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This should've been a single player game.


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They spent all this money creating stories, voice acting, class quests - it plays like a single player.


In fact if you ignore heroics you can be all alone on a server and it will play like a single player game with some extra grind and repeat spawn extermination.


Hell even the worlds are built like the KoTOR - the planets have areas you can visit and then there's walls(god how I hate these walls), in SWG (for instance) you could circle the planet - now that was an MMO original.OTOH walls are very common in single player RPG.



I have the feeling they started making kotor 3 and then some corporate know it alls saw it , looked at wow profits and thought - if blizzard can make that much every single month why can't we and turned the game from single player to mmo.



I don't want to be antisocial but as a MMO this game sucks. People have max level all dressed up characters and nowhere to go. If this was a solo game however leveling a level in an hour or so would be pretty much standard speed.


Performance, especially when there's many people around you, fails and badly. Space combat is solo. Class quests solo(although you can bring a buddy).


When I first read the description some years ago i thought it will be a lot like diablo2 - single player with some co-op if you want extra loot and nightmare difficulty. Guess i was wrong

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Just a small town girl, living in a looonely wooorld. She took the midnight train going an, y, where..


Chuck Norris would sing with you but he has taken an arrow to the knee.....by Bruce Lee!




Oh wait....he got killed by Bruce Lee....never mind


Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit

He took the midnight train goin' anywhere ..

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I realy dont understand what people mean when they arre saying that it is more a single player game then a mmo. I have played alot of mmo´s, and I have ben levling solo in all of them, in non of then have I ben grouping up for other things then dungons or ellite quests... so how is that diffrent from this game??
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I wish more than anything that they just made KOTOR 3 instead of this sorry excuse for an MMO



Good news!


First free month is over and I promise you no one will come looking for you when you don't resub!


<waves goodbye> :)

Edited by Hardwear
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In fact if you ignore heroics you can be all alone on a server and it will play like a single player game with some extra grind and repeat spawn extermination.


Yeah, same if you ignore flashpoints, and operations... and the GTN, and chat, and the fact that there are other people running around.


Sure, if you play any MMO solo, and ignore the multiplayer aspects, it plays like a single-player game. They're sort of all like that.

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I like the game and have played it every single day, but come summer. Mass exodus. This game lacks a serious social element. So far very very few people group for the heroics, in fact very few people ever LFG. We have a guild with 70 members and most of the time 90% of them are soloing.


I was utterly dismayed at the space combat. I mean couldn't you have taken a few elements from Rift? free flight and group space missions. This is STAR WARS. not land wars. I will enjoy it while it lasts, but unless some patch is released that just blows the community away...this game is going away.


Thanks to the corporate bean counters.

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Yeah, same if you ignore flashpoints, and operations... and the GTN, and chat, and the fact that there are other people running around.


Sure, if you play any MMO solo, and ignore the multiplayer aspects, it plays like a single-player game. They're sort of all like that.


GTN - if that's the auction house do not tell me you're actually using that.


Leveling is so fast that the greens you get now would be better than the purples you bought 6 hours ago and as for lvl 50 , well unless you're using your own biochem there's nothing that you can create and sell that's better than what I can get through easy flashpoints and pvp.


In a single player flashpoints could've been handled by you and 2 companions for instance , and as for chat - last time I was on nar shadda there was 6 people on the planet and none were actually tempted to respond, not even to offer to help with any heroic.


Face it - from the static non targetable npc milling around , to the fast leveling and useless crafting this would've made a much better Kotor 3 than it makes a MMO

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I agree with those saying that all MMOs can basically be played as single player games these days, at least until you get to max level. So SWTOR is no different.


Never used to be this way with MMOs, but this seems to be the current standard approach. Which personally I think is a shame but there ya go.

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While it is true that you can play this game through without ever grouping, why would you? Who here has played FFXI and been stuck in Jeuno or Whitegate LFP for whatever reason (job/sub, level, etc)? This guy has, and while I was usually crafting to pass the time, I knew I would rather be leveling. The good thing I saw with WoW when I started playing it after TBC, was that I could level on my own. The bad thing, was my friends who convinced me to come over, gave me the basics, and dumped me off, telling me to hurry to 70...


It may be the current MMO culture, or maybe people's experiences, and we as players need to be mindful, and work to fix it. We've all had experiences with bad PUG's, or ninja looters, or jerks, and these are the things that keep people playing solo.


I've been doing alot more group activities in SWTOR than WoW. I'm enjoying the heroics and flashpoints alot. Its not going to be everyone's cup of tea, there are still jerks and ninja-looters, but we as a player community can work to make it better.


So I get off work in 9 hours: operative LFG Athiss :)

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In fact if you ignore heroics you can be all alone on a server and it will play like a single player game with some extra grind and repeat spawn extermination.



If I ignore group content in any game it feels like a sp game. That is generally what happens when you don't interact with people.

Edited by Powerhowse
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Then I wouldn't be playing. I'm enjoying the game so ha ha. Simple as that. I like playing with my friends.




Play solo if you like OP...I don't care. But YOU are choosing that - not Bioware. Get off your rear and group up. Don't blame Bioware because YOU select to play solo.

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