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The Republic has given up


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I chose the republic during early game because I expected the empire would be over populated. Little did I know all the dragon slayers rolled republic and only a tiny few of real pvpers are there. Ilum before the patch never had more than 30 people in the zone and now it doesn't have more than 5 where the empire always had more than 100. Working as intended. Join the bandwagon called empire, stay republic and grind it out, or just quit. The Fatman
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Its not Biowares fault that 90% of the Republic players are horrible pvpers. Thats right, its not the sheer size of Empire player that wins these matches, its the simple fact that the average Empire player is better.

I know im very harsh but this is exactly how things are right now. And its definitly not just a ''newb'' thing either, majority of Rep players just dont seem to care about pvp at all.


Stop smoking weed !


Maybe u wanted to say something smart, but you did not.

Tah was just plain stupid answer. But i understand you.

When Emp scourge crush rep in ratio 4:1 its alwayss heroism on emp side

and for beaten it is - learn 2 play issue...


Dude trust me ! I want to beat 4x50 lvl same geared ppl as me in row.

All in One... one mighty blow and all four would be dead.. yeah !



Sarcasm off...

Edited by Grifin
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I am so *********** tired of republic players whining about ability imbalance.


There're only TWO differences of note that haven't been "fixed"

1) Mortar volley vs DfA, and this isn't that big a deal, tbh, since in the situations where you'd be using either of them an extra 1.5 seconds won't make or break it. Also, mortar volley condenses it's dmg into a smaller window and you can cancel the animation (move before the channel is finished) before it technically ends without losing dmg. Can't do that with DfA

2) Project vs shock. Even here, project *can* (read: situationally) be better since you can backload the dmg to hit in the same GCD as another dmg spell.


Also, I've rerolled to Repub already.




Stop your crying.

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So I just got done with a 3v8 Alderaan match that I'd been in queue for a very long time to get.



Why does the game even start these?


It is absurd. It's demoralizing. It's a complete waste of my time.


We're outnumbered by a wide margin on Mind Trick. Just have the game not start a battleground until it's a full 8. If that means the Sith have to wait longer or play more Huttball, great, don't care.






It's one thing to be tone deaf to the imbalance. It's another to actively contribute to making the problem worse.


Yeah, our server is pretty unbalanced. Doesn't help a lot of republic is EXTREMELY cliqueish on our server. Not that there is a lot of republic to begin with.

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I am so *********** tired of republic players whining about ability imbalance.


There're only TWO differences of note that haven't been "fixed"

1) Mortar volley vs DfA, and this isn't that big a deal, tbh, since in the situations where you'd be using either of them an extra 1.5 seconds won't make or break it. Also, mortar volley condenses it's dmg into a smaller window and you can cancel the animation (move before the channel is finished) before it technically ends without losing dmg. Can't do that with DfA

2) Project vs shock. Even here, project *can* (read: situationally) be better since you can backload the dmg to hit in the same GCD as another dmg spell.


Also, I've rerolled to Repub already.




Stop your crying.

First - this is no thread about abilities.. so get out and rad whole thread.

Second - u cant use another skill before stone hit his target.. thats it.. So pls empire players, stop teling pp how to play their classes, while u know it only from your view nd your not playing republic..

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First - this is no thread about abilities.. so get out and rad whole thread.

Second - u cant use another skill before stone hit his target.. thats it.. So pls empire players, stop teling pp how to play their classes, while u know it only from your view nd your not playing republic..


Yes you can, you just have to learn how

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then should just have made all the classes avaivable for both factions (exept for jedi and sith)

that would make players go republic too, many went imperial cause bounty hunter sounds cooler than trooper, or sith than jedi, etc.

the unbalance came out since they did mirror classes but with different names.

some classes call out more than others.


Still they need to balance things out big time, i actually have a lvl 50 on both sides and both sides on pvp sucks, one can't do nothing, the other die so fast don't get credit.

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Its not Biowares fault that 90% of the Republic players are horrible pvpers. Thats right, its not the sheer size of Empire player that wins these matches, its the simple fact that the average Empire player is better.

I know im very harsh but this is exactly how things are right now. And its definitly not just a ''newb'' thing either, majority of Rep players just dont seem to care about pvp at all.


I'm sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about and most of all no idea what is being discussed here.


We are talking about HUGE imbalance problems all over the place apparently, and not if someone is a good or bad player.

WZ is not the issue here, it's ILUM and the fact that Republic players can't do jack **** over there because they are VASTLY outnumbered.


And YES, that is Bioware's PROBLEM to solve if they want their game to thrive, if one faction is obsolete in a 2 faction game then the game and it's developers do have a problem.

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First - this is no thread about abilities.. so get out and rad whole thread.

Second - u cant use another skill before stone hit his target.. thats it.. So pls empire players, stop teling pp how to play their classes, while u know it only from your view nd your not playing republic..


i play a shadow...and yes u can get project to hit in the same time stamp as the next ability you use afterwards, noone said anything about hitting before project hits. guess what it's an instant cast ability and the travel time equals the gcd so you don't lose anything the way it works atm. i also have an assasin which i don't play anymore and i can tell you i prefer the project way because it results in bigger burst dmg. the reason he mentioned it is because ppl were QQing about gear, pop imballance and empire being the over all favoured side due to those abilities...

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Personally I have no problems with Ilum or WZs as Republic. I was bit afraid after 1.1 and later fix but, in fact, Ilum happened to be massive fun. Sure there were a lot of Imps but with new caps both sides had more or less equal numbers (we had 5 Ilum instances and I was in 2). I got ivited to OPs shortly after I arrived and we had great fights all over the place. Sure, Imps tired to camp our base but we managed to wipe them several times and they did the same to us few times, how it should be!


Now, WZs. I actually had great fights and we won 90% of them (was Qing solo always). Even if I have v23 only and few parts of champion gear.


This could be only my server (ToFN EU), the only server that still has occasional queues but I don't have a feeling Imps are outnumbering us by big numbers. Sure some of their premades are unbeatable but you hardly ever pop on them more than two times in good WZs session.


Also, we really lack server forums where we could organise some good PvP events. It is hard to organise anything if you can't communicate with your own community, right? On my server some greatest PvP guilds from Warhammer are present and I can assure you that they know how to PvP against all odds.

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Great! Look forward to hearing from you. If I happen to not be on when you roll just message someone in the guild and ask for an invite. The guild name is Eternal Vigilance. Do a /who search and enter Vigilance into the search field because there is another guild with Eternal in their name.


Okay, thank you! I'm going to have to figure out what to roll now. I was just going to go with Trooper Vanguard, but a non-stealthy as a first toon on a pvp server seems like a bad idea.

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Republic player here. Illum is a joke. Its free valor for imps.


If they don't want to fix it just give us a zone where only 8 imperials are allowed and we are allowed 100 and we can farm valor.


We can then power level expertise stacking.


Since clearly the intent is to give everyone battlemaster status.


Or just give us all a bag at 50 with the same armor.


Its that dumbed down anyways.


I will say its suppose to be harder for the republic. However, end-game we should have a slight edge statistically in gear.


Right now pvp is a joke. Anyone so if you are set on playing a 50 republic player you probably need to get an alliance with an imp guild willing to let you farm them in a remote region of Illum.



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The funny thing is I made a post in general about faction incentive bonus just before the patch hit and that thing got buried so fast it wasn't even funny. Honestly people just wanna ***** and complain and not actually discuss valuable solutions.


The real problem is the community. To many people complaining right now that BW managed to kick their cat.

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I understand there is a faction imbalance.


Honestly seems stupid to have this all fixed with an easy button though. Like some have said, get organized, get in a more serious guild, try to do SOMETHING before you request someone else do it FOR YOU! Take the initiative good guys come on!


Republic Commando Medic FTW.


Ok, I would agree if this was one or two servers but this is ALL servers. Something is wrong here. There is more then just a lack of good players, there is a serious balance issue. I know we have some strong Alliance players on my server and if we get lucky to get a stacked team we can SOMETIMES win, if the other team is not trying or we are lucky to get new 50's. But on the imperial side you can win 3 just by showing up most of the time as 90% of their players are gear stacked now do to the terrible management. It caused a snowball, and I would like to see something to fix this, and yes i have an Imperial and Republic Alt and if I didn't care about the game I would just play my imp and wait for it to fail so lets stop being ignorant imperials and saying "Get Better". How about you create a Republic and man up.

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First - this is no thread about abilities.. so get out and rad whole thread.

Second - u cant use another skill before stone hit his target.. thats it.. So pls empire players, stop teling pp how to play their classes, while u know it only from your view nd your not playing republic..


1st, I only mention this because some republic players are spreading garbage lies and misinformation. Also, it was mentioned in this thread by multiple people as a reason why Empire has more ppl / is obviously favored, etc


Secondly, yes you can. Try playing the game before you comment.



No wonder why Republic loses all the time. They're filled with scrubs like you who don't understand game mechanics in the slightest.

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It's a bit rough as the gear differential gets much worse Empire outgearing republic because of ease of wins and zerging for valor.


I did however lead a server first raid for the Republic today on Anchorhead where we drove the empire off Ilum pretty much entirely. You have to motivate, eliminate and dominate them to gain some morale for your faction. The top PvP guild on your faction needs to step up as a leader, it motivates those around you to do well and listen to those commanding.


Don't forget when they camp your base to send stealthers behind to get on the cannons to own them. I got over 2000+ kills with particle cannons today.


It's rough though don't get me wrong, I'm sure most servers are far worse than mine. We are currently playing 1:3/4 ratio


Leadership of the faction is impossible. At least on my server. There is nothing resembling community. All of the guilds seem to be in competition with one another. The elitism is absolutely ridiculous and nobody is working together.

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They really need to add in faction-swapping from Imperial to Republic and some other incentive like gaining extra valor in PvP.


I play both factions, but mostly Republic. On our server if I log in to the Republic Fleet there's about 100 people at peak, there's 240 Imperial.


Empire overall is just the better faction to most people. Everything about it feels much more polished. Less animation delay issues, better looking gear, better looking attacks, and for the most part people agree that Empire has better stories and cooler companions.


If they don't do something soon PvP will just be Empire vs Empire as Republic's population will be zero. I'm in the same boat as several other people. If the Republic dies, I've invested too much time already, and would rather just find something else to do than lose everything I have to reroll Empire.



I love playing the underdog in multiplayer games, but getting spawncamped, or trying to fight a battle of 10 Republic vs 50 Empire is just stupid.

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They really need to add in faction-swapping from Imperial to Republic and some other incentive like gaining extra valor in PvP.


I play both factions, but mostly Republic. On our server if I log in to the Republic Fleet there's about 100 people at peak, there's 240 Imperial.


Empire overall is just the better faction to most people. Everything about it feels much more polished. Less animation delay issues, better looking gear, better looking attacks, and for the most part people agree that Empire has better stories and cooler companions.


If they don't do something soon PvP will just be Empire vs Empire as Republic's population will be zero. I'm in the same boat as several other people. If the Republic dies, I've invested too much time already, and would rather just find something else to do than lose everything I have to reroll Empire.



I love playing the underdog in multiplayer games, but getting spawncamped, or trying to fight a battle of 10 Republic vs 50 Empire is just stupid.


Well put its amazing how people who play both sides see this. Sorry I see this game fail unless its fixed lets stop being stupid Imperials and yelling get better, this is for both factions sakes if we want to keep playing.

Edited by Psynormous
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Well put its amazing how people who play both sides see this. Sorry I see this game fail unless its fixed lets stop being stupid Imperials and yelling get better, this is for both factions sakes if we want to keep playing.


This i agree with completely.


It is in NO ONES interest to see one faction becoming utterly OBSOLETE.

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I think today's patch fixed some of yeseterday's problems (with Ilum, not warzones), but I feel like Republic players have been scared away from PvP in general...


Not a problem on my server. The 'Pubs were out in force last night. I queued for warzones for almost 2 hours and only played one (yes, you read it right ONE) match of Huttball out of ~8-10. This was a complete and refreshing shock to me as I usually have it the other way around.

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I haven't had a terrible time winning warzones, even just PuGn. Not great, but not bad. I have noticed however a pretty terrible gear imbalance.


Some of it seems to be just plain ignorance though. Literally see lvl50s on Rep with less than 12k hp, and the majority are just over 13k. I simple trip to the AH and a small amount of coin will get you at least 14.5k. I've only been 50 for 4 days, and I'm over 15k unbuffed.


It's sombering entering a warzone to see Reb side regularly with over 50% of its players sporting 13k or so hps. That's just not even tryn to get gear...


Ilum is a mute topic for now for the most part. It's done until Imps get bored and leave. But since there's little else to do inbetween warzones, I don't see them leaving. I'm sure every now and then a fresh nub 50 wonders into Ilum every so often to get a short glimpse of 100s of shiny red lightsabers...

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Personally I find if anything on my server this has strengthened the Republic for three reasons:


1.) All the people who sucked anyway(whiners) quit.


2.) The unfair system creates a feeling of hostility which ultimately leads to play which negates any gear gap.


3.) Empire players are kids who get free popcorn so they mostly suck.


Darwinism at its finest.

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