription to 1 month recurring. The PvP gearing and Illum are the worst implementation i have ever seen in a MMO. I stayed because I thought the battlemaster bag change was tokens.... but they are still lucky dip bags, and extremely RNG to get the Battlemaster Tokens to buy gear.


I'm giving SWTOR until March. If it fails I'll unsub and wait for Diablo 3 or GW2.

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This is not a PVP game, I do not expect the state of PVP in the game to make a serious change to the population numbers of the game.


I am not a PVE player, I do not pretend to know the state of PVE in this game to know if it is likely to keep up the population numbers.



I will say this, When I first started playing we always had multiple full instances of imperial fleet on Prophecy of the Five.


The other day we had a second instance of fleet with 5 people in it and they were joking about the ghost town.


Generally we only have one instance of fleet and it's far from full.


Now, I'm a PvPer, so I spend a lot of time at fleet between warzones, not sure where PVE players hang out to even know if this is a proper metric to be using, maybe they all sit around on some planet doing instances or something. <shrug>

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Here is where Bioware people fail to understand the dynamics of a MMORPG.


MMORPG gamers dont pay 15$ a month because we like to play through the solo levellign experiance over and over. We might as well be off playing Dragon Age or Skyrim. The justified expectation of 15$ a month payment is for the access to large social multiplayer interactions like working Raids, PVP combat, worthwhile tradeskills, trade market economic growth, and customer support.


*Currently this game has an acceptable although not great single player levelling experience.


*It has some working and some not working Flashpoints and Hard modes.


*A few Operations almost all of which are completely bugged and some not even rewarding loot.


*A completely broken PVP system which has only gotten worse since the start of closed Beta and never taken any positive strides forward.


This game already has and will continue to see substantial losses of subscriptions. Now you can continue to be like the "White Knights" who will literally wear the rose tinted glasses until the ship crashes to a fiery burning death, or you can be honest and upfront about the state of the game in hopes that heads will roll and things will turn around on Biowares end.


I do not want to see this game fail. This is not even going to be my main game once Guild Wars 2 releases and I still do not want it to fail. Failed MMORPG's are very bad for the genre. It just fuels the fires that are burning with the comments that MMORPG's and PC gaming are on the decline.


Fact is PC gaming offers the highest quality gaming experience available. Consoles while maybe more popular cannot compete quality wise with PCs. It would be a sad day for the gaming world if PC gamign were let to die. We need to suppor tthe game developers who believe in PC gaming. And this means telling them when they have screwed up.


So BIOWARE, You have really screwed the pooch here. Please save your game. Whatever it takes.

Edited by Aandolas
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No, there will not be a significant reduction in subscriptions for the following reasons:


1. The number of people who are actually upset by this is a small minority of the total population of players.


2. Most of those people will not actually cancel their accounts, they are just saying they will as a form of hyperbolic protest.


3. The issues that they are complaining about will get fixed to some extent in the near future.


4. The game is new and as such it is still adding subscriptions at a brisk pace that will easily counter any cancellations.


I know you guys are upset, and I feel for you. But you aren't as important as you like to think you are. Your issues will get resolved but your temper tantrums aren't helping.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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No, there will not be a significant reduction in subscriptions for the following reasons:


1. The number of people who are actually upset by this is a small minority of the total poplation of players.


2. Most of those people will not actually cancel their accounts, they are just saying they will as a form of hyperbolic protest.


3. The issues that they are complaining about will get fixed to some extent in the near future.


4. The game is new and as such it is still adding subscriptions at a brisk pace that will easily counter any cancellations.


I know you guys are upset, and I feel for you. But you aren't as important as you like to think you are. Your issues will get resolved but your temper tantrums aren't helping.


Most of what you have posted here are incorrect.


1. The number of people upset about the current state of the game is a rather large portion of its total population. In the range of somewhere between 25 - 35%.


2. The game already has a few hundred thousand accounts that have not resubbed just 1 day after the first free month.


3. Bioware so far has proved that they do not have the ability to correctly address the issues and need to bring in a new design lead and department heads who will handle the game better.


4. This game has actually gone into the negative subscription per week numbers. It is currently losing players faster then it is growing. Due in part to the massive number of players who physically cannot run the game on their machines even though greatly exceeding the minimum requirements, gross faction imbalances have caused huge rifts in subscription renewals on the republic side of the game. This will cause there to eb even less republic players and cause even larger rifts in the population imbalance. You see its a huge chain reaction.


5. The actual PVP community of any given MMORPG is statistically around 40%. This is not as you stated" a small minority". And most of SW:TORs PVP community agree that this game is just about the worst PVP game ever released at launch, and due to their PVP addiction have already moved on, or are giving the game at least 1 more month of Sub time to see what happens.


6. In just 4 days time the Metacritic score for SW:TOR has fallen from 9.0+ to around 5.. That is pretty much the fastest any MMORPG has ever fallen in score.

Edited by Aandolas
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Most of what you have posted here are incorrect.


1. The number of people upset about the current state of the game is a rather large portion of its total population. In the range of somewhere between 25 - 35%.


2. The game already has a few hundred thousand accounts that have not resubbed just 1 day after the first free month.


3. Bioware so far has proved that they do not have the ability to correctly address the issues and need to bring in a new design lead and department heads who will handle the game better.


4. This game has actually gone into the negative subscription per week numbers. It is currently losing players faster then it is growing. Due in part to the massive number of players who physically cannot run the game on their machines even though greatly exceeding the minimum requirements, gross faction imbalances have caused huge rifts in subscription renewals on the republic side of the game. This will cause there to eb even less republic players and cause even larger rifts in the population imbalance. You see its a huge chain reaction.


5. The actual PVP community of any given MMORPG is statistically around 40%. This is not as you stated" a small minority". And most of SW:TORs PVP community agree that this game is just about the worst PVP game ever released at launch, and due to their PVP addiction have already moved on, or are giving the game at least 1 more month of Sub time to see what happens.


6. In just 4 days time the Metacritic score for SW:TOR has fallen from 9.0+ to around 5.. That is pretty much the fastest any MMORPG has ever fallen in score.


Just wondering where you are getting the stats for 1, 2, 4 and 6. Not to flame or contradict you, just wanted to know in general.


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Will subscription rates go down? Yes.


Drastically? ... Yes, but it will be a slow death. Anyone who is not a casual sees there is nothing promising about this game so they're gone. The casuals will start dropping off as they get bored and realize there's nothing more to this game if you are dodging the progression climb of PvP and PvE gear.

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Just wondering where you are getting the stats for 1, 2, 4 and 6. Not to flame or contradict you, just wanted to know in general.



You can do what every industry worldwide does and use mathematical test samples to learn what is going on generally speaking with a larger population. Certain precautions must be taken like sampling from different parts of a population ( multiple servers, factions, PVE guilds, PVP guilds, etc.) I have taken a sample of over 500 people between 4 servers, 7 guilds, and made calculation absed on the rough estimate of 1.5 - 2 million active subscriptions at launch. I choose to go with 2 million because this allows for my calculation to be underscored rather then overscored. meaning if I am off its more likely that my numbers are to low and not to high.

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