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The Republic has given up


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You can gear up, its just hard work for a while. As frustrating as it is I really do not see any other way than to just get on with it?



that's actually what made me quit RIFT.


I worked hard to get the pvp gear and just before getting it, they raised the pvp gear cap and the other side instantly had a big advantage over me again.


I just stopped playing *and I had really liked the game).

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And Warhammer online spawned into... Warhammer online wrath of heroes Maybe we can have SWTOR spawn into Starwars the New Empire online wrath of PvP i dunno abit of trolling but honestly all these suggestions and a few of mine earlier almost seems to wanna boot the "Hardcore" pvp'ers to thier own server.
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Yes you are on an US server, situation is much better there from what i hear.


Majority of EU PvP servers seem to be plagued by this problem.


I'm on a US server and it's still 2.5:1 Empire:Republic.



I think part of the problem is that a lot of people don't play on both factions. Most of the Republic classes play very clunky compared to the Empire counterparts. Yeah, they're the same class, really, but most Republic attacks are clunky.


One of the first classes I rolled was an Operative, got up to roughly 30. Combat is very fluid, even in PvP. If I stun somebody it's easy to backstab and manage 2 other attacks during the 4 seconds.


I started a Scoundrel because I rarely saw them in PvP. Then I realized why. The Scoundrel plays like a buggy mess, and is almost unplayable. Every other attack has an animation delay, or roots you, or something else.

Edited by savionen
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I certainty have given up on swthor pvp also. Too many bugs, nothing works right, waste of time. I didn't get the Champion Title at 50, after grinding from Valor 54 to 55 my Valor reset at 54 again. No, I wasn't part of the stupid Ilum issue the other day farming Valor. I got mine from WZs before the 1.1 patch.


I was lucky with the bags and am full Champion gear minus 1 Centurion Implant... 600 Expertise and I don't stand a chance against almost any Imp player. My ops teams simply get OWNED in all WZs now... regardless of which one. I find it hard to believe they ALWAYS outgear and outplay us, everytime??? Can't be. Something is not balanced here and it's just a drag. I feel stupid for spending as much time as I have with this game.


As a side note... I have placed 4 bug tickets and SWTOR customer service has closed them all without any attempted resolution or investigation. I don't believe they give a ****. Too bad.

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Yes you are on an US server, situation is much better there from what i hear.


Majority of EU PvP servers seem to be plagued by this problem.


Yeah I mean an imbalance still exists no doubt, but its certainly tolerable. Just gotta be smart in regards to your strat on Ilum if your outnumbered.

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While I know this is against the spirit of "open PvP", I think Ilum should be capped by faction for each phase. Also, the objectives on Ilum are lame; do something more interesting Bioware!!


As for WZ, grouping by level is not nearly as useful as grouping by valor rank. The valor system exists for a reason! If the queues end up being too long, go the WoW route and allow cross-server instanced PvP. I personally would be against this for Ilum, but I think it could work well for the WZ.

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Expertise is a BS stat. They copy pasted straight from WoW without knowing whether the SWTOR system needed it in the first place. And now it's too late to get rid of it.


Expertise is pretty much required if they want to separate PvP and PvE gear. Otherwise there's nothing stopping people from using high-end raid gear in PvP because it's better, or vice versa.

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Expertise is a BS stat. They copy pasted straight from WoW without knowing whether the SWTOR system needed it in the first place. And now it's too late to get rid of it.


Well, considering they have mythic crew for pvp here and itemization and gear was perfect in WHO I don't know where they come up with expertise idea. Maybe they went re tarded since then?

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I play on Ajunta Pall, and I'm republic.. and melee.


I think I could contend with the numbers difference if I could, actually, you know.. play. Right now I can toss guard on someone and hope the advancing red slide-show doesn't get too close.


I understand there really isn't anything you can do about a population imbalance -- people are going to choose to play what they choose to play. What I don't understand, however, is the following:


1. Why are their subtle differences between the classes that uniformly favor the Empire? 2 seconds longer on a snare here, 30 seconds off a CD there, animation differences that basically root the user vs. not. Every one of the things you can find between the classes favors the Empire. Why?


2. Obviously BW knows the population numbers.. that being said, given they almost exactly copied WoW.. how did they miss why WoW used the Winterspring buffing system? It serves a pretty easy to figure out purpose.


3. Resolve bar? It doesn't work anywhere but on paper. Please just add diminishing returns against impairing effects by category that crosses from class to class.


4. Champion Bags. Again, on paper, I'm sure someone told you this was a good idea. Let me assure you it is not, and it doesn't translate out to the same thing as a chance to get gear from a raid boss. I don't pve raid solo, and effort in a raid benefits someone in the raid and therefore makes the raid stronger -- in pve something ALWAYS drops of use to justify the time and effort. At a minimum, please make it so that duplicate items can be cold back to the Champ/BM vender for half the tokens of the item or something.


I currently am missing several pieces of Champ gear, but have 4 offhands (the dps, the tank + two from the bags I haven't done anything with because, again, I already have both). The system really doesn't make any sense.

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Well since the 1.1 patch, I've often expressed discontent about being unable to get any warzones at all. Even when we nudged all lvl 50 guildmates to queue in during prime time, nothing. Not even huttball.


So yeah, that 50 queue isn't working as it should (yet).

As for the republic having given up... Mostly I can confirm that. I see maybe 3 active republic PvPers in Ilum. Tops.


When it comes to skill however, I have met truly wonderful challenges by republic players and would happily put several of them miles and miles on top of the typical lvl 50 empire PvPer. This is only on the server I play on, mind.

I suppose in the end it comes down to ol' Stalin's concept of quantity having a quality all of its own.


Personally, I would love if BW implemented some buffs to the republic side, to make them more appealing to the stat-creepers.

While I myself won't change factions (out of preference, really), I am quite certain many would, if there was sufficient incentive.

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Expertise is pretty much required if they want to separate PvP and PvE gear. Otherwise there's nothing stopping people from using high-end raid gear in PvP because it's better, or vice versa.


There are plenty of ways to differentiate between pve and pvp gear without need a specific stat designed for it. Such as having alot of +acc bonus in PVE gear that would be wasted in pvp, that not even counting set bonuses that can also be geared for 1 or the other. As it currently stands, people DO use pvp gear in PVE, because they are better.

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[...] As it currently stands, people DO use pvp gear in PVE, because they are better.


And more easily obtainable.

On our low pop server, completing a hard flashpoint or normal operation is something that happens rarely and typically takes far too long.


Champion gear has comparable stats and is just out there, ready for the taking.

Granted, the 50 queue slowed that down a little, but you can still pull it off with dailies (and solo, too).

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My favorite is when I run into Imperials on Ilum that I know from WZs, and they are in a Zerg and wreck me if I'm solo. Then I go into a WZ match with a premade or some guildies that I was queued up for and a couple are in there and I return the favor ten fold. Ah, its so satisfying.
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I think today's patch fixed some of yeseterday's problems (with Ilum, not warzones), but I feel like Republic players have been scared away from PvP in general by the valor farms that went on yesterday and videos like
one. On Carrick station, players are constantly asking "Is Ilum safe?", "Are the dailies doable now?", and the honest answer is no they are not. Not unless you already have a group before you get there.


I lead a small republic guild (which unfortunately seems to be all the republic has) and we are completely helpless to finish the dailies. Win 3 warzones? We play in 13, lose 11 of them. Spend an hour and a half on Ilum and complete 10/30. Travel to Ilum in a 15 man raid? The Imperials have a 30 man raid. None of the Republic players seem to even want to try anymore. Players are constantly quitting in WZ's because of the constant losing/awfulness.


The patch fixed the mechanical problems on Ilum. The only problem now is that Republic players are too scared to go. Also, there are still serious problems with warzones from the patch. All the lvl 50 bracket did was pit mobs of geared Imps against Republic players who are generally not geared. This may have helped players who are not max level, but it has made winning for the lvl 50 Republic players impossible on my server.


Let's face it. The Empire is a thoroughly better faction. But does that mean that the Republic players are just supposed to sit here and take these lashings on the chin? I want to finish my dailies every day, but I simply don't have enough free time to do it. And I have a lot of free time.


I love the Republic classes (especially Smuggler) but a lot of people lose interest in trying new classes since all the classes are mirrors.


I decided to give my Republic characters a break until BioWare does something to make playing Republic more appealing and now I am leveling a new Empire toon.


Funny thing though... After hearing everyone say SI's are awesome and they have a awesome story line... I honestly enjoy the story and gameplay of my Jedi Consular a lot more. Empire Fleet looks much better and it is easier to navigate but other then that... I really don't like Empire as much as I like Republic.


Too bad BioWare screwed the Republic...

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All the good PvP guilds are on Empire. Republic seems to be full of casual, apathetic PvP guilds like mine.



Not really


We have a nice guild and do weekly raids on tatoine, alderaan and now gotta start doing them on illum as well


We usually 5 or 6 50's and have about 10 40's which is more than enough cause the poor imps are not used to a fair fight so they get stomped easilly when the numbers are even


When they bring 30 then we just move to another place and start over


Of course i would rather have balanced fights all the time but we try to make the best with what we have



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Agreed there is a HUGE imbalance, no one wants to do PVP because the Empire is so OP, sithe inquistor for one. It is bull that they are winning only 55% of the warzones, they are winning at least 75% of them.


I am on Helm of Graush and on one of the biggest republic guilds on the server and NO ONE wants to do pvp, because even with premades we just cant keep up with the other pugs, and we just get slaughtered most of the time. I HATE PVP on swtor right now, would even do it if it helped gear for pve


Because it's in Bioware's interest to lie about that particular number, right?


Also, given the huge sample size, a 55% to 45% win/loss ratio is friggin' huge. It's enough that any sane developer would look for the root cause and change things. The ball is in Bioware's court, and by releasing the statistic, they've started a clock.

Edited by OldManRelic
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Personally, I would love if BW implemented some buffs to the republic side, to make them more appealing to the stat-creepers.

While I myself won't change factions (out of preference, really), I am quite certain many would, if there was sufficient incentive.


I find that extremely funny because about all of empire players say that.

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There are plenty of ways to differentiate between pve and pvp gear without need a specific stat designed for it. Such as having alot of +acc bonus in PVE gear that would be wasted in pvp, that not even counting set bonuses that can also be geared for 1 or the other. As it currently stands, people DO use pvp gear in PVE, because they are better.


All you are doing then is making a set of PvP and PvE gear but shifting the differentiating stats to something different. it really doesn't change anything.


You'd still farm the "PvP" gear for maximum effectiveness for PvP.


You'd still farm "PvE" gear for maximum effectiveness in PvE.

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