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Please add a looking for group function

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You didn't address any of the other questions I made, so I can assume the answer for them is that your conversations during FPs are as meaningful as mine.


Forcefully? As I said, nobody forces anybody to do anything. You queue yourself and play a multi-player co-op game. As much as you queue for Warzones, play the game against other players, and go back home.


A LFG won't force you use it. You can still rely on your list of friends to run FPs while you are chatting with each other, even if that triples the time necessary to run the dungeon, if that's your thing, go for it.


Sitting in Stormwind and getting teleported all over the world for dungeons is what finally killed WoW for me. I used their LFD because it was the system that they had, but it actually took away from my game play experience.


I would be all for a matchmaking tool for SW:TOR, but that would be the extent. It may surprise you to know that there are people who enjoy the entire process of a game. I remember Molten Core raids being canceled because we were having so much fun with world PvP outside of the instance. Riding to Scarlet Monastery through Horde territory was fun in and of itself.


Just because people use a feature does not mean they like it or support it; it just means they are using it.


Why do you want to sit on the Fleet -> FP -> Fleet -> FP -> continue... treadmill when there is so much more to see and do?

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It needs to be cross-realm, otherwise you penalize people that aren't playing during the server peak time, or that plays on low-pop server. It bring community together, not apart. Promotes group content to be done.


Jerks will always exist. With a functional LFG system you simply kick the jerk off the group, or remove yourself from it and queue again. It's makes dealing with idiots so much simpler.



I support an LFG system, but I'm completely against it being cross-realm. One of the things I've really come to enjoy about this game is that reputation matters again. Treat enough people like garbage, and you'll have to roll a new character. I love that.

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I support an LFG system, but I'm completely against it being cross-realm. One of the things I've really come to enjoy about this game is that reputation matters again. Treat enough people like garbage, and you'll have to roll a new character. I love that.


No one rolls any new character just like that. I have seen enough POPULAR ninjas. People like those dont give a flying **** what you and I think.

Edited by Yummymango
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i liked and disliked the LFG system in WOW but i think atm this could do with it as i've recently got to 50 and i cant seem to get a group for any HM, or any NOW that would let me go as most have done it and NOW consider me as a Noob (FFS i have just got to 50, games been out less than a month) so yes i think an LFG system would be better now as for the new'ish level 50's that can attempt a HM with each other and not have to worry about players who rushed or are already 50 and done most content.


main reason i did Dislike the LFG in wow (which may happen here) is getting kicked for somthing your not doing cause it wasent explained or your gear and dps are crap (new 85 or alt) ppl didnt care KICK off you go, if they impliment it here they dont want that happening as surly they can gear check and add you to a group of players in same boat automatically.


but it does save loads of time spamming but i would prefer same realm only then the cross realm Ninjas cant loot and go as many would do.

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Sitting in Stormwind and getting teleported all over the world for dungeons is what finally killed WoW for me. I used their LFD because it was the system that they had, but it actually took away from my game play experience.


I would be all for a matchmaking tool for SW:TOR, but that would be the extent. It may surprise you to know that there are people who enjoy the entire process of a game. I remember Molten Core raids being canceled because we were having so much fun with world PvP outside of the instance. Riding to Scarlet Monastery through Horde territory was fun in and of itself.


Just because people use a feature does not mean they like it or support it; it just means they are using it.


Why do you want to sit on the Fleet -> FP -> Fleet -> FP -> continue... treadmill when there is so much more to see and do?


Funny that one person evil is somebody else god, per say. What made me level up 3 characters to 80 was exactly LFG. I could finally enjoy all the dozens of WoW dungeons that I would otherwise skip due to the time involved in getting a group together (not to mention, dislocating to and from the instance).


Your type of enjoyment doesn't surprise me. If you had raids cancelled to do world PVP, and you supported it, so good for you. I would be pissed off, but that's me. I was also Alliance back in Vanilla and had little fun getting ganked by "skull" UD rogues on my way to Scarlet Monastery. As a matter of fact, I did scarlet 1-2 times at most given the time sink of walking from the closest Alliance base (you would only be able to ride there after 40, when 3/4 of SM are useless).


If a LFG were to be implemented and used by the majority of the players, they are either for it or have nothing against it. That's exactly what's going to happen.


Why do I want to run FPs non stop? Because I enjoy the co-op game. Same reason why people stay in fleet running Warzones all day long until they can get their full Battlemaster set. That's their enjoyment, who am I to judge?


The difference between our opinions is that I want a tool that gives people the option to play the co-op game or play the social game.


Why don't you want to give other players that option? You may believe it's harmful to the game, others believe the contrary.

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It's hard to find a group for Heroics, but I don't think the LFG tool is as important for that as it is for FP's. At least with Heroics, you can be questing and see the shout for more members or start a group of your own in the zone the heroic is taking place. With FP's you'll have to waste time shouting in the fleet hoping to land in a group or form a good group of your own. I'd rather be questing while LFG than sitting in the fleet LFG.

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I support an LFG system, but I'm completely against it being cross-realm. One of the things I've really come to enjoy about this game is that reputation matters again. Treat enough people like garbage, and you'll have to roll a new character. I love that.


Then you don't use LFG and only play with players that share your view.


Not everybody cares about reputation in a virtual community. Not everybody cares about virtual community that only exist to gap technological limitations and hardware bottlenecks (that's the real reason MMOs have multiple servers, it has nothing to do with communities).

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What we need is a server based match making system for flash points, but it only gets the group together. After that, the rest is on you. I think that would satisfy a decent majority of players.


You are still penalizing players that can't play during server peak hours. You are still having to deal with unnecessary time sinks of moving to and from the Flashpoint instance. You are still playing less, not more.


Also, LFG could have the option for "server-only" groups, for those who care about that.

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Then you don't use LFG and only play with players that share your view.


Not everybody cares about reputation in a virtual community. Not everybody cares about virtual community that only exist to gap technological limitations and hardware bottlenecks (that's the real reason MMOs have multiple servers, it has nothing to do with communities).


I'm sorry, but your technical mastery has me hoodwinked.


Your saying if technology allowed only one server, there would be no community?


Communities are natural, brodude.


Lets get deep on this, if you don't care about your virtual community while playing a MMO, why the fudge do you care about running flashpoints?


They reward better gear than your solo content right?


Whats that gear do for you? Allow you to...


Raid with a community? Or do you want Looking for Raid tool too?


FFS, for pseudo-casuals who don't care "too" much about the game (or community in the game), you sure come up for alot of excuses as to why you should have a "me-too" mechanic.



I guess what I'm saying is - by responding to you undulating masses wanting your ez moad FPs/OPs - you realize your quietly asking BioWare to make them much easier right?


There's no way random people, who did not even take the time to /tell someone "i'll join you in Black Talon Hard Mode, I'm a tank!" - will complete current HM FP's more than 20% of the time.

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The difference between our opinions is that I want a tool that gives people the option to play the co-op game or play the social game.


This is distinction without difference. You are obviously arguing for the sake of it, so I will leave you to your futile exercise.

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I'm sorry, but your technical mastery has me hoodwinked.


Your saying if technology allowed only one server, there would be no community?


Communities are natural, brodude.


Lets get deep on this, if you don't care about your virtual community while playing a MMO, why the fudge do you care about running flashpoints?


They reward better gear than your solo content right?


Whats that gear do for you? Allow you to...


Raid with a community? Or do you want Looking for Raid tool too?


FFS, for pseudo-casuals who don't care "too" much about the game (or community in the game), you sure come up for alot of excuses as to why you should have a "me-too" mechanic.



I guess what I'm saying is - by responding to you undulating masses wanting your ez moad FPs/OPs - you realize your quietly asking BioWare to make them much easier right?


There's no way random people, who did not even take the time to /tell someone "i'll join you in Black Talon Hard Mode, I'm a tank!" - will complete current HM FP's more than 20% of the time.


I have a little of hard time following your response, but I'll try my best.


What I said about servers vs community is that the reason servers exist isn't to create gated communities of players. They exist so that hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of players can play the game. This is basically a mode of sharding (the computer science concept). Communities might arise from these gated groups of people, if people in that group so desires to form a community (i suppose that means, being recognized in that virtual setting as "good/bad" player).


I play flashpoints, as mentioned before, because I enjoy the co-op multiplayer game. I don't want to spend my time talking to these 3 other dudes on my party (at most, explain a boss fight to anyone that has not done it before). If you enjoy do that, good for you. Yes, rewards are better, but so is the enjoyment of a boss fight, at least, to me (as much as PVP is to some many other players, or meeting new people is to yet another group players).


Do I want a LFR? Of course! Give people the tools to play more, however they see fit!


As for the pseudo-casual part, that doesn't apply to me, sorry. Was 50 a week after release, I'm part of a large guild with several 16men Operations groups and, at this point, could gain pretty much nothing from HM FPs. I want the tool for my alts, so I can level up and run FPs as much as I can find free time too. I want the tool so people have the option to play the game whatever way they enjoy most.


As for LFG meaning asking Bioware for easier content, I really have no idea what you are talking about. Neither the relation between manually forming a group and having the skill/gear to complete HM FPs.

Edited by Skann
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This is distinction without difference. You are obviously arguing for the sake of it, so I will leave you to your futile exercise.


Sure enough, and I'll leave you with the semantics discussion, given you haven't addresses any other question I made before.

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it sucks for me as i'm the only 50 in my guild and now is quite board trying to look for a group amongst aload of players that have already done it and look down on me because i have no clue what the mechanics are while waiting for members to level up (alot from guild left we all know why, bugs, account issues,poor CS and other stuff, Yes a little help would be great the LFG would in some way give that tho Only for Flash Points (FP) HC is easy to group for as most on that planet are looking or before 40 you can easly solo (credits mainly). but i do agree there will be alot of Jerks and you can easly kick and/or re-join another is why i think there should be a gear checker to match players with each other, also there i dont think it will ruin the game as most of us are Sat in fleet spamming anyways so no difference there to sitting in Stormwind all day as most FP's are already right where we are anyways (FLEET).

Heroics as said dont need it as there on planets with loads spamming or most are at 50 soloable.


sorry if i have said all this before

Edited by Morvoldo
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I have a little of hard time following your response, but I'll try my best.


What I said about servers vs community is that the reason servers exist isn't to create gated communities of players. They exist so that hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of players can play the game. This is basically a mode of sharding (the computer science concept). Communities might arise from these gated groups of people, if people in that group so desires to form a community (i suppose that means, being recognized in that virtual setting as "good/bad" player).


I play flashpoints, as mentioned before, because I enjoy the co-op multiplayer game. I don't want to spend my time talking to these 3 other dudes on my party (at most, explain a boss fight to anyone that has not done it before). If you enjoy do that, good for you. Yes, rewards are better, but so is the enjoyment of a boss fight, at least, to me (as much as PVP is to some many other players, or meeting new people is to yet another group players).


Do I want a LFR? Of course! Give people the tools to play more, however they see fit!


As for the pseudo-casual part, that doesn't apply to me, sorry. Was 50 a week after release, I'm part of a large guild with several 16men Operations groups and, at this point, could gain pretty much nothing from HM FPs. I want the tool for my alts, so I can level up and run FPs as much as I can find free time too. I want the tool so people have the option to play the game whatever way they enjoy most.


As for LFG meaning asking Bioware for easier content, I really have no idea what you are talking about. Neither the relation between manually forming a group and having the skill/gear to complete HM FPs.


What I said about servers vs community is that the reason servers exist isn't to create gated communities of players. They exist so that hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of players can play the game. This is basically a mode of sharding (the computer science concept). Communities might arise from these gated groups of people, if people in that group so desires to form a community (i suppose that means, being recognized in that virtual setting as "good/bad" player).


Obviously you're not following :( You can look up the definition of community if you'd like, or you can keep supposing as to what its supposed to mean :) No one cares why it's done, it is what it is. Deigning to enlighten me as to why it is why it is, has absolutely no value to this conversation - thx :)


I play flashpoints, as mentioned before, because I enjoy the co-op multiplayer game. I don't want to spend my time talking to these 3 other dudes on my party (at most, explain a boss fight to anyone that has not done it before). If you enjoy do that, good for you. Yes, rewards are better, but so is the enjoyment of a boss fight, at least, to me (as much as PVP is to some many other players, or meeting new people is to yet another group players).


You keep saying co-op multiplayer like its supposed to be different than what MMO's are, again I'm confused. Are you saying your making a "co-op MP" experience out of a FP run that defies the community aspect altogether? GJ if so :)


Moreover, you keep bringing up party chat like thats what we're talking about when we are decidedly against LFD/LFR - another thing that I've very little idea why your sticking to. The social implications from NOT having a WoW-type LFR/LFD are far more intricate than...group chat - bro.


You have the audacity to call out others for not answering your "points" but you skip mine altogether and say that it's about enjoyment of a boss fight. Cool bro, cool. If thats so, why don't you just steamroll earlier FP's because you can get in many more boss fights that way (:


As for the pseudo-casual part, that doesn't apply to me, sorry. Was 50 a week after release, I'm part of a large guild with several 16men Operations groups and, at this point, could gain pretty much nothing from HM FPs. I want the tool for my alts, so I can level up and run FPs as much as I can find free time too. I want the tool so people have the option to play the game whatever way they enjoy most.


You finally reveal your stake in this game, and that is gearing your alts up without "wasting" time. Cool again bro (: Again your implying that actually talking to people bothers you, you want gear/lewt ASAP w/o the BS of dealing with the 99% (I had to use 99% :) )


Your anti-social, I get it. I just don't get why your anti-social tendencies need to be fought for on a decidedly social game, bro. Go buy Diablo2, or again - solo content.


As for LFG meaning asking Bioware for easier content, I really have no idea what you are talking about. Neither the relation between manually forming a group and having the skill/gear to complete HM FPs


Since it sounds like you never played WoW before they completely held your hand - allow me to illuminate what I am talking about.


Manually forming your group, forcing people to actually.. *CHOKE* talk to people and network to get groups together to tackle the "hardest 1%" of the game - actually gives group an investment. It encourages team play, dealing with and communicating issues, not the classic WoW "F THIS IM OUT BROZ U SUCK"



I mean really, why do I need to keep defending this? You obviously want WoW's systems implemented here because you -


1.) dont liek nubs

2.) dont talk to group chat *** lol?

3.) dont waste time bro, im playing a MP-Co-Op MMO experience, not a game. bro.




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Sorry some ppl don't play swtor like their Facebook account.


I didn't realize it was wrong to play alts. Or to play swtor without shooting the breeze.


A bit judgemental are we?



Sorry some ppl don't play swtor like their Facebook account.


Thank god, I'd loathe to hear how wasted everyone got, who hooked up with who, etc. from people whose names I don't even know.




I didn't realize it was wrong to play alts. Or to play swtor without shooting the breeze.


A bit judgemental are we?


I'm not against alts man, or playing TOR as silent as a mouse.




I'm against you WoW-puppies asking, mewling, groaning over a feature that WoW introduced exclusively to a game that was out for over six years before they did so. (To the PVE stuff)




Because I believe WoW lost what little magic it held when it allowed the masses to experience everything in the game - with very little threshold.


Before you tell me - "bro, i bot this game so i can exprence evrythgn if i cnt y spnd money bro ? trololololol"


This isn't Skyrim, this isn't BF3 - or COD - it's a MMO. Its unique social dynamic is WHAT MAKES IT A MMO.



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It's hard to follow your train of thought, but let's try it again.


Obviously you're not following :( You can look up the definition of community if you'd like, or you can keep supposing as to what its supposed to mean :) No one cares why it's done, it is what it is. Deigning to enlighten me as to why it is why it is, has absolutely no value to this conversation - thx :)


My point is, servers/realms aren't there to create/facilitate the creation of gated communities. They are there to support a large player base. That's my only point.


You keep saying co-op multiplayer like its supposed to be different than what MMO's are, again I'm confused. Are you saying your making a "co-op MP" experience out of a FP run that defies the community aspect altogether? GJ if so :)


Apparently, yes. Some people see a MMO game as some sort of social interaction tool. Others see it as a multi-player co-op game.


Moreover, you keep bringing up party chat like thats what we're talking about when we are decidedly against LFD/LFR - another thing that I've very little idea why your sticking to. The social implications from NOT having a WoW-type LFR/LFD are far more intricate than...group chat - bro.


Another recurrent point against LFD/LFR is that people stop talking and interacting with each other. My question is, how can you have any sort of meaningful social interaction when you are forced to communicate with other players via a chat interface from the 80s? While you need your keyboard to actually play the game? I haven't seen a single person in a PUG that wanted to "chat" before, during or after we were done with the Flashpoint.


You have the audacity to call out others for not answering your "points" but you skip mine altogether and say that it's about enjoyment of a boss fight. Cool bro, cool. If thats so, why don't you just steamroll earlier FP's because you can get in many more boss fights that way (:


I don't think I did skip anything. I just don't steamroll earlier FPs because that forces me to stay in fleet spamming general to find a group. To much effort for me.


You finally reveal your stake in this game, and that is gearing your alts up without "wasting" time. Cool again bro (: Again your implying that actually talking to people bothers you, you want gear/lewt ASAP w/o the BS of dealing with the 99% (I had to use 99% :) )


Your anti-social, I get it. I just don't get why your anti-social tendencies need to be fought for on a decidedly social game, bro. Go buy Diablo2, or again - solo content.


Funny that I specifically stated that I enjoy boss fights. Rewards allow you to proceed to hard content. Simple as that. Also, I did mention that I talk a lot with other players. From my guild. Using a voice chat system. Not sure were you got the anti-social part from.


Is it a social game for you? Fine, enjoy it. It's not for me. I'm in for the co-op game. Again, what forces you to use a LFG tool? Nothing.


Since it sounds like you never played WoW before they completely held your hand - allow me to illuminate what I am talking about.


Manually forming your group, forcing people to actually.. *CHOKE* talk to people and network to get groups together to tackle the "hardest 1%" of the game - actually gives group an investment. It encourages team play, dealing with and communicating issues, not the classic WoW "F THIS IM OUT BROZ U SUCK"


I mean really, why do I need to keep defending this? You obviously want WoW's systems implemented here because you -


1.) dont liek nubs

2.) dont talk to group chat *** lol?

3.) dont waste time bro, im playing a MP-Co-Op MMO experience, not a game. bro.


It's hard to follow your 31337 speak, but yes, I did play WoW (5 level 80s to be precise) and heroic mode ICC had very little hand holding (no, I didn't raiding during "gold old days" of Vanilla, but I did have the skeleton mount from 10 men ICC achievements, if you want my 'credentials'). Regardless of credentials, the hardest 1% of the game (that is NOT hard-mode flashpoints) is meant for recurring groups, ie, guilds, not PUGs, hence LFG/LFR won't have any effect on that.


And, once again, it's a discussion between giving the option to the players. Do you want to group with people from your server only? Click this check box and queue for a dungeon. You don't care about who you play with? Don't click this check box. Is one way better than the other? Not at all. Play the way you feel like playing, just don't force other players enjoy their game however way YOU feel like.

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I would like to see this discussion happen without degenerating into vague points about "IT WILL DESTROY YOUR COMMUNITY".



Just once.


All flashpoints for your faction are accessed from the same place, it's not like you'd need to travel to get there anyway.


There will always be several people who will group up to do crap together the old fashioned way, specially for Heroics. Always.


How many pug groups have you been in that burst into meaningful conversation about ANYTHING?!

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I would like to see this discussion happen without degenerating into vague points about "IT WILL DESTROY YOUR COMMUNITY".


Just once.


All flashpoints for your faction are accessed from the same place, it's not like you'd need to travel to get there anyway.


There will always be several people who will group up to do crap together the old fashioned way, specially for Heroics. Always.


How many pug groups have you been in that burst into meaningful conversation about ANYTHING?!


The issue with "destroys the community" argument is that even Bioware parrots it. Makes it kinda of hard to be ignored by either side of the discussion.


You do need to travel. You can't queue to a FP and go do your dailies, and if off server peak time, forget about it. Also, there are 3 FP hubs, 2 in fleet and 1 in Ilum.


I agree with you, people will always group and do stuff together. That's probably the main goal of guilds.

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I'll ask the same question I'm asking forever in these threads: What if you don't care about virtual community and virtual "friends"? What if, for you, it's just a multi-player game, not a socialization tool? What if you consider guilds the social aspect of the game, not meeting random people and "talking" (whatever you can talk to while playing a FP) with them via an IRC interface out of the 80s? If you said yes to any of the previous, are you automatically the "wow jerk" that you guys keep on talking about?




Again, not everyone had bad experiences with WoW's LFG. Actually there is a lot of positive feed back (it's efficient, fast, time saving, etc). Are there a minority of jerks? Sure there are, but that's life.


Finally, nothing will ever force you to use it. "Oh, but then I won't have groups on my own server because everyone will use it". Well, take a hint, you are part of the vocal minority.


I, and a lot of people, pay to play a game, not to participate in any sort of social experiment.


I would argue that what you are really looking for is not an MMO, but rather and FPS with matchmaking and some RPG elements. Classically, MMOs are different from normal multiplayer because of the perpetual world that comes with MMOs. And community and social interaction forms part of this perpetual world. I would argue that in an MMO, the ability to walk around the central hub and /wave at people and other silly frills is just as important as clearing content, especially since content eventually runs out.


But if that's how you enjoy the game, that's actually all right with me. Because I believe that everyone should be able to enjoy the game in the way the like as far as possible. Happily, there is a mutually beneficial way to keep you happy and to address my concerns too. And that would be a non cross server LFG tool, coupled with server mergers/transfers to ensure healthy server size. I don't see why a cross server LFG tool MUST be the answer, given the issues that come with it. Sure these issues have been exaggerated by some, but they are still present. And IF there is a way to have everyone happy, why not?


And let's not kid ourselves. Neither you nor I can authoritatively say who is in the majority. The forums are but a fraction of the game's players, and even going by this trend there seems to be a 50/50 split on the issue.


Finally on the matter of what happens when LFG gets implemented. I'm not sure what's the point of stating this since if a cross server LFG has been implemented then all this discussion is already in vain. Those of us who will quit will quit, and those of us who like the rest of the game enough (star wars fans) will suffer the LFG tool for a bit, and maybe quit later or stay. All this is kinda irrelevant since we are arguing now about whether or not this should happen.

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